Firepower is king

Chapter 497: Anti-dog mask

Pistols have never been the main weapon, but Gao Guang used two guns to attack.

The machine gunner who was supposed to be responsible for fire suppression was now holding a machine gun and carrying a backpack to attack.

The precision shooter who was supposed to provide accurate firepower should be at least 100 meters away, providing cover with accurate firepower, but he was now holding a sniper rifle to attack.

What are the real assaulters doing? They have nothing to do, they can only watch.

Although it is a very strange thing to include both machine gunners and precision shooters in the assault group, it can also be said to be a waste, but Gao Guang used a pistol to attack, so everything seems to be normal.

This is an extremely abnormal assault group, because the configuration of this assault group is too luxurious, but the effect of the luxurious configuration is that the King's Defense is rolling over the trenches like a tank, and the enemies in the trenches do not have anti-tank weapons.

As far as the configuration at this moment is concerned, the King's Defense is definitely the strongest assault group, the assault group with the strongest output.

While David was changing bullets, Gao Guang fired a shot and killed an enemy who tried to fire from the house. The people around him couldn't even find the target.

Now the enemy no longer rushed out. They instinctively hid behind the cover and fired at the intruders who had already rushed into the yard.

When the combat distance was shortened to indoors, it was Gao Guang's favorite, because ignoring the weakness of low power, the pistol was the most suitable in indoor combat, but the distance from the breakthrough to entering the room was the most dangerous section for the assault team.

Originally, Gao Guang could only rely on bulletproof vests to charge hard, but if the enemy had heavy machine guns or other weapons that could penetrate bulletproof vests, the people who acted as meat shields for Gao Guang would definitely suffer casualties.

But with the addition of David, the assault capability of King's Defense was improved by more than one level.

David could completely make up for Gao Guang's range defect. His rifle's firing rate was definitely slower than Gao Guang's, but he had an accuracy that was not inferior to Gao Guang's. In this way, even if the enemy hid in the house and fired, as long as they dared to fire, David could immediately fight back.

In this way, Gao Guang felt that the threat he faced was greatly weakened.

So David was a multiplier, and he could maximize Gao Guang's advantage in indoor combat.

Gao Guang rushed towards the room where someone was still guarding. He paused for a moment when he reached the door, then suddenly jumped out, swung his hands quickly, and fired continuously, killing at least six disheveled enemies in the room.

It was impossible for David to enter the room to fight indoor combat. He only had a sniper rifle, and it was exaggerated enough to follow the charge. It would be too much to ask him to fight indoor combat.

The gunshots were dense, but there were not many shots that were really threatening.

Gao Guang came out and saw that David had squatted on the ground, with the rifle still against his shoulder, but his head was constantly scanning, and he would shoot immediately when he found a target that could be shot.

The enemies on the north side were basically cleared, and there were only enemies on the west and south sides left. Gao Guang and his team could attack Basha, or ignore the enemies on both sides and go straight to Basha's house.

Clear the periphery first, then attack Basha Kuba's main house. The advantage is that there will be no risk of being attacked from both inside and outside, but the speed is too slow.

Going straight to Basha Kuba has the advantage of being able to kill the target faster, but once the attack is blocked, it is likely that even the retreat will be cut off.

So the defenders on the west side must be cleared. Although it is slower, it is safer.

David has experienced many battles, and this is the one he is most familiar with. That is, the enemy will try to fight hard at the beginning, but after some people die, they will immediately shrink and will not even show their heads. Only when they feel safe enough will they find an opportunity to fire a shot, or just raise the gun over their heads and shoot randomly outside.

Face-to-face gun confrontation is basically impossible, and if the enemy does not come out, then David really has no way.

"The enemies are all indoors and refuse to come out."

David quickly searched for enemies that could be shot, but he did not find any targets for shooting.

This means that they are safe, but the attack was once again forced to stagnate and entered the stage where they must rely on the assault team to search and attack one by one.

This link is the most difficult, the most dangerous, and the slowest.

There may be people in any room, and every room must be searched, so...wait.

David watched Mike and Francisco run to the nearest room, while Gao Guang was behind, and Patrick was behind Gao Guang.

Although it was necessary to search each room, it was a tactic that would only be used when the enemy was surrounded, or there was enough time, or simply a large army was under pressure. Gao Guang and the other four wanted to do this, which should be considered stupid, stupid, or too stupid.

David's blood rushed to his forehead.

"Fuck! Idiot, come back..."

David shouted on the intercom, but Mike had already run, and then hit the door heavily with his shoulder, and then Gao Guang stood at the door, firing his pistol non-stop, and then he raised his foot over Mike lying on the door panel, walked into the house, and fired three more shots.

David would not enter the house, so he didn't know what happened. Although he knew that Gao Guang's shooting was very accurate, at this point he really didn't know what Gao Guang's seven shots meant.

Mike and Francisco went to protect Gao Guang, while John and Paul had to protect David, the precision shooter. They were all the core of firepower and had to be covered.

John said beside David: "Don't worry, we will protect you."

David said angrily: "I am worried..."

At this time, Gao Guang came out of the house, Francisco followed him, and Mike quickly got up from the ground, and the four of them quickly ran to the adjacent room next door. Patrick raised his gun and fired at the door, then he suddenly pointed the gun at the window, and then Mike kicked it, Gao Guang turned and went in and fired two shots, but didn't even enter the door.


The four people quickly ran south along the house on the west side.

David couldn't stand it anymore, he suddenly said: "Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

David was a pure shooter, a few extremely pure precision shooters, he didn't even use a pistol, and indoor combat was a relatively unfamiliar combat environment for him.

But even if he had never eaten pork, he had seen a run-up. David knew what a surprise battle was like. Anyway, no matter what kind it was, it was definitely not like this.

This kind of surprise battle now is not right, it is completely wrong.

David ran towards Gao Guang and his team. Paul and John could only follow him, and Carlos and the rocket launcher could only follow him.

This was a complete assault formation. If someone moved, everyone had to move with him.

Gao Guang and his team were going to attack the most important house on the west side. There was a stable and a switch room there. The key point was that the most important servants' room and bodyguards' room were all here. After a large number of mercenaries moved in, a large room on the west side was converted into a residence, which could accommodate forty or fifty people.

I don't know how many people were inside, but Gao Guang certainly couldn't end the battle as easily as before.

As a precision shooter, David shouldn't have entered the room, but he just wanted to see how Gao Guang fought.

So when Gao Guang and his team were about to attack the new room, David and his team came diagonally and arrived at the door.

There was no waiting at this time. Patrick fired a burst of shots. When he stopped shooting, Mike kicked the door, and Francisco threw four grenades in succession. Before the grenades exploded, you could hear the screams of despair from inside, and then the bullets crackled on the door frame and flew out from behind the already opened door.

This is the most dangerous and difficult step in the indoor assault.

Gao Guang stood still. David had to look at him and make sure there were no enemies behind him. It was very hard to twist his head back and forth.

Finally, the house began to explode continuously, and at the moment the explosion occurred, Gao Guang flashed in.


Gao Guang shot and killed an enemy who was still screaming on the bed with a gun, and then David suddenly squeezed in, rushed in before Francisco and after Mike

, and followed into the house.

The house was full of smoke and a mess. There were corpses on the ground, and more chaotic enemies. Some tried to resist, some tried to find a place to hide, and some raised their guns to fight back.

Gao Guang was at the door. He ran and fired, waving his pistol non-stop. As he fired, the enemies fell one by one.

It was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. The sheep would only run away in all directions. How could they pose a threat to the tiger?

The enemies here had lost their will to resist. The few who dared to resist were found by Gao Guang at the first time, and then shot one by one, killing them all.

"Water Method..."

David had never seen it before, and didn't quite understand what kind of fighting method it was. He was shocked and cursed and retreated again.

This time it took longer, about ten seconds, Gao Guang came out of the house again, while changing the magazine of the pistol, he hurriedly said: "Done, but this is too slow, are we going to attack the main building, can you guarantee the safety of our backs?"

David thought about it, he said without hesitation: "Okay."

Gao Guang was overjoyed, said: "Very good, you are responsible for cover, I am responsible for output."

David opened his mouth, and finally said: "Okay."

It is a bit troublesome to change bullets for two pistols. Gao Guang put the M17 on the holster, replaced the magazine for the M18, and then he pulled out the M17 again, saying: "Let's go."

This time it is time to turn to attack the core area where Basha Kuba is, and Basha's bodyguards also joined the battle and fired at the beginning, but they never meant to rush out.

The main building is large, and to launch an attack on the main building, you have to go around to the south, where the firepower in the main building can be used. However, the main building is where Basha lives and there must be bodyguards inside, but there may not be heavy weapons.

The formation moved as a whole to suppress the firepower on the south side. At this time, the mercenaries guarding both sides of the south gate have hardly launched any attacks. They watched their friendly forces being gradually eliminated, and they are now thinking about how to escape.

Facing the main door of the residence, Gao Guang took a breath, then he waved his hand, and several people rushed again.

It was only a distance of more than ten meters. According to common sense, they should have rushed to the main door from the west corner of the main building.

Then two people suddenly came out of the main door of the main building. They moved relatively slowly, but as soon as they appeared, they raised their guns at Gao Guang.

Gao Guang fired two shots while running, but the enemy didn't fall. Then he fired two more shots, and the enemy's movements became distorted. They didn't rush straight towards Gao Guang and shoot, but subconsciously retreated. However, they were neither killed nor injured.

David fired a shot, and the bullet hit an enemy who was about to retreat behind the door. Then, only half of the enemy's body remained outside the door.

Gao Guang took a breath of air and said in shock: "Mask?"

The enemy was left with too long to react. Not only were they all wearing heavy armor, but the key thing was that they had bulletproof masks on their faces, and the highlights couldn't be penetrated.

Gao Guang was shocked and angry, but David was completely confused. He said in shock: "Who would wear a mask to fight? What kind of army is this?"

David was thinking that the troops would wear masks when fighting, such a distinctive style, but he just couldn't remember.

John said from the side: "What is that army? This is an anti-mad dog mask. I knew it. I knew this would happen one day!"

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