Firepower is king

Chapter 541 Preparation time

Gao Guang has too many things to do, and he can't find everyone who has helped him to thank him, such as Dawson, but there is no need to be too anxious to do this kind of thing.

Now that the King's defense was about to be withdrawn, Leon was taken with him, and a group of wounded people went to Los Angeles for hospitalization.

Although the battalion is full of wounded soldiers, I am still very angry. After all, it doesn't matter that I defeated the famous Knight Mercenary Group, but now I can force the Knight Mercenary Group to work in vain without spending a cent. This kind of thing , no matter how you think about it, it feels great.

The charter flight has been booked, and now it's time to help the Lin family and his son pack their things and bring everything they think is essential to the United States.

Gao Guang felt that his biggest achievement this time was to pack up Huichuntang and take it to Los Angeles.

It is really good to have money, and it is good to have money. Why do rich people live longer? Because rich people can bring famous doctors to their doorsteps.

It may take a while, but Highlights already considers Morris a dead man.

But the accident that was supposed to happen still happened.

What is an accident that should happen? It means that something unexpected and reasonable finally happened.

Lloyd's side has been unusually quiet in the past two days, but just after Gao Guang completed negotiations on a three-party cooperation, Lloyd called in time.

"I need to tell you something. Well, the matter is rather complicated. Someone found me today, hoping that I can act as a middleman to mediate the relationship between you and Morris."

Lloyd's first words were explosive, but the highlight didn't feel particularly strange.

It was impossible for Morris to know that the Shadowless Ones had also joined the hunt for him, but just the open alliance between the King's Defense and the Knight Mercenary Group was enough to scare Morris.

Things in the underground world cannot be seen in the light. Things that are very sensational in the underground world can only be spread in the underground world. People like Lloyd do not pay special attention to what happens in the underground world, and they do not care about the underground world. .

But Morris is also a person from the underground world, and he really sticks to the right and wrong. After discovering that his situation is not good, Morris, in addition to resisting the king and the knights, has another option is to ask his backer to come forward. .

So the Pentagon may not know what is happening in the underground world, but Morris will definitely not sit still and wait for death. So, after Gao Guang completed all the preparations, the Pentagon finally took action.

Gao Guang was silent for a moment and said, "Oh, is someone from the Pentagon looking for you?"

"Yes, Morris asked someone to find me. Of course, since the other party is willing to speak for Morris, it is because they are in the same group."

After finishing speaking, Lloyd said slowly: "Maurice is scared. He wants to sue for peace, and those who support him are willing to give up some of their interests. So after you defeat the Knight Mercenary Group, we basically You will get the benefits you deserve. As for whether Morris is dead or not, it doesn’t really matter.”

Here comes the containment from allies.

Gao Guang took a breath and said in a helpless tone: "What benefits are Morris willing to give up?"

"Morris is willing to share the arms market in the Middle East with you. You can each sell what you want without affecting each other."

Gao Guang immediately said: "This is not a request for peace at all, this is an armistice agreement. It is impossible for me to agree to such conditions. Do I want Maurice to recover and attack me again?"

Lloyd said: "Yes, I think so too, so I rejected the middleman's conditions. I said let Morris give up the entire Middle East market, otherwise there will be no discussion on this matter."

"what's the result?"

"Morris agreed. Of course it was the middleman who agreed to my request on Morris' behalf, but Morris couldn't resist, so this is the final result. Morris gave up the Middle East market, and the entire Middle East will be ours from now on."

Note Lloyd's choice of words, he's talking about us.

Gao Guang beat him to death and turned himself into a white glove for the Pentagon gang. How could he accept this kind of thing?

"The entire Middle East market, well, we can consider it, but if we kill Morris, can we get a bigger market?"

Lloyd said calmly: "It's unlikely. It's impossible for Morris to agree. We are latecomers. It's actually pretty good to get the entire Middle East market."

Gao Guang couldn't refuse directly. He had his own plan, but he couldn't say it out loud.

After thinking for a long time, Gao Guang said in a very unhappy tone: "I suffered a heavy loss this time, and Morris only lost some money. I can't accept it if I let him go like this."

"What other conditions do you have?"

"Compensate, $500 million."

Lloyd smiled bitterly and said: "This is impossible. Well, Morris may be willing to bear the compensation himself, but it is simply unrealistic for him to pay 500 million."

Gao Guang didn't say anything. Lloyd waited for a while, and after feeling that Gao Guang was expressing his dissatisfaction with his silence, he could only say again: "You deserve this money, and no one will share it with you, so you can give the compensation amount Set it a little less. I’ll talk to the middleman and let the middleman put pressure on Morris. That should be enough. What do you think...30 million?”

No amount of money can be spent to negotiate peace. Gao Guang needs time now, so he said in a deep voice: "Three hundred million, general, it's not that I don't care about the overall situation, but thirty million is too little, at least three hundred million is needed."

Lloyd sighed: "This price is difficult to negotiate."

"It doesn't matter. Make the request first. If Morris refuses, let him give another number, but 30 million is absolutely impossible."

Lloyd is now playing the role of peacemaker. He also knows that this matter cannot be negotiated at once, but he also does not believe that this matter cannot be negotiated.

"Okay, I will talk to the intermediary hired by Morris again, but during this period, you should not take action against Morris. Since he has sued for peace, the rest is a matter of time. Talk slowly, and finally The price can be negotiated. ”

"I can't keep putting it off, there has to be a time limit."

"Negotiations always take some time. I'll tell the middleman and let him go faster."

Even if Morris was using a delaying strategy, Gao Guang also needed time, so Gao Guang did not promise Lloyd that he would not take action during the negotiations.

Lloyd didn't seem to care that Gao Guang didn't promise not to take action. In his opinion, this was just a notice to Gao Guang. Since he told Gao Guang not to take action again, Gao Guang naturally wouldn't take action.

But in Gao Guang's view, this was his preparation time to kill Morris.

Lloyd and Gao Guang each take what they need. They both think this situation is good. As for which direction it will develop in the future, it is hard to say now.

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