Firepower is king

Chapter 479: Positive Response

In Dubai, Gao Guang met Lloyd again.

In just ten days, of course, Lloyd will not change much. If we must find any difference in him, it is that Lloyd is angry.

He has a lot of money, and he feels differently when he has money and when he has no money.

Many rich people with a net worth of one billion US dollars may not be able to immediately come up with a cash flow of 30 million US dollars, but Lloyd can come up with it. Therefore, he used to be a powerful person, and then he was a high-ranking person. Everything needs to be prefixed, but he is rich.

Where there are gains there must be losses, and where there are losses there must be gains.

Politicians in the United States do not receive money when they are in office and receive rewards after retirement, and a complete system has been formed. However, the same cannot be said for the military. After the generals in the Pentagon retire, they really only have pensions. Much poorer.

But Lloyd is different. He now has a way to make money. Not only can he make a lot of money, but he also seems to be making a lot of money continuously.

Destroying someone's wealth is like killing one's parents.

So now there is no need for the highlight to urge Lloyd to do anything. Lloyd himself wants to kill Morris. The three of them held a closed-door meeting in the hotel room. Capello had to fly to Dubai to meet with Gao Guang and Lloyd to discuss how to get rid of the obstacles on the road to wealth.

"I don't know exactly what Maurice is going to do, but I know he won't surrender."

Lloyd presided over the meeting with a solemn expression. And since it was determined to get rid of Morris, it was natural to say something, not as vague as when he called.

"I have talked with the people who support Morris. Everyone can do the arms business. It is not something that anyone can control by himself and not let others do it. Everyone has his own way and his own financial resources, but the other party refused to recognize Morris. He launched an attack on you and refused to pressure Morris on this matter."

Lloyd's face was a little red, he was angry.

Gao Guang couldn't help but asked: "Who's behind Morris?"

Lloyd hesitated for a moment and said: "It's very complicated. To be precise, Morris does not have a particularly strong backing here in the Pentagon. Although he has interests in many people, Morris's real backing should be the military-industrial complex. , and have a closer relationship with the senators from the military-industrial complex.”

The military-industrial complex is a phenomenon unique to the United States. It is an interest group composed of the military, private military-industrial companies, and some members of Congress.

Morris's network of connections is not very deep with the Pentagon, nor does it have much to do with military industrial enterprises. Because Morris's size is not enough to be noticed by the military industrial giants, Morris's backer is the military-industrial complex. The side of the body that favors the enemy.

But the problem is that the military-industrial complex itself is an interest group, and it is a very stable group. As long as Morris gets involved in this group, the entire military-industrial complex will support Morris.

As for Gao Guang, he definitely has nothing to do with the military-industrial complex. He has only established a certain degree of cooperative relationship with a few people in the Pentagon, that is, the military.

As far as they are a small interest group, the role of highlight is irreplaceable, but people in the Pentagon have to have something to do with the military-industrial complex, so Lloyd and the others are unlikely to go against the military-industrial complex. It is even more impossible to show off the car and horse to fight.

So when it comes to the military-industrial complex, Gao Guang feels a little tricky.

But the advantage of Gao Guang is that he is single-minded.

The scope of cooperation is small and there are few people who cooperate. But this has an advantage, that is, Gaoguang gives more money. Regardless of whether it is Lloyd or anyone else, they can get tens of millions at a time from Gaoguang, because they have big heads, but Morris is different. Morris may also be willing to part with the bulk of the money. But there are too many people that Morris wants to divide, which will inevitably lead to everyone not getting too much.

This is like Morris giving 200 million to ten people, each of them can get 10 million, and then Morris has already received 100 million.

And Gao Guang gave 100 million to two people, and he gave 30 million to each person, and finally lost 40 million to himself.

What will be the result of this in the end? Ten people are willing to say something to Maurice and do whatever they can to

Hands on, give Morris a hand.

But Gaoguang's partners can't just say something and extend their hands. They are willing to step down. They must personally go into battle, otherwise the Gaoguang that can bring them wealth will be gone.

Lloyd is going to end now. Of course he will not carry a gun and go to war with Gao Guang, but he must put all his resources and all his strength on Gao Guang.

For fear that Gao Guang would be frightened by the name of the military-industrial complex, Lloyd looked at Gao Guang without saying anything and said quickly: "Don't be afraid, there is competition within the military-industrial complex. As long as you don't bring the flames of war to the people behind Morris, then Nothing will happen to you.”

Gao Guang shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid, it's just... I don't even know where Maurice is now." Gapello has been listening without speaking, but now he finally has to speak.

Nodding to the highlight, Gapero said seriously: "I will help collect intelligence." Lloyd smiled slightly, and then he continued: "The question now is, if you kill Morris, especially Killing Morris in the United States will have serious consequences, because the interests and prestige of the military-industrial complex have been challenged. Therefore, although assassination and assassination are simple and efficient methods, the consequences are too serious. If you kill Mo Reese, but you won’t be able to live in the United States anymore.”

All Gao Guang thought about was assassination.

The size of the King's Defense determines that only Yunhe can assassinate Morris, and the real posture is open to fight. The strength of the King's Defense is still weak, and it is no match for the Morris Group.

But if you kill Morris, you won't be able to live in the United States. It's not worth it.

Gao Guang hesitated for a moment and said, "I won't let anyone seize the evidence."

Lloyd was very surprised and said: "Do you need evidence? It's enough to suspect that you did it. Why do you need evidence?"

Highlights are speechless.

Lloyd sighed: "So even if you have the chance to kill Morris immediately, the consequences are not something you can bear now."

"Then what should I do?"

"It's very simple, destroy the value of Morris and let everyone know that Morris is a useless waste." Lloyd stared at the highlight and said slowly: "The military-industrial complex can find someone to replace Morris at any time. Maybe they won’t like you and won’t let you directly replace Morris, but as long as they don’t retaliate against you.”

Gao Guang nodded and said, "How to do it specifically?"

"For Maurice, a beheading operation is inappropriate. It's as if you two are leading an army. Then what you have to do is to kill all his living forces, destroy his logistics line, and leave him with nothing. Naturally, It’s worthless.”

The words have been made clearly enough. Gao Guang doesn't need to think about it anymore. Anyway, it is just to make Morris a bare commander. When he can't do anything, he will naturally have no use value, and the military-industrial complex will naturally abandon Morris.

Gao Guang whispered: "I understand what you mean, general. You asked us to go to Baghdad. Is there anything important to Morris there?"

Lloyd nodded and said: "Yes, one of Morris's most important collaborators is in Baghdad. Since we are going to go to war with Morris, we must first kill his collaborators, and we can ensure that you kill him. There will be no consequences for the collaborators.”

After finishing speaking, Lloyd smiled meaningfully and said: "If he kills your collaborators, you have to kill his collaborators, fight back head-on, fight back hard, the most direct retaliation, and, His collaborators are very rich, and you can get huge rewards, but can you do it?"

Gao Guang also laughed and said, "This is what I'm best at, let's do it!"

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