Firepower is king

Chapter 590: Bad Start

Training is boring, boring, and Gao Guang feels that training is unnecessary. If he will be a big arms dealer in the future, then why should he waste his precious time on training?

Any special forces team is indispensable for devil training, and the phantom force certainly has it, and it is even more rigorous.

Gao Guang originally wanted to experience the devil training of top special forces, but after he saw what the so-called devil training was like, he immediately gave up the idea.

The main thing is that the scene of jumping into a pool of blood full of rancid smell, carrying a log, climbing out, and then staggering forward carrying the log is so shocking.

"That stinky-smelling plasma pool must not be real plasma and internal organs, right? It's not that perverted, right?"

Hearing Gao Guang's question, Laura shrugged and said, "No, the real logistics team went to the slaughterhouse to get it."

Gao Guang could still bear it, but after hearing Laura's words, he finally turned his head away, and then vomited.

Gao Guang can endure hardships and get tired, but he really can't accept this dryness.

"You're not going to skip this too!"

Laura nodded, and then she said with lingering fear: "Yes, I did not receive preferential treatment, and because I am short, it is more difficult to pass the blood pool..."

"Stop it, you've ruined my ability to eat meat. I won't have to eat meat for the next few days."

After suppressing the discomfort, Gao Guang waved his hand and said, "Let's go. Now I think it's better to strengthen basic physical training."

Laura frowned and said, "Believe me, you won't like physical training."

"No, it's not easy for me to come here. Now that I'm here, I have to learn something before I leave."

Gao Guang has temporarily given up on becoming a sniper, because it is not something that can be done in a month or two, and he obviously can't stay here for that long.

Now Gao Guang has also given up the devil training, giving up an iconic training content for special forces and ordinary soldiers.

Frankly speaking, the training camp of the War Group would never have these contents, especially such disgusting contents, but Gao Guang chose to give up because he felt that he no longer needed to become a special forces soldier.

You can spend money to recruit retired special forces to work for you. There is no need to turn yourself into a special forces. The main reason is that this crime is not something ordinary people can bear.

It's better to practice physical fitness. This is good and won't make you sick.

But the most important thing is whether you take off your fat military uniform during physical training.

Gao Guang originally wanted to get acquainted first and then deepen his relationship with Laura, but now, he decided to move forward.

"Laura, what do you like?"

He has a high quotient for both highlighters and highlights, but when it comes to getting closer to a girl, he hasn't learned how to do it without leaving any trace.

Still a little too tender.

But fortunately, Laura is also simple. After thinking about it, she said with a distressed look: "What do you like? I like hunting, the wilderness, and shooting."

Gao Guang hurriedly said: "I'm talking about items. Do you have anything you like?"


"Besides guns, oh no, guns are fine too. What kind of gun do you like? Is there anything in particular you want?"

Laura spread her hands and said indifferently: "No, there are all kinds of guns here. I can choose whatever I like, but there is no gun I particularly want."

"What about the master's handmade gun? Have you ever shot it?"


Gao Guang laughed, and then he immediately said: "You can get the best handmade gun, it just depends on what kind of gun you like."

Laura didn't speak, and she even glanced at Gao Guang with vigilant eyes.

Gao Guang was awakened by Laura's eyes. It was a little early to send things now, too fast, too urgent.

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing, so be careful about it.

Gao Guang still said happily: "I have a very good relationship with the best gunsmith. If you have a chance, you can try it. His guns are so good that you won't believe how good they are. I can help you buy a real gun." There is nothing wrong with this masterpiece except that it is expensive.”

After hearing that it was available for purchase, Laura's vigilance dropped, and she immediately asked: "How expensive is it?"

"A pistol costs thousands."

Highlights lowered the price of handmade guns. Laura shrugged and said, "Oh, that's okay, it's not expensive."

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment, and then he said to Laura: "Is the hunter so rich?"

Laura shrugged and said: "Hunters don't make much, but my father has a lot of savings, and we don't have much to spend money on, except for buying ammunition."

The financial situation is not too bad and I don’t have any hobbies. This is difficult to do.

Gao Guang and Laura exited the devil training venue. He looked relieved and said: "The air here is better. Well, where did I just say it? Oh, your father must also be a good hunter." , good shooter."

Laura nodded.

The probing Gao Guang smiled and said: "You said that your father's legs are not very good. Have you seen a good doctor? I know a very good doctor. I can recommend him to you if you need it."

Laura's face darkened, and then she whispered: "My father passed away."

"Oh, sorry, I'm sorry."

Gao Guang felt a little guilty in his heart. If it were someone else, he wouldn't have this mentality, but looking at a cute girl, he would feel guilty for the conversation he initiated intentionally to test.

Laura shook her head and whispered: "It doesn't matter, I still can't accept this reality, but I can't help it, this is life, we always have to say goodbye to our loved ones."

The conversation suddenly became philosophical.

The two walked in silence for a while, and then Gao Guang whispered: "I don't know whether I should ask, but your mother."

"I don't have a mother."

Laura shrugged and said: "My mother left us when I was very young. She divorced my father. My father took me to Alaska after the divorce."

Sure enough, just as expected.

Gao Guang didn't know what to say now. He could only think about the topic. Then before he could think of what to say, the gym arrived.

The gym of the Phantom Army is large and well-equipped. Gao Guang checked his name tag and entered smoothly. Then he looked at Laura and said, "Do you want to work out together?"

Laura shook her head and said: "No, just do it yourself, I don't like fitness very much."

Gao Guang said sincerely: "It's good to move around a little bit, uh, isn't there a women's changing room here?"

Laura thought for a while and said: "No need, I am not suitable for exercise during my menstrual period."

Highlights have never been included in this.

The plan went bankrupt, and Gaoguang's desire to keep fit immediately dissipated.

Seeing Laura just sitting there doing nothing, absent-minded and not energetic, Gao Guang thought about it and finally came up with an idea.

"Let's change areas. I don't like equipment very much."

Gao Guang and Laura walked to the side. There was a fighting training venue. The time was wrong, so there were very few people. Gao Guang took off his coat and hung it aside. Then he took off the messy things, took off his shoes, and stood there. On the field covered with foam mats, there was a long boxing routine.

He took a long breath, and then suddenly stamped his feet. This was Gao Guang's necessary action before every martial arts performance.

Then Gao Guang started to play his tricks.

The routine is really not good in actual combat, but it is really good-looking. In terms of viewing quality, the highlight can beat Fang Zhenwu by about a hundred blocks.

Sure enough, Laura's eyes were quickly attracted, and she looked at the highlight with a look of surprise on her face.

Finally, there was a method that worked. Gao Guang became even more energetic. He finished a set of long punches, then withdrew his punches gracefully, exhaled slowly, and then said to Laura: "This is kung fu."

"Wow, you know kung fu? So awesome!"

After Laura finished speaking, she felt that she should do something, so she clapped her hands politely twice, and then she looked at the highlight with a calm face.

Is this gone? Why are there no adoring eyes or screams?

Gao Guang didn't know how to continue. He wanted to give Laura the care of a father or the care of an elder brother, but Laura wouldn't give him this chance. ,

Having no other choice, Gao Guang cheered up and smiled at Laura: "Do you want to learn?"

"In no mood."

Okay, forget it if you don’t want to.

Gao Guang forced a smile. He walked aside and started to put on his boots. Then when he put the things on his body again, he weakly said to Laura: "Let's go."

"You want to work out and this is the end?"

"Uh, no, I'm going to... I like my own private gym and don't like places with too many people, so I'll forget it."

Laura shrugged, she seemed very indifferent, and said: "Let's go, wherever you go, anyway, my mission is to follow you and do whatever you want."

Intense frustration.

Why is it so difficult to be a father to someone else?

At this moment, the rescuer finally appeared.

Gao Guang has a walkie-talkie, which Lei specially equipped for him, because Lei cannot follow him 24 hours a day, so when something happens, Lei can use the walkie-talkie to call him.

"Call Mad Dog, where are you?"

Gao Guang picked up the walkie-talkie and whispered: "Gym."

"Aren't you going to take part in devil training?"

"I gave up."

"Okay, wait for me. I'll be there right away. I have something to tell you."

Soon, Lei Fengfeng appeared in the gym and came to Gao Guang and Laura.

Ray looked at the highlight and then at Laura, and then he seemed a little hesitant because he was considering whether to let Laura leave.

At this time, Laura suddenly saluted, and then whispered: "Sir, may I ask when I can return to the team."

Lei was a little surprised, Gao Guang was even more surprised, and then Laura said helplessly: "Mr. Mad Dog wanted to become a sniper, so he asked me to be his assistant shooter and instructor, but he has given up on becoming a sniper, so why can't I What about returning to the team?”

Lei was speechless, but Gao Guang immediately said: "Give up? Who said I gave up? I just stopped practicing for the time being, but I didn't give up. I must become a sniper."

Laura looked a little helpless, she curled her lips.

Lei scratched his forehead twice. He had not originally planned to talk about the drill here, but he was not stupid. After noticing the change in Gao Guang's attitude, he immediately made a decision.

Lei said without warning: "We hope that you can participate in an exercise as an imaginary enemy. A confrontation exercise between a four-person team and an eight-person team. You can choose your own team members."

"Exercise? Imaginary enemy?"

Lei nodded and said, "Yes."

Gao Guang looked at Laura and immediately said: "Then the sniper is her."

Seizing the opportunity, things were 90% successful. Lei was extremely satisfied with his control of the timing, so he immediately nodded and said: "Okay, then the exercise will be conducted this afternoon. You can select the team members now."

Gao Guang had no reason to refuse.

As expected, it is the hero who has trouble with the beauty trap. No matter what the purpose is, Gao Guang is indeed being manipulated by the beauty trap now.

There is no way, who made Gao Guang fall in love with Laura.

Gao Guang remained calm, nodded and said, "Okay, let's choose someone now. The other team member is you, is that okay?"

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