Firepower is king

Chapter 485 Thieves board the ship

Gao Guang and David had the same feeling, the same strong feeling, that is, they were both beaten by each other.

I thought that I would need to invite David sincerely, maybe even visit the thatched cottage and promise a super high price, so that I could invite David out. Unexpectedly, in the end, Gao Guang was forced to follow him by David. left.

I don’t know if it was fate, but Gao Guang always felt that David was an extremely dangerous person. He was in trouble and might bring some kind of threat, so he was worried all the way. But until he got to the airport and boarded his chartered flight , and did not encounter any obstacles or difficulties.

And David began to think that those people were finally going to take action against him, but unexpectedly, someone came and asked him to come out and resume his old career. How could he miss such a God-given opportunity? He must seize the opportunity at any cost.

So David had already thought about what kind of price he had to pay to impress someone, but he didn't expect that in the end he easily followed him on the plane.

This is too simple. If you follow this kind of companion, you might be in danger in the future, so just leave first and then quickly get rid of the other party. From this idea, Gao Guang and David can be regarded as heroes. same.

The chartered flight flew directly to Dubai. After landing in Dubai, David truly felt that he had escaped from the prison. But arriving in Dubai was definitely not the end. He immediately changed planes and Gao Guang took David directly to Baghdad.

By this time, it was no longer convenient for Lloyd to come forward, but the things that Lloyd should be responsible for were done.

Gao Guang wanted snipers, so Lloyd found four at once. He needed assaulters. Six assaulters came, and then a demolition expert also came. These people came to Baghdad on a chartered plane.

When Gao Guang arrived with David, Tom had just arrived at the hotel with his people. In a matter of seconds, Gao Guang and the elites he needed gathered in the hotel lobby.

The hotel is just a villa hotel, so it is convenient to rent the entire hotel. People from the King's Defense also live here. After learning that the highlight has arrived and all the new members have arrived, everyone came out to meet, and the hotel lobby was very lively for a while.

The person in charge is Gao Guang. Since we just happened to catch up, let's take the opportunity to say a few words and get everything done that needs to be done.

"I am Mad Dog, the initiator and commander of this operation. I believe you all knew what you were going to do before you came here, right?"

The opening remarks were very concise, but no one spoke. Just when Gao Guang was about to continue, a tall and thick man suddenly said: "Wait a minute, why are you the commander?"

Gao Guang really didn't know how to answer this question. Why is he the commander? It just depends on whether he can pay for it.

Before Gao Guang could answer, another person said: "We are going to do a very dangerous task. You paid for us to come, so you are the boss, but we don't accept the command of strangers because we don't know your abilities. Frankly speaking." Say we can't trust you."

Gao Guang wanted to say something, but he found that he really didn't have anything to say.

Spreading his hands, Gao Guang made a gesture of invitation and said, "Okay, please introduce yourselves, your name, code name, specialties and requirements."

There were eleven people in total. They came to Baghdad on the same plane, but they obviously didn't know each other, so they fell into a cold situation.

After a while, a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties said, "I'll go first. You can call me No. 5."

The person who spoke took out a note, then he held up the note and said: "The person who came to me said that if I don't want to reveal my name and nickname, then No. 5 will be my code name. Now I don't plan to reveal my name." , and then, I came from the SEALs, with the rank of lieutenant, and I was a sniper."

No. 5 was very proud. Although he didn't say anything, he was really, really proud when he said that he was from a seal.

About the same age, the middle-aged man standing with No. 5 said: "I am No. 6, a sniper. The two of us are a sniper team. My military rank is also a lieutenant. I have served in the SEALs for sixteen years. I am very happy to see you. Happy."

Let's just introduce. I don't know why the two of them bumped their fists, as if their self-introduction was a star's appearance.

At this time, the person who originally asked the question suddenly said: "I am No. 9, Marine Corps Assault Group, Special Operations Group, sniper, and we are also a sniper team."

No. 9 looked very strong, but the man next to him smiled and said: "I am No. 10."

No. 9 and No. 10 looked at No. 5 and No. 6 together, and then they both smiled in confusion. Then No. 9 said lightly: "Seal."

No. 10 shrugged and said, "What can I say? I'm used to it."

Two sniper teams, No. 5 and No. 6 are from the SEALs. Well, even if they are not from the SEAL Team 6, they are still very good. How good they are is a long story, so I won’t go into it.

Then, the names of the No. 9 and No. 10 units are not that famous, but the problem is that their Marine Corps assault group has done a lot of things. And then, the special forces who belong to the most elite assault group of the Marine Corps The combat operations team is really the tip of the knife.

Logically speaking, the Marine Corps Special Operations Group is really strong, because it is the most elite special forces unit of the Marine Corps. In the eyes of the Marine Corps, it seems to be much stronger than the SEALs. How on earth can you say that it is so powerful? Long, skip it and don’t show it.

But the problem is that the seals and the people in the special operation team are not at odds with each other. It's not that they have any deep hatred, they just want to kill each other first.

In the system of the U.S. military, the Navy is the first class, the Air Force is the second class, the Army is the third class, and the only ones who are dear to the president are the Marine Corps.

With the worst equipment and the least funds, the first one to go to work is the Marine Corps, and then they have to be looked down upon, especially by the people in the Navy. So on the 9th, I saw No. 5 and 6 from the SEALs. It’s understandable that the number is exciting.

But the highlight has been confirmed, this No. 9 is the one who stirs up trouble.

"The four of us are from the 101st Airborne Division. We are just here to make money. Our numbers are 11 to 14. We will not be separated. If you have anything, tell me and I will command them."

There are four people clumping together again. Gao Guang now feels that he really shouldn't let Lloyd solve the manpower problem, because these people are forced to come together, and even if there are only a few people, they have to draw a clear line first.

"No. 7, Demoman, Engineer."

No. 7 seemed to be an honest man, he was only about forty years old, and he spoke plainly. After introducing himself very briefly, he went on to say: "My mission is to blast, but it is necessary and safe." I will only come on the premise, I must declare this in advance.”

The only one left could only be No. 8. He shrugged and said: "You guys can call me...forget it, my name doesn't make sense anymore, right? Just call me No. 8. I'm responsible for coming here to help you." Skydiving equipment is prepared and provided, but I think it’s better not to skydive. “

It cannot be said that it is a piece of loose sand, it can only be said that it is falling apart. It has not even started yet, and this team is already showing signs of disintegration.

Just when Gao Guang was about to speak, David suddenly said: "My name is David, 56 years old, 10th Mountain Division, precision shooter, no number. To facilitate command and communication, you can call me Saiin."

Gao Guang didn't react to the last word David said for a moment. He thought about it and felt that David should be talking about a scythe, and specifically the scythe.

Then David nodded and said in a very indifferent but very pretentious tone: "Actually, my real nickname is DEATHSCYTHE, but it's too long, so you can shorten it to scythe, I don't mind."

David's nickname is Death's Scythe, or Sickle for short.

Well, to be honest, Gao Guang envied this nickname. Although he felt that David was pretending to be a bit too fierce and his image was not worthy of this nickname, it was undeniable that this nickname was much better than Mad Dog.

For a moment, I was even a little envious.

No. 6 looked a little shocked. He said in astonishment: "You want to join the war too? Are you kidding me? And you... Death Scythe?"

No. 5 already chuckled twice, then he shook his head helplessly and said: "I met two, no, three... interesting people today, haha."

David still said calmly: "I am used to the role of a commander, but I am a precision shooter, and I will accompany the commando team to fight, so you two, no, you four snipers can cover the rear, don't I don’t need anything from you.”

"Man, how long have you been retired? Can you still handle a gun? Can you still walk?"

No. 9 looked at David with a puzzled look, then he spread his hands and said: "Sorry, I just heard that the person who cooperated was a pretty good PMC, but I really didn't know that there were people with disabilities. No, I refuse this. The team fights together.”

No. 5 suddenly said: "No matter what, the 10th Mountain Division is better than some idiots who think they are elites. Much better."

In the past, the smell of gunpowder was just a bit strong, but now it has immediately reached the point of being detonated. As for the grudges between the two teams, it is a long story, so I might as well skip it and not mention it.

No. 5 started to attack, and No. 9 retaliated without hesitation. He immediately said: "Yes, I like the brothers of the mountain division. After all, animals in the desert and sea are useless. But we are different. We are good at all terrains. Sometimes I would rather operate with the trash of the Iraqi Defense Forces. Although they can't do anything, at least they won't get in the way."

No. 9's counterattack is very sharp. In terms of talking, he is better than the two seals.

Gao Guang is seriously thinking about one thing, that is, whether to let all the SEALs and Marines get out. He can't stand these uncles anymore, and if he can't serve them, then he will not be able to serve them anymore.

When Gao Guang was about to speak, David said in a very slow tone: "You guys should stop sarcastic to each other. You are all rookies. What's the point of sarcastic to each other? Follow me and I will teach you how to do it. I just hope you will do it." Just have the level of a sniper.”

After finishing speaking, David looked at the airborne troops and said, "You four can stay together if you want. Just follow the command."

After unconsciously taking over everything, David said impatiently: "Then don't show off your qualifications. You are just children in front of me. Now, let's formulate an action plan based on the task. Hi , you, go and get me a gun. I want an M21, the old-fashioned wooden stock, but with a longer Picatinny rail and a night vision device. Do you know what I want? Go find it quickly. "

At first Gao Guang wanted to take David aboard the pirate ship, but now, he found out that it was the thieves who had boarded the ship.

There is no way to lead this team, either, or it should be disbanded.

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