Firepower is king

Chapter 477: Afraid of You

Gao Guang was playing crazy, his mind went blank, there were only moving objects in front of him, but when he rushed out with two pistols to fight with people, Mike finally caught up from behind and hugged his waist.

"You're crazy!"

Mike yelled in Gao Guang's ears and Yuanzheng yelled in his headphones.

"Don't go out, don't go out, don't go out!

The outside was tightly blocked by the enemy. Even though Gao Guang was wearing a heavy body armor, he was still looking for death when he went out.

The heavy body armor has saved Gao Guang twice. He was shot once in the stomach and once in the chest. Of course, the bullets could not penetrate his body armor at all, so he was fine.

But there was no way, he couldn't survive without going crazy, the bright light could turn the thirty meters in front of him into a divine realm where he would die, because now he could only see all the moving objects.

If anything can move, shoot it. If it can still move, shoot it again.

Yuanzheng dutifully reported everything he saw.

"The enemy has blocked the main entrance. Several of them were hit by directional mines. They... they want to retreat! I, Cio! They are retreating!"

The enemy really reacted quickly enough. When they found that they couldn't break into the military camp and couldn't destroy the wall, and they might not be able to break in after destroying the wall, they actually chose to retreat directly.

It cannot be said that the enemy is too cowardly. On the contrary, the person who made this decision is really wise.

The people who were left standing still were firing, blocking the heavy machine gun. The heavy machine gun was hit with sparks, making it impossible for Patrick to have a chance to operate it.

The enemies who had been killed by the directional mines began to drag their companions back. They took the people to the truck. Some were helped to jump on, and some were thrown into the truck. However, many of the enemies outside the wall returned to the truck. on, and then they began to retreat.

Gao Guang calmed down, but he didn't want to give up. He angrily yelled at Mike, who was hugging him tightly: "Let me go, bastard!"

"You are looking for death!"

Being hugged by Mike was like being locked in an iron vise. It was impossible for Gao Guang to break free, so he said angrily: The enemy wants to escape, so I have to kill them all. I'm in good condition now. I can't wait until my hands get cold. ! "

Mike let go of Gao Guang, but he grabbed Gao Guang's shoulders, shook Gao Guang hard and said at the same time: "I beg you to wake up! The enemy has escaped, they are far away, do you want to catch up and fight?

It can't be said that he woke up instantly, but after Gao Guang was shaken continuously, he finally understood the reality. The reality was that the enemy was too far away from him, seriously beyond his range.

"Let me go, let me go."

Mike finally let go of Gao Guang's shoulder, and then he said helplessly: "Boss, you're not going to chase me and fight, are you? Please boss, I don't want to be shot."

When you have no choice, you really have no choice but to rush up. But now, there are at least twenty enemies, and they are scattered. The chance of rushing out to take a gun is almost 100%. Mike really doesn’t want to wear bulletproof clothing. The clothes are used as human shields. Let alone death, I can't stand being injured.

I just hope that the enemy will come to attack again.

Gao Guang tried his best to keep himself excited. He said loudly: "Expedition, report the enemy's movements. Put the pistol in the holster and put a new magazine on it. It's not comfortable to hold two guns. It's really troublesome to change the ammunition."

"The enemy is retreating, the enemy is retreating, they are all running away, their cars are gone!"

Yuanzheng walked out of the house. He was very excited, because facing an overwhelming enemy attack, everyone would be nervous and frightened, but seeing the enemy being crushed to death, the enemy could only choose to escape. Instead of continuing to attack, individuals will be excited and relaxed about it.

It's easy to relax now, but it's difficult to lift it up again.

Gao Guang wanted to keep himself in shape, but his hands began to visibly shake.

"Follow the enemy's movements to see where they are running, and whether they are playing tricks to trick us out.

Yuanzheng held the remote control and tablet, and he said urgently: "They went to... Sudan. They didn't stop and ran away as fast as they could!

It shouldn't be a trap. "

Put the pistol with the magazine in its holster, and put the other pistol in the holster with a full magazine.

Putting the pistol in his hand, Gao Guang took a deep breath and said, "It should be fine, let's retreat!

The enemy ran towards Sudan. The reason was very simple. Now Gao Guang and the Tiren Formation were cooperating very well. If Morris' men ran towards the territory controlled by the Tiren Formation, they would be falling into a trap.

Then Gaoguang and the others would have to withdraw towards Katajumila, which is controlled by the Tiren Array. This is an inevitable choice, because if they want to save Leon, Katajumila is the nearest city, and then from Katajumila Going to Mekele is much closer than going to Port Sudan.

"Let's go to Katahumira."

Gao Guang always felt very uneasy when he was sure that the enemy had escaped. He could realize the risks involved, but now he had no ability to pursue them.

If this is a war, now is just the beginning.

From a secret struggle to an open battle, the outcome can no longer be determined by an ambush and a counter-ambush. Unless Maurice dies, the battle cannot end.

"Let's evacuate quickly, quickly!"

No longer caring about cleaning the battlefield, Gao Guang turned around and ran into the room, asking Carlos, "Can Leon move now?"


Carlos had just finished getting stitches. No matter what, he couldn't let Leon drive around in the car for hundreds of kilometers with his chest open.

"But we'd better not make the car too bumpy. Let's find enough plasma and drugs first and accept the next step of treatment. This can ensure that he survives."

Several people began to work on the evacuation, but Gao Guang said to Gedwan: "Now do you know what you should do?"

Gedwan was completely stunned, because he witnessed the entire battle with his own eyes, and he found that although the scale of the battle was not large, the development of the situation was completely beyond his control.

"what should I do?"

Gao Guang said seriously: "Gather all the bodies here, collect the weapons of these people, and report to your superiors that there was an attack by unknown armed men here.

"No, I can't do this, otherwise I will lose this smuggling trade route."

Gao Guang walked over, lifted up Gai Dewan's shirt, and said very seriously: "Do you think those people just now are as easy to talk to as us? Do you think he dares to kill all of your people so that he can cover up the situation?" The truth about the whole thing, do you think he would kill you to vent his anger? Just because you said we had left, that was why he was ambushed."

Gedwan grabbed Gao Guang's wrist with his hand and said, "We are from the Ethiopian National Defense Force..."

"Shut up!"

Gao Guang said bitterly: "Who takes you seriously? Who cares who you are? Tell you, I will keep you, just because I will continue to follow this trade route in the future, otherwise you dare to cheat I'm ready to die, but those people outside don't have goods to transport through here. Do you understand? When we leave, they will come back, kill all of you, and take all the corpses with them before leaving, idiot. Gedwan breathed a sigh of relief and let go of Gao Guang's wrist.

Gao Guang continued: "Now call your superiors for help. Just say that you have been attacked. There are dozens of corpses here, and there is a lot of cash and weapons and equipment. Just say that someone is going to transport arms to the Tiren Formation through this road. When I was discovered by you, you bravely stopped me and killed all the arms dealers. Then you got a promotion and a salary increase, and your boss got a promotion and a salary increase. Your boss's boss got a promotion and a salary increase because of this credit. From then on, you The position here is more stable. Do you want me to teach you such a simple principle?"

Gedwan thought stupidly for a moment and suddenly said: "Yes."

Gao Guangji said helplessly: "I will continue to take this road, and I will bring you a steady stream of income. And then, because I have to go here, the Tiren Formation will never attack you, but if someone else If he comes to take your place, he will be dead. The Tiren Formation will kill your successor who refuses to cooperate with you, do you understand what I mean?"

Gedwan nodded repeatedly and whispered: "That means both parties are willing to let me stay. I understand.


Although he was a bit stupid, Gaidwan listened to the advice, and he was quite principled, that is, he strictly maintained neutrality and never participated in the war. In fact, this was quite good, but Gao Guang thought better.

What's better means that I can only highlight this path in the future.

Gao Guang lowered his voice and said: "I can make you successful, and I can also destroy you. In the future, I can increase the toll a lot and double your income, but you can only let me take this road, except for me." If anyone else wants to pass here, you have to stop me, so I can make sure you are fine."

He let go of Gaidewan's collar and patted Gaidewan on the shoulder. Gao Guang continued: "But if anyone can get through here, then what's the point of you being here? I can also kill you and leave it to others." I’m here to take your place, so you’d better cooperate with me so that you can make money here safely. The most important thing is that you can be safe. Do you understand?”

Don't be subtle or suggestive. It's too complicated for them to understand. Make the benefits clear and the threats clear. Only then can these people understand and be afraid.

Gedwan finally nodded and said: "I understand, I understand. I will ask for help now. I will do as you say. I will try not to be transferred. From now on, I will cooperate with you and only you."

Several people carried Leon to the car on a stretcher, and then Carlos said to Gao Guang: "Boss, you can go, hurry up."

"Come right away!" Gao Guang responded casually, but he still had to mention Gaidewan, so he hurriedly said: "I will have someone send you a satellite phone. Keep in touch with me in the future. Listen, If you don’t understand anything, just ask me, and I can help you get a promotion, a raise, and a fortune.”

Gedwan did not hesitate and said: "Okay, I will listen to you. I will listen to you in everything. Frankly speaking, I don't believe you. I am afraid that you will kill me. I am really afraid of you, sir."

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