Firepower is king

Chapter 540: Three-Party Cooperation

Gao Guang's requirements were not high. He just wanted Heidi to go with him when he met with the Knight Mercenary Group.

Judging from the rank of the Knight Mercenary Group, Heidi is qualified enough to accompany him, and Edelweiss has a long-term cooperation with the Knight Mercenary Group, so Heidi can definitely make an appearance.

The killer needs to maintain a sense of mystery, but the person responsible for doing the job for the killer can't hide behind the scenes all day long, so Heidi didn't hesitate much and directly agreed to Gao Guang's request.

The situation has changed quickly enough. Now Gao Guang needs to make some preliminary preparations to kill Morris so that it can be used when meeting with the Knight Mercenary Group.

Wouldn't it be a pity not to use the CIA to get Morris' information?

Tom was not suitable to appear in front of the lord, but Tom sent over all the information he could find in a short period of time.

As long as Morris is still in the United States, if the CIA wants to get rid of him, it really should not be too easy.

Everything is ready, now the three giants of the underground world are going to meet.

However, the lord is definitely a big boss in the mercenary world, and Heidi is definitely a big boss in the killer world, but it is not easy to define what kind of highlighter is considered, so he can barely be regarded as a big boss in the PC world.

Of course, a man with a high level of personal power cannot be compared with the War Group and the Armored Group.

But when we meet again after becoming a big boss, the feeling is different.

The meeting location was set in the Green Zone, in a coffee shop opposite the National Assembly. This was a location acceptable to both parties and a location where both parties felt safe enough.

Gao Guang carried two pistols, while Heidi was wrapped in a scarf and covered herself tightly.

There are only two people in the Knight Mercenary Group, the lord and the intelligence officer.

When the two sides met on this occasion, the atmosphere was indeed a bit awkward and tense, because both sides had paid a heavy price for a big battle, and then they had to sit down together to negotiate just two days later. This kind of thing , not many people can accept it.

Both parties arrived at the coffee shop together at the agreed time, and then stood in front of the table that had been reserved in advance.

No one was willing to speak first or reach out to shake hands. Again, if Morris hadn't been clever enough to add fuel to the fire, the king and the knight would never have sat down to negotiate.

Gao Guang had met the lord. After all, the two of them fought a life-and-death fight face to face. It was difficult to remember, but he had never seen the person beside the lord.

The lord looked at the woman next to Gao Guang, but after hesitating for a moment, he finally bowed slightly and said in a gentlemanly manner: "Hello, madam."

The lord greeted Heidi but refused to say hello to Gao Guang. The lord stretched out his half-wrapped right hand and said politely: "Please sit down."

Heidi did not sit down. She took off her headscarf, revealing her hair and face, and then smiled and said: "Hello, I am the assistant of the Shadowless One, but now I represent the Shadowless One, so you call me the Shadowless One. Just fine.”

The Shadowless Man is the codename of Otto Schmidt. With the help of Heidi, a person's codename gradually became the codename of a killer organization. And Heidi can represent the Shadowless Man at this moment. Most people really listen to this sentence. do not understand the meaning.

But the lord can definitely understand. It is precisely because he can understand that he was shocked by Heidi's identity.

The lord and the intelligence officer exchanged a look.

Forget it, the speculation turned into fact. The Shadowless Ones actually attended with Mad Dog. What does this mean? It shows that King's Defense and the Shadowless Ones have joined forces. Plus, their common background is Edelweiss. Such an opponent... All I can say is that Morris deserves to die.

The intelligence officer coughed lightly, looked at Gao Guang very seriously, and said: "My name is Sergio, I am the deputy commander and intelligence officer of the Knights Mercenary Group, and I am responsible for the external liaison of the Knights Mercenary Group. "

Gao Guang stretched out his hand, shook it with the intelligence officer, and said, "Mad Dog, President of King's Defense, please sit down."

All four people sat down.

Heidi directly took on the role of moderator of the negotiations, because of course she could see that she was the only one who wanted to break the deadlock and advance the negotiations.

Let's stop talking nonsense at this time. We were enemies but not friends a moment ago, and now we have to join forces for the same goal. Let's get straight to the point. Don't think about such things as talking and laughing.

"I decided to help Mad Dog kill Morris. The Ascians will fully participate in this matter, but how to do it requires us to work out a plan together. I don't expect true full cooperation, but I want to remind you two."

Heidi paused for a moment, and then she said seriously: "Our plan actually does not include the Knight Mercenary Group, so it doesn't matter even if you are unwilling to take action, but if you want to participate in this matter, you must at least do it The extent to which commitments are fulfilled.”

The lord said nothing with a straight face, but Sergio nodded and said: "I agree with you. Now we should share the information. I come first. I took over Morris's mission. He and I are in Washington, USA. According to what we talked about at the time, Morris will live in Washington for a long time because he feels that Washington is the safest and he will not leave until the mad dog is killed.”

Exchanging information before taking action is a good start for cooperation. However, the information from the knight's side is a bit sketchy, but it can be regarded as a sincerity expressed by the knight.

Gao Guang took out a USB flash drive from his pocket, then he put the USB flash drive on the table and said, "This is Morris's address in Washington, the security around him, his travel patterns, and his family, all All the information is in here.”

The CIA took action, and the information it provided was naturally extremely detailed. Even the distance between Morris's residence and the nearest police station was clearly marked.

The knight mercenary group used Morris's information to show their sincerity, showing their determination to kill Morris, but Gao Guang directly gave them an action guide.

Stop exchanging information, just use the USB flash drive to formulate tactics.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little heavy, not to mention frozen, but suddenly there was nothing to say.

Finally, Sergio picked up the USB flash drive and said, "Let's go back and study it."

Gao Guang said calmly: "I think it's best to hurry up and kill Morris. Let's first talk about how far you can achieve it in Washington."

Sergio thought deeply for a moment, and then he said calmly: "Washington, D.C. is not a place where we can fight wantonly, so we will send up to three to five people to participate in the fight while keeping their identities confidential. If we are outside the United States, , we can kill Morris alone, so we don’t need your help.”

Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "Morris will not leave Washington, so just follow the plan to start in Washington. You will send five people. If there is no problem, it will be settled."

The lord suddenly said: "Six people, take action in Washington, that's it."

Sergio immediately said: "We need to study the specific action plan before deciding. This will take some time. We can just leave each other's phone numbers and communicate on the phone."

Today's meeting is just a meeting. It's impossible to talk about the details. Anyway, it's enough at this point. Gao Guang said without hesitation: "Okay, leave a phone number and we'll contact you later."

The four people stood up at the same time, and then they both left the coffee shop without any warm goodbyes.

It can be done in a few words. The initial contact went smoothly. If no major accidents occur, the three parties of King's Defense, Knight Mercenary Group, and the Ascians will be able to reach an agreement in this brief meeting. .

As for the details, they need to be polished slowly, and it is impossible to get them done in this situation.

Judging from Gaoguang's experience, the Knights Mercenary Group is dispensable if we start in Washington, but how to make good use of the Knights Mercenary Group's name and how to maximize the available value of the Knights Mercenary Group must be done slowly. Think about it slowly.

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