Firepower is king

Chapter 550: Ever-changing

Gao Guang has a hunch that things are likely to take a new turn.

There has been no news from Lloyd. This is abnormal. The problem is probably not with Morris, but with negotiations within the Pentagon.

An impasse was reached.

Tonight, Morris suddenly met with the boss behind the scenes. This incident sounded the alarm for Gao Guang.

Birds are hidden behind bows, rabbits are dead and dogs are cooked. No one in China doesn’t know what this idiom means, so Gao Guang naturally thought, what if he was Mori

Si, if he is defeated continuously by a newly debuted boy, then what will happen to him now.

No one will wash the dirty white gloves, but just change a new pair. If your white gloves are not only dirty, but also have holes, exposing the

If you have gloved hands, then the white gloves must be discarded.

Gao Guang felt that Morris was going to be in a bad situation, and Morris' road would have come to an end without him taking action.

Of course, this is just Gao Guang's feeling and speculation, but he is very worried that his speculation will become reality.

The only solution is to deal with Morris before he is abandoned, so that the situation can be arranged in the way Gaoguang needs.

To develop, many possibilities become impossible.

Gao Guang met Sergio as promised.

The meeting place was in the lobby of the hotel. The highlighter was still wearing makeup on his face, and Sergio was also secretive. He was the only one who came to drink.

Meet at the store.

The atmosphere will definitely not be particularly relaxed. Although the two people will not fight when they meet, mutual dislike and hostility are inevitable, but Gao Guang found that now

In this kind of forced cooperation relationship, the progress will become extremely smooth.

"We found Morris's address and have been monitoring him

The time is ripe for action, and I plan to attack tomorrow.

Gao Guang's words are concise and to the point.

Sergio said without hesitation: "We prefer assassination and don't make too much noise. This is Washington. Killing Morris is not a question."

problem, but evacuation and recovery are our main difficulties.

Gao Guang immediately said: "You only need assistance and cover. I will deliver the final fatal blow. The plan now is this. At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, we will

will launch an attack and drive Maurice out of the apartment where he is hiding. He will go down to the underground garage and escape in one of three bulletproof vehicles. You will

All you have to do is promise to stop Morris' car for me. I don't care if you shoot him with a gun, bombard him with a cannon, or hit him with a car, as long as you can stop Morris' car.

I'll just stop it.

Sergio frowned, and then he quickly said: "Why not do it when Maurice comes out, why not do it before he gets in the car, why

Why not do it in the underground parking lot, but let him go out and kill him in the bulletproof car?

Gao Guang immediately said: "Okay, but I only have one person. How are you going to help me break into Morris' apartment, or help me block the electricity in the apartment?"

A ladder can also be used. Of course, there is no problem if we set up an ambush in the underground parking garage. I am willing to take action in any of these links, but you

How are you going to help me?

It's not because Gao Guang likes to attack Morris in a bulletproof car on the road, but because he wants to use various arrangements to force Morris into the car and control him.

Create a sure-kill opportunity.

Sergio said with some dissatisfaction: "Why do you only have one person? Are you too proud?"

"It's not because all my people are injured!"

Let no one talk about the other, both sides have caused a lot of casualties to the other side, so what's the use of talking about it now.

Sergio thought for a while and said: "Okay, let's give up all the intermediate links and stop Maurice on the road, but I want to know how you guys

Kick Morris out of the house.

"You don't need to worry about this. I can guarantee that he will come out. But in order to ensure that you will not betray me or run away from the battlefield, you have to stay with me."


A villain first, then a gentleman. No matter what Sergio wants to do, Gao Guang must ensure that the Knight Mercenary Group will definitely take action. Therefore, he must cooperate with Sergio.

With Ergio.

Sergio had no intention of objecting, and he said with a sullen face: "Let's prepare to stop the bulletproof vehicle now, and I will come find you tomorrow morning.

"Okay, see you tomorrow. If you come, we will take action. If you don't come, I will treat you as giving up.'

Without shaking hands, Sergio stood up and said with an indifferent face: "See you tomorrow.

Sergio left, Gao Guang immediately stood up

A loose alliance with no details but a rough plan, but there is no turning back. Now even the time has been set, no matter what

No matter what changes occur, Gao Guang must carry out the plan to the end.

Just when he was in the elevator, Gao Guang received a call. The time was 1:10 in the morning. Looking at the caller number, Gao Guang's heart skipped a beat.

A little thump.

If nothing else, the result of the meeting between Morris and the boss behind the scenes came out tonight.

Gao Guang answered the call, and then he said in an expectant tone: "General, calling so late, is there any progress in the negotiations?"

Lloyd's voice was very refreshing. He laughed at first, and then said in a very happy tone: "Yes, the negotiations have made great progress.

Lloyd still wanted to sell it off, Gao Guang already had an ominous premonition in his heart, but his tone became more and more relaxed, and then he smiled and said: "Oh?

How about it?"

"Moss, you can kill him.

As expected, Gao Guang didn't even have any trouble in his heart, but he still said in surprise: "Kill him?

"Yes, you heard it right, you can kill Morris, and then you can take over his business and territory, and take over everything from him, but you clearly

Is white the key here?

Gao Guang felt like a mirror, of course he understood what was going on.

Morris was abandoned. Instead of retraining and re-nurturing a person, it is better to let Gao Guang become the new white glove.

The negotiations have indeed made progress, but it is just that the two black hands shook hands and made peace, compromised each other and started to do business together.

He understood in his heart but could not say it with his mouth, so Gao Guangji was surprised and said: "I don't understand, general, what does this mean?"

I, you have lost an amount of compensation, but after killing Morris, you can completely take over Morris's business channels, which will only make you a profit.

More, let me put it more clearly - point out that you are a talent, and you will replace Morris in the future.

Gao Guang took a deep breath and said, "I understand, but General, are you and the person behind Morris together?"

"It wasn't before, but it will be in the future. In business, it's normal to change from a competitor to a partner, right?

When the floor arrived, the elevator opened, and Gao Guang walked out of the elevator and said: "Yes, that's true, then how do I kill Morris?"

"It's very simple, Morris will go to Los Angeles to talk to you face to face, and you just need to find an opportunity to kill him, silently.

Well, when will he come to me?

"Tomorrow, he will go to Los Angeles to find you tomorrow. Well, he thinks there will be safety guarantee, but you know, just kill him and it will be over.

I don't know why, but Lloyd was quite happy when he started talking, but as he continued, his tone became lower.

As if Gao Guang's happiness was disguised, Lloyd also forced himself to be excited, but once he got to the point, he was too lazy to continue.


"I understand, I will do it well." Gao Guang didn't want to say anything more, he just said lightly: "Then will Morris contact me personally, or will there be a meeting?"

Negotiations hosted by a third party?”

"Tomorrow I will be the intermediary and preside over your negotiations. Well, I will also be in Los Angeles tomorrow. Otherwise, Morris may not dare to go there.

Gao Guang was very disappointed. Although he did not regard Lloyd as a friend, after all, the previous cooperation was very pleasant.

"Okay general, I'll contact you tomorrow.

Lloyd should have said something, but he didn't. Just when Gao Guang was hesitating whether to hang up the phone or say goodbye to Lloyd again, he listened to Lloyd.

Ed suddenly said: "I am a soldier, not a businessman."

Gao Guang's heart moved and he said, "Huh? What?"

Lloyd whispered, "But business is business. If you want to do business, you have to follow the rules of the business field.

I don’t know if Lloyd’s words are just out of emotion or if he wants to express something implicitly. Gao Guang can only agree casually: “Yeah, of course you have to do business according to the rules.

Follow the rules of the business world.

“Yeah, I’ll contact you tomorrow, bye.

Lloyd hung up the phone. Gao Guang didn't have time to sigh. He quickly walked to Heidi's room door, opened the door directly with the room card, went in, and faced

Heidi, who was still sitting on the bed with a dazed look on her face, said: "They want to kill Morris, but it's too late. We have to do it right away."

Heidi looked up at Gao Guang absentmindedly and said, "What?"

"Lloyd called me just now. They decided to give up on Morris. Haha, they asked Morris to meet with me in Los Angeles tomorrow for negotiations. Then

Then let me kill Morris directly. "

Heidi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Just do whatever you say. You can do it now. Morris has lost his protection. It's easy to kill him."


Gao Guang rushed to Heidi and said: "No! Morris is a smart man. He must know his situation and his fate, so

He won't go to Los Angeles to find me tomorrow, he will run away! He will definitely run away!'

Heidi stretched out her hand and pressed her forehead, saying: "I just made you feel a little dizzy. Let me think about it. Well, yes, Morris is not that stupid."

Damn, he should understand his situation.

After finishing speaking, Heidi exhaled and said: "It's a little complicated, but as long as you kill Morris, it will be fine, right?

Gao Guang said anxiously: "I let the knight

The mercenary group will take action tomorrow morning, but I didn't expect the situation to change so quickly. It's too late. Morris probably won't be able to

I'll go back to his apartment, and we'll do it now, right now! Now!"

Heidi was slightly stunned again and said: "Now?"

Gao Guang didn't want to explain any more. He said urgently: "Does that Shawi have a walkie-talkie or a radio to communicate? Tell me the frequency. I want to

Contact her personally, no, give me command of your people, I want to take action now!"

Heidi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I don't know what happened, I believe you.

Heidi took out a phone from the pillow. She dialed the number. After waiting for a moment, she whispered: "The situation has changed. You all have to listen to the mad dog."

Okay, just do whatever he asks you to do.

After saying that, Heidi handed the phone to Gao Guang and said: "The distance is too far and the radio is useless. You can go to the observation point to find them. I don't care.

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