Firepower is king

Chapter 587 Deadlock

The highlights have been hit hard enough.

Then knowing that Laura was just a recruit who joined the army during the summer recruitment, and then quickly recruited the phantom troops, and had only been in the army for more than four months, Gao Guang's frustration became even more intense.

But the stronger the frustration, the stronger the motivation to abduct Laura.

If you, the boss, don't want to include such a powerful sniper in your team, then there must be something wrong with your brain.

Don't worry about whether it can be realized or not, this ideal must always be there.

As long as the hoe is wielded well, there is no wall that cannot be dug down.

Although the Phantom Army is really tough, it all depends on people.

It is impossible to expect Laura to be recruited after she retires. It will take too long. First of all, Laura's normal service period is at least three years. But after joining the special unit of Phantom, the service period will go up to ten years. , and Laura is so young, it is possible that she will serve for fifteen years. If she chooses to serve for life, her whole life will be over.

Therefore, it is impossible to wait and can only make a quick decision.

How to poach a bunch of super-talented snipers from the Phantom Army is a super difficult problem.

At present, Gao Guang has thought of two ways. One is a beauty trap. Using his handsome appearance, plus rich financial conditions, and meticulous care, as long as Laura can fall hopelessly in love with him, there will be a good chance. Poached Laura.

I heard that female soldiers in the United States will be forced to retire if they become pregnant, but I don’t know if this is true.

But this method, just think about it, the possibility of realization is less than or equal to zero.

First of all, the highlights are not bad enough. He has not fallen madly in love with Laura yet. He must turn Laura into his sniper, but he does not necessarily want to turn Laura into his wife. This must be made clear.

If he is not scumbag enough, he will not be able to seduce Laura. First of all, Gao Guang cannot pass his own psychological barrier, and then he also lacks the means to deal with girls. Then he cannot be a father first in order to find a sniper.

And the most important point is that even if Gao Guang likes Laura, Laura doesn't like him, at least there is no sign of liking him at all right now.

So this method can be ignored.

Then the second way is to make the good phantoms yellow and disband the phantom troops.

But this method is superfluous even to think about. Let’s not talk about the combat effectiveness of the Phantom Force. The key point is that it is a new unit that has only been established for six years. It is impossible to disband. No matter how poor the combat effectiveness is, it cannot be disbanded unless the United States first Special Operations Command was abolished.

There are only two methods, neither of which can be achieved, which makes the highlight very annoying.

After a night of tossing and turning, Gao Guang suffered from insomnia.

As a result of his insomnia, Gao Guang was even more confused when he took the sniper class the next day.

To be a sniper, there are too many things that need to be mastered.

Shooting is only a small part of the sniper's skills, so being a sniper is far from just good marksmanship. Instead, it requires a large and complex knowledge system and a skill system as support. But obviously, these snipers must have Conditions and highlights are basically not mastered.

Although he had attended the training camp of the War Group, Gao Guang had only practiced the most urgently needed skills, and he had almost no accumulation of knowledge that a sniper really needed.

The snipers recruited by the Phantom Force are basically shooters who have performed well in the original army and have a certain degree of accumulation. Then Phantom brings them over and undergoes certain training, and then they become snipers trained by themselves. Laura is also the same way. However, the highlight will definitely not work this way.

The first level to become a sniper is the exam.

And it’s a written test.

Gao Guang got a paper. The questions on the paper were from low to high in difficulty, basically testing the mastery of basic knowledge. Based on the score, the instructor could basically judge the level of a sniper student.

However, the Phantom's target is the strongest special forces in the US military, so the students they recruit must be the best of the best recruits. How can they be true rookies?

So Gao Guang couldn't answer even after looking at the paper. He really couldn't.

The two-hour exam was a torment for Gao Guang. What was even worse was that Laura, as his assistant shooter, was waiting for the whole process.

This is definitely a deliberate arrangement, absolutely.

Gao Guang went from being uneasy when he got the paper, to being shocked by the difficulty of the paper, to panic, to numbness. His desire to become a sniper was basically gone.

It's not that Gao Guang couldn't practice, but he decided to give up when he found that it would take at least half a year of doing nothing and practicing specifically to become a qualified sniper.

Gao Guang looked at the blank paper for at least an hour, but he didn't answer for a long time. The instructor finally couldn't help it. He raised his hand and looked at his watch and said: "There is still one hour."

Gao Guang remained silent, still looking at the test paper repeatedly.

What is Gao Guang doing? He is memorizing the test paper.

This is a new recruitment test paper for the Phantom Forces. It basically represents the minimum requirements of the US military for snipers. Therefore, this test paper itself is a treasure, and it is not a top-secret document. However, this test paper is absolutely impossible to find in the private sector. Arrived.

The level of professionalism of the people in this test paper is different. Gao Guang plans to write it down carefully. This is a knowledge point that will be useful in case one day he also opens a training camp like the War Group. The knowledge points on this test paper are treasures. ,

Finally, someone couldn't stand it anymore.

"Don't you know how to do it at all?"

Lei came in at some point. Gao Guang heard Lei's voice and looked back, but ignored Lei.

Lei walked up to Gao Guang and said in surprise: "You can't even pass this test, how can you be a sniper?"

Gao Guang subconsciously scratched his ears.

Speechless and not sure what to say, Gao Guang hesitated for a moment and finally said: "I can learn. I am here to learn. If I have become a sniper, then what else should I learn?"

Lei was overjoyed, this was the effect they wanted!

Becoming a sniper is not that simple. As long as Gao Guang wants to learn and is willing to learn, then he can stay here obediently.

"Yes, you really need to learn from the basics. So, you can..."

Lei could explain his plan in a logical way. This study plan might not work within a year, but before he could finish speaking, Gao Guang shook his head and said: "I want to learn, but I won't learn from you. I'm very busy, so I don't have time to learn this all the time. Besides, I can learn it outside, just find a sniper to teach me slowly."

Ray was suddenly speechless.

Gao Guang looked at Lei and spread his hands and said, "My time is precious. With a business of more than one billion a year, I don't have time to practice this."

It is easy to deal with a young man who is good at marksmanship, and it is not too difficult to deal with a young man who is very good at marksmanship, but it is too difficult to deal with a young man who is very good at marksmanship but is super rich.

For a moment, Lei wanted to give up.

Honor, this is useless against a mad dog.

Save your future, don't even talk about it.

Money, even if the United States allocates 10 billion in funding to the Phantom Army a year, it will not fall into their hands. Although the Phantom can get a salary that is far higher than that of other troops, but what does it mean in the eyes of a mad dog? This little money is nothing!

At this point, there was a deadlock.

Gao Guang wants Laura, and Lei can also ask for it, but it seems unlikely at the moment.

Lei wants to leave a highlight, but it seems impossible at the moment.

But they still have a glimmer of hope left, so neither of them want to get stuck in this deadlock, so they urgently need a way to break the deadlock now.

But what to do, Gao Guang and Lei both fell into deep thought.

At this time, Laura, who had been watching, came over. She looked at the test paper, and then said with a sudden look on her face: "This is what you are doing. This is too difficult, and I can't do it either."

Gao Guang was slightly stunned, and then he looked at Laura in surprise.

The person to break the deadlock is here.

Lei was overjoyed. He looked at Laura and said, "You can't do it either? Then you failed the written test?"

Laura bit her lip, nodded helplessly, and then she said aggrievedly: "So maybe I'm really not suitable to be a qualified sniper."

Lei knew about Laura's existence, but he was really not familiar with Laura, and he didn't particularly understand Laura's situation, so he was really surprised by the current situation, and he was not pretending.

Gao Guang was even more shocked. He said to Laura: "Are you not suitable to be a sniper? You...well, that's right."

If Laura fails to pass the assessment, does she have more chances of leaving the team?

For the few remaining opportunities, Gao Guang is now giving up his face.

Lei asked curiously: "Why can't you pass the written test?"

Laura said helplessly: "My father didn't teach me."

The sniper instructor had to speak up. He said calmly: "Lola's situation is quite special. She lacks some basic knowledge about snipers because she has never received training in this area before, but she has nothing to do with shooting. She has practiced well, so she can quickly make up for the lack of knowledge. In this case, even if she fails to pass the written test, there will be no problem. "

A sniper must have good marksmanship, but a person with good marksmanship may not necessarily be a sniper.

Now Lola embodies the relationship between marksmanship and sniper very well. She is an excellent shooter, but she is not a sniper either, which is good because her existence breaks the deadlock.

Gao Guang felt that it was necessary to have an in-depth understanding of Laura. After learning more, maybe there would be a solution.

And Ray had the same idea.

After a brief moment of silence, Gao Guang suddenly said: "Actually, I don't have to be a sniper. It would be fine if I could have as good a marksmanship as you. How did you shoot?"

Laura spread her hands and said very relaxedly: "It's easy, just aim at the target and pull the trigger."

Such an answer seemed familiar to Gao Guang. He thought about it and found that he seemed to say the same thing often.

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