Firepower is king

Chapter 551 Escape

Gao Guang cursed and rushed into his room, went into the bathroom, took out the sawed-off shotgun in his bag, and then the important point came, he had to put the lead box

Open it, take out two depleted uranium bullets and stuff them into the chamber.

Gao Guang inserted the short shotgun into his belt at an angle and felt it was inappropriate. Then he took out the shotgun and put it into a gun bag that could be hung on his body, but he felt that it was inappropriate.

It was inappropriate to have depleted uranium bullets hanging around the core, so he could only take out the gun again and put it back in the bag.

It is said that the radioactivity of depleted uranium is very weak, and tanks can be armored with depleted uranium. However, no matter how weak it is, it is still radioactive, and the Americans are very good at weapons.

They are notoriously crazed, and it would be a bit naive to expect them to care about the health of their soldiers.

So although Gao Guang was impatient, he still took out the bullet again, obediently put the bullet into the lead box, and then threw the lead box and the gun together.

He picked it up in the bag and ran away.

Then you have to call Sergio.

Hey, I’m a mad dog.

Now Gao Guang still feels uncomfortable when calling the number, but he no longer stumbles.

"Plans changed;

Morris came out of the house, and my people found his traces. Now you and your people will meet with me immediately. We will go directly tonight

Kill him.


Sergio sounded a little shocked, and then he said helplessly: "How come it's so fast, we haven't even gotten our weapons yet!

"Why are you so slow? You've been here for hours and you haven't even prepared your weapons?"

“This is damn Washington! We live just a few hundred meters from the Capitol! Who dares to provide the weapons we need in a place like this?

It is enough for Gao Guang to have a pistol, but the people of the Knight Mercenary Group are not so convenient.

"How long will it take for you to get weapons? What weapons do you have now? Let me tell you, there is no one around Maurice. He is completely unavailable."

Fortified, no weapons needed at all.

If nothing unexpected happens, Morris must have made arrangements and preparations. It should be impossible for him to escape alone, but there will be someone to support him.

Of course Gao Guang hopes that the Knight Mercenary Group will join him as soon as possible. There are many things that one person simply cannot do.

"We only have a few semi-automatic rifles and pistols. We need sniper rifles, grenades, and body armor. It will take three hours at the fastest.

Can be delivered.

"No need! Come to me and make peace. Maurice was abandoned and now he wants to escape. If Maurice is allowed to run away, he will never be found.

Gao Guang directly revealed his bottom to Sergio, and Sergio also understood what Gao Guang was talking about.

"Understood, we're going to leave immediately. Where will we meet? Does Morris have a home in Washington? Are his children in Washington?"

Why can the Knight Mercenary Group become an S-level legendary mercenary group? In addition to their strong combat effectiveness, they also have a deputy leader and deputy leader with a really good brain.

Intelligence officer.

It's a pleasure to work with smart people who can draw inferences and know what to do without having to say anything.

"Yes! You know where his home is, right?

Sergio thought for a moment, but immediately said: "I know! I'll wait for him near his home!

Morris placed the child in Washington to protect the child;

But it also means treating the child's relatives as hostages. His family is in Washington.

Only the big guys behind the scenes will feel relieved, and if Morris wants to escape, his family will inevitably become hostages.

So whether Morris wants to escape depends on whether he arranges for someone to pick up the child.

I never expected that it would be Sergio who would take on this task. Sometimes this world is really strange.

After hanging up the call to Sergio, Gao Guang took Heidi's cell phone, looked at the call records, and then immediately dialed a number.

The call was to Javier.


The person who answered the phone was a woman, Gao Guang said hurriedly: "I am a mad dog, now you listen to my command and tell me your location.

“Potomac River Bridge, I’m pulling back.

It was Gao Guang who asked Javier to give up tracking and monitoring Morris just now, but now Gao Guang only hopes that Javier can find traces of Morris again.

"Are you still following the target? If you lose it, can you track the target again?"

Gao Guang hurried out of the hotel door, and then he realized that he had no transportation.

They came to the hotel in the same car as Heidi, but the driver drove the car and went somewhere. Gao Guang ran out in a hurry and actually took this

Urgency leads to chaos, and chaos leads to mistakes. Gao Guang made his first small mistake today.

Then Gao Guang listened to Shawi's urgent but clear voice on the phone: "The target has been lost, but the target must return to the apartment. This is not up to him."

Controlled by his will, according to the time, he should have returned to the apartment now, or will soon return to the apartment, and my companion will monitor his traces.

He used the shortest time and the fastest way to express what needed to be said clearly, but Gao Guang understood what Shawi meant.

Morris got into someone else's car and was taken to the boss behind the scenes. Now even if he wants to run away, he still has to be sent back to the boss by the people behind the scenes.

After going there, I ran again, and in my haste, I forgot about this level.

Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could speak, he heard Xavi say slightly dissatisfied: "It's not that I lost the target, but I released it according to your instructions."

Abandon tracking targets.

Uh, sorry, it was a slip of the tongue.

Gao Guang apologized without hesitation. Although it was just a small slip of the tongue, for a person like Xavi who works on the front line, it was a big loss.

But it is an unforgivable mistake, so it is not a slip of the tongue to others.

Gao Guang put down his mobile phone and said urgently to the doorman at the door of the hotel: "Hello, please call me a taxi. Any car will do. The faster, the better."

be quick!,

This is a five-star hotel, and a five-star hotel must have corresponding services. Gao Guang didn’t see a taxi at exit J, but he could ask someone to call one for him.

A taxi is coming.

While speaking, Gao Guang took out a bill from his pocket and handed it to the doorman. It was a hundred-dollar bill, which was a bit too much for a tip.

Got it

The doorman took the bill and he was very happy, but he still had to say politely: "Okay sir.

Gao Guang took two steps, raised his phone again, and said: "I went to find you, and now I ask you to follow the target and talk to me.

Javier didn't answer Gao Guang, she just said in surprise: "Are you waiting for a taxi?"

"Uh, yes

Javier didn't say anything, and after a few seconds, she hung up the phone.

Gao Guang did not expect that things would turn out like this. He also did not expect that Morris would be abandoned. It was not in front of his own house in the middle of the night.

Kou, where is he going to find a car?

The doorman came over and said politely: "Sir, we have a cooperative car dealership, please wait a moment, the taxi will be here soon.

Not bad, really not bad.

Gao Guang hung up the phone and waited patiently for about three minutes. A yellow taxi stopped directly in front of the hotel.

The doorman opened the door, Gao Guang quickly got in, and said to the driver: Lafayette Square, start walking first.

The car door closed, and the driver was a middle-aged Asian. Since he still drove taxis late at night, there were probably only Asians.

The taxi started to move, and Gao Guang didn't know where he was going to eventually meet up with people, so he didn't say where directly, but he first headed in the general direction.

It's always right to go.

The car had only been driving for two minutes when Gao Guang's cell phone rang. It was Heidi's cell phone that rang.

He couldn't wait to answer the call. Gao Guang heard someone on the phone say: "The target is home. I watched him enter the door. The car to pick him up was still parked downstairs.

Well, now that we don't have the manpower, it's impossible for me to observe closely where he went.

"I know, just wait a moment.

Gao Guang said to the taxi driver: "Hello, where are you from?"

They all had Asian faces, but they didn't look very close. The driver said coldly and politely: "Nan Bang.

“Oh, do you speak Spanish?


No matter what, Gaoguang immediately changed to Spanish and said to the phone: "Do you speak Spanish?"

meeting. "

Gao Guang knew that the agents trained by the KGB could speak Spanish, maybe not very proficiently, but at least they had to be able to communicate simply.

Communication is much easier now. Gao Guang said in Spanish: "Can you keep an eye on all the passages that Morris may use to leave the apartment? He may be there soon."

Leave without losing sight of him.

“There are two exits, the underground parking lot exit and the apartment door. I chose a location so that I can monitor both exits at the same time.

It was very easy to handle with only two exits. Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief again and said, "Keep an eye on all the exits. The target may put on makeup and leave. Pay attention - Ji Yi

Normal situation.

"I'm not going to let him get away with it in front of me. Do I need to do it if there's a chance?"

No, don't do it if you have the chance. I'll go over now and meet you right away. '

While the call was still going on, the person who stayed in the apartment suddenly said: "The car that brought the target back has left.


"Target is out!"

Gao Guang couldn't believe his ears. Morris was really decisive in what he did. He even refused to go back to his apartment and wait.

As soon as the car that picked him up left, he immediately left.

Could it be that one of Morris's bodyguards was an informant of the boss behind the scenes? Otherwise, Morris shouldn't have left alone.

"Coming out? Coming out now?"

"Someone is picking up him! Someone is picking up the target! I am too far away to kill him! - A black SUV, the target is on a black SUV

SUV, damn, I can’t see the license plate number!”

Morris was already prepared, he wanted to escape, no, he had already started to escape.

"Where did he go?

"Xiangnan! I want to follow, but I'm not in the car, damn! I can't follow the target quickly!

Gao Guang took a breath and said: "A black SUV, I tried to block him and maintain communication, that's it.

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