Firepower is king

Chapter 487 I guessed

The villa is in the valley.

The mountain is part of the Zagros Mountains. Although the peaks near Sulaymaniyah are not particularly high, they are steep and bald.

This is why Quba moved from Baghdad to this mountain villa, because it is not too far from Sulaymaniyah, and it is really much safer than Baghdad, and safer than the flat plain desert. It's much safer.

There is no need to elaborate on Gao Guang's plan, because there are only a dozen or so people who can formulate a complete battle plan just by looking at the photos, so what's the point of the fortress that Basha Kuba spent a lot of money to build.

Basha Kuba did not build his villa into a palace, but into a fortress.

So the answer is that no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to get in, even if the senior officials have wings.

After skipping the complicated and quarrel-filled process, Gao Guang finally got tired of it. Now it seems that only those who are so stubborn that they are not afraid of death will try to conquer this fortress.

"Stop talking, we need more detailed information."

If a hard attack fails, he can only resort to outsmarting him. Gao Guang is afraid that even he himself will lose confidence if he continues to watch, so he decisively stopped formulating the battle plan.

Seeking technical assistance, seeking intelligence support, what else can we do, but we can't just drag these dozen people and go straight to Sulaymaniyah to die.

Gao Guang turned on the computer, and then he said calmly: "You guys take a rest. If there is progress, I will come up with a feasible action plan, and then we will set the price."

Regardless of whether they participate in the operation or not, these temporary workers must not leave. In addition, why do they refuse to let the boss take orders? They are afraid that the boss will give random orders and kill people. So until there is no feasible plan, these temporary workers really don't mind waiting a few more times. God.

There is no need to rush into things like war, especially those who are personally involved in the war. They will definitely not be in a hurry.

Gao Guang was really tired. He still had many things to deal with and many situations to report, but now, he had to deal with David's matter first.

David didn't take anything with him when he left. He didn't take a gun, he didn't take a change of clothes, and he followed Gao Guang out of the house without even taking the house key. The only small bag he had, which was full of checks, was given to Gao Guang.

So David really has nothing, and a precision shooter cannot only have a semi-automatic sniper rifle.

"What equipment do you need? Let's talk about it together so that I can prepare it." Gao Guang paused and continued: "In addition to the rifle, what else do you need, such as a pistol, a body armor, a helmet, and a combat uniform? How about the equipment?" Any needs can be raised.”

David was silent for a while and said: "An M21 rifle, a pair of tool pliers, I want a Leatherman wave, and then a night vision device and a scope. If we operate during the day, then a white light scope. If we operate at night, Just wear a night vision scope. Note that my scope can’t just be low-light. It’s best to have a compound vision-enhancing scope, at least with thermal imaging. I don’t need anything else.”

Gao Guang was stunned for a while and said, "That's it?"


"Where's the pistol? Is it okay?"

"I don't want a pistol."

Gao Guang was stunned for a while. He also looked at the people around him. When he confirmed that he heard correctly, he said in confusion: "As a sniper, the same is true for precision shooters. How can you not use self-defense weapons?" ?”

"But I just don't need it. I don't need the extra weight."

After finishing speaking, David said very seriously: "I don't need a pistol, a saber, or a grenade. My weapon only needs an M21SS, an old model with a wooden stock. It would be best if it is modified with a Picatinny rail. Well, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have it.”

It's up to Tom to find the gun. He's responsible for intelligence and logistics.

Tom frowned and said: "There are very few M21s now. Can an M110 rifle be used, or can you change it to something else?"

"I only want the M21 and I don't need anything else. Then I would rather use an SVD than the M110."

Tom thought for a moment, then he nodded and said: "Okay, I can find M21."

David nodded and said, "That's good. Well, where is the general? Isn't he coming?"

"Of course the general won't come here. We won't be able to see him until the matter is completed."

David seemed a little disappointed, but he still nodded and said: "Okay, let's finish our work first. It's just that this fortress can only be taken down by some light infantry. I think maybe we won't see the general. "

"There will be a way. You go and rest first. We will continue planning after we rest."

Gao Guang wanted to push David away, and he winked at John, who immediately said: "Come with me, your room is ready, come over here."

David limped and followed John. When there were no more outsiders in the hall, Gao Guang simply lay down on the sofa and said listlessly: "It's too difficult. Who are these people? If I had known, I would still be here." Why not ask the general to help find a team that works well together."

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang complained to Tom: "I shouldn't take this opportunity to recruit new people. I don't know if these people are capable, but the bad things are all pretty bad."

Mike didn't listen to Gao Guang's complaint. He just looked at the place where David disappeared and said: "Boss, are you... He is already lame, and he is missing two fingers on his left hand. Are you sure he can still fight?"

Gao Guang nodded heavily and said, "Sure! He...should be able to fight?"

"Why are you so hesitant to answer when you say you are sure?"

"Because I don't know if he can still fight."

Gao Guang waved his hand helplessly, and then said to Tom: "You go find him a gun, and I'll make a few calls for technical support."

Tom was a little puzzled and said: "What kind of technical support can be more professional than the CIA? Man, see clearly, the goal this time..."

He was still hesitant to speak. Tom didn't want to say in front of everyone in King's Defense that Gao Guang shouldn't have agreed to fight Basha Kuba first, but the matter had come to this, and he and Gao Guang had no way out.

Tom stood up and said helplessly: "What age is this? We still need to use M21, and it is designated as an old version. What age is this?"

There was no swearing, Tom just grumbled and left.

Gao Guang weakly chose a room. After entering, he lay down first and let his chaotic mind calm down for a moment. Finally, he decided to make the first call to Heidi.

It makes sense to find a killer for things that cannot be solved by force.

Without asking Otto's opinion first, Otto wouldn't really teach him anyway. Gao Guang felt that it would be more convenient and comfortable for him to deal with many mistresses.

The first call was to Heidi.

"Hi, sister, are you busy now?"

"I just fell asleep for about five minutes."

Gao Guang had nothing to be embarrassed about. He ignored Heidi's complaints and continued: "Is Fang okay at your place?"

"He's very, very good, he's incredible, he's amazing."

First she praised Fang Zhenwu, and then Heidi suddenly said: "Why are you asking him?"

"I have an operation here that requires Fang's participation, but... forget it, let him be your instructor." Gao Guang changed the subject and said: "Sister, let me ask you a question, if someone lives in the fortress The big shot inside is surrounded by many guards. Is it possible to kill such a target?"

"It's possible, of course it's possible. No one can't be assassinated. What's wrong with the fortress? Many people died in the fortress."

"Great! My mission here is to kill a person. Of course, I can't just kill him. I also have to break into his fortress. But I think we should solve the target first and make the people inside the fortress fall into chaos, and then It’s easy to do it.”

"This is theoretically true, but it may have the opposite effect."

Moving and scraping the land is a side benefit of killing Ba Kuba, but the main goal is to kill Basha. This is the key and cannot be mistaken.

Gao Guang whispered: "Then can you help me kill someone? The money is easy to talk about, I will pay."

"Of course, who."

"Basha Quba, he lives in Iraq, in a mountain villa near Sulaymaniyah."

"An Iraqi? No problem. Give me half a year to prepare, and a year at most. I guarantee I can kill him."

"Half a year is too long."

"I'm talking about a year."

Gao Guang frowned and said, "Well, can a week be enough? Ten days at most. Any longer time is really not possible."

"Oh, what did you just ask me?"

"One week……"


Gao Guang was silent for a moment and said: "If you want to reject me, just say so directly. You don't have to wait until I come back to ask you if you can help me kill Basha before rejecting me."

Heidi was silent for a moment, and then she hung up the phone without saying anything.

She didn't know if Heidi's bad story was exposed in advance, which made her angry, so she hung up the phone without saying a word.

Gao Guang sighed, wondering who else he could turn to for technical support.

I flipped through the phone book helplessly and blankly, looking at the call records, and then my highlighted fingers suddenly stopped.

Gao Guang's hand stopped on Kuzsayev's number. He looked at the call records he had just contacted two days ago and suddenly thought of a possibility.

Although the possibility is unlikely, it cannot be ruled out. That is, is it possible? Is there even the slightest possibility that the task that the Black Sea Mercenary Group cannot reveal now is for Bashar Kuba?

Then you definitely need to make a phone call and ask.

Gao Guang dialed Kuzsayev's phone. The phone rang for a while, and then he finally got through.

Gao Guang said lazily: "Hey, man, I have a job here and I'm still looking for someone. Is your task at hand over?"

Kuzsayev smiled bitterly and whispered: "No, we are on a long-term mission. You really should have contacted me earlier, so maybe I wouldn't have to come."

Gao Guang suppressed the excitement and anticipation in his heart, and still said slowly: "Yeah, I'm sorry to miss it. Well, is it hot in the mountains over Sulaymaniyah? Can you bear it?"

"It's hot! Why isn't it hot, but it's okay..."

Kuzsayev suddenly stopped talking. He stopped, and then he said with confusion and vigilance: "Man, how did you know that I was in Sulaymaniyah and that I was in the mountains?"

Gao Guang took a deep breath and said, "I guessed it, do you believe it?"

Kuzsayev was not stupid either. He had long understood that Gao Guang's call was not that simple, so he immediately said: "Sorry, I have to hang up."

Kuzsayev hung up the phone.

Gao Guang wasn't angry or in a hurry. He just threw the phone on the bed, clapped his hands, and said with a smile: "Yes, this move is called inside-ying-wai-he!"

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