Firepower is king

Chapter 496: Heaven beyond the sky

The biggest role of the Black Sea Mercenary Corps, and also an irreplaceable role, is to open fire and suppress the enemy when Gao Guang and his team are discovered, so as to prevent the enemy from forming an effective crossfire network.

Without the Black Sea Mercenary Corps, there would be no such battle, because modern warfare has largely lost its relationship with courage. Not to mention just a few people, even thousands of troops facing the formed crossfire cannot break in.

Therefore, the Black Sea Mercenary Corps took the lead in attacking and suppressing the enemy, so that the enemy on the north side directly facing Gao Guang and his team was attacked from both sides, and completed the biggest task.

The gate is on the south side, but the north side faces the mountainous area behind the fortress, so the north side is the top priority of defense, and the house on the north side completely plays the role of a bunker. The wall is very thick, with shooting holes, an anti-aircraft gun on the top, and four machine guns inside the bunker.

However, the bunker cannot be fully staffed 24 hours a day, especially when suddenly attacked at night, how long the enemy can react is the most critical issue.

We can't expect the enemy to react in time. We must have a sufficient plan to deal with it. The plan is that the Black Sea Mercenary Group will attack the enemies that threaten Gao Guang and his team from the inside, and Gao Guang and his team will rush to the east wall defended by the Black Sea Mercenary Group as quickly as possible.

A group of people ran towards the north wall, and they had to rush over as quickly as possible.

At this time, it was not a battle plan set in advance, but Mike's talent was fully demonstrated.

The distance to the north wall was only 80 meters. The bunker on the north side was part of the wall, which was a straight distance of 80 meters, because it was impossible to leave a wall outside the bunker to block the shooting range.

Gao Guang's 100-meter speed can run in 12 seconds at the fastest, which is quite fast for ordinary people, but that is the speed he can run on the track in shorts, vests and running shoes.

Carrying 20 kilograms, Gao Guang couldn't even run in 15 seconds. Carrying 20 kilograms, Gao Guang couldn't run 100 meters in 20 seconds.

Most people are like Gao Guang.

But Mike is different. Even if he carries more than 20 kilograms of weight and holds a gun, he can still run the 80 meters in 12 seconds.

The battle plan is definitely not to run blindly towards the enemy's bunker, but before the enemy can react, it is true that the distance to the bunker should be shortened as quickly as possible.

Mike spread his long legs, and he really rushed straight to the bunker like a beast.


Gao Guang finally gave a clear command for the first time, so Patrick lay on the ground, pointed his gun, and began to search for several shooting holes on the bunker.

The shooting hole was not opened. There was a steel plate inside that could open and close the shooting hole. The temperature inside and outside the bunker was different. Whether the shooting hole was open or closed could be easily distinguished with thermal imaging.

From discovering the enemy to counterattacking, how long it takes depends on the quality of the soldiers and the alert status of the team. Opening the shooting hole, searching for the enemy outside, aiming, and then firing, it takes more than ten seconds, which is considered fast.

Finally, the first shooting hole was opened.

The enemy's most fatal mistake was that they didn't turn off the lights.

From the dark night, a lighted window is as obvious as the scorching sun. In an instant, countless bullets were fired at the long shooting hole.

Patrick fired first, but David also fired. The bullets rushed into the shooting hole. I don't know if they hit the enemy inside, but the enemy failed to shoot.

Gao Guang just paused for a moment, then he continued to charge, and David was far behind him.

Mike jumped violently, and his whole body was pressed against the outer wall of the bunker.

There should have been a fire point on the roof, but it was suppressed by the Black Sea Mercenary Group. No enemy on the roof fired, and the enemy in the bunker could not be solved, but their reaction speed was not too slow, but they were still rushed over by the beast-like Mike.

Mike was fighting against the wall. Gao Guang and Paul were at least 30 meters away from the bunker wall, John and Francisco were 40 meters away, and David was even farther away. No. 15, who was carrying a rocket launcher, had just given up firing the rocket launcher and was standing up awkwardly. Mike didn't know what to do. Because according to the plan, when the enemy discovered their whereabouts, they had to use all their firepower to block the enemy's shooting, and then the rocket launcher would be fired into the enemy's bunker. But now, the enemy didn't even have time to fight back, and Mike had already reached the enemy's bunker. At this time, David suddenly stopped. He almost didn't aim, just raised his gun and fired two shots. The cameras on the left and right corners of the bunker shattered. Mike shrugged, then he hung the gun around his neck, pulled two grenades from his chest, held them all in his hands, and pulled out the pull ring with his left hand. After walking a few steps along the wall, Mike stopped next to a shooting hole. You can even hear panic and hurried shouting inside, and then just as Mike stood still, he heard the sound of the pulley moving on the rail.

The steel plate is definitely bulletproof, and the thickness is more than five centimeters. It can't be pushed directly by manpower, and it's not worth installing an electric or hydraulic door, so the slide rail dug out from the wall inside is the only way to install it.

Mike spread his hands, and before the bullets were fired from the shooting hole, he threw two grenades in with his backhand.

When throwing grenades, you need to be skillful. Use the edge of your palm to push the grenade into the shooting hole. It is used to kill the enemy next to the shooting hole. Use the fingertips of the other grenade to throw it in and throw it farther. Let the enemy have no time to pick it up and throw it out instead.

There was a loud bang, and air waves spurted out from the shooting hole next to Mike.

Just as Mike miraculously threw in two grenades, Patrick fired at least twenty rounds into the newly opened shooting hole.

The highest level of blockade is to allow the enemy to have good cover in the bunker but still be unable to fire.

But this time the three shooting holes were opened at the same time, and Patrick took a shot. When he had to suppress the other shooting hole, David fired two consecutive shots, leaving the fourth opened shooting hole with no chance to shoot.

Being too close to the bunker, the enemy's bunkers no longer have much effect, but instead make it easier to highlight them.

The standard procedure for infantry to attack a bunker is that as long as you get close and stick to it, the rest is naturally a matter of how to blow it up.

At this time, No. 15 knelt down on one knee again, took aim, and then shouted loudly: "Fire!"

The highlight has arrived in front of the bunker, but at this time, the rocket launcher shooter is 100% sure of hitting the rocket.

Frankly speaking, if the enemy had not opened the shooting hole, it would be really difficult for the rocket to penetrate.

There was a blast, the fire flashed, and then there was a loud noise inside the bunker, and all the shooting ports erupted with explosive shock waves. In one fell swoop, everything was done.

If just building a bunker takes a long time, then basically there is no need to fight this battle.

No. 15 lost the AT4 launcher and began to rip the new rocket launcher off his back. Then he yelled, "Bazooka in place."

"Drones, enemies are gathering on the southwest sides, friendly forces are suppressed... snipers..."

Yuanzheng shouted on the intercom. He had to provide a vision of the battlefield. Although he could not accompany the assault team, he could call for firepower in time. But before he could finish speaking, a sniper six hundred meters away fired a fatal bullet. , hitting a machine gunner who was firing on the Black Sea mercenary group in the yard.

When the bunker was resolved, the oppressive and tense atmosphere seemed to be released instantly, and everyone began to shout.

Fortunately, Basha built a strong fortress, and it didn't matter whether the fortress was breached from the inside. What was important was that he didn't dig a moat or pull up a barbed wire outside the fortress.

Although it is as solid as a bunker, it is still a mountain villa after all. For Basa Kuba, the residential attribute is obviously greater than the fortress attribute.

Highlights They began to run along the wall, running from the north side to the east side, and the journey went very smoothly without being attacked from above.

At this time, the shooting from the two sniper points continued.

"The friendly forces can't stop them! They are evacuating their positions, quick! Quick!"

Although No. 9 is a good talker, his support is indeed in place.

Thanks to the sniper for the cover, and even more thanks to the Black Sea Mercenary Group for their persistence for more than half a minute.

I don’t know how many of them died, but now, the Black Sea Mercenary Group can no longer stand it.

The commando team was in disarray because some were too fast and some were too slow.

This won't work. When you want to break in later, you must enter in a complete assault formation.

At this time, Mike took his backpack. He was just panting slightly, but it was impossible for him to feel tired. After more than ten years of training, a monster-level body, and beast-like physical fitness, running this small distance was nothing.

Mike suddenly pulled down the zipper of his backpack and pulled it all the way. Then he started to take out the C4 from the outside of the combat bag, and slapped it against the wall.

There are no full-time blasters, but both Mike and Francisco brought enough C4, and Mike brought six large pieces and six kilograms of C4.

Basha's house is very strong, with a wall thickness of more than one meter and a reinforced concrete structure, but with six kilograms of C4, even a fool can be a blaster.

The typical idea of ​​​​strength can produce miracles, but the skill is not enough, don't worry about the blasting technology, just pile up the fake drugs, six kilograms of C4 can explode an iron wall.

One piece on the left, one on the right, Mike slapped six pieces of C4 on the wall, then started running back until he collided with the highlight.

"Blow it up! Around the corner... it can be blown up!"

Corners are stress points, and although they are not right angles, they are still the best locations for blasting.

"Come closer to me! Take cover!"

Gao Guang shouted, he was still twenty meters away from the corner, but this distance was really not safe, so he and Mike turned around and ran back.

After waiting for a few seconds, when all the assault team members gathered together, only David was still limping and running this way. Gao Guang felt that it was almost done, and he shouted loudly: "Lie down!"

Mike took out the remote control and pressed it suddenly. There was a loud bang, and the broken cement blocks flew high into the air, and then fell heavily.

I don’t know what the concept of six kilograms of C4 is. Anyway, people from the CIA prepared it in advance and repeatedly warned Gao Guang that they must have cover and be at a distance of thirty meters before using it.

A super strong explosion, the whole world fell silent.

It's too scary, but I can't care less about sighing at this time and rush in to save people.

This explosion point is on the side and rear of the Black Sea Mercenary Group. At least one side is safe. If you go in through the gap, you will still be attacked by the enemy, but at least it will not be cross fire. So, thank you again to the Black Sea Mercenary Group. Without them, The war cannot be fought, and even now it is still impossible to fight.

"Throw away the useless weight!"

All useless things can be discarded, including some electronic equipment, leaving only the combat vest.

Gao Guang discarded his backpack and rifle without hesitation, then crossed his hands and pulled out the pistol from his waist.

David ran over. He didn't apologize for his speed. He just looked at Gao Guang and said angrily: "You..."


Without giving David a chance to express surprise or anger, Gao Guang waved the gun with his right hand and rushed towards the gap.

The formation quickly changed, with Mike and Francisco in front, and Highlight behind them. John and Paul followed Highlight on the left and right, keeping about half a meter apart from each other, trying to stay as close as possible to avoid wasting Mike and Francisco uses the shelter provided by his body.

David was puzzled, but he could only follow quickly, limping and running: "What kind of idiot formation are you doing!"

The speed had slowed down, but it was still very fast, but David was able to keep up by running aside. Several people rushed to the gap, and there were several twisted and ferocious steel bars at the break of the wall.

Mike almost got hit in the face by the steel bar, but fortunately he found it in time, so he pushed the twisted steel bar with his left hand.

While shouting to be careful, he just rushed in.

The enemy was waiting, Mike pushed away the steel bars, and then he was shot twice.

The sound of bullets hitting body armor was already familiar to Mike.

Mike slowed down a bit and turned on the highlight. Then, the highlight held two guns and was about to fire at the enemy who was a little too far away. He saw the enemy hiding inside the house fall down.

The villa is very large, and the fighting distances vary from far to near. Now some enemies that are beyond the reach of the highlight are falling at an alarming speed.

Gao Guang looked to the right. There was the bunker they had just destroyed, but not all the enemies were killed. The enemies on duty in the bunker might be dead, but the enemies were working in three shifts, and all the enemies who had rest were taking action from them. rushed out of his residence.

The enemy on the north side is close, about forty meters in the distance and more than twenty meters nearby, really within the range of the high light.

Gao Guang raised his gun and fired, and then he noticed the dense and unique sound of gunfire.

The two guns fired five rounds, and then Highlight saw David holding the gun and knocking down enemies that were out of his reach one by one.

So fast, so accurate, so awesome!

Gao Guang felt a sense of horror, and he couldn't help but turn his head back during the battle. This was the first time he turned back during the battle. It was the first time during the battle that he had time to do other things instead of having to fire.

In the past, it was the highlights that amazed others, but today, he finally saw something that was so accurate that it made people despair.

One shot at a time, and David did not use the scope on his rifle at all. He used the night vision device on his helmet. He lowered the gun to his shoulder and fired, but he did not even lower his head to aim.

David is doing the same thing with the rifle as with the highlights. Because the distance is too close, there is no need to aim.

Without aiming, David can keep scanning the battlefield, using his longer range, greater power, and slightly slower speed than the highlighter to absolutely control the battlefield.

And David can also fight while walking.

Gao Guang glanced at it, but what he saw at this glance made him feel that the hair on his body stood up instantly.

So strong, it turns out that this is the style of the strongest precision shooter.

What will happen if it is mid-range? Mid-range is the control range of precision shooters.

The world is a big place, but until today, Gao Guangfang believes that there is a sky beyond the sky.

"Cover, reload."

David stopped shooting. He held the rifle with his left hand that was missing two fingers, and quickly inserted it with a magazine in his right hand. Then he immediately said: "I'm responsible for suppressing it, go ahead!"

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