Firepower is king

Chapter 574 Everyone is happy

The money was loaded into the car. Gao Guang watched Edgar personally put the last bag of money into the trunk. He patted Edgar's face very kindly and said, "Congratulations. You don’t have to worry about being arrested.”

Two bullets helped Edgar complete the transformation from a gang boss to a police undercover. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't.

"Torpedo drive, off we go."

Gao Guang got into Edgar's car directly in the garage, and then he said to Edgar in the car: "Don't worry, I don't want your car, it's just used to transport some money. If you contact me again, there will be someone." I brought the car back, bye."

I don't know why, but Latinos generally like American classic cars. Edgar's car is an old Cadillac, but Gao Guang doesn't like it very much, and he thinks this kind of car is difficult to drive, so Dimitris should be the driver.

The garage door opened upward and the three men drove out of the garage. Then Ray got out, got into his own car, and drove out together.

Why Gao Guang is so popular is not only because of money, but also because he really thinks about his partners and can always give people what they need most.

Of course, money is also important.

Without Lei, it was much easier to make phone calls. Gao Guang dialed Wharton. After Wharton got through, he said easily: "The matter is done, but don't rush over to end it. I'll put it away." Edgar went undercover."


Gao Guang looked at his watch and said: "Let's meet and talk. Come by yourself and drive a car to get money. Many people contributed tonight. I took three million in cash from Edgar. You have two hundred." Wan, you look at the brothers who are giving the strength and distribute it."

Not only must he be considerate of his partners, Gao Guang is also very candid.

Wharton was silent for a long time, and then he said with a hint of confusion: "Two million? All in cash?"

"That's right, you decide what to do with it. My personal suggestion is that you keep one million and everyone shares the remaining half. This money is not much. I really didn't expect Edgar to be so poor, but Fortunately, it’s all cash.”

Wharton finally said: "Is two million a small amount?"

"Well, it's actually quite a lot, right?"

Wharton breathed a sigh of relief and said, "What do you mean by turning Edgar into an undercover agent?"

"He has to hand over a lot of people. You can see how to maximize the benefits. Let's meet and chat. Meet at the door of my company. Come over now."

"Okay, let's talk. See you later."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Guang looked at Dimitris and said, "How was the induction ceremony today?"

"Uh, ah, pretty good."

After Dimitris finished speaking, he felt a little guilty. Then he sighed softly and said, "I'll find an opportunity to show off again."

Gao Guang smiled and said nothing, and then he said to Dimitris: "Go back to the company."

Dimitris drove Edgar's car, followed by Ray, and after a while, Mike followed.

The three cars returned to the entrance of the King's Defense company together, and then Gao Guang drove Dimitris out of the car and asked him and Mike to stay in the car, while he sat in the car and waited for five minutes. After that, Wharton Just arrived in a car.

Gao Guang waved his hand to signal Wharton not to get out of the car. Then he got into Wharton's car and said, "It came very quickly. Here, I recorded some videos of Edgar. You can see if they are useful."

Gao Guang opened the video on his cell phone. Wharton was the first one to say with surprise before he finished listening: "How did you do it? Edgar is actually willing to say this. This is a murder case, and the Los Angeles Police Department has always I couldn’t find any clues, but I didn’t expect that it was MS-13 who did it!”

"is that useful?"

"Fuck! Oh my god, of course it works! What could be more useful to a policeman than this?"

Wharton got excited and said in extreme surprise: "How did you do it? Why did he say this?"

"If you look carefully, you can see that he is scared to death. He is willing to say anything to survive. It's very good. I'm glad this can help you."

Gao Guang said happily: "Here, I'll send you the video."

Wharton received the video with great excitement. The video was very large and took several minutes to be transmitted. After waiting for the video to be transmitted, Wharton finally said: "Find out who attacked you. Anyway, a lot of people were used tonight. Manshou, do you want to take this opportunity to eliminate the masterminds behind this?"

Gao Guang shook his head and said: "Forget it, the military is more anxious than me, let them do it."


Gao Guang smiled and said: "I won't go into details. It's not good to talk too much. In this case, you can drive Edgar's car, then send someone to take the car back, and then have a good talk with Edgar." Talk, tell me in detail what happened in the video, and I won’t care.”

Wharton was obviously here to help. He paid a lot tonight and did the best he could, but he gave too many highlights, so Wharton said sincerely: "Thanks, man. I went to find Edgar myself. I have protected him. I have to operate this line well. This is a gold mine. "

Gao Guang stretched out his hand to shake Wharton's hand, then he opened the car door with a smile, but suddenly remembered something, so he said to Wharton: "The money is all in the car, I'll take one million and go, and you can take the rest." Come on, leave your car here and drive later.”

Gao Guang waved his hand coolly, opened the trunk, took out a bag from it, and said to Wharton, "Okay, see you later."

Wharton drove away in Edgar's car, while Gao Guang opened Lei's car door with the bag, threw the bag directly into the car, and said: "One million, it's yours, what to do with it is your business. "

Ray thought he might have a share, but what he didn't expect was a million.

Lei was involved in the whole process. He knew how much Gao Guang took from Edgar. He also knew that someone left with the remaining money, so he knew that Gao Guang didn't keep any money.

The problem is that Lei really feels that he has done nothing and is a little embarrassed to receive so much money. Then he feels that Gao Guang has been busy all night and does not take the last penny, and he feels guilty here.

Lei said seriously: "Don't you even want it yourself?"

"This money is not much to begin with. I won't be able to divide it with my brothers anymore. Man, I will never tell anyone about this money, so how you handle it depends on your mood."

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang said very grandly: "As for how to deal with the monkey, I think you have to think carefully with Lieutenant Colonel Orville. The monkey knows too much."

Lei said subconsciously: "I don't know how to deal with it, I'm just here, uh, I'm just here."

"If it's hard to say, don't say it."

"I was just called here to teach you a lesson."

Lei finally said it, and then he shrugged: "Of course, I am not deeply involved, but I still know some things, but I really don't know much about the monkeys, but I will talk to the Lieutenant Colonel about today's events , he knows how much of a threat monkeys are."

Lei was not Gao Guang's helper, he was the eyes and ears sent by Orville, and Gao Guang only used one million to get rid of Lei.

Gao Guang felt that he had taken advantage of him. He smiled and said, "We have met now. Leave a phone number. Brother, you have good skills and good marksmanship. After you retire, you may consider joining the King's Defense."

Lei's expression was very strange. He frowned and said, "I'm not considering retiring for the time being, but I want to ask a question, how did you practice your marksmanship?"

Gao Guang shrugged and said, "I didn't practice, so I just played blindly."

Lei said with a look of constipation: "In Edgar's house, I'm talking about the four. How did you kill three of them in an instant? Your shooting skills are unscientific."

"Hey, this is too simple. I'm invincible in close combat. I'm just a blind chicken. Let alone three gangsters, I can beat three gunmen like you."

A reckless man, are you confident? Of course, you must show confidence in a reckless man. Gao Guang proudly patted Lei on the shoulder and said: "Let's go, don't keep the lieutenant colonel waiting."

Lei looked at Gao Guang and didn't know what to say. He nodded and said, "Okay, let's contact you again."

Walton and Ray both got one, but Demetrius didn't.

Gao Guang originally wanted to give Dimitris a sum of cash, it didn't need to be much, one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand was enough, but in the end he changed his mind.

Consider it a test for Demetrius.

Wharton and Reyna are both partners, but Dimitris is different. He is from the King's Defense. It would be wrong if Gaoguang had to pay extra for doing something.

You can't treat your own people badly, but you can't give things you shouldn't give. If you break the rules, it will be difficult to lead the team in the future.

Gao Guang opened the car door and said, "Let's go eat some more hot dogs. I'm a little hungry after the exercise. Dimi, you performed well. I'll open a salary account for you tomorrow and give you some salary in advance?"

While Gao Guang was alone comforting his employees, Lei, who drove away, finally figured out what to do. He took out his cell phone and called Orville.

"Hey, sir, it's done. Now it's confirmed that the monkey planned and attacked the mad dog."

"Is it really a monkey? Okay, I get it."

"Sir, Mad Dog is really powerful. His marksmanship is the strongest I have ever seen. I am not as good as him, but Mad Dog is really a madman. He has no brains, does things without considering the consequences, and has no plan at all. Give him a gun. He dares to hit anything, and I don’t think we can let him handle the monkey matter, as it will cause trouble.”

"This is not a matter for you to consider, but I will refer to your suggestions."

"Sir, one more thing, well, where did Mad Dog get three million dollars from Edgar? The police involved in the operation tonight took away two million, and there is another one million in my car, Mad Dog said, he There will be absolutely no mention of the money and we can allocate it freely."

Orville didn't say anything. Lei lowered his voice and said, "How to deal with it?"

"one million?"

"Yes, sir."

Ray hung up the phone, and then he couldn't help but look back at the money in the back seat, and then he began to wonder how much of the million he could divide.

Even if you don’t give half of it, you still have to give three to four hundred thousand, right?

After thinking wildly for a moment, Lei suddenly couldn't restrain his impulse. He picked up his mobile phone and made another call. After waiting for the answer, he said in a deep voice: "Boss, I saw the mad dog and I didn't fight him. But after fighting with him, I want to say that Mad Dog is really strong, stronger than I have ever seen, and I guarantee that it is also stronger than you have ever seen, because you never said that there is such a Mad Dog in the world. The shooter, he is really powerful, so powerful, I promise you, he is really powerful!"

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