Firepower is king

Chapter 576 Phantom

Lloyd looked a little tired.

It was no wonder. He flew away overnight last night, and not long after landing, he had to fly back to Los Angeles. A man in his forties would definitely be exhausted after flying like this.

Tired and sleepy, Lloyd's spirit and temper were not very good.

"What did you do last night?!"

"I didn't do anything. I just shot a few people, and I didn't show any special bravery. I was very restrained. They were just some low-class hooligans, and I just sent them away."

Lloyd looked helpless and annoyed. He said unhappily: "You just fought casually, how did you provoke the Joint Special Operations Command?"

Gao Guang immediately widened his eyes and said in astonishment: "Special Operations Command?"

Lloyd sighed with a tired face, then he slowly closed his eyes and said with a little pain : "This morning, Major General Raymond Thomas of the Joint Special Operations Command called me and said he hopes you can go...Okay, all the following content is top secret. If you leak it, I will have to kill you myself." Gao Guang said without hesitation: "Well, if it's top secret, I'd better not listen. How about I leave?" "They hope you can go to the Arena Training Center to participate in training exchanges." "Is it too late for me to leave now?" Gao Guang really didn't want to know too much, but Lloyd couldn't wait to say it, as if it was too late to leave. Lloyd opened his eyes and looked at Gao Guang and said, "That damn Lei is from the Phantom Force. The director of the arena training center where the Phantom Force is located called Raymond last night and asked if he could invite you to the exchange training. So Raymond called me at five o'clock this morning. Damn it! Do you know what calling at five o'clock in the morning means?"

"Does it mean that he got up very early?"

Lloyd was furious and said, "Don't act like a fool in front of me! Are you used to acting like a fool? Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Gao Guang really acted like a fool, so he said with a sad face, "Sorry, I haven't adjusted yet. The phone The call was made very early, which means... I can't refuse?"

Lloyd sighed and said, "Yes, they regard you as my person, so five o'clock in the morning means that they value you, which means it's best not to refuse."

Gao Guang said with a sad face, "If I go, will I be unable to get out?"

Lloyd shook his head and said, "No, the arena will invite all the most elite special forces in the world to train. The world's top special forces will be invited to train. If there are many people, they will not be unable to get out."

Gao Guang felt a little confused. He knew that he had heard some big secrets, but he didn't understand these secrets. If you don't understand, you have to ask. Gao Guang hesitated and said, "The Special Operations Command is just a command unit. It doesn't have its own troops. And there is this Phantom Force. I haven't heard of it before." Lloyd sighed and said, "The Phantom Force is the only direct unit of the Special Operations Command. It is a newly formed cross-service special forces. It has only been established for six years. But in six years, this force has not improved much and has not shown its strength beyond the special forces of various services. This makes the Special Operations Command a little embarrassed, so Raymond is anxious. Uh, this is also top secret and must not be leaked." "Newly formed? Direct unit of the Special Operations Command?" Lloyd clapped his hands and said, "Yes, assemble The best talents, the most advanced equipment, the best instructors of several military branches, but they have never shown the strength of the troops they should have. This phantom unit is about to become a laughing stock and a synonym for failure. If the phantom unit is disbanded, then the efforts of the Special Operations Command to obtain a direct unit for itself will completely fail, so you can imagine how anxious Raymond is. "

Gao Guang still said puzzledly: "What does this have to do with me... uh, I mean, why did you form the phantom unit, and why did you disband it?"

Lloyd hesitated for a moment, and then he finally said in a deep voice: "Everything stems from a failure in Ukraine in 2013, a disastrous defeat. "

Gao Guang was puzzled and waited for Lloyd's answer.

"In 2013, the Army Tactical Research Group launched a decapitation operation in Ukraine. In the live broadcast watched by the president and half of the power center, the Army Tactical Research Group was defeated and no one survived." Gao Guang said carefully: "What is the Army Tactical Research Group?" "Well, it's the Army Tactical Research Group. They study tactics. Delta uses the tactics they study. They are also responsible for testing and experimenting with the latest equipment. It is one of the two strongest forces in the world. The Soviets gave it the code name Butter Knife. We think it's good, so we use this code name." Gao Guang nodded and said: "It's so powerful. A disastrous defeat, who were the opponents?"

"I don't know, it's speculated that it was the Soviets. Listen carefully, it was the Soviets, not the Russians."

Lloyd waved his hand impatiently and then he continued: "Not long after, another strongest force, the Navy's Red Team, also suffered a disastrous defeat in Ukraine. In the end, only four people came back alive. The humiliating defeat gave birth to the Phantom Force."

"Wait a minute, what is the Red Team?"

"The Navy's strongest force, divided into three teams: blue, white and red. The Red Team is a combat team, one of the two strongest forces, and has never lost. Uh, it has never lost before Ukraine."

Lloyd waved his hands impatiently and said: "You know these are useless. You know that after two failed operations under the command of the Special Operations Command, the President and Congress approved the establishment of the Special Operations Command. Just draw the strongest force formed by each military service. Because it does not exist in any paper documents, this force is called a phantom. "

Gao Guang couldn't help but asked: "Is the red team more powerful than the seals?"

Lloyd waved his hand helplessly and said: "Seals? Seals use the tactics studied by the red team, the rules formulated, and the weapons selected. The best talents among the seals are eligible to be transferred to the red team. Butter knives are more valuable than those on the red team." "No, the selection conditions are more stringent. Can you please stop asking these questions? It has nothing to do with you."

Gao Guang nodded and said, "Okay, keep talking."

Lloyd exhaled helplessly and said: "Phantom has been established for six years. Although they are the best talents drawn from all branches of the military, you should know that whether it is the Navy or the Air Force, how can they be willing to put the best talents at the bottom of the box? The treasure has been taken out, so the combat effectiveness of the phantoms is still not as good as the troops of each service. Therefore, the phantom troops are willing to break the rules and look for every opportunity to enhance their strength. You are invincible in close combat. Isn't it normal to be favored by the phantom troops? ”

After finishing speaking, Lloyd said with a look of resentment: "Why do you say you are invincible in close combat? Why?"

"I am who I am, and I just set up my personality!"

Gao Guang was about to cry. He didn't feel proud now, he just felt that it was really troublesome.

"General, there's no way I'm going to join the Phantom Army, there's no way I'm going!"


Lloyd said angrily: "If you want to go to them, can they want you? This is America's most elite...the most nominally elite special forces with top-secret confidentiality. Do they dare to want you?"

He waved his hand angrily and said with a face: "Special Operations Command thinks you are one of my people. They think you can still be used as a communication partner, or instructor, whatever, but Raymond personally I made a request and the call came at five in the morning, how could I refuse?”

After finishing speaking, Lloyd forced a smile and said, "Just do me a favor and go."

"What should I do?"

"Well, I don't know the specific situation yet, but I think it's just those things. I'm the commander of the regular forces and I don't know much about the training of special forces. But it's not useless for you to go. That's the phantom force and it's an arena. You can also learn something in the training center.”

Gao Guang said anxiously: "Then, wait a minute, can I take all my people for training?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Do you want me to die? I said everything is top secret, and the names are all top secret places. Is it possible for you to take a team of people there?"

Lloyd patted Gao Guang's shoulder and said earnestly: "Mad dog, just do me a favor and I'll make sure you can come out even if you go in, okay?"

Gao Guang said with a confused look on his face: "Are you really sure that I can still come out and won't be silenced or anything like that?"

"I promise, I can absolutely guarantee that."

"Then am I ready to go again?"

Gao Guang decided that if Lloyd asked him to leave immediately without even giving him time to prepare, then he would rather fall out, turn around and leave the United States immediately than join the phantom force.

But if Lloyd is willing to let him prepare and meet a few of his requirements, then this matter will be more reliable and at least can be considered.

Lloyd breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Of course you can make preparations. Just take care of the things at hand. I just need to tell Raymond and you agree. It doesn't matter if it's a few days earlier or a few days later. Of course. , the sooner the better.”

The hanging heart relaxed a little, and Gao Guang said without hesitation: "Then I have a request. I have to learn something when I go, and train me to be a sniper."

"Sniper, hey, I'm afraid you'll be crying and wanting to come back. I can agree to this request. Raymond shouldn't refuse this small request."

"How long will I be gone?"

"I don't know, but I guarantee you will come out."

"Then can I contact the outside world?"

"I can't guarantee it, but... I'll try my best to fight for you, otherwise our business won't be able to be handled.'"

Lloyd also had a look of helplessness on his face. He complained to Gao Guang: "Why are you bragging to that Lei? Now that it's better, the business has to be left behind. It's such a delay."

Judging from Lloyd's attitude, this matter should be reliable, at least there will be no return. Gao Guang sighed and said: "How did I know this would be like this? This is really a troublesome trouble, forget it. , I'm going, General, you have to let me come out early, we still have business to do. "

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