Firepower is king

Chapter 478: Fight quickly

The car was a little bumpy, but Leon couldn't wake up. Then when they arrived in Katajumila, Leon's situation reached a very dangerous point again.

The secret work of the Tiren Formation can only be said to be full of loopholes. Gao Guang is worried that if he doesn't say it's okay, he will reveal his position if he does say it. If Maurice comes to him again in the hospital, he can still say it, but Leon's life It's probably impossible to save it.

That's why Gao Guang was not willing to contact Jilawotu until he arrived in Katahhumila.

"It's me. Is there anyone next to you? Is it easy to talk?"

Jilawotu was a little surprised by Gao Guang's mysterious call, but he was in a high position after all, so he was very cautious when answering. After a moment, he said: "You can say now, what's wrong?"

"My position here with you has been exposed. We encountered an attack. Someone next to you leaked my position."

Gao Guang's tone was not that of an indictment. In fact, Gao Guang didn't know where Morris got his information, but it didn't matter if he just dumped the blame on Jilawotu. Jilawotou couldn't find anything anyway.

Jilawotuji was surprised and said: "What? Are you sure? Who!"

"It doesn't matter who it is. What matters now is that my man is injured. Leon is about to die. Man, if Leon dies, our deal will not be able to continue."

After scaring Jilawotu again, Gao Guang continued: "The most important thing now is to find a safe hospital. Someone around you has leaked the news, so you'd better not tell our story. How about it? Can it be solved?" "

Jilawotu was silent for a moment, and then he whispered: "If it can be solved, I will only bring you... I will not bring anyone else, I will arrange the best hospital and the best doctor for you. Where?"

The conditions of the best hospital in Katajhumila are not good, but no matter what, there is a hospital after all, and it has an operating room and basic medicines.

After contacting Jilawotu, the two parties met as soon as possible, and then Jilawotu took Gao Guang and the others directly to the largest local hospital.

The largest hospital in Katajhumila is about the same as a town health center, and the medicines inside are about the same as a village health center, and there may be some differences.

So Gao Guang thought it might not work, and he might have to continue moving, but Carlos just went in and took a look, frowned and thought for a while, but said to Gao Guang: "It doesn't work here, find a clean room, find a safe one Plasma, just find two assistants who speak English or Spanish.”

Gao Guang looked at the operating room of the hospital and said, "If there is an operating room, why don't you use it?"

Carlos said firmly: "No, I would rather operate on Leon in the open air than in an operating room with almost no sterilization."

Gao Guang looked at Jilawotu. Jilawotu hesitated and said, "We have a brand new tent hospital that is not yet in use. Otherwise, I will have people start setting up tents and I will tell you... .How about a Chinese doctor giving you two?”

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment, then looked at Jilawotu and said, "What did you say?"

"We have doctors nearby. The military doctors may not be so skilled, but they all came back from studying abroad. They can't speak English, but they can speak Chinese."

Gao Guang was about to return to his job as a translator, and Carlos said without hesitation: "Okay, go now. The most critical plasma is guaranteed to be safe. I don't want my patients to be infected with AIDS or hepatitis after blood transfusions." Disease, is there a problem with this?"

Jilawotu whispered again: "We have reserves, not much, but certainly enough for one person. They are all safe enough plasma and they are imported."

Gao Guang couldn't help but said: "You are so well prepared, the field hospital and plasma are ready."

Jilawotu smiled and said: "I'm going to call someone to prepare. First put up the tent and prepare everything. It will be almost done when we arrive."

Jilawotu walked aside and made a phone call in a low voice. Gao Guang said to Carlos, "I don't understand some medical terminology. I don't know if I can translate it well."

"You just need to translate the simplest instructions to them."

Gao Guang sighed: "I didn't expect that you would rather use a tent than use the operating room here, but I can understand it. I knew I wouldn't have to waste time here. But is the tent okay? Can it save Leon?"

Carlos whispered, "I've operated in worse environments."

"That's good. I didn't expect the Tiren Formation to even prepare a field hospital. They are well prepared."

Carlos whispered: "Can't you see, although it is a field hospital, it is not prepared for soldiers."

Gao Guang suddenly realized: "I understand, don't worry about them, as long as I can save Leon."

Jilawotu came back, beckoning: "Follow me."

Jilawotu drove himself, so just follow him, but the highlight was getting into John's car, and then he began to make arrangements for the next step.

"We have Carlos. It's no problem to operate on Leon, but the medical conditions here are so bad that we have to take him away."

After speaking briefly, Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief and said: "In addition, we have to be prepared for a decisive battle with Morris, so all our equipment must be taken away, but I have not thought about that route."

The most convenient thing now is to ask for help, and the best person to do it is Lloyd.

Gao Guang took out his cell phone and said, "Don't make any sound. If you hear anything, just pretend you didn't hear it."

The call was placed to Lloyd, who quickly answered the call.

"General, we repelled Morris' attack, but one of my people was injured, very seriously. Now I can only return to Katajumila and go to the hospital to treat my people first."

Gao Guang didn't say what he wanted to do with Lloyd, he only talked about his own situation.

Lloyd whispered: "Come directly to Dubai, I will wait for you in Dubai."

"General, if I want to do something, I should prepare it now. Can you tell me clearly whether we will go to full-scale war or negotiate peace?"

Gao Guang tested again, and after Lloyd hesitated for a moment, he whispered: "War, but not all-out. Let me put it this way, the war is limited to you and Maurice. Can you understand this?"

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "You keep the peace, and we go to war within the rules.


Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "General, only one can survive when the war starts. You have a retreat, but I don't, so I understand what you mean, but I don't know if I can abide by the rules. Can you at least give me a range? ?「

Lloyd sighed softly and said, "Well, I'll tell you how to do it."

Gao Guang really wanted Lloyd to make it clear that if there was to be a fight, whether Lloyd would participate, and if so, to what extent he would participate, but Lloyd refused to give a clear answer, which was a bit troublesome.

It doesn't matter if it's a conspiracy or intrigues, Lloyd is also a veteran. When the critical moment comes, he won't make a particularly obvious statement.

Gao Guang was silent for a long time. Lloyd knew that Gao Guang was dissatisfied, so he whispered: "It's not convenient to say it on the phone. I'll tell you how to call you when we meet."

OK, what I want is what Lloyd said. Gao Guang immediately said: "I will rush there as soon as possible, but it is a bit difficult to transport our equipment. I want to charter a plane, but the flight route and landing airport have not been resolved. "

Lloyd said without hesitation: "Ask your people to go to Baghdad with the equipment. I will make a call. You come to Dubai. If you don't have a flight there, charter a flight and I will solve the problem at the airport."

"No problem, thank you General."

It took a little more words, but the result was very good. Highlights: They didn't need to return to Port Sudan and take a boat to Iraq, and they didn't need to spend a sky-high price to fly on the War Group's plane.

The key is to get on the plane with this machine gun, rocket launcher, etc., and also land with these. As long as Lloyd can solve these, then everything is easy to say.

Gao Guang hung up the phone and said immediately: "When Leon's operation is over, you take him to Baghdad, and I'll go to Dubai."

John nodded, and then he suddenly said: "Are you going to fight?"


, we must fight. I finally managed to get many allies into the fight, so I can't delay. I'm worried that if I delay for a long time, I may not fight again in the end. "

For Lloyd and the others, if Morris is willing to give in, then this battle is not a must-win, so it is very important to have quick troops and speed. It must be fought, and it must be fought quickly.

John whispered: "We have to recruit people quickly, especially snipers. It will be too difficult to fight without snipers."

"I'll let Lloyd help us solve this problem. Let Lloyd find anyone we need."

With Lloyd taking action, many things will become much simpler, at least Gao Guang doesn't have to recruit people himself. Besides, given Lloyd's status, he must recruit good players.

John felt there was nothing more to say, but Mike hurriedly said: "Boss, why are you going to Baghdad? Is Morris in Baghdad? Otherwise, why do you keep asking us to go to Baghdad?"

Gao Guang didn't know why he had to go to Baghdad. If Morris was in the United States, then they shouldn't have returned to Los Angeles. After returning, they would prepare their equipment for war and start operations directly in the United States. Why go to Baghdad for a circle.

"Because it's easy to solve whatever happens in Baghdad. It's unlikely that Morris is in Baghdad."

Gao Guang gave his own opinion, and Mike thought for a while and said: "Is it possible that Baghdad is a particularly important place for Morris, and Lloyd has this information, so he asked us to go directly to Baghdad. "

Gao Guang looked at Mike in surprise and said: That makes sense, Mike, you are willing to use your brain now!"

Mike was stunned for a while and said: "Are you mocking me? Boss, I'm very smart to begin with, why do you think I can't use my brain? Is this racial discrimination?"

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