Firepower is king

Chapter 586: Lasting Strike

Ray said that the Phantom Army's cafeteria has the highest standards in the United States. He may not be bragging.

It was the first time Gao Guang saw a canteen where you could order freshly cooked meals. In this regard, even the officers' canteen seemed a bit too luxurious.

There is a huge burger on the high-gloss plate, a cup of Coke, and a bowl of mushroom cream soup. His taste is not that tricky, and both Chinese and Western food are quite good.

Ray's lunch is also very simple. His lunch is two pieces of bread, a salad, and a roast pork neck.

But Laura's lunch was very exaggerated. She ordered a steak, a fried potato and nothing else.

Moreover, Laura's steak had a very high fat content. Generally speaking, girls would be more averse to fat meat, or any food with too high a fat content, but not Laura. She specifically asked the chef for the fattest steak.

Also, a portion weighs about two pounds, which is about one catty of steak. The highlight is too much to finish, but Laura is very confident that she can have it all to herself.

And she actually ate deliciously.

Laura said that she was a country bumpkin from Alaska. At least in terms of food and appearance, she was really very rustic.

Laura first used a table knife, but she disliked the table knife not being sharp enough, so she pulled out a small knife she carried with her. A small knife that was not very sharp, more like a peeling knife, was used to cut meat on the plate, and she still had the skills. When the blade of the blade comes into contact with the plate, the steak can be divided into small pieces.

"This steak tastes great. The cadet cafeteria never serves this for lunch, and it never serves freshly grilled steak."

Laura spoke very little, but when she was eating, she finally spoke more, but what she said more was all praise for things.

Seeing Laura specially cut a piece of fat meat and put it in his mouth, Gao Guang couldn't help but said: "Do you like eating fat meat?"

Laura nodded, and then she said seriously: "Fat is a good thing, and fat is a necessary food for survival.) I don't like the taste of bear oil, but I will use bear fat to fry moose meat. After eating the moose fat."

It sounds very spicy.

Gao Guang couldn't help but asked again: "How much do you weigh?"

"At 95 pounds, I've gained a lot since I've been here, which is good, storing more fat to get me through the harsh winters."

Lei finally couldn't help but said: "This is not Alaska, and the winter here is not that harsh. Aren't you worried about your weight?"

Laura looked up, grinned with her oily mouth, and said, "Alaska people never worry about their weight."

Is there such a saying? Alaskans like fat people?

Gao Guang was puzzled, but he didn't ask about it because he felt it had nothing to do with him.

"What are our plans for the afternoon?"

Although Gao Guang hasn't had time to have fun yet, he has seen it before, so if Lei thinks that Laura can keep him in the phantom army, it is indeed a bit fanciful.

Lei looked at Gao Guang, he smiled and said: "In the afternoon there will be an intra-team competition of eight sniper teams, a total of sixteen snipers. The winning team will get a day off, and the last team must accept punish."

Gao Guang was surprised. He thought Lei was going to continue to pour him some ecstasy soup, but what was this intra-team competition?

Looking at Gao Guang's expression, Lei waved his hand and said with a smile: "You two are also participating. Well, you are already a sniper team, so you will also participate. That is nine double sniper teams, eighteen people participating. Contest."

"No, I'm not a sniper at all. I don't even know how to adjust the scope. You want me to compete? Are you kidding me?"

Gao Guang seemed a little anxious. He didn't have to pretend to be serious here, he just said what he had to say directly.

But Lei smiled confidently, and then he tilted his head towards Laura and said: "You are in a group with her, so what are you afraid of? Don't worry, you can't lose with Laura here."

Laura nodded and said to Gao Guang: "Yes, we can't lose."

This is interesting, this is very interesting. As a master of highlight tactics, his mind couldn't help but start spinning at high speed.

Is Laura really that kind of super genius? A powerful sniper?

In that case, shouldn't the idea of ​​the beauty trap need to be revised? Maybe the Phantom Troops felt their confidence was hit after watching their performance in the morning, so they wanted to get it back through sniping?

Puzzled and looking at Laura who was still eating meat, Gao Guang had no choice but to suppress his curiosity for the time being and see what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of the Phantom Army.

Waiting for Laura to be the last one to finish eating, Lei said to her: "You can go back to your dormitory. Mad Dog is a rookie. He lacks the most basic knowledge, so you have everything you need ready. See you at the sniper range at two o'clock in the afternoon. ”

Laura finished a whole piece of steak and a small potato. She wiped her knife with a napkin and put it in the sheath on her waist.

When Laura lifted up her clothes and inserted the knife back, Gao Guang found that under her baggy clothes

Putting the knife away, Laura said seriously: "If I stay with him, then I can always eat in the officers' mess, right?"

Lei smiled and said, "Yes."

"Okay, thank you sir."

Laura saluted Ray, then she collected her plate and left looking happy.

Gao Guang looked at Lei, who waved his hand and said, "I know you must be very curious now, but don't say so much. You will know it naturally in the afternoon. I said I would give you the best assistant shooter, so of course it is the best." Gao Guang went back to his dormitory in a daze and rested for more than an hour until Lei came to call him again. Gao Guang followed Lei to the end of the valley. There was a mound that was not very high, but there were already thirty or forty people standing on the mound. After Gao Guang and Lei went there, they found that there were a total of nine shooting positions, and more than a dozen people carrying sniper rifles were already waiting there. Except for the high-powered telescopes of several instructors and referees that had been arranged in advance, everything the snipers needed for shooting had to be done by themselves, but the time had not come yet, so they could not start preparing. At this time, Gao Guang saw Lola, who was carrying a big bag and a box. "Hello, sir." Lola saluted Lei, and then she stood aside quietly. She was small among a group of burly men, just like a child who entered college ten years early. Gao Guang doesn't like to lose, even in areas he is not good at. But now it seems that he thinks Lei wants to hit his confidence, but this method is a bit too clumsy.

It is not fair to win. Even if the Phantom Force wins, it is not fair. Gao Guang feels that his confidence will never be hit.

Finally, the sniper instructor said loudly: "Each sniper group will take their positions according to their numbers. There is three minutes of preparation time. Long-distance shooting. The targets are 1,400 yards, 1,600 yards, and 1,800 yards. The time will determine the winner. The first one to hit all effective parts wins."

One yard is equivalent to 9114 meters. If we calculate it as 0.9 meters, 1,400 yards is almost equivalent to 1,300 meters. For snipers, this is definitely a long distance, and 1,800 yards is almost 1,600 meters, which is definitely an ultra-long distance.

Gao Guang never thought about shooting at this distance, and these three distances are also distances where most snipers cannot achieve accurate shooting.

For a range of more than 1,000 meters, only large-caliber ones can do it.

Gao Guang watched the snipers put their 7mm sniper rifles on the sandbags, and then one of them started to aim at the target arranged in advance, while the assistant shooter next to him took out a small book and read the data on it, and then the main shooter began to adjust the scope.

Some adjusted the aim, some measured the wind speed, and some reported the height difference. This was shooting at the target below on a small hill, and there was a height difference, so the height difference had to be taken into account.

Gao Guang thought it was enough after looking at it. It was not good for him to be the main shooter, and it was even more redundant to calculate those data as an assistant. Let alone three minutes, it would be good if he could figure it out in thirty minutes.

But Gao Guang still walked to Lola's side.

Lola handed Gao Guang a telescope, and then she said very calmly: "Look carefully, you can see the trajectory of my bullet through the telescope, have you seen it before?"

"Well, it seems that I haven't, what can I do?"

Lola shrugged, she pulled the gun out of the snatch bag, and then lay on the ground with the huge 338AWM rifle.

"I don't like this gun at all. What are you doing? Are you going to stand?" Gao Guang lay down beside Lola with a telescope. Lola reached out and adjusted the scope, took a look in the scope, and said nothing. Then she adjusted her gun holding posture and did not make any other movements. Three minutes passed quickly, and the instructor shouted: "Start shooting." With a bang, the sniper on Gao Guang's left immediately fired a shot, and then there were several more bangs. Nine snipers fired at the same time, and the movement was still very fast. After waiting for two or three seconds, the assistant shooter on the left said: "The bullet impact point is too high, lower the scale." When Gao Guang was concentrating on listening to what the person on the left said, Lola's gun suddenly fired, and Gao Guang jumped. Then after about three or four seconds, he saw that the target that Lola was supposed to hit suddenly fell to the ground. One thousand four hundred yards, the first shot hit. The first shot hit is the first shot hit without test shooting. Those who understand will understand. Gao Guang didn't know how to snipe, but he knew the value of this shot.

"Hit it?"

While Gao Guang was still surprised, Lola adjusted the muzzle of the gun, and after aiming for more than ten seconds, she fired the second shot.

The second target fell down.

Gao Guang trembled and said, "The second shot also hit it?"

Lola adjusted the muzzle of the gun again. This time she aimed for about ten seconds and fired another shot. The bullet flew for a long time. Gao Guang really saw the trajectory of the bullet in the air, and then accurately shot down the third target.

Lola pulled the bolt, and then she lay on the ground and shouted, "Report to the instructor, the shooting of the ninth position is completed."

"Three shots hit, Lola, well done!"

The sniper instructor said in an admiring voice, and then shouted, "Just wait for the punishment! You lost to a little girl again!"

Gao Guang was at a loss. He turned around, supported the ground with one hand, looked at Lei and whispered, "Is it fake? You are working together to deceive me?"

Lei smiled but didn't say anything, but he was now proud.

Gao Guang suddenly understood that sending Rola to be his secondary shooter might be a honey trap, but if you think about it carefully, are they trying to restore their dignity with a sniper beyond imagination?

A girl who can shoot at long distances for a long time and continue to make her shine to the point where she has low self-esteem, being with her every day as a secondary shooter is not good for training a sniper.

This is a devastating confidence blow to anyone, especially men.

Gao Guang suddenly turned his head and looked at Laura. He looked at Laura and made up his mind. He wanted to decide on this woman. He had to. Laura must be his!

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