Firepower is king

Chapter 484: Leaving the Mountain

Gao Guang was not a slow person to begin with. When David repeatedly asked him if he really knew him, he understood that there must be something going on.

I don’t know what it is, but it’s definitely not a good thing.

Although he is really thirsty for talent, and although he really needs a precise shooter, Gao Guang is not looking for trouble, let alone trying to get trouble at this juncture.

Although the curiosity is indeed high, time is already tight. Now, Gao Guang feels that it is better to stop the loss in time.

"Excuse me, take my leave."

Not wanting to say any more nonsense, Gao Guang bowed slightly with an apologetic look, which was regarded as an apology. Then he did not turn around directly, and indeed began to retreat slowly.

Let's go and get down to business quickly. No matter what story David has or what earth-shattering secret he wants, Gao Guang doesn't want to hear it.

If he wasn't worried about being shot in the dark, Gao Guang would just turn around and leave.

Now it was David who was tricked into being a bit confused, no, not a bit, he was really tricked.

Watching Gao Guang retreat to the door, he let go and grabbed the door handle, opened the door, and then began to retreat out of the door. When he was about to walk out of the house completely, David finally couldn't help it anymore, and he said sharply: "Stop!"

If David hadn't had a gun in his hand, Gao Guang would definitely not have stood still, but since he knew that he was facing an extremely excellent precision shooter, the kind who could kill people like crazy, then he would definitely be more obedient.

Gao Guang stood there, keeping the door ajar. His left hand seemed to be holding the door handle behind him, but he was able to pull out the gun from his waist.

"I believe you were not sent to kill me. They are not that stupid." Gao Guang smiled helplessly and said: "Maybe I missed some key information. I thought you were a retired veteran. I thought you Maybe you want to make extra money, but since that’s not the case, then I won’t bother you, sir, just pretend I haven’t been here.”

David said calmly: "You said the general asked you to come."

"There are many generals. General Lloyd just knows your name and ability, so he recommended a precision shooter to me. Well, you may have many secrets that neither the general nor I know. Sir, we have no intention of disturbing you. A peaceful retirement life, this is just a misunderstanding.”

David ignored Gao Guang. He seemed to be thinking about who Lloyd was, so Gao Guang said a lot, but David suddenly said: "General Lloyd Gortney, I think about it, he really didn't He has commanded me, he is not one of those bastards, probably not."

Lloyd also didn't know. This is normal. Now it seems that David has not retired due to injury, so Gao Guang regrets saying Lloyd's name, but the matter has come to this, it is better to get rid of David as soon as possible.

"That's right, I don't know what happened to you before, nor your current situation. Sir, I don't mean to disturb you. Can I leave now?"

Now Gao Guang wants to leave, but David won't let him go.

With a straight face, David said coldly: "How did you find me?"

"Well, it's based on your discharge information."

David said coldly: "Impossible."

"it is true."

"Absolutely impossible. They won't let you find me. How did you find me?"

Gao Guang was stunned for a while, and then he said helplessly: "Fake! What the hell is this place? First, it's a weird old man who seems to be enthusiastic but is actually a racist, and now it's an inexplicable guy like you, please, My time is very tight, and now I feel that you are not suitable for my company. Is it okay if I want to leave? "

Gao Guang was already a little impatient, but now he was starting to get irritable.

People are cheap. Gao Guang wanted David to work for him, and David said a lot about this and that. Now Gao Guang thinks there will be trouble with David, but he wants to leave, and David is like this and that.

It's very difficult to do. You can't draw a gun and shoot. Gao Guang is very worried that this David is really powerful. Although it is a small .22 bullet, it is still not a problem to kill someone.

David suddenly said: "Okay, I believe you are not sent by the Veterans Administration, nor do you want to kill me to silence me. Since you can find my address, it means you really have some relationship with the military, huh? , what did you say when you first came?"

"what did I say?"

"What did you want to invite me to do? I interrupted you before you finished speaking."

I wanted to say invite you to an action, but now it seems...

"I agree, I am willing to accept your invitation."

Gao Guang felt like he had been fooled, but it didn't matter, he wouldn't be trapped by a word, so David was a bit naive.

"Sorry, now I feel that you are not suitable for our company's requirements."

David smiled, and then he said very calmly: "Close the door. There is a gun behind you, right? Trust me, you won't have time to draw the gun. Close the door, sit down, and let's talk."

Gao Guang felt that there were not many people who could stop him from drawing his gun, but now David seemed qualified to say such a thing. He hesitated and closed the door again.

"Great, sit down, sit on the chair, there's a coffee pot in front of you, would you like a cup of coffee?"

David did not raise the gun, but the muzzle was always pointed at Gao Guang. Gao Guang sat helplessly at a table, and then he said helplessly: "David, I..."

"Don't talk. If you don't drink anything, then listen to me."

David was silent for a moment, and then he continued: "About my information, what does it say, why did I retire?"

"Injured. You were blasted by a mortar shell at close range in the Afohan military camp. Although you survived, you were injured in many places. Due to your injuries... you were disabled and therefore retired."

David shrugged, and then he raised his left hand. His left hand was missing his index and middle fingers, and his arm seemed unable to fully extend.

Then David took two steps forward. At this time, the highlight could tell that his left leg seemed to be a little shorter, and he limped when he walked, but not too much.

Pointing to his face with his left hand, and then to his legs, David said calmly: "I was indeed injured, and it was indeed in Afohan, but I was not blown up by a ridiculous mortar bomb in the camp. Look at my injuries like this, are they caused by mortar shells?”

Gao Guangna could see that after he felt that his injuries were healed, how could he possibly tell what kind of weapon caused it.

Looking at the highlight without saying anything, David continued: "Obviously this is not damage caused by artillery shells. The shell fragments are scattered radially. But looking at my face, it is obvious that the scars are parallel. You know what this means. ”

"Sorry, I don't know what this means..."

Although he is a little ashamed, he just doesn't know. Gao Guang is a good and honest boy.

David was silent for a moment, then he exhaled and said: "This is a bomb, an IED. It's not a mortar bomb or a rocket, it's a bomb that was arranged in advance. You can think of it as a directional mine."

"Well, that gives me a rough idea."

David said calmly: "There were twelve people in our team, ten of them died. My face was destroyed, half an inch of the bone in my left leg was amputated and then reattached, and I lost two fingers." , and the doctor removed forty-six shrapnel from the left side of my body.”

Gao Guang couldn't help but said: "What do you want to express?"

David said calmly: "Do you know what I used to do?"

"You are DBOY."

It means a member of the D team, and can also refer to the Delta. Gao Guang revealed David's identity. David smiled and said, "That's right, so you think the twelve people in the D team will be hit by a mortar shell." Kill them all?"

Gao Guang swallowed and said, "Whatever you want to say, just be direct. If you want to say this is a conspiracy, I believe it."

David was choked and didn't know how to answer.

Seeing David speechless, Gao Guang immediately said: "I know you have secrets and are in trouble, so you are not suitable for my company. I'm sorry, I can't invite you to join, so don't tell me anything in detail. Conspiracy and stuff like that, can I leave now?”

David was extremely stunned, and then he said very angrily: "I have been waiting for many years, waiting for an answer, waiting for an apology, or waiting for the truth. You are the first one to come, and then you want to leave right after you come? "

Gao Guang felt even more shocked because he found out that he was being relied upon by David.

If David is a veteran who retired due to injury, it would be easy to handle. Regardless of the severity of his injury, Gao Guang would be willing to recruit him.

But David obviously has a secret. If he continues to interfere with him, Gao Guang would have to be so stupid.

"But I'm not the one who can give you the truth."

Gao Guang stood up, but David's gun moved slightly, so he could only sit down again and said: "It's pointless for you to fight with me, man, let's not disturb each other, okay."

"But you're already here, I can't just let you go."

David said firmly: "I lay in bed for four months. When I could get out of bed, I swore that I would find out the truth, find out the culprits who killed us, and give them to the dead." Brother, give me an explanation!”

Highlights are silent.

David took a breath and continued: "We had just completed a mission and the mission ended successfully. After we returned to the camp, there was an explosion in our barracks. I just stopped to pee, otherwise, I Also dead."

"Please, this...has nothing to do with me."

"Do you know what mission we are on? Do you know who sent us?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know either."

The more he spoke, the more outrageous he became. Gao Guang said helplessly: "I can't help you. Please, just let me go. Don't make things worse. I told you that I am very powerful. If you want to offend me, then You really have no chance of revenge."

Gao Guang wanted to swear that he was telling the truth, but he didn't seem to have to because David believed him.

"I believe you are very powerful, otherwise you would not be able to find me. You must have connections with high-level military officials, General Lloyd..."

"He's retired, he can't help you."

David suddenly became excited, and he whispered: "By the way, you can only check it after you retire, so you can have the opportunity to check it."

"This is a misunderstanding. Believe me, you are really overthinking this. I just need a precise shooter, so I want to see you...I don't even know if you can still shoot. Your hands are all That’s it.”

David suddenly took one end of the gun with his left hand and fired two shots at the bright light.

He was about to pull out his gun, but David said coldly: "Don't move, you have to prove it, and I'll prove it to you."

Where is the proof?

Gao Guang held the handle of the gun with his left hand, but he did not dare to move because there was a bullet hole in his left sleeve, which was punched close to the skin, and there was a bullet hole in his right sleeve, which was punched close to the flesh. , but he's fine.

He held the handle of the gun in his left hand and did not dare to draw the gun. This David fired faster than Gao Guang imagined.

David said calmly: "You need a precise shooter. I am a precise shooter. You will not find anyone better than me. I am in trouble, but it is not your trouble, so you should not be afraid of what I will give you." If you bring trouble, you should be glad that I am willing to work for you."

Gao Guang sighed and said, "Well, I want to go to Iraq and break into a strong fortress."

"No matter what you do, I'm definitely better than you think. If you dare to try to draw a gun in front of me, it means you don't know my strength. Boy, if General Lloyd asked you to come, then you'd better ask Ask him if he wants me."

It seemed inappropriate to ask Lloyd everything, but it seemed even more inappropriate to let David get entangled like this and affect Gao Guang's plan.

"Let me ask."

Gao Guang let go of his left hand. His right hand slowly reached into his pocket and took out the phone. Then he watched David dial the phone. After waiting for the answer, he whispered: "I found David." But there is something wrong with him. He is in trouble, and it seems to be a great secret. If we take him away, it may affect our plan. "

Lloyd also fell silent. After a moment, he finally said helplessly: "Shet."

"what to do?"

Lloyd sighed: "Ask him what's going on and see if we can handle it."

Gao Guang immediately looked at David and said, "What kind of trouble do you have? Tell me clearly."

David was a little nervous, but he immediately said: "We were sent to kill a target in Kabul. We went, killed the target, and found what the commander specified. Then when we returned to the base, we encountered something we shouldn't have done. There were bomb attacks, and some people wanted to kill us and silence us. Yes, some people wanted to kill us and silence us. All my comrades died, and I was the only one who survived.”

"only these?"

"A lot, do you need me to tell you all?"

David looked very nervous, and then he seemed to see hope and was full of hope.

Gao Guang said on the phone: "Did you hear it?"

"I heard it, let me think about it, Afhan... Kabul, the barracks exploded... Well, I remembered, I know what happened, there is trouble, but no trouble big."

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment and said, "What do you mean?"

"Rather than the trouble I have to face, I want this operation to be successful more. Can he still shoot?"

Gao Guang looked at the bullet holes on his sleeve and said, "Yes, he just proved it to me."

"Very well, bring him here. If he is still the best precision shooter, then his trouble is nothing. I am willing to accept it."

Gao Guang hung up the phone, and then he said to David: "Um, um,'s difficult to handle, but...are you sure you can still fight?"

David said very seriously: "Otherwise, I will go and kill a wild boar for you now."

"That's no need, I don't have that much time."

"Quickly, half an hour at most."

Gao Guang is really excited. It would not be impossible if he could spend half an hour to see David's level, but let's solve the main problem now.

Gao Guang thought for a moment and said, "I'll only hire you to do a job once, how much do you want?"

"I don't want money."

Gao Guang was stunned again, and David said calmly: "I received a disability retirement allowance of US$350,000. I saved all my salary and allowances for many years, and I bought it for more than one million US dollars. In this farm, because of my previous status, I received a monthly pension of US$9,400 after being disabled and retired, and medical care was completely free. However, I was not married and had no children, so I had more money than I could spend. , so what do I need money for?”

"No, you don't want money...I can't adapt to you not wanting money."

Free stuff is always the most expensive, always keep that in mind.

David thought for a moment and said, "Then just give me some money. I will take as much as I want to give to others."

“I’m used to negotiating the price in advance.”

"Okay, 20,000, which is almost two months of my pension. Is it too much? Is 10,000 okay?"

Gao Guang exhaled and said: "No, forget it, I'll calculate it for you according to other people's payment standards. Well, do you have anything else to add?"

David thought for a while, then he suddenly turned around, and when he came out of the bedroom, he held a small fanny bag, and then threw it directly to Gao Guang.

Highlight caught the fanny pack.


Opening the zipper, Gao Guang found that inside were checks one after another, neatly stacked together. There were dozens of them, a thick pile.

Looking at the things in the bag, Gao Guang looked at David in confusion and said, "What is this for?"

David said calmly: "There are 1.12 million US dollars in it. It's a cash check from the federal government. It's anonymous and has no time limit. It's given to you. If you give me a chance, I'll give it all to you."

Gao Guang had never encountered this kind of thing before. He looked at David and didn't know whether he was stupid or the world was crazy.

David continued: "As long as I live one day, they have to pay me one day's payment. This country owes me! Now do you understand what I mean?"

Gao Guang said in a daze: "What do you mean?"

David said without hesitation: "I don't have a passport, a driver's license, or a social security card. I don't have any ID, so I can't take a flight. In fact, I can't even leave the town. Five days a month." Someone from the Veterans Administration sent me a cash check at No. 1. Yes, I am under house arrest. I am under house arrest.”

After finishing speaking, David said seriously: "You don't have to give me money, as long as you can take me away, I will give you money!"

Gao Guang was stunned for a while and said: "I can take you on the plane, I have a private charter plane, and other... well, welcome to the mountain!"

The writer said: Let’s write a big chapter to express our apology. It’s almost as good as adding an extra chapter.

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