Firepower is king

Chapter 575: Trouble of trouble

A good night was disrupted, but it was not bad. An unexpected combination of circumstances allowed Gao Guang to sort out the backlog of things.

I had a rare good sleep, and then when I opened my eyes in the morning, I was awakened by the things I was doing.

What is making progress now is Frank's matter. Ashred is making progress with Frank's parole. He wants to collect money, but the person collecting the money is the Victoria Club, so someone from the club called and informed Gao Guang Payment is ready.

Being willing to accept the money means that the matter is finalized, which means that Frank will be out soon.

What else is there to say? Just give the money and let Kevin transfer the money to the designated account.

Call Kevin to inform him that he can go to work in the company, and also take care of Dimitris's affairs, open an account for him, give him a settling-in allowance first, and give him some reassurance.

Next, Gao Guang had to go to the hospital as a habit.

After returning to Los Angeles, Gao Guang still had not adapted to the relaxed pace here. He always felt that doing nothing was not as good as the days when he was worried every day.

I drove the sports car and arrived at the hospital with a sigh. As usual, I went to say hello to the teacher, say hello to the teacher's wife on duty, and show John's face. Life is like this, and you can't miss anyone.

"Frank's matter is settled. He should be out in a few days."

Since John broke his leg, Gao Guang has been coming to him more often. It can be considered as a psychological counseling. If there is any good news, tell him first.

John has lost some weight, his face is not as round as before, he looks much more haggard, and he is much less cheerful.

A normal person would feel sad after losing a leg, and then slowly transition from sadness until they have no choice but to accept the reality.

But when John or most of the desperadoes lost a leg, they were first grateful that they had saved a life. After the joy of saving life subsided, they began to feel sad about losing a leg, and then faced the discomfort and pain of missing limbs. Sadness, and then slowly adapting to recovery.

John was currently in a period of grief, but when he heard the good news about missing him, it was like a shot in the arm, and a look of surprise immediately appeared on his face.


"Why did I lie to you?"

In fact, Gao Guang planned to pay for it himself, because Frank was John's life-and-death brother, but he was also his nobleman and his benefactor. With Gao Guang's current financial resources, he was really willing to spend some money to repay Frank.

But Gao Guang knew that it was more important to give John some sense of existence and meaning of existence. Also, letting John spend some money at this time would be helpful for his recovery.

"One million dollars, I asked Kevin to transfer it."

"I'll pay for it, I'll pay for it!"

John grinned and said urgently: "Can I pick up Frank?"

A broken leg was no small injury, and the thought of traveling a long distance to San Francisco to pick Frank up from prison was too much to ask.

"Just wait with peace of mind. I will tell you when there is news. Okay, I'm going to see others."

After patting John on the shoulder, Gao Guang said with a smile: "I did some things last night and pushed our business a step forward. Brother, you have to get well soon, otherwise I will give you everything when you are discharged from the hospital. The matter is finished."

John's mood improved visibly, and Gao Guang was very satisfied.

Gao Guang felt like a doctor making rounds. He walked to the door of Paul's ward, knocked on the door and pushed in. He found that Paul had woken up, his face was much less wrapped, and he seemed to be recovering well.

"Are you awake? Don't talk or nod. I'm just here to see you. How do you feel?"

Paul picked up his phone and wrote fine.

"Yeah, your reply is very good. It won't be long before you can be discharged from the hospital. Do you have any plans? Do you want to bring your parents over, or what?"

The boss's job is to be a psychiatrist to help his subordinates' mental state. The employee's housework also needs to be kept under lock and key.

Paul hesitated for a while and seemed very troubled, so Gao Guang knew that it was not convenient for Paul to say what he said.

"If you have anything to say, just write it down."

Paul finally wrote a few lines on his mobile phone and sent it to Gao Guang to read.

Paul is a good soldier, and his fighting ability is very good. The injury he suffered this time was not particularly serious, but it greatly affected his quality of life. However, this did not prevent him from thinking that he had made enough and wanted to go home.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I want to go home."

After seeing what Paul typed, Gao Guang was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "You want to go home? Okay, is there anything embarrassing to say?"

Gao Guang sat down, put his arm around Paul's shoulders, and said sincerely: "Brother, why do we hang out? To make money! Now that you think you have made enough money and want to go home, this is It’s a perfectly normal thought, why should I apologize?”

Without waiting for Paul to write anything, Gao Guang said: "But have you thought about it? Are you sure you want to go back to Russia instead of bringing your family here?"

Paul slowly wrote: "I want to go home. I won't be able to spend all my money at home in my lifetime, and my parents don't want to come to the United States."

Gao Guang laughed, then he patted Paul and said, "Okay, no problem. Brother, you are a smart man. You will leave after you have completely recovered from your injuries here. Then the brothers will see you off."

Paul seemed much more relaxed, and Gao Guang continued to smile: "Brother, relax, don't think that retiring is a bad thing.) It is difficult for people like us to make the decision to retire, but it is definitely the right and smart choice. "It's too hard to talk to you now. I won't say anything anymore. You can rest. I have to continue my ward rounds. No, I have to go see others. Let's go."

Gao Guang was in a happy mood, not because Paul was leaving, but because Paul had made enough money with him and could go home safely and enjoy life.

Leon has almost recovered, at least he can speak.

Leon was still in the intensive care unit. Gao Guang looked at the door and saw that Leon was awake and playing with his mobile phone, so he opened Leon's ward door.

"Man, congratulations, you survived."

Leon saw the highlight. He put down his phone and said weakly: "Hi, boss."

Gao Guang walked to the window, sighed first, and then said with emotion: "It's not easy, but you finally survived, brother, how do you feel?"

"Feeling terrible, but in a really good mood."

Leon grinned reluctantly and said: "I felt like I was going to die when I was shot, and then I woke up and felt like I was going to die. When I woke up and found that I was not dead, I started to feel lucky and have been happy all the time. Until now.”

After finishing speaking, Leon weakly raised his hand and said, "Thank you."

Gao Guang stretched out his fist and touched Leon, and then he said happily: "Take a good rest. Now that you are awake, do you want to call your family to report that you are safe?"

"After the fight, boss, how can we continue our business with Ethiopia?"

"Don't think about this now, wait until you fully recover before thinking about business."

Leon said anxiously: "No, we can't delay it too long. If we wait for a real war, it will be even more difficult to transport the arms. This is a big business, and we can't miss it because of delay."

Gao Guang thought for a while, and then he said seriously: "Don't be anxious, there is no way to be anxious. Most of us are injured now, and there are no people who can do things. There is endless money to be made, and you are unconscious. A lot has happened during this period and it is very possible that we can no longer do the arms business.”

Leon was stunned for a moment and said: "What? Can't do the arms business?"

"It's not certain yet. I said it's possible. The situation is unclear right now, so we can only wait and see what happens."

Leon's injury was serious. He was awake, but he couldn't keep talking, let alone worry too much. Gao Guang waved his hand to Leon and said: "Don't worry about this, rest in peace and recover from your injuries. When you recover, we will It’s time to get busy. It’s a good time to rest now. I’ll explain it to you slowly later.”

Leon thought for a moment, sighed, and said: "Well, Ethiopia is a rare market. Don't lose this market, but I look like this now... Oh, wait, I think I may need one. I can’t go again until a month later, so I have to wait.”

One month, considering the severity of Leon's injury, it would be good to be able to get out of bed in one month.

Leon is worthy of being a real businessman. He is thinking about business even while lying in bed. Unlike Gao Guang, he is not anxious when the situation is unclear.

The ward rounds continued. Both Patrick and Francisco had minor injuries. However, Francisco could not move and his internal injuries needed to be adjusted slowly. However, Patrick was able to be discharged from the hospital. A minor skin injury could be recovered at home.

Pushing open the door of Patrick's ward, Gao Guang said to Patrick, "Are you okay? Can you be discharged?"

Only Patrick was sitting on the chair. He looked at Gao Guang and said calmly: "I can be discharged from the hospital. I plan to return to China after I am discharged. It's time for me to go home and take a look."

"Okay, let's go back. Uh, are you still coming?"

Patrick frowned and said, "Of course, what are you thinking about?"

"It's nothing. I thought you had earned enough and wanted to retire."

Patrick made a gesture to stop Gao Guang from continuing, and then he said seriously: "Do you want to come with me? I'll treat you to the best crispy elbow in Germany."

Gao Guang suddenly became interested, and then he said with interest: "Okay, but I have to deal with some business here, but it would be good to take a few days to go to Europe first. I want to go to Spain. I I’ve always wanted to visit Spain as a Spanish student.”

"You can also go to Spain. Should we leave today?"

Patrick was anxious enough. Just as Gao Guang was about to speak, his phone rang.

The call from Lloyd may be related to what happened yesterday. Is there something that has not been dealt with? Gao Guang frowned and answered the phone, saying: "Hello, General."

Lloyd couldn't be said to be furious, but he definitely said in a hurry: "What did you do last night? What did you and that Lei do?"

"I didn't do much. I just went to two places and killed a few people. What happened?"

Lloyd raised his voice and said: "There is trouble, no, not trouble, but this matter is quite troublesome!"

"What is not trouble, but the matter is troublesome. Gao Guang was confused. He could only say in confusion: 6 What do you mean? Have I gotten into any trouble?"

"That thunder is trouble!"

After speaking hastily, Lloyd sighed, and then he said urgently: "I can't say it on the phone, let's talk in person."

"Can't we even talk on the phone?"

"Yes, the name is top secret, the matter is top secret, everything is top secret, Fuck, this is really troublesome."

Gao Guang could tell that Lloyd was not afraid of something, but rather disgusted with something, so this matter was really troublesome.

But nothing happened last night. Gao Guang was puzzled, but he could only say helplessly: "Okay, let's meet and talk. Should I come to you, or you come to me?"

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