Firepower is king

Chapter 539: Help the horse and give him a ride

The situation is developing in a clear but increasingly dramatic direction.

Almost twenty-four hours after the battle between King's Defense and the Knight Mercenary Group ended, a pinned mission appeared on the dark web. Mad Dog, the president of King's Defense, publicly released a mission, specifying the use of the Knight Mercenary Group, and it was an unprecedented task. The price is US$700 million.

The dark network run by Edelweiss has a good reputation, and there has never been any precedent of falsely reporting you, so when the news came out, it was not earth-shattering, but it shocked countless people.

The sensational effect immediately attracted everyone. If no one doubts the credibility of Edelweiss, then the price of 700 million US dollars is definitely the highest ever.

Gao Guang asked Edelweiss to read and write it himself, but the content released by Edelweiss was quite restrained, and the meaning was expressed well, but it definitely did not mean to belittle you.

However, this task is equivalent to a press conference. Whether people believe it or not, the dramatic development has definitely diverted people's attention.

Then the Knight Mercenary Group did not respond immediately. Another day passed, almost forty hours after the battle, when the Lord of the Knight Mercenary Group publicly responded to Mad Dog's invitation on the dark web. J.

The lord stated that he has terminated the response from Morris, and in view of Morris' villainous behavior, the Knight Mercenary Group is willing to accept the revenge of Mad Dog.

Now, almost everyone knows that the Knight Mercenary Group is going to attack Morris.

Almost at the same time as the news spread, Morris's troops in Kuwait quickly evacuated.

Next, Tom returned to Baghdad, and Gao Guang finally received a call from Edelweiss and conveyed the Lord's message to him.

The lord wants to meet Gao Guang.

But it was at this time, before Gao Guang could decide whether to meet the lord in Baghdad, that Fang Zhenwu finally woke up.

As soon as Fang Zhenwu woke up, Heidi couldn't sit still.

Everything else can be pushed back, but Heidi must know whether Fang Zhenwu is willing to follow her.

So when Fang Zhenwu just woke up, he had to make a choice.

When Fang Zhenwu woke up, Carlos was in the ward, but now that Fang Zhenwu was more awake, only Gao Guang and Heidi were left in the ward.

Fang Zhenwu was much weaker than John, and when he saw Gao Guang and Heidi appearing at the same time, his first words were: "Why are you here?"

Heidi looked concerned and said sadly: "I was worried about your safety, so I came here as soon as possible. How do you feel now?"

Fang Zhenwu was a little confused. He was just recovering from a serious injury and was struggling to speak. How could he think of the purpose of Heidi's visit.

"I'm okay, I thought I was going to die."

Heidi said with concern: "You won't die, Fang. I have a question to ask you. Please think about it carefully before answering me, okay?"

Fang Zhenwu couldn't think too much, so he could only say in a daze: "Just another question."

"Are you willing to join the Ascians?"

"Yes." Fang Zhenwu said yes, but he said without hesitation: "But I can't join the Shadowless Ones. I am for the king's defense."

Gao Guang heard that people would tell the truth after they had just passed the anesthesia, but Fang Zhenwu's anesthesia had passed long ago. He had been in a coma for more than forty hours, and he had not been in surgery for this long.

To be honest, the highlight is quite gratifying.

But Heidi was a little confused, so after a brief moment of astonishment, she immediately said: "But the King's Defense is not suitable for you. Only in the Shadowless One can you exert your full strength and reflect your value."

Fang Zhenwu asked confusedly: "Is being a killer more noble than a mercenary?"

"Well, I'm talking about your own value, not social value or social status. Are you happy being a mercenary?"

"I'm not a mercenary. I'm a PC now. No, who am I now?"

Fang Zhenwu's eyes looked at Gao Guang, and then he said in confusion: "What profession are we in now?"

Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "Well, a businessman, yes, a businessman."

Fang Zhenwu didn't nod. This action was too strenuous for him, so he whispered: "Yes, we are arms dealers."

Heidi reached out and wiped her forehead, then she spread her hands and said, "Let's discuss these later."

Fang Zhenwu didn't say anything, but Gao Guang said to Heidi: "No, let's make it clear today. Otherwise, I will talk to him alone and you can wait for me outside."

Heidi hesitated, but after thinking for a moment, she nodded and left the ward.

Now only Gao Guang and Fang Zhenwu are left.

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "Brother Fang, we brothers don't speak secretly. Do you want to stay in the king's defense, or do you want to go to the Shadowless Ones?"

Fang Zhenwu was very confused and said: "Why are you asking me this? I must stay in the king's defense. How can a man leave his brothers and run away?"

Gao Guang sighed and said, "Brother Fang, tell the truth."

Fang Zhenwu wanted to move, but he found that he really had no strength at all, so he could only continue to say softly, "I am telling the truth. Why, don't you believe me?"

Gao Guang said very seriously: "Heidi is right about what she said. You are more suitable to be a killer. Your skills are very good, but you are not suitable for use on the battlefield."

Fang Zhenwu sighed softly and said helplessly: "I can't even shoot a gun."

"Are you willing to be a killer? If you just want to make money, I think it's better for you to stay in King's Defense. I'm confident that King's Defense has more ways to make money than the Ascians. I'm talking about money. But if you want to realize your own value, I think the Shadowless One is indeed more suitable for you.”

Fang Zhenwu looked at Gao Guang, but there was no sparkle in his eyes, and then he said feebly: "After you sent money home for me and visited my parents, we are our own people and brothers. I don't want to say anything valuable or not. Those ones."

Gao Guang took a step forward and said sincerely: "Brother Fang, to be honest, there is no need for us brothers to hide each other."

"I want to go to the Shadowless One, because... I taught the killers in the Shadowless One, and I feel that I can be put to use. To be honest, it feels really good to have those killers look at me with admiration, and in the King For defense, my skills are of no use, so I always feel like I’m just doing nothing.”

Fang Zhenwu finished speaking, but he continued: "But I will still stay in the king's defense. This is the truth. What's going on if I leave my brothers and run away."

Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I guess that's the case, because killers don't use guns. With your skills, a silent assassin is the most suitable position for you."

Fang Zhenwu curled his lips, but finally said nothing.

Gao Guang smiled and said, "Brother Fang, if you want to go to the Shadowless One, just go."

Fang Zhenwu said softly: "You... shouldn't dislike me, but please think carefully. Although I am not good at shooting, none of you can do what I can do."

"I know, but even if you go to the Shadowless One, can't you help me?"

Fang Zhenwu was stunned for a moment and said, "This is definitely not the case."

Gao Guang put a hand on Fang Zhenwu's shoulder, sat on the edge of Fang Zhenwu's hospital bed, and whispered: "You wasted your time on the King's Defense. The Shadowless One is more suitable for you, but I have to make it clear that Heidi... ...Well, you have an affair with her, right?"

Fang Zhenwu said in astonishment: "What are you talking about! She is one of your master's wives. Well, I am right about that one... you have met her, but this killer has a very weird temperament, and I can't guess it."

Gao Guang said in a low voice: "Do you have a lover? Forget it, I won't tell you this now, it would be cool for you to pick up a killer. Now I tell you what's important, Heidi is nothing Shan stubble, she said she wants to establish a killer organization that she can completely control. You are very important to her, but you have to guard against her after all. Don't let people sell you easily. But as long as I am here, Heidi will probably do the same. It won’t be too much.”

Fang Zhenwu said in a daze: "You want me to go to the Shadowless One?"

Gao Guang smiled and said: "Okay, manly man, go if you want. It's not that I kicked you out of the King's Defense) nor that you betrayed the King's Defense. If you go to higher places, you will have a better stage. Of course you should go." Ah, do I have to keep you as my bodyguard?"

Fang Zhenwu hesitated and said: "I'm not trying to make a difference, but it's just not appropriate for me to go like this, right?"

"Let me put it bluntly, the king's defense is not as good without you as it is without you. We have done a lot of big things during your absence. The Shadowless Ones are different. The Shadowless Ones can't do it without you."

These words are indeed straightforward and ugly, but they are indeed the truth. Gao Guang continued: "Brother Fang, if you really go to the Shadowless One, you have to help me if anything happens in the future. We brothers, you If you use me, I will definitely not be polite if I want to use you. Don’t you understand this? "

Fang Zhenwu breathed out a sigh of relief and said, "Then I'll go?"

"Heidi came here to help me kill Morris. This is the condition she gave to invite you over. I think Heidi really values ​​you. As long as you have this skill, she will never be willing to treat you as cannon fodder. Yes, if you didn’t have this confidence, I wouldn’t dare let you go to the Shadowless One.”

Fang Zhenwu smiled and said, "I know, I know."

Gao Guang stood up, and then he also smiled and said: "The bottle cap is missing a leg, and Paul is missing half of his mouth. Uh, why does it still rhyme? Okay, let's wait until you are almost recovered before leaving. During this period, you and I see Bottle Cap more often. After all, he is your number one fan. There will be fewer opportunities to meet him in the future, so why don’t you give him some fan benefits?”

Fang Zhenwu sighed softly and said: "They... there is no one around you anymore."

"Just recruit when there's no one around. It's okay. You have money but you can't recruit anyone?"

"After all, money is unreliable. You still have to be diligent and look for it slowly. You can't just let money speak for itself."

Gao Guang smiled and said, "Okay, don't worry about me."

If your brother has a better future, you can't stop him. Not only can you not stop him, you also have to find a way to help him get on the horse and send him off for another ride.

Gao Guang acted like he was trying to obstruct her in every possible way in front of Heidi. That was because he knew that even those who get it easily would not cherish this truth. Talents are what we have to fight for, and they should never be left behind.

Now, Gao Guang also wanted Fang Zhenwu to add more weight to his speech on the side of the Shadowless Ones, so he got closer to Fang Zhenwu and whispered: "I don't know what the regulations are on the Shadowless Ones, and I don't know what Heidi plans to do. What should I do? Can I reuse you? Anyway, just remember that the King’s Defense will support you, and come back if you feel it’s inappropriate.”

Fang Zhenwu smiled and whispered: "Don't worry, I am the man who wants to be the strongest killer. Stop talking nonsense. We are brothers wherever I go. If you dare to be polite to me, I will punch the shit out of you." No."

Gao Guang laughed, and then he lowered his voice and said in Fang Zhenwu's ear: "Okay, Heidi and I will ask for some more benefits as the transfer fee, so that everything is settled, and she can rest assured to reuse you in the future, you know what I mean. Don't you understand? Forget it if you don't understand. I'll explain it to you later. I can't let her get you too easily. Why does this sound awkward..."

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