Firepower is king

Chapter 577 Trivia

There were a lot of things to deal with, and Gao Guang really didn't want to drop what he was doing and become a sparring partner.

Frank was still in prison, and Gao Guang wanted to take him back. Mike's matter hadn't been resolved yet, so he just left it alone. He was worried that Mike wouldn't be able to handle it on his own.

In short, there are too many things to deal with, but when I went to the training center of the Phantom Army, I couldn't even get a phone. Gao Guang couldn't even call and remotely control the situation. This is nonsense.

But the military order fell like a mountain. Although this military order had nothing to do with Gao Guang, Lloyd couldn't bear it even if he retired.

For Lloyd's sake, the highlighter had no choice but to go on.

Those who can move are called together for a meeting, while those who can't move are lying in the hospital anyway, and there's nothing wrong with them.

The most troublesome thing is that this matter can't be talked about yet, and it can't be said in a big way, so after calling a few people over, Gao Guang really didn't know how to explain it.

"Guys, I'm going to study."

Gao Guang pulled Dimitris over, and then he said feebly: "This is Dimitris, who has just joined our company. He will stay in the company for a while."

He had to let the old employees know that another person was added. He introduced Dimitris very briefly, and Gao Guang said to Patrick: "Unfortunately, I can't go to Germany with you."

Patrick spread his hands and said, "Yes, I'm sorry."

David's injury was not too serious, he could move, and he knew what Gao Guang meant by training. For people in the army, training meant going to a confidential unit for training.

So David is very concerned about where Gao Guang is going to train, and more importantly, why he can train.

"Where are you going to study?"

Gao Guang's face looked like a bitter gourd, and he said helplessly: "I can't say, and I don't know. For your own good, I'd better not say too much."

David spread his hands and said, "You are going to suffer a lot."

Gao Guang sighed heavily, and then he said to David: "Do you have any suggestions for me?"

David is knowledgeable. He thought for a while and said: "All troops are the same. If you are good, you will be respected by others. If you are a weakling and a coward, you will be ostracized and looked down upon. With your strength, what will you achieve?" You can get along anywhere, I don’t have any advice to give you, I can only say don’t be a wimp.”

It's the same as not saying it. This is the same routine all over the world.

Gao Guang thought for a while and said to David: "Should I bring my own gun? My new gun can bring out my strongest strength. If I want to perform perfectly, I need my own gun."

David said calmly: "If you go to learn, there is nothing to learn about pistol shooting. You are already the best. If you go to teach others, no one else can learn your shooting method, so don't bring it, keep it to yourself." Keep it a secret."

After finishing speaking, David spread his hands and said: "Unless you are a sniper, snipers will bring their own primary rifle to the training camp. If you plan to train yourself to be a sniper, then you can bring your own rifle. But if you haven’t used a rifle before, I suggest you practice more and choose the one that suits you best.”

This suggestion is still very reasonable. The highlight cannot be wasted. He has to practice long-distance shooting.

But David added at this time, he said very calmly: "Actually, if you want to practice medium and long-range shooting, you can learn from me. I am the best. You might as well practice with me in that training camp. "

The corner of Gao Guang's mouth twitched, and then he said helplessly: "You are willing to teach me, but it's too late. I have to go anyway this time."

Francisco couldn't move, so he came with Lin Nianzu. At this time, he finally couldn't help but said: "Boss, my cousin is about to get his LLM degree. His matter..."

Gao Guang sighed and said, "Isn't your cousin going to get a JD degree?"

Francisco said helplessly: "The LLM degree only takes one year, and the JD degree takes three years. My cousin thought it was too slow, so he applied for the LLM degree."

Gao Guang hesitated for a moment and said, "It's better to wait until he gets his degree. Don't worry."

Mike also whispered: "Boss, what should we do with Wharton?"

Gao Guang was about to cry, but he still could only say helplessly: "I can't see him until I come out, but the zero-yuan purchase plan cannot be stopped. While I'm in there..."

I don't know what to do anymore. The trouble is I don't know how long it will take. Gao Guang thought for a while, and then he said to Mike: "You just train, don't worry about anything else, wait until John's injury is healed and he can move, then slowly Deal with it.”

Francisco said again: "Boss, my cousin can handle these things, let him do it for John, so that when you come back, he can get started. In fact, it doesn't matter what the degree is, my cousin's ideal Instead of becoming a lawyer, he wants to... revive the family business."

Reviving the family business means becoming a mafia, and then it is impossible to continue working for the king's defense. In this case, King's Defense would be the springboard for Francisco and his cousin's internship.

For Francisco’s sake, it’s not impossible to give him a chance to learn.

"Okay, let him come."

Gao Guang looked at Francisco, and he said seriously: "Take care of your cousin more often. Also, he has lofty ideals and cannot stay in the king's defense forever, so let's make some things clear first, no Don’t let him get involved too much if it’s convenient for him to intervene.”

Francisco seemed a little embarrassed, and he whispered: "Boss, well, ideals require financial support. What my cousin needs more is to make money."

Then it's not just an internship, but also a part-time job first. Gao Guang thought for a long time and finally said: "Okay, I will definitely give him a suitable remuneration, but in this case, he will be an employee of King's Defense, and then everything will You have to follow the rules. If you break the rules, you know what happens."

Francisco laughed immediately, and he said with satisfaction: "We are the most disciplined, boss. You absolutely don't have to worry about him breaking the rules, otherwise I will be the first to kill him."

Gao Guang discovered a problem with the king's defense, that is, he did not have a qualified deputy, a second-in-command who could handle large and small matters for him, like Danny.

John can't do it, and Mike can't do it either. There really isn't a suitable person among these people at the moment.

Take your time to find it, there is no need to rush this.

Gao Guang wanted to say more, but at this moment his phone rang. When he answered the call, he heard a very familiar voice saying: "Hello, I have been ordered to pick you up to take you to the arena. Are you ready?" Yet?"

Gao Guang hesitated for a moment and said, "Lei?"

"It's me, I've been ordered to pick you up."

Gao Guang scratched his head and said, "Are you in such a hurry? The general said I still have time."

"It's really urgent. I can't tell you why, but it's really urgent."

Heaving a sigh of relief, Gao Guang said helplessly: "Okay, come to the company to pick me up. See you later."

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