Firepower is king

Chapter 591: Get closer

Those who play tactics are not necessarily dirty-hearted, at least Gao Guang himself does not think so, but those who play tactics must have many ideas.

Gao Guang looked at the computer and seemed to be selecting people, but in fact he was thinking about the two people around him.

A four-person group, an eight-person group, whether to put Lola in, this is a dry question.

Gao Guang felt that if Lola was allowed to participate in the exercise as a sniper, then her position must be delayed or arranged outside, so that she could see her heroic figure.

And letting Lola, a sniper, follow the assault is obviously neither reasonable nor normal.

So Lola's best position is the audience.

But Lei is different, he must be with Gao Guang, because an exercise is certainly an opportunity for others to observe Gao Guang, but conversely it is also an opportunity for Gao Guang to observe Lei.

So Lola is the audience, and Lei must take the lead.

Gao Guang finally made up his mind and then his attention returned to the computer screen.

This is probably one of the top secrets of the Phantom Force, that is, the information of the members of the Phantom Force, but now, at least forty people's information is presented in front of Gao Guang.

The four-person group must be the assault group. Gao Guang himself occupies one, Lei is also one, so he will pick two more. Gao Guang quickly browsed the information of the official members of the Phantom Force, especially the assaulters, and found that there were no tall people in the Phantom Force.

There was no one over 1.9 meters tall, and the tallest was only 1.84 meters tall, a white man who was not particularly big. This one should be selected. The second tallest was 1.83 meters tall, but Gao Guang ignored this and chose a black man who was 1.78 meters tall.

This black man was really strong, his neck was almost as wide as his face, but the most important thing was that Gao Guang felt that he had a sense of intimacy with a black man around him.

"That's it. The two of them will be in the four-man group, and the other one is you."

Lei nodded, he looked at the screen, picked up the intercom, and said: "D2, H4, selected for the four-man group."

After that, Lei said to Gao Guang again: "There is also an eight-man group."

"What is the content of the exercise?"

Lei said without hesitation: "Indoor combat is the main content. There may be a surprise battle with offense and defense interchange, and the scope will be expanded, but in the end it will still be indoor combat."

"It's mainly indoor combat, that's the three of us, plus these two, and then... this, this one too, and another sniper, that's it."

Those with individual specialties will add a demolitionist and a grenadier. His specialties clearly indicate that he is good at throwing grenades, and the others don't matter, Gao Guang didn't plan to take it too seriously.

Lei stretched out his hand and said, "What tactics are you going to use?" Gao Guang said without hesitation, "I don't have any tactics, you can use any tactics." Lei smiled and said, "No, we don't have any tactics, you come to formulate the tactics. I want to remind you that if you win the exercise, you can continue to stay in this base. If you lose..." "Can I leave?" "No, you just have to hand in the current pass card and still use the original one. Many areas will no longer be open to you." Gao Guang was stunned for a moment, because there is no benefit in winning, but there are great disadvantages in showing off. It seems that he has to win. Gao Guang didn't want a shield, but now he feels that a shield has become very necessary. Now Gao Guang is not afraid of being exposed, because there are too many people who know his combat characteristics, CIA, Department of Homeland Security, police, and Smith's War Group, too many, too many. Gao Guang's current partners and stakeholders generally stand on the side of the United States. If one day the United States needs to send the Phantom Force to kill him, then it will be meaningless whether Gao Guang has revealed the truth to the Phantom Force, because his current partners will definitely become the ones who are most eager to kill him.

There is no secret to begin with, so how can there be any talk of leaking the truth?

"Okay, the exercise has a setting, right? Everything is close to actual combat, as close to actual combat as possible, or what?"

"66, of course, everything is close to actual combat. The choice of equipment and the execution of tactics all affect the score, and the score is the key factor in the final difference between victory and defeat."

Gao Guang exhaled and said, "Okay, these two people, equip them with shields. You have shields, right? I want the heaviest shield that a single person can afford. In addition, I want them to wear heavy armor, the kind that protects the whole body."

Lei was very surprised and said, "You mean full body heavy armor? And an extra shield?"

"Yes, do you have it?"

The Phantom Force is a military force, and the military's special forces rarely use shields. They are commonly used by police forces, but whether it is field combat or assault, whether it is a decapitation operation or a rescue operation carried out by the military, shields are basically not used.

But now Lei has to get whatever Gao Guang wants.

"Okay, no problem!" Gao Guang looked at his watch and said, "When will the exercise start?" "It can start in half an hour. What weapons do you need?" "Two M17 pistols." "What else?" "No need for anything else." Lei nodded heavily and said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements. The exercise will start in half an hour." Lei put away his computer and left. After Lei left, Lola finally said, "How can you conduct an indoor combat with only two pistols?" "Pistols are enough, nothing else is needed." Lola pouted, she obviously didn't believe what Gao Guang said.

He knew that Laura wouldn't believe it, but Gao Guang was too lazy to explain anything. He smiled slightly, and then said to Laura: "You don't believe it, do you? Then guess, why did the Phantom Army invite me here? Pay attention to the important point, it's an invitation I'm here."

Laura was stunned for a moment, Gao Guang laughed a little, and said: "Let me tell you a secret, I am invincible in close combat."

Laura finally looked at Gao Guang in surprise.

Highlight's bragging earned Laura a look of surprise. Well, it seems that Alaskans are indeed quite reserved. They are really not good at expressing emotions. ,

Gao Guang is full of confidence, and now he is looking forward to the practice starting as soon as possible.

Half an hour later, the exercise started on time.

The venue is a two-story small building with a large yard and high stone walls. The architectural style looks like that of Afhan, but Gao Guang always feels that this building looks familiar.

"The building is very simple. It is an independent two-story building with the same four-person team inside, but they are protecting a target person with obvious characteristics. Our mission is to kill the target person. Do you understand?"

The venue is simple and the task is simple, but Gao Guang stood on the high ground on both sides of the valley, pointed at the training ground in the middle of the valley and said: "This is at least two kilometers away from the training ground. Are we going to rush over and launch an assault like this?" It’s not easy, brother.”

Lei was also heavily armored, only wearing a bullet-proof vest with highlights. The other team member, who was about the same height, could run, but it would be too much to ask them to walk two kilometers with a shield.

Lei didn't take the highlight issue seriously. He smiled and then said on the intercom: "The helicopter is in position."

After calling the helicopter, Lei Cai said to Gao Guang: "Of course we will launch the assault after landing. This is standard procedure."

Gao Guang was dumbfounded. He had flown in a helicopter before, but he was really inexperienced in helicopter landing operations. But the most important thing was that Laura was here. If he wanted to land in a field two kilometers away to fight, then Laura was the most important. What do viewers watch?

"Wait a minute, what should she do?"

Lei looked at Laura and said, "Of course she will stay here."

Gao Guang hesitated for a moment, and then he suddenly said: "No, I changed my mind. Laura, follow me. You bring a sniper rifle, and you quit this exercise."

Laura and the tall shielder were both stunned, but the shielder was actually happy to quit the exercise because he really didn't want to be a pure human shield, so the shielder immediately took a step back.

Gao Guang originally wanted Lei to take the lead and rush in ahead of him so that he could observe Lei's performance, but now, it's a pity.

"Lei, lift the shield. If you can't lift it, you can take off the body armor."

The muscles on Lei's face twitched a few times, then he took a deep breath and said loudly: "Give me the shield!"

Gao Guang was still explaining the tactics, and he hurriedly said: "Remember everything, you are responsible for covering, I am responsible for output, your only task is to cover me, pay attention to your feet, pay attention to grenades, and be careful not to block my shooting range, do you understand? "


The execution was still very high, and although both shield bearers felt slighted and insulted, they would not refuse.

Laura said anxiously: "What about me?"

"Follow me and pay attention."

Gao Guang had to let Laura be a good audience, so he did not hesitate to reduce one of his human shields. After finishing speaking, Gao Guang waved his hand and said: "Get on the plane and let's go."

The plane landed, and Laura, who had temporarily brought a special laser sniper rifle for exercises, got on the helicopter with a confused look on her face.

Laura has never been involved in airborne combat. She is a new recruit, and she has not yet reached this stage.

The helicopter took off, covered the distance of just two thousand meters in an instant, and then landed in the large yard.

This is to take care of Gao Guang and Luo La, who cannot rappel at all. Of course, the defenders during the exercise will not take the opportunity to attack, otherwise the exercise will not be carried out.

Gao Guang jumped off the helicopter, and then he waited for Lei and the other shield bearer to get off the helicopter with difficulty.

Putting his hand on Lei's back, Gao Guang whispered: "Come on! Go forward side by side, fast, fast!"

Ray and the black man ran hard.

The landing location is less than twenty meters away from the building entrance, but the defenders inside will not fire until Gao Guang and the others enter.

A drill is a drill, no matter how close it is to actual combat, it is not actual combat. The highlight was behind Lei and the black man. When they were about to enter the door, they suddenly pulled Lei's shoulder, causing Lei's speed to slow down a little.

The black man rushed in directly, and red smoke immediately appeared from the top of his head. At this time, Gaoguang pushed Lei behind. After Lei stumbled and rushed in with his shield, Gaoguang went in close to Lei, and then he put both hands The gun fires, ending the battle in an instant.

I don't know whether it was intentional or the opponent's tactic was really this. They gathered all four people in the outermost room. As long as Gao Guang was not killed by the first wave of concentrated fire, there was no reason why he could not succeed in entering.

At the end of the first exercise, one person in Gao Guang's team was killed. Lei was shot three times, but the bullets failed to penetrate the shield and armor, so he survived the exercise.

The black man holding the shield looked helpless and frustrated, while Lei's face was full of astonishment. He said in shock: "Is this how you hit?"

"Of course not, this is just a drill."

After finishing speaking with a relaxed expression, Gao Guang looked around and said: "If it were an actual combat, I would first put a few rocket launchers in here and throw a few grenades, but for acting, isn't this what you want to see."

Gao Guang's words are irrefutable, because in actual combat, Lei and the others would have fired more than just rocket launchers and thrown more than just grenades.

But he always felt that something was wrong. Lei was stunned for a while and finally said: "This tactic of yours...this tactic"

Lei didn't know what to say, but Gao Guang didn't care what Lei thought. He turned to look at Laura, and then, he suddenly discovered the problem.

Laura followed behind, she didn't even enter the door, the exercise was over.

This is not possible, Gao Guang immediately said: "Well, the first time is just a warm-up, right?"

Lei quickly said: "Yes, the official opening is next."

"Then don't waste time, don't take the helicopter back again, let's just prepare and come back."

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang looked at Laura and said seriously: "You are too far away from me this time. Next time you must follow me and get close to me. In this kind of battle, I have to shoot quickly. You are too far away." , you can’t see how I fight.”

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