Firepower is king

Chapter 538 Old Friend

John woke up. Actually, he woke up soon after the amputation surgery, and then fell into a coma again. Waking up now is the real awakening for him.

Gao Guang and John have a special relationship and special feelings. They have never had a particularly good personal relationship. This is also quite strange to say, but the two of them are like a couple who have been together for many years. There is no meaning to be together, but one cannot live without the other.

"You woke up, about the time the doctor expected."

John blinked, and then he was stunned for a while, waiting for his blank brain to recover his memory, and then he looked at his left leg. Of course, he couldn't see anything.

"My leg hurts."

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment, and said: "Does the wound hurt?"

"No, my whole leg hurts!"

"But your leg is gone."

Gao Guang realized something was wrong after he finished speaking, so he immediately said: "I'll call a doctor."

"Don't call."

John let out a long breath, and then he said with emotion: "Damn it, I lost a leg, but thank God, I only lost a leg."

Gao Guang didn't know how to respond, but John continued: "Do you know what I'm most worried about? I'm worried that I'll become a multi-millionaire, but the person dies before I spend the money. That would be a big loss for me, really, so I just Losing a leg is actually quite lucky. "

"That's a good idea, you are indeed quite lucky."

John looked at Gao Guang, and then he suddenly said: "I just woke up and you are here, are you waiting for me to wake up?"

"Yes, the doctor said you will wake up soon and it would be best if someone can give you some psychological counseling."

John waved his hand and said: "Give me something to drink, I don't want to eat now but I'm a little thirsty, then give me a call, I want to talk to the captain, then you can go, don't worry about me."

John seemed to speak normally and his request was normal, but Gao Guang doubted how a person without a leg could be so calm.

"Are you okay? Bottle cap, tell me what's going on, we'll talk together."

John exhaled, and then he said disdainfully: "Do you know how many dead people I have seen? Do you know how many of my companions died? Frankly speaking, I became numb ten years ago. Okay, I have nothing to talk to you about. I want to talk to the captain."

John and Gao Guang are almost twenty years apart, but John and Frank are of similar age and have been together for much longer than Gao Guang, so if he wants to talk now, it seems more reasonable to find Frank.

Gao Guang handed John's phone over. John took the phone and said with emotion: "The captain retired, and now I am going to retire too. But I am different from the captain. He went bankrupt and ran away, but I became a multi-millionaire. But the most important thing is that I defeated the Knight Mercenary Group. I was injured, but I defeated the Knight Mercenary Group. I can retire with this ending. Gao, I am hesitating, should I show off to the captain, or... I must show off."

Unable to help laughing, John made the call, and then he said to Gao Guang: "I want the captain to share my joy at the moment... Damn, what the hell, can't get through?"

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment, then he took out the satellite phone and handed it to John.

John took Gao Guang's satellite phone, clicked Frank's phone number, and then he found that it was still unreachable after he dialed it.

John was stunned for a while, and said in astonishment: "At this critical moment, I can't show off. This is really uncomfortable. Uh, I'll call Eraser and tell him that I not only found Fang, but was also saved by Fang with magical kung fu!" After that, John waved his hand at Gao Guang and said: "Take your satellite phone and go. Arrange a charter flight to send me back as soon as possible. Don't let me take a military plane, let alone let me sit in economy class. I pay for it myself, but I want to enjoy it. Do you understand?" It still didn't hinder John. Gao Guang took back his phone and whispered: "Then I'll go first, Bottle Cap, call me if you have anything." "Go, go." Gao Guang walked out of the ward. After Gao Guang left, John dialed Eraser's phone with a smile on his face. Although he waited for a long time this time, the call was still connected. "Bottle Cap, why are you calling now?"

John smiled and said, "Hi, Eraser, I want to tell you something, I... lost a leg."

John was originally smiling, but tears came out while smiling, but his voice did not change. He wiped his tears with his left hand and continued to smile, "It's funny that my legs hurt so much now. Why do I feel so much pain when I don't have a leg anymore?"

Eraser didn't say anything. After a while, he whispered, "Dude, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just wonder why it hurts without a leg."

"Phantom limb pain, your brain is deceived, um, Bottle Cap, you lost a leg. "I lost a leg, but you are still alive." "I don't need you to comfort me. I want to tell you that I lost a leg, but I have 10 million US dollars now, and we defeated the Knight Mercenary Group, but the most important thing is, I tell you, Kung Fu is real. If you still don't accept it now, I can let someone beat the shit out of your stomach, do you believe it?" "Old brothers for many years, what can Rubber say? He was silent for a moment and said: "That's really good, 10 million) is enough for you to enjoy the rest of your life, man, you are lucky, this result is really good, enjoy the rest of your life, I will find you when I have time, you have to treat me."

"Rubber, you should have followed the mad dog. Although this kid is young, he can play better than us. I have really become a multi-millionaire. I am not bragging or lying to you."

John's mood really improved, and there were no more tears in his eyes. Then he whispered: "If you use money, I will give you two million. Change your career before you lose an arm or a leg. If you If you don’t want to retire, then work for Mad Dog. He needs people now. In fact, I just wanted to help him gain a foothold at the beginning, but gradually I ended up following him around. But I became prosperous following him. I’m not kidding you. Come on. Bar."

"Well, let me think about it."

John said angrily: "What is there to consider? There are two roads in front of you. You will always choose the wrong one. Listen to me."

"Okay, Joey and I will discuss where you are and let's go see you."

"I'm in Baghdad, but I'm taking a private jet back to Los Angeles. Remember to come find me."

After finishing speaking, John suddenly said: "I originally didn't want to disturb the captain's retirement life, but I am retired now. I want to tell the captain the good news, but his phone number cannot be reached."

"I called him about a month ago, but couldn't get through. I also want to ask you if you know what's going on. The captain shouldn't have changed his number, and he won't ignore the old brother, right? Knife. "

John was stunned for a while and said: "Well, I'll look for him when I go back. No, let's go look for him together. Listen to me, Rubber, Mad Dog is going to deal with Morris now. You know Morris, he is a big arms dealer. It will be very dangerous for you and Joey to follow him now, but after Mad Dog kills Morris, it will be too late for you to follow him. If you want to make a lot of money and become prosperous, you have to take risks. "

"I'll consider it, really."

John breathed out slowly. He didn't know what to say. It seemed that he had said everything he needed to say. The person he wanted to talk to the most was the captain, but unfortunately the captain couldn't be contacted right now.

After a moment of silence, John whispered: "Okay, let's do this first. I'll call the captain. Well, let's meet and chat when I get back. I'll contact you then."

Although they haven't called each other for several months, it doesn't mean that the relationship between the brothers has faded.

After hanging up the phone, John had countless thoughts at this moment, and then he said to himself: "What the hell is the captain doing? Is something going to happen?"

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