Firepower is king

Chapter 521: Self-contained

A middle-aged man slowly picked up the bulletproof mask, fastened it on his face, and tightened the elastic Velcro straps.

After feeling the straps, the middle-aged man immediately opened the Velcro, took the mask off his face, held it in his hand, and looked at the obviously thicker bulletproof mask with interest.

"What's the use?"

Meng Qi behaved himself and said respectfully: "Lord...sir, this is a bulletproof mask specially customized to restrain mad dogs."

"This is the second time you've said it. What I want to know is, what's the use of customizing this thing?"

Monkey knew that the lord was not asking him about the function of the mask.

After hesitating for a moment, Monchi finally said: "That mad dog killed two of my heavy-armed assault groups in Ethiopia. I rarely let people equip themselves with heavy armor to launch attacks, but that mad dog, his marksmanship It’s really… magical.”

"Amazing, well, you're using the word amazing."

The lord picked up the mask again and looked at it, then he smiled and said: "So you strongly suggest that we use this mask, right?"

"Yeah, no offense intended but why not use it if it works?"

The lord smiled slightly, but a man with some gray hair next to him couldn't help laughing.

"I specially customized a batch of bulletproof masks for a guy who uses a pistol. Well, monkey, you have a very unique idea."

Facing the famous knight mercenary group, Monchi kept a low profile, but that didn't mean he had to be humble.

"Whether you believe it or not, that mad dog hits the fatal triangle with every shot. The pistol in his hand is more powerful than you think. The team I lead may not be as good as yours, but my people are neither idiots" We are not incompetent, we have suffered failures, learned lessons, and learned experience, and then I specially customized this batch of bulletproof masks, because this can greatly reduce the combat effectiveness of mad dogs.”

After Monkey finished speaking, he said very politely: "I just want to help you as much as possible, but maybe your knight mercenary group is really powerful enough to kill the mad dog directly, so you really don't need it. It’s time for these masks.”

The lord nodded and said to his men: "You can be proud, but you cannot be arrogant. We should respect the experiences that others have summarized with their lives."

"Yes, Lord."

Lord is a nickname, but it is also an honorific title, so within the Knight Mercenary Group, everyone calls their leader the Lord without any suffix.

At this moment, the intercom in front of the lord rang.

"Report to the lord, the scouts found a small drone flying out of the target building."

The lord thought for a moment and said, "Drones, do they need to detect anything?"

"Maybe they wanted to see if there was a gathering of people around."

The lord stood up and said calmly: "Continue to investigate and confirm whether there are any enemy ambush around the target building."

The Knight Mercenary Group may be proud, but they are always very careful in combat.

Meng Qi was a little helpless and a little annoyed.

The Knight Mercenary Group did not completely disbelieve the information he provided, but the Knight Mercenary Group had to confirm all the information. In Monchi's view, this was a waste of time and precious time.

"Mr. Lord, the mad dog must be in that house, and there must be no ambush around him. As I said, we have photos sent back by the drone."

The lord shrugged and said to Monkey: "Let me tell you again, relying solely on the intelligence provided by drones is unreliable."

"One of our people was watching one of Mad Dog's men. Mad Dog did go to see his men. Then, the drone began to focus on Mad Dog's whereabouts. His whereabouts were completely under our surveillance. When he changed from the hotel to this After moving to this place, I have never left, this..."

The lord's expression was still gentle, but his tone was much more serious. He turned around and said to Monkey: "This is the last time I emphasize that the images provided by drones are very important, but relying solely on the images provided by drones Intelligence is not enough. Your boss only asked you to provide assistance, not to teach me how to do things. Do you understand?"

Meng Qi felt a little irritable, but he could only nod and remain silent.

At this moment, the lord's phone rang. He answered the call and heard the other party whisper: "Lord, that house is the CIA's safe house. It's confirmed."

The lord exhaled softly and said: "I know, can I get the building plan and house structure?"

"No, this is a top secret of the CIA. The information source can only infer where the CIA's safe house is through signs, but it is impossible to obtain more detailed information."

"I understand, is there anything else you want to add?"

"there is none left."

The lord hung up the phone, and then he said to Monkey: "Your intelligence did not say that the house where the mad dog is hiding is a CIA safe house."

Monkey opened his mouth, and then he said helplessly: "Mad Dog is indeed supported by the CIA, but the safe house..."

The lord said calmly again: "If Mad Dog really has the support of the CIA, then he should have noticed your people. I hope he will be lured out. I don't want to storm a CIA safe house."

It's not that ClA's safe house is difficult to attack, but that the act of attacking ClA's safe house itself means hostility to ClA, or at least disrespect. For a prestigious mercenary group, such unnecessary actions should be avoided. Behavior.

To become the best mercenary group, it is obviously not enough to just be able to fight. The reason why the Knight Mercenary Group has been able to exist for so long is because it has an effective survival philosophy.

Let Monchi's men land at the Kuwait airport to attract the enemy's attention. If they can draw the enemy out of their hiding place, that would be the best.

No matter how strong the attack capability is, ambush is obviously a better way to fight than a strong attack.

But in Monchi's opinion, he felt that this knight mercenary group was too prestigious to live up to.

The Knight Mercenary Group was too careful. Their men sneaked into Baghdad one by one without even bringing a knife. He needed to provide all the equipment.

It's okay to provide equipment, Morris doesn't lack these anyway, but what makes Monchi unbearable is that the lord actually wants him to create an illusion, let his people get off the plane from Kuwait, and use their people as bait.

It seems that Mad Dog will really notice everyone in the airport in Kuwait. Even if Mad Dog is supported by the CIA, the CIA is not a subordinate of Mad Dog.

Also, they are obviously just a mercenary group, but they like to show off, as if they are some great people, and this is what makes Monchi most dissatisfied.

After all, the Knight Mercenary Group is just a mercenary who works hard to make money. What is there to be proud of?

Monkey cursed endlessly, but at this moment, he heard the voice coming from the walkie-talkie.

The lord didn't seem to like carrying loose things with him, so he didn't wear headphones. Also, he liked to play the intercom loudly.

"Lord, I may have made a mistake."

The lord picked up the walkie-talkie and said slowly: "Speak."

"The target released a drone, and I was getting closer to observe. They must have spotted me, but the locals would not push a cart full of flatbreads in the high temperature at three o'clock in the afternoon. Walking on the streets.”

The lord thought for a moment, and then he immediately said: "Is there an umbrella?"

"Yes, but a very small drone descended to a very low altitude, I'm sure to observe me."

The lord knew what his men were capable of.

After thinking for a moment, the lord whispered: "Intelligence officer, will the locals never push a rickshaw with a parasol on the street at three o'clock in the afternoon?"

"In the vast majority of cases, no."

The lord sighed and said: "Then it is exposed. No matter whether the enemy has the ability to detect abnormalities or not, but since they are in the CIA's safe house, they cannot underestimate their judgment and can only deal with it as if they have been exposed. ”

No matter how good your makeup is, if you do something you shouldn't do, that's exposure.

Fortunately, the scout discovered that he had made a mistake in time, but who would have thought that the enemy would release a drone at this time.

The lord frowned, and then he whispered: "He found someone at the airport and was about to go out, so he flew a drone to observe? But why is the mad dog so cautious? According to common sense, he should be happy to ambush the enemy. yes."

The intelligence officer suddenly said: "There is a problem that is beginning to become apparent now. According to the intelligence we have obtained, Mad Dog is not a particularly cautious person. He is a typical young man with typical behaviors of young people. A brave young man, he is also willing to take risks, but from our observations in the past two days, he is too cautious, as if he knows that he is facing a very strong opponent, but the problem is, his opponent It should be the monkey who hasn’t appeared yet, and the monkey shouldn’t make him so nervous.”

Meng Qi spread his hands and said: "Why does it involve me? It's normal for a mad dog to be nervous. I'm also very stupid."

The lord suddenly said: "Mad Dog, you should know what kind of person he is by his name. He is too cautious now. He has moved his hiding place and stayed behind closed doors. This is not how he should be waiting for an ambush. He...he I’m afraid! But a mad dog who can get ClA’s support shouldn’t be afraid!”

The lord suddenly turned around, then he picked up the walkie-talkie on the table and said urgently: "Treat it as if it has been exposed. The investigation team is ready to block the enemy's retreat at any time."

After speaking briefly, the lord suddenly put down the walkie-talkie and picked up the satellite phone instead.

The lord made a phone call, and then he said to Monchi: "I want to use my own channels to buy information, and you pay."

Meng Qi was stunned, then he spread his hands and said: "This is against the rules. You have to talk to my boss about this. Hi, are you here?"

After the call was connected, the lord made a shut-up gesture to Monkey, and then he whispered: "I am the lord, I want to buy information, the king is on the defense against mad dogs, I want to know all the news about mad dogs, and the price."

Monkey couldn't hear the voice on the phone, but the lord waved him away while calling, so he had no choice but to sigh helplessly. Then, just when he decided to leave first, he heard the lord say in shock: "What? ?”

The lord looked shocked, then his hands stopped swinging, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I understand, I understand."

The lord hung up the phone, and Mengqi didn't need to go out, so Mengqi said carefully: "What's wrong? What did you say?"

"You can't know."

The lord put down the satellite phone. He pondered for a moment and suddenly said: "We have been exposed. The mad dog knows that we are coming, so he will be afraid. Then the suspicion at the airport will not work. In this case..."

The lord suddenly smiled, then he picked up the walkie-talkie and said in a deep voice: "Investigation team, if the target tries to leave, don't stop it. If the target tries to test your reaction, ignore it. It's best to lure the target out and annihilate it outdoors. ”

After finishing speaking, the lord said to more than a dozen people in the room: "It is unlikely that we can lure the target out. Prepare to attack by force."

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