Firepower is king

Chapter 523 Well-deserved reputation

Thirty-six strategies, walking is the best.

But as Sun Tzu said in the Art of War, the enemy must be surrounded by enemies.

The so-called besieging the enemy must be que, which has the same meaning as besieging the three ques. It means that after encircling the enemy, a gap must be left open so that the enemy can feel that there is an opportunity to take advantage of and a way to escape, so as to prevent the besieged enemy from feeling that there is no way to escape. Every fish is dead and the net is broken.

Now the knight mercenary group is not surrounded by three towers, but surrounded by three towers. They have three directions to escape immediately.

But Gao Guang didn't believe that the Knight Mercenary Group didn't even understand this.

Since we firmly believe that the Knight Mercenary Group wants to lure the snake out of its hole, we must not voluntarily give up the favorable terrain and plunge into the encirclement clearly set by the enemy.

Use your own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses.

High light is invincible in close combat, but indoor combat determines that it can only be fought in close combat.

Therefore, Gao Guang would not go out. He would rather stay in the safe house and get beaten without being able to fight back, and he would never give up his biggest advantage and run out.

It's just that it's not Gao Guang's style to just huddle inside like this. What should I do? Gao Guang pointed at the iron door that David had just closed and said loudly: "Open the door!" ""

David opened the door again, then he took a step back, then stepped back to a place where he could get shelter, and said, "Do you want to rush out?"

"This is called an empty city strategy. If we don't go out, we'll see if they dare to come!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang said to John: "Call Fang and tell him we are surrounded."

There is a drone in the sky, and you can see the movement around you. From what you can see from the drone, except for the pickup truck with a machine gun that suddenly appeared on the road where the front door is, there is no movement at all. .

The temporary silence was mainly because the lord also fell into a brief daze.

"Not coming out?"

The lord was also looking at the drone. He pressed his forehead with his hand, and then said in an extremely puzzled tone: "The front door is open, but no one comes out? What does this mean? Damn it, what are they doing?" knife."

The knight mercenary group did not gather together, but scattered in twos and threes.

Apply pressure from the front and wait for the mad dog to escape from the safe house. As long as he leaves the safe house, he will be dead. The lord has absolute confidence in this.

Because there is no safe house with only one door, and a house with only one door is not worthy of being a safe house, so the lord blocked the back door.

The front door was wide open, and five minutes had passed. The locals had fled because of the appearance of the machine-gun pickup truck, and there was now no one on the street.

There was no one at the back door, and the front door was wide open, but no one came out.

Finally, the lord reached out to cover his mouth, and then he whispered: "We can't delay it any longer."

Monchi could no longer bear it, because ten minutes had passed, and he didn't know why the knight could still hold back and did nothing.

"We can't delay it any longer. If we delay Mad Dog's reinforcements any longer, it's time for them to arrive."

The lord's face was not very good, and he whispered: "Guys, the mad dog opened the door and invited us in, so let's attack by force."

Monkey immediately pointed to the back wall of the safe house and said, "Blow up the wall! Blow up the wall and get in!"

Not out of pride, but out of confidence, the lord looked at Meng Qi and said calmly: "Shut up! From now on, you are not allowed to speak without my permission."

After warning Monkey, the lord said on the intercom: "Gather, attack at the main gate!"

People in twos and threes came out of houses, shops, and cars on the roadside, left the street behind Gao Guang and others, then walked around the east end, and slowly came to both sides of the main entrance under the scorching sun.

Every move of the Knight Mercenary Group is under the surveillance of drones.

"Eighteen, twenty, twenty-four, now there are twenty-four people!"

Yuanzheng couldn't help but count, and then he suddenly said: "There are people on the roofs on both sides. We are surrounded. They are behind us, but there is no one in front."

Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief and said: "This guy knows the art of war. He surrounds three buildings and lures snakes out of their holes. Now he is trying to close the door to catch thieves. In fact, he still wants to attack in the east and west. When he plans to lure us to run away from the back door, he It's almost half way across and we attack, what's this called, a chain plan!"

After Gao Guang's words, the group of people who spoke looked at each other in confusion. Yuan Zheng's eyes staring at the screen also raised. After looking at Gao Guang twice, he suddenly said: "I'll look back too..."

With a bang, the entrance was blown up, and the shock wave quickly filled every space behind the front door with dust.

"Enemy attack!"

David hid behind the protective wall and shouted at the top of his lungs. Then he raised his gun, but the entrance was covered with dust and he couldn't see anything at all.

But the drone can see it clearly.

The enemy was divided into four groups, two groups approached from both sides of the entrance, and two groups stayed on the opposite side of the street. Then after reaching an angle that could attack the entrance, someone fired a rifle grenade.

Rifle grenades are not very powerful. This is just a greeting, not a formal attack.

The enemy is very close, just separated by a wall, and the images produced by the drone from high altitude make it feel like you are looking at another world, which does not seem to create enough fear in people.

"What if a cloud explosion bomb comes at this time."

Paul's face was invisible because he was wearing a bulletproof mask, but his slightly trembling voice betrayed his inner uneasiness.

"Don't talk nonsense. If the enemy uses cloud explosive bombs, we will hide in the explosion-proof room and go on an expedition!"

Gao Guang put his hand on Yuan Zheng's shoulder and said with the same trembling voice: "Keep an eye on the situation outside. Once you see the enemy using weapons such as cloud explosive bombs, be sure to..."


Yuanzheng shouted, although most of the people were right next to him, and then he quickly said: "It's not a cloud bomb."

The voices were instantly drowned out by the explosion.

From the time the enemy carried out the rocket launcher to the time the rocket exploded at the entrance, it was just a blink of an eye.

From a God's perspective, the enemy's movements were not fast, rather slow, and their tactical formation was far from standard. Even their attitude and actions before launching the attack seemed very sloppy. However, the moment the attack was launched, they It seems like everyone has changed.

The people guarding both sides of the entrance suddenly started, and then approached the entrance as quickly as possible.


The slow speed suddenly accelerated, the rhythm accelerated, and the enemy stayed still. Once an attack was launched, the speed was extremely fast.

Gao Guang pulled out two pistols.

There is no need to wait for new guns, because the drone can clearly see that none of these enemies are wearing heavy armor.


Grenades started whizzing in from the entrance. David ducked and retreated, hiding behind the blast wall, while Mike and Francisco pushed their shields and hid in the room behind them.

The explosion was extremely loud, it was a shock bomb, and then thick white smoke quickly filled the entrance and immediately covered the entire passage. The anti-personnel grenades mixed inside had trigger fuses and delay fuses, although they fell in at the same time. , but the explosion times are not consistent.

It can be seen from the drone that the enemies on both sides of the door have been throwing grenades inside. The people behind are passing them forward and the people in front are catching them and throwing them in. They don't stop and throw at least dozens of grenades in one breath. J.

In broad daylight operations, thermal imaging must be used, because the thick smoke from smoke grenades fills the entire space, and nothing can be seen without thermal imaging.

Fortunately, the drone can clearly see every move of the enemy outside.

Gao Guang stretched out his left hand. He held the gun in his left hand and signaled the people around him not to move. Then, watching the enemy stop passing the grenade, he immediately whispered: "Wait a minute and throw it! Don't throw it! Just throw it in." In the aisle."

John understood what the highlight meant, and Paul also understood it. They gently threw the grenade not far behind the entrance.

The enemy waited for their grenades to explode before coming in. When they came in, their grenades exploded just in time.

Patrick was a little nervous. He swallowed and put the machine gun on the blast wall.

The enemy moved. The enemy at the front suddenly stood up, and the enemies on both sides activated at the same time. The moment they activated, Gao Guang whispered: "Throw!" J.

Four grenades were thrown out, covered by smoke. The grenades landed on the ground and made a sound, but the enemy should not be able to see it.

However, the two enemies who appeared at the entrance only shook for a moment and then retracted. They did not even expose their bodies to the shooting range.

This grenade was thrown away in vain.

"Then, the enemy at the entrance remained motionless again, and at this moment, Yuanzheng suddenly exclaimed: 4 is broken! It has been cracked..."

Before Yuanzheng finished speaking, the screen on the tablet disappeared, and the enemies outside immediately lost sight of them.

Then at this moment, Patrick's machine gun suddenly fired.

Patrick could block the entire entrance by himself, but after he fired two bullets, his head suddenly shook, his helmet was hit a little crookedly, and then his head fell back and looked up to the sky. Just fell down.

Interfering with the drones and attacking at the same time, the enemy waited for a long time, and then defeated Patrick instantly after entering.

The aisle was still shrouded in smoke, but Paul suddenly pulled the trigger, and the night vision device on his helmet came into play even in broad daylight. The person who came in at the front was shot twice instantly, but the enemy just squatted down, and then came from the side. An enemy dodged out of the way, and a flurry of bullets came out. Paul was shot once in his neck guard and once in his mask.

The mask failed to block the enemy's bullet. The bullet entered from Paul's mouth and flew out from the side of his face, with a handful of blood and several teeth splashing on the high-gloss mask.

Mike, Francisco, and John opened fire at the same time. The firepower of the three automatic rifles was intensive enough that the two enemies who were just shooting at the door immediately stepped back.

The five guns fired almost at the same time, but there was a slight gap during the period. However, the enemy accurately hit John and Patrick, who were mostly hiding behind the bunker.

Gao Guang didn't have a chance to shoot, and David didn't fire either. Gao Guang didn't have a night vision device on his head and his vision was obscured by smoke, and David didn't fire because of the same reason.

A face-to-face meeting took only a few tenths of a second. The two enemies retreated completely, and two of them fell down on Gao Guang's side.

At that moment, Gao Guang's mind was a little confused, and then in an instant, the quiet world suddenly broke out, and sounds filled his ears.


"The drone has been jammed!"

Patrick knelt down on one knee. He held the gun with one hand and his knocked-off helmet with the other. He stood up unsteadily and said at the same time: "I'm fine!"

This rumor has been around for a long time if a bullet hits a helmet and will break a person's neck even if it cannot penetrate. But in fact, the human neck is not that easy to break, and the helmet is not that easy to block bullets.

Blood flowed out of Patrick's helmet, but not at a fast rate. Patrick straightened his helmet and put his left hand on the machine gun. Then he aimed at the entrance and pulled the trigger regardless of whether there was anyone or not.

The PKM machine gun originally used a non-dispersible ammunition belt, but Patrick now used an ammunition supply backpack, and the shell casings and fully dispersible ammunition belts quickly gathered in a pile at his feet.

The only one who fell and couldn't get up was Paul, and Carlos was beside him. He rushed up, lifted off his bulletproof mask, and then let out a horrified sigh.

The enemy looked slow at first sight, but it was only after fighting that we realized how powerful they were. It was just an understatement of a probing attack, but it actually felt like they were irresistible.

The enemy did not have heavy armor, but he had an overwhelming momentum. This was a fighting experience that Gao Guang had never had before in his life.

The knight mercenary group is well-deserved.

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