Firepower is king

Chapter 607 Old School Style

From the initial shock of seeing Smith, to the panic of learning more people's identities, to the final numbness, it didn't take Frank long.

It was Frank who rescued Gao Guang. The young man who tried his best to prove himself in order to survive. More than a year later, Frank had developed such a network of connections. Frank was no longer filled with emotion, but rather confused. .

How did you get along?

They are both human beings, so why is there such a big gap?

It can only be said that people are more infuriating than others. Frank really felt the huge gap in status. Therefore, instead of regaining his confidence in his own abilities, he was hit, and the blow was a bit big.

But confidence in the future, mainly confidence in making money, is not a matter of whether it can be restored, but Frank has to remind himself not to be too inflated.

This has something to do with the Western social system, because as long as these people are willing to attend the cocktail party specially designed to welcome Frank back, and are willing to get to know Frank, it means that they are willing to provide necessary help to Frank within their ability.

Networking is like carrying people in a sedan chair, and then naturally there are many more connections, and finally they are compiled into a network of friends.

The highlight was to welcome Frank and to have this cocktail party to regain Frank's confidence, but he also took the opportunity to draw out his social circle and show off, which was almost like showing off his trump cards.

When Smith sees that Gao Guang has friends like Miss Sarah and General Lloyd, he must give Gao Guang a higher opinion. When Lloyd sees Gao Guang's social circle, he must consider whether Gao Guang is used as cannon fodder and a shield. Not appropriate.

There are also Wharton and his wife who have Gao Guang's relationship with the police. But after today, they will also know that apart from his relationship with the police, Gao Guang can also enjoy and play well in the military.

People with similar status can use this cocktail party hosted by Gao Guang to expand their social circle. For example, Miss Sara and Eric. Their financial resources and influence are quite different. They can just keep a relationship with Gao Guang because of their relationship. Contact information, even if you know each other in the future, although it may not be useful now, it may be useful in the future.

As for Smith, after all, he is in the PC business, so he naturally has to get close to Lloyd.

So with the help of this cocktail party and the influence of many friends, Gao Guang raised his status and influence. From today on, it may not be possible in other fields, but in Los Angeles, in the field of PC, Gao Guang is considered the number one person.

It doesn't matter whether others know it or not, but Gao Guang's own circle recognizes him as a figure, and that's the most important thing.

The reception didn't last very long, only about an hour, and then the VIPs invited by Highlights began to leave one after another.

Smith already knew Frank, and they had known each other much earlier than Gao Guang, but Smith left early because he knew that if he stayed, some things would be hard to say.

It stands to reason that Smith should support Frank. After all, he is an old subordinate and employee, and Smith has always been good to Frank before. But now, Gao Guang obviously wants to reuse Frank. So should Smith encourage Frank to work hard for Gao Guang? Let Gao Guang work well for Frank.

To reach the top of an industry, Smith didn't rely on fighting and killing.

Knowing that nothing was appropriate, he might as well leave early and wait for Gao Guang and Frank's relationship to be finalized before slowly catching up on old times.

It's not a good time to talk about business today, because today is just for Frank to clean things up. He just needs to get drunk, put an end to all the bad things, and then fly happily.

Until the next day, when Gao Guang woke up, he felt like he had a splitting headache and his steps were sluggish, so he simply let Mike hold Frank for another day of fun. It wasn't until the third day that he could talk about business.

But Gao Guang's plan to talk business with Frank was disrupted again by an accident.

Francisco's cousin is finally here!

Gao Guang lives in his own home, the house that Miss Sara gave him, a house in the same community as the Whartons. But today, without notifying him in advance, Francisco took his cousin with him. My brother came directly to visit me.

For Francisco, who looked a little dull and seemed to have a shortcoming of brains, but actually attached great importance to rules, this move was very rare.

Even if Francisco's cousin wants to work in the King's Defense, the first meeting should be at the company, not at home. If Francisco brings his cousin directly to Gao Guang's home, it means that he The cousin doesn’t just get a job, he wants to work for the spotlight.

There is a difference, and the difference is huge.

Gao Guang was awakened by the sound of the doorbell. He did not ask for a servant, so he had to open the door himself. Then when he opened the door, he found Francisco and a young man with a stubble on his face standing outside.

Both of them were wearing serious black suits, but one was wearing a red tie and the other was wearing a tie with blue stripes and red dots. Otherwise, these two people would have been serious as if they were attending a funeral.

Gao Guang was wearing a nightgown and looked at Francisco outside the door in a daze.


Francisco turned sideways and pointed his right hand at the young man beside him, and then he said with a serious face: "This is the cousin I have told you several times, Riccardo Grillo."

Gao Guang was stunned for a while, because Riccardo was so handsome that he could be a star, but the expression on his face was too serious, and his eyes looked fierce.

It's not cold, it's the fierceness and sharpness that a thug should have. This kind of look and serious expression are very suitable for Francisco, but it seems very inconsistent when it appears on a handsome guy who is a top student in the law department.

Riccardo bowed slightly and said with determination: "It's an honor to meet you, sir."

The porch was relatively high, Gao Guang looked down at the two of them, and then, he suddenly felt that he was very rude.

"Hello, please come in, please come in quickly."

Wearing a nightgown, he had to cover it with one hand to prevent exposure, and the highlight looked a bit embarrassing, because Francisco did not notify him in advance, and the two of them were dressed too formally, which caught him off guard.

Gao Guang opened the door and warmly welcomed the two of them in. Then Gao Guang said urgently to Francisco, "You can sit wherever you like and get whatever you want to drink. I'll go change my clothes."

Gao Guang hurried into the bedroom and started looking for clothes suitable for meeting guests.

We are all our own people, so you are really welcome. Francisco and Riccardo walked into Gaoguang's living room, and then Francisco pointed to the sofa and said, "Sit down."

Riccardo frowned, then he shook his head and whispered: "Cousin, this is very rude. I can't be too casual when we meet for the first time."

Francisco stood in awe, and then he whispered: "You are right, in the United States, I forgot a lot of etiquette, which is not good."

Francisco and his cousin stood neatly beside the sofa in the living room, politely and respectfully waiting for the highlight to come out.

Gao Guang originally wanted to wear a suit, but he felt it was unnecessary at home, so he wore a white shirt, a pair of trousers, and no tie. He washed his face in a hurry before going back to the living room.

Seeing the two people standing solemnly, Gao Guang was surprised again. Then he hurriedly walked to Riccardo and said enthusiastically: "Hello, hello, I heard Francisco talking about you many times. ”

Riccardo held Gao Guang's right hand, then he lowered his head, bowed slightly, and said deeply: "Dear Mr. Gao, I want to work for you, but I don't know if I have the honor."

Gao Guang was stunned again. He held Riccardo's hand and didn't know how to respond for a moment.

Effectiveness and work are two different words, and their meanings are quite different.

In the movies Gao Guang has watched, the mafia is not like this, so Riccardo doesn't seem to be imitating the plot in the movie, but it is really awkward to be so serious and formal.

Gao Guang looked at Francisco with pleading eyes, but he found that Francisco was equally serious.


Gao Guang wanted to say welcome to join the King's Defense. For Francisco's sake, he could skip the inspection step, but Riccardo was so serious and talked about effectiveness, so he suppressed the rest of his words.

"Please sit down, sit down and talk."

There was no chair, so Gao Guang let go of his right hand, took two steps back and sat on the sofa. Then Riccardo stepped aside, letting Francisco sit down first, and then sat down to the side in an orderly manner.

Gao Guang organized his words, then he coughed lightly and said with a smile: "Riccardo, I heard that you are studying law. Well, our company happens to be short of a professional legal consultant. It would be best if you can join." But that’s it.”

Riccardo stood up immediately. He seemed a little excited, and then he said in a deep voice: "Then do you agree to let me work for you?"

"Yes, there is nothing to say. You are studying law, so of course you are responsible for this area of ​​affairs."

Gao Guang thought his response was normal, but Riccardo was very excited. He said solemnly: "Thank you boss for your trust, but I can't hold such a high position as a legal advisor just after joining. I lack experience and have no ability." Prove yourself not qualified to be your legal advisor.”

Highlight looked at Francisco, who was motionless.

Riccardo continued: "My cousin started as a thug, and now he has become your executive officer. Boss, thank you for your trust. Please let me start as a thug."

Gao Guang was stunned for a while and said: "Do you have any misunderstanding about our company? Well, we are a defense company and we also do some arms business. I want to ask you to do some legal work, not to make you a A thug."

How could Gao Guang, a top student in the law department, work as a thug like a fool like Francisco and waste everything he had? How could Gao Guang do such a thing.

But Riccardo seems to be living in the last century.

Riccardo looked at Francisco, who also stood up and said respectfully: "Boss, please allow me to explain for him?"

Gao Guang stretched out his hand and said helplessly: "Man, don't be so serious. You two scared me. We are all brothers. You can say whatever you want. Now you are making me nervous. ”

Francisco said very seriously: "According to the rules of our Grillo family, Riccardo must kill his father-killing enemy before he can reach adulthood. Our Grillo has a long history and attaches great importance to the family reputation. No matter I Both Riccardo and I have the responsibility to restore the glory of the family, but Riccardo must kill his enemy personally. Only if he dies can I avenge him. "

Gao Guang nodded.

Francisco continued: "Riccardo tried revenge, but unfortunately failed, so he came to the United States early, but after knowing my experience, he couldn't wait to play for you. He hoped to be in the United States. Your man becomes a killer, a warrior who can carry out his revenge."

Riccardo added: "The law is useful when running the Grillo family's industry, but the Grillo family's industry has been completely destroyed. I must rebuild the family's glory as an entrepreneur."

After finishing speaking, Riccardo immediately lowered his head and said: "I need your teaching and guidance, but I can't serve you for the rest of my life. I hope you can accept my incomplete allegiance, but if you refuse, I understand." And accept it.”

This is not right, this is very wrong.

Gao Guang looked at Francisco again, and Francisco said equally seriously: "We can make enough money from you as the starting capital to revive the family. When we return from the United States with our skills, If we return to Italy, we will be the strongest family in Italy, so I agree with Riccardo’s idea.”

"I, what I need is a lawyer, not a thug, a killer, and not a mercenary..."

When Gao Guang said these words helplessly, he spread his hands and said with a confused expression: "Did you two, um, think wrongly?"

Gao Guang wanted to say if there was something wrong with the two of you in the brain. If only Francisco was the only one, he would have said it, but with Riccardo, he was too shy to say it.

"I am not a mercenary. I will be your most loyal subordinate. Although I will eventually leave, during my service for you, I can execute your will at the cost of my life to show my sincerity..."

Riccardo finished these words with a determined and fierce expression. When he wanted to show his sincerity, he suddenly took out a knife, a switchblade, from his pocket.

After the knife jumped out with a snap, Riccardo suddenly stepped forward and put his hand on the table with a snap. Then he held the knife in his right hand and put it on the little finger of his left hand, saying loudly: "I"

Gao Guang's eyes widened, and when he saw Riccardo cutting the knife viciously while talking, Gao Guang stood up, held up his hand, and kicked out his right foot.

Riccardo's knife had already cut into his finger, but before he could cut the bone, the highlighter kicked his hand, and the switchblade flew out, grazing Francisco's arm and plunging into the leather sofa.

The blood had already flowed to the table. Gao Guang was stunned and trembling with anger. Then he trembled: "Are you crazy? Is there something wrong with you? And you, are you two sick?"

Riccardo's open hands were still on the table, then he raised his eyebrows and said in confusion: "Don't the Oriental membership rules require cutting off the little finger to show sincerity?"

Gao Guang said angrily: "That's a damn chicken! I'm Chinese! We Chinese don't cut off our fingers, let alone commit seppuku!"

Riccardo immediately looked at Francisco, but Francisco said with a confused face: "Don't Chinese people cut off their fingers?"

Gao Guang was going crazy. He said angrily to Francisco: "You idiot! Did you teach him? Are you an idiot! Bastard! Stop being stunned! Take him to bandage... Oh Shete , the bones are exposed.”

Gao Guang was about to cry but had no tears, and then he roared angrily: "Stop standing there stupidly and go to the hospital! Also, you have to pay for my leather sofa!"

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