Firepower is king

Chapter 522: Lure the snake out of its hole

"Do you think there is something wrong with this old man?"

Yuan Zheng adjusted the angle of the camera and controlled the drone to descend. Then he pointed at an old man pushing a rickshaw on the screen and said, "Look at him."

It is a two-wheeled cart, and the entire body is a large square bucket. It is different from the carts that sell goods on the roadside. This cart does not have a glass cabinet, but there is a huge parasol inserted at one end. Under the umbrella, an old man was pushing a cart slowly forward.

Francisco said without hesitation: "What's wrong with this? All pie sellers are like this, what's wrong?"

John said angrily: "Idiot! You have been in Baghdad for so long, have you ever seen anyone selling pancakes at this time? The temperature outside is now 46 degrees!"

Francisco was stunned for a moment and said, "I haven't noticed...but in order to survive, vendors have to go out no matter how hot it is."

"They go out in the afternoon when it's not so hot. They sell things to live, not to die."

Yuanzheng ignored the argument between John and Francisco. He just pointed at the screen and said to the highlight: "Look, does this person look like he is pushing a cart of bombs?"

Everyone was stunned, and after Yuanzheng looked at everyone, he continued: "There is a big cake shop across the street from here, and there is also a big cake shop on the other side. In any case, the cake seller cannot push the cart. Come this way, even if you are delivering to a restaurant, there is no reason to come to us."

On the screen, the old man is still pushing the cart, still moving slowly.

Flatbread is not the only staple food of Iraqis, but it is indeed a very important staple food. There are cakes similar to naan, and there are also simple white cakes, but those that can be sold on a cart are basically baked flatbreads like naan.

There is nothing wrong with a vendor selling cakes from a cart along the street, but there is definitely something wrong if he goes out and sells a cart full of cakes at three o'clock in the afternoon, the hottest time.

But looking at the clothes, appearance, and gestures, this is indeed an old man selling cakes.

While Gao Guang continued to observe, Yuan Zheng said hurriedly: "You haven't seen anything abnormal yet? Fake! Look at this old man, have you ever seen an old man selling cakes along the street pushing a cart like this?"

In fact, I couldn't see anything wrong, but after Yuan Zheng said this, a few people took a few careful looks, and they could tell that something was wrong.

The old man was not skilled in pushing the cart. Also, he was using a lot of force to push a cart that should be handled with skill. It was like a person who had never done farm work before. Give him a try. You can definitely dig the ground with a hoe, but when you compare it with farmers who work all year round, you can immediately see the difference.

It’s just two words, awkward.

Mike suddenly said: "Stop guessing, just try it and you'll know."

Gao Guang looked at Mike, who said angrily: "I'll buy him a piece of cake!"

"good idea."

The senior official looked at David in astonishment, but David said calmly: "I'll buy bread from him."


Gao Guang waved his hand and said: "Mike, Francisco, you two put on your shields, follow David, and go buy cakes."

David put the gun on his shoulder and limped forward, while Mike picked up a transparent shield leaning against the wall and followed, while Francisco pushed a heavy bulletproof shield. Followed.

This safe house is located in the old city. It has a small yard, but it is surrounded by surrounding houses, so it is more like a patio.

There are all two-story buildings nearby, but the safe house looks like two stories from the outside, but in fact it has only one floor. The extra half-story above is a roof with enhanced protection as a camouflage.

The entire building is basically in the shape of a zigzag. The fully enclosed corridor is also winding and turning. It is not like a maze. However, the longest straight line in the entire corridor is less than five meters. The safe house is designed to prevent it from being swept to the bottom by the blast of the explosion. design, this is also the basic safe house configuration.

David grasped the handle of the iron door and pushed it open suddenly. Then he said to the old man who was pushing a cart on the street: "Hey, come here, I'll buy some cakes."

Although it is an old city, the road is still quite wide. Now the person pushing the cart has passed the position directly opposite the gate. When David shouted to the old man selling the cake, the distance was about thirty or forty meters.

David's move was very risky. If someone shot at him, he would not be able to hide without any protection.

The old man pushing the cart stopped because there was really no one outside at this time, and David's voice was very loud. He wanted to pretend that he couldn't hear it, but he felt it was too fake.

Stopped, and before turning around, the old man selling cakes suddenly whispered: "They called me to buy cakes!"

The tone was full of surprise and disbelief, but the old man selling the cake turned around and looked at David.

David stretched out his right hand to wave, and shouted again: "Come here, we want to buy bread."

David spoke in Arabic, and there was nothing the old man couldn't understand.

The atmosphere seemed to be a little stalemate. The old man selling cakes looked at David, then he pushed the car, turned around and started walking this way.

David didn't turn around, he just whispered: "If this old man comes over, arrest him and search his car carefully. If he doesn't dare to come over, then..."

The old man was still pushing the cart, but within five meters of Gao Guang and the others, he suddenly shrank and hid behind the cart.

David drew back without hesitation and said, "There is indeed a problem."

The drone could clearly see that the old man selling cakes shrank behind the car, then bent over and ran away at an extremely fast speed, definitely not a speed that a poor Iraqi could run at.

David huddled behind the shield, and the door opened inward. Mike pushed the door and slammed it shut, ensuring that even the gunmen lurking outside could not see them.

Now the situation is a bit awkward. Should we fight, withdraw, or wait?

Fortunately, there are drones outside that continue to provide visibility.

Yuanzheng said loudly: "He turned a corner, and I didn't see anyone to pick him up. He wants me to rely on him!"

The image suddenly began to rotate rapidly, making people dizzy when watching the monitor screen, until the drone crashed to the ground. The camera was not broken, but it was pointed at the ground and could not be moved, nor could it be controlled remotely, so only the gray-black ground could be seen.

Several people were shocked.


"Someone shot down a drone!"

A group of people looked at each other. Of course, the drone can be shot down, but if the drone is shot down without warning, it would be very scary.

In order to observe carefully, the height of the drone is only a hundred meters at most, but being able to shoot down a drone at a height of 100 meters with one shot is an amazing marksmanship.

what to do?

Gao Guang's mind was in turmoil. Should he rush out now, or should he stay here?

Yuanzheng said anxiously: "I'll fly another drone!"

David said to the high light: "The sniper is all around us, and we don't know where it is."

"Our position has been exposed." Gao Guang took a breath, and then he said very irritably: "Now judge the situation. We have exposed our position, but we have not been attacked so far. Does this mean that the enemy's main force has not yet been attacked?" Here we are, the group of people who just got off the plane at Kuwait Airport.”

After finishing speaking, without waiting for others to speak, Gao Guang waved his hand violently and said, "No, this is not the style of Morris' men. If they were still the same group of people he met in Ethiopia, they would not be so delicate, and they would not kill them with one shot. Drone level.”

Yuanzheng said from the side without raising his head: "Build the plank road in the open and secretly visit Chencang, we are surrounded!"

David said anxiously: "No, if we were surrounded, why did the enemy not attack but conduct reconnaissance? Understand that the act of reconnaissance means that the enemy is not ready yet. If we want to withdraw, then hurry up now withdraw!"

Patrick remained silent, but now, he finally said: "I think it is more accurate to use a breakout now."

A safe house cannot have only one door, and a safe house with only one door is unqualified.

The front door was discovered, but the secret door leading to the alley in the back should not have been discovered. This door has not been opened since the safe house was built.

There are also two secret doors. The one on the west leads to the house next door. In fact, the next door was also bought by the CIA. After buying it, it has always been vacant. Occasionally, the owner of the house will come back to live and tidy up.

There is also a secret door to the east, where a CIA informant's family lives, but the informant's family doesn't know that their next door is a CIA safe house.

If you want to run, there are many doors, but the question is whether the enemy will surround the house if the location is exposed.

According to common sense, when launching an attack on an old house in the old city of Baghdad, anyone with a little bit of brains would know to surround the house first.

If the knight mercenary group really came, they couldn't just guard the main entrance.

It's a tangled situation that tests IQ, experience, and luck. If Gaoguang and the others have strong foreign aid, then the situation isn't too bad and they can just stick around and wait for help. But if they really want to break through, it will be very troublesome.

You should give it a try, but it would be fatal to try. It is impossible to push a shield when breaking out. Even if you have heavy armor, as long as there is a heavy machine gun blocking the road, everyone will die if you go out.

Now it depends on the expedition vision.

Gao Guang said anxiously: "Expedition, what's going on outside!"

The expedition's new drone was released, and it went straight up from the patio at the fastest speed. I didn't believe that the enemy could still shoot it down.

"That's not good."

Yuan Zheng's tone was very anxious. He held the tablet and said, "Look! This is a machine gun pickup truck!"

A pickup truck drove up on the main street where the main entrance was. There was a heavy machine gun in the back of the pickup truck. It didn't go near the safe house, but stopped directly on the road outside.

The enemy had already set up a machine gun at the front door. John whispered: "Go through the back door, there is still a chance now!"

"do not move."

Gao Guang immediately rejected John's idea and said: "There can't be only one door in the safe house. This should be common sense. I don't believe that the Knight Mercenary Group doesn't know, so why does it look like there is no one behind it? Did they let us go out through the back door on purpose? , so that they can catch them all in one go?”

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang said with a solemn face: "First send someone to show off the trap to attract our attention, and then use a heavy machine gun to seal the front door. Why do I feel that this is luring the snake out of its hole? Yes, this is luring the snake out of its hole!"

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