Firepower is king

Chapter 486: A piece of loose sand

There was another person who never said anything. He was the youngest and seemed to be alone. When David said what gun he wanted, he finally raised his hand.

"I'm No. 15, I'm...the gunner, but I'm not a special force."

No. 15 seems a little unsure, which may be related to his qualifications.

"I'm a good bazooka shooter. I... just retired last year and am currently unemployed. They said they needed a good bazooka shooter, so I came. In fact, I still have a companion, but he couldn't catch up, so I only have Myself."

After the introduction on the 15th, he looked at the people around him and said, "I have nothing else to introduce, right?"

Gao Guang, who was thinking about disbanding the team, said nothing, but David said: "Very good, now we have gotten to know each other and have a general understanding of what you are capable of. Next..."

Seeing Gao Guang there with a straight face and not speaking, David could only say to Gao Guang: "Don't be stunned, take out the map, what is the mission, where is the target? Don't waste time, we have to formulate a battle plan now. "

Gao Guang looked at the people in King's Defense. His people were still confused because the people in King's Defense didn't know exactly where to attack and how to attack.

Fortunately, Tom came too.

Tom opened the computer he brought with him, and then he said very calmly: "The location we are going to attack is in the mountainous area of ​​Sulaymaniyah. You should all have worked in Iraq for a long time, and you should know the terrain and terrain there. Climate conditions, right?"

There was no projector in the lobby, so Tom just took the computer and said, "This is the target we want to attack."

Looking at the photos taken by the reconnaissance plane, a group of temporary workers did not explode, but each of them seemed to have their tails stepped on.

"It looks very solid, and the terrain is very unfriendly."

"This villa looks very new, and it has a swimming pool? I have been to Sulaymaniyah, and there seems to be no such building anywhere."

They are all elites. They all have service experience in Iraq. They are all people who are relatively familiar with Iraq. The key is that they have all fought in the war. It is said that laymen only see the excitement, while insiders see the door. As soon as this photo was shown, a group of people could not keep up. Calm down.

Tom continued: "This place was newly built. It looks very solid on the outside. In fact... it is stronger than what you see. It was built according to the standards of a bunker. According to the information we have received, there are not many guards inside. Less than two hundred people.”

At this time, you can also see the difference between yourself and outsiders.

No one from the king's defense said anything. They were all studying the terrain, but these people they hired were essentially mercenaries, and they began to pick jobs.

No. 5 said in a daze: "Are we...these people?"

Gao Guang nodded and said, "Yes."

Gao Guang walked to the computer and said: "All of us who participated in the war are here. We need to break into the target building, kill the target, and then evacuate."

No. 5 said somewhat uncertainly: "You mean to attack by force?"

"Yes, strong attack."

No. 5 shrugged, then he smiled, looked at everyone and suddenly said: "We are snipers, we will not enter this building."

Gao Guang originally planned to break up these temporary workers and integrate them into the King's Defense to accept unified command, but now it seems that this is not realistic.

It is the boss who pays, but the boss does not naturally have the power to command. This is especially obvious in the field of private force.

The boss does not necessarily know how to fight, so the usual approach is for the boss to give goals, tell people what to do, what results must be achieved, and then the mercenaries can complete it.

These people are here to make money, not to die. If they think this job can be taken over, then they will do it. If they feel that they can't take it on, then get out as soon as possible.

The problem is that in order to prevent the recruited people from being unable to command, Gao Guang specifically asked Lloyd to recruit people from different branches of the military. Now the consequences have emerged. They still refuse to accept Gao Guang's command, and then the scattered temporary workers cannot form a team and act alone.

Gao Guang was silent for a while, and then he suddenly said: "Okay, if you don't want to accept my command, then just divide it into two groups. I need two snipers to provide cover. It's good to have a sniper team to cover us. Who can Willing to come."

The seal man said without hesitation: "We."

The method of highlighting is also a no-brainer.

The Navy and Marines are at odds with each other, so it is impossible for them to form a team, and the King's Defense lacks snipers, so it would be a good idea for them to mix with the King's Defense.

Gao Guang looked at the other people and said, "Then you can form a group. I will only give you tasks. You decide how to complete them."

It is unrealistic to force command power, just like Gao Guang, as a PMC, cannot really obey the boss's orders. At the critical moment when saving his life or completing the mission, he will definitely choose to save his life.

Since this is the case, it is better to forget it separately. One team has two groups, and the two sniper groups each follow a combat group.

However, before Gao Guang takes the initiative to disband this team of temporary workers, they will disperse themselves.

The four airborne soldiers looked at each other, and then they communicated with their eyes. Then No. 11 said firmly: "Sorry, we are withdrawing from this operation. This is obviously sending death. We refuse to participate in the war as commandos."

Snipers can hide behind, but assaulters must be in front. If it is a normal military operation, there is no reason to retreat, but now it is obvious that this is not a normal military operation, and it is correct for the four airborne troops to withdraw. s Choice.

Life is still important. Since there is a choice, of course it is to choose to save life.

No. 8 hesitated for a moment, then he spread his hands and said: "I am responsible for providing parachute equipment, as well as coordinating and directing parachute operations. The people who came to me said that you need an experienced person to determine the climate conditions of the target area first, but you If you don’t plan to parachute in, then there’s no need for me to stay. “

Parachuting is so easy, but parachuting into a heavily guarded fortress is basically asking for death. How difficult is this kind of battle? Let's put it this way, even movies don't dare to shoot like this, and it's not done in games.

The airborne troops and the logistics manager were about to leave, but after some hesitation, the blaster said with a serious face: "I can stay, as long as you can protect me during the blasting operation, no matter how risky it is, I don't care." If you dare to take it, tell me now how much you can give me.”

The team itself fell apart.

"We can also stay, but we are snipers and we will not conduct assault operations."

No. 9 also spoke, and then he said very relaxedly: "Just tell me how much money you can give. Also, it's best to settle the money now, otherwise... we don't need to participate. Right?"

No. 15 looked at the people around him, then he hesitated and said, "I...can I wait and decide?"

Gao Guang said to the four airborne soldiers: "You can leave. There are free rooms here. You can go home when our operation is over. I will send you back, but please don't leave here before the operation is over." ,is that OK?"

The conditions were loose enough that Gao Guang didn't even intend to silence him, so the four airborne soldiers simply asked for the room number and left immediately.

After sending away the airborne troops, Gao Guang looked at the remaining four snipers, a blaster, and a shooter specializing in launching rocket launchers. Plus David, he felt that there seemed to be enough people.

Gao Guang thought for a moment and said: "It seems that you can only listen to my command, otherwise, you can nominate a commander.

For this scattered group of people to choose a commander that everyone can accept, they must first reach an agreement.

Seeing that no one spoke, Gao Guang smiled and said: "It seems that you have no objections. Let's start studying the battle plan. If you can accept the battle plan, we will discuss the specific remuneration and let's get started."

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