Firepower is king

Chapter 524: Becoming a God in the Next Second

The first round of tentative attacks is over.

Although only two people fired two shots, they were able to make a rough judgment on the indoor terrain.

If it's not a hundred-round ammunition chain, it's a two-hundred-round ammunition chain.

The Lord was mentally timing it, the Commando Captain was timing it, and when he waved his arm down, both foursomes would enter at the same time.

The smoke blocks the enemy's vision, but it also blocks the knight's vision, because the temperature is now over forty degrees, and the sun is fierce. It's not that the knight mercenary group does not have enough thermal imaging, but only the two assault team members are equipped with thermal imaging equipment. Imaging is to take advantage of the cover of smoke.

So, assuming the enemy has a 200-round ammunition chain, if the enemy stops shooting, then throw smoke bombs again, regardless of whether the enemy is changing the ammunition chain, regardless of him.

But if the enemy runs out of bullets and has to change the bullet chain, that's the time to cut in.

Distinguishing the type of gun by listening to the sound and judging the remaining ammunition belt from the rate of fire are not basic skills, but the skills of veterans.

The lord was counting silently, the assault team leader was counting with his hands raised, and Patrick was also timing.

It was impossible to distinguish with the ears how many bullets were fired, but Patrick was so familiar with the machine gun in his hand that he could fire as many bullets as he wanted.

"Two hundred! Interval three! Block! Prepare to respond to the enemy!"

Patrick whispered.

The lord's face was a bit ugly, because the complexity of the terrain in the safe house exceeded his expectation. The attack only lasted for a short second or two and ended. Instead of the vanguard cutting in, the rear team followed up, and the two four-person groups simultaneously Enter and carry out the final clearance along the two possible passages, because the terrain inside is too conducive to defense and imposes too many restrictions on attackers.

The low voice was to avoid being heard by the enemy, and the low but serious tone was to attract the attention of his comrades.

If they are Patrick's comrades, they will know that 200 means he will fire 200 bullets, leaving a three-second shooting gap, and then regardless of whether the enemy enters or how much they enter, he will continue to shoot to block the enemy.

It is the job of the machine gun shooter to decide the timing of shooting depending on the situation, but in this kind of close combat measured in milliseconds, it is a wise choice to use terminology to remind comrades.

Because the position of his comrades will definitely affect Patrick's shooting range. If you don't want to hit your comrades from behind, then prepare them in advance.

Gao Guang pulled out his two guns and whispered: "Cover with shield, close the door and beat the dog!"

The knight is very strong, but this is not the reason why the king dare not use tactics.

At this point, it's already a head-to-head confrontation, and you deserve to die if you still think about escaping and escaping.

We have to go head-to-head and win.

Patrick said anxiously: "Get ready to stop!"

Patrick was wearing a bullet backpack. He had six hundred rounds of ammunition in his backpack, but he stopped shooting.

That machine gun was a nuisance, a hail of bullets not heard since it opened fire.

The lord whispered: "Enter!"

There was no need for the lord to remind him that at the moment when the gunfire suddenly stopped, the assault team leader's raised arm suddenly waved down.

The two fingers are two hundred rounds of ammunition. Waving down the arm means that the enemy has run out of bullets. The sound of the gun is no problem. There is no change of gun to shoot. The time is no problem. It is the time when the two hundred rounds of ammunition are used up. It is absolutely correct. It can be done. storm.

This is not part of the training of any special forces. It is the experience gained after being hit by machine guns too much. Because if you don't master the timing correctly, you will die, so not many people have mastered this skill.

The first two people cut in, and they saw the machine gunner's figure suddenly sinking, hiding behind the wall.

The machine gunner needs at least five seconds to change the ammunition chain, so ignore it.

The enemies scattered in the entrance passage just now have disappeared. They took advantage of the gunner's fire suppression for less than twenty seconds and began to escape. This scene has been played out countless times in the battle, and it is normal.

There may be enemies in the rooms on both sides, but there is no time to search. Just leave one person at the end of the team to monitor and protect them. This is normal.

Seize the passage in front of the passage that extends to both sides to prevent enemies from attacking from both sides. Two people from each group seize the passage, which is normal.

Each group of vanguards has one person, seize one end of the passage, and kill the local machine gunner.

"Waiting to change the belt!"

Everything is normal, but you need to be prepared for someone to avoid an ambush behind the low wall that is half a person high, so you need to deal with it carefully.

The two forwards lowered their rifles in unison, and waved their two pistols constantly, aiming their guns at the explosion-proof and bunker walls where the enemy might appear. If an enemy came out, they could fire immediately.

In indoor combat, pistols are the most flexible, bar none.

In one second, the two four-man assault team entered the room, progressed more than five meters, and was about to seize the first low wall. It was expected that all remaining enemies in the passage would be killed in three seconds.

"everything is normal!"

There is no enemy report, only everything is normal. For the Knight Mercenary Group, everything is normal and it means victory.

But at this moment, a shield flashed out and hit the commandos guarding the rear on both sides of the entrance.

Mike held up the shield and slammed it out. Francisco pushed the shield, stretched out the pistol from the side of the shield, and fired regardless.

Chaos in the rear.

The counterattack is timely and sharp, and the candidates at the rear of the Knight Mercenary Group have always been the most experienced.

The lord issued the first order after the storm began.

One man grabbed the upper edge of the shield with one hand. He did not bump it with his shoulder. He grabbed the edge of the shield with his hand and pressed down with the weight of his whole body. As long as he pressed down, the enemy would die.

But the shield was not pressed down. The commando, who carried nearly 20 kilograms of weight all over his body and weighed 80 kilograms. He was extremely experienced and his marksmanship was as accurate as human beings. He was shocked to find that his feet were off the ground.

Mike's shield lifted an enemy up. His face was too dark to see the veins, but his masseter muscles were already bulging.

Unable to open his mouth, Mike could only let out a beast-like roar from his throat, and then he lifted up the enemy who was trying to press down the shield.

Patrick did not get up because it was less than three seconds, because he knew that his position was under surveillance, and he would definitely be shot if he got up at this time.

It was the others who stepped out and started shooting.

John held the gun and started shooting, while Gao Guang jumped up with dual guns.

Gao Guang was shot at least twice the moment he appeared. However, he had heavy armor and a bulletproof mask, while the first two men used pistols.

Although no one can hit the face with highlights, having a bulletproof mask really makes me feel more at ease.

These bastards are so awesome.

If the enemy has a 100-round ammunition chain, then according to the PKM's rate of fire, the bullets will be exhausted in about nine seconds. If it is a 200-round ammunition chain, according to the enemy's rate of fire, the bullets will be exhausted in about 18 seconds.

Others are responsible for covering, containing, and suppressing. It is enough for one person to be responsible for output.

With emotion in his heart, he fired both guns in his hands, and the high beam blew the enemy's heads off one after another.

The smoke became thinner, but it still affected the line of sight. In the high light, one could vaguely see the figure, and the enemy's head could be vaguely seen clearly. Then he vaguely shot at the enemy's head, but fortunately, it was still a familiar rhythm. A familiar scene.

Every time a shot is fired, an enemy will fall.

They didn't even wear anti-mad dog masks. What if this wasn't a recipe for death?

Mike lifted the enemy up, and then he suddenly dropped his shield. The enemy who was hanging on his shield still didn't let go. He just let out a scream of extreme surprise.

"Oh, God."

The enemy finally let go of his grip on the shield. He landed, turned around, and was caught by the shields of Mike and Francisco. Then a bright bullet flew in time, hitting his cheekbone and flying out from the back of his head. , leaving two blood marks on both shields.

Eight people and eight shots, not a single bullet is wasted. Maybe they have been shot, but the eight shots of Gao Guang will definitely not be late, let alone miss.

When the time was up, Patrick suddenly stood up, raised his gun, and shouted: "Yeah!"

The commando guarding the door raised his left arm and extended his index finger.

Mike and Francisco retreated, allowing Patrick to continue firing.

But Patrick did not fire because there were no enemies in front of him.

The enemy's tentative attack went smoothly, but when they officially launched a strong attack, they really hit the iron plate.

Patrick aimed his gun at the entrance. He waited for the enemy's assault group to continue entering. However, judging from the picture seen by the drone just now, the enemy should not have a third assault group, so Patrick did not fire.

The gunfire stopped and there was silence inside and outside the safe house.

Both offense and defense liked this kind of silence, but it was different this time.

The lord had an ominous feeling. If it hadn't been for that shout, he would have thought everything was normal and going well.

But now, the lord suppressed the uneasiness that began to arise in his heart. He waited for three seconds. After the assault team still did not send back any report, he finally couldn't help but said: "Report the situation."

The lord called, but there was no answer.

A veteran of many years, he naturally knows what it means when no one responds.

When the time was up, the bullets did not stop and still shot out from the entrance about one and a half meters wide, destroying the shop directly opposite the entrance.

The lord said for the second time: "Assault team, answer me."

The intercom remained silent.

The lord knew what happened, he just didn't want to admit it. One second everything was normal, and the next second it stopped abruptly after shouting God.

"Assault team, answer me."

The lord clenched his fists. His voice did not change, but it became deeper.

Still no answer.

The lord swallowed hard, then slowly turned his head and looked to the side.

Monkey whispered: "I said it, mad dog."

Meng Qi did not dare to say anything further because he was afraid that the lord would be angry with him.

But the lord did not vent his anger on Monkey. He just whispered: "Mad dog, mad dog, mad dog."

The smoke was clearing, and the commando raised a second finger.

The lord took two steps, picked up the mask he had left on the table, squeezed it tightly, and then said on the intercom: "Prepare for a second attack, everyone! Put on the mask."

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