Firepower is king

Chapter 608 Career First

"Let me introduce to you, this is Francisco's cousin Riccardo, who is also a new employee of our company."

When he saw Riccardo's handsome face starting to turn a little gloomy, Gao Guang said in time: "He is also my little brother."

Riccardo immediately showed a sunny smile.

Gao Guang had a headache, and he felt that this matter was a bit difficult to handle.

It was originally planned to let Frank help John with the zero-dollar purchase business, which was Frank's main business when he returned.

Then Gao Guang also planned to ask Frank to form another team. Even if he is mainly engaged in the arms business in the future, King's Defense relies on force after all. It is inevitable that he will encounter something that requires killing in the future, and Gao Guang can't do everything. Go into battle in person, and then Frank will be useful again.

But, Frank and John's strength is good, so if they want to fight, there will definitely be no problem, but their brains are really bad.

It's not that Frank and John are stupid, it's just that their brains are not made for business.

So the assistance of a smart person is very important.

Riccardo is a top student who studied law and graduated from a prestigious school. He must be smart enough. Therefore, in Gao Guang's plan, Riccardo will take care of the legal affairs of the king's defense and can also provide advice to Frank and John. In this case, the situation will definitely be better. a lot of.

But who would have thought that even though he is a graduate from a prestigious school, he refuses to do things that require his brain to be used, yet he insists on being a thug.

I get angry when I hear that I am an employee of the company, and I feel happy when I say that I am my younger brother. I am not ashamed of it but feel proud of it. This is simply crazy.

Gao Guang was filled with hatred but still had to give Riccardo an encouraging smile. Then he looked at Frank helplessly and said, "Captain, John, please explain the matter clearly to you."

Frank nodded and said: "Let me make it clear, I know what the business is, and I am very optimistic about the prospects of this business. It's strange, why didn't we think of this idea before?"

"You can call Rubber and Joe back and let them do it with you."

Gao Guang could have called Rubber and Qiao back. In one sentence, both Smith and Danny would definitely give him this face, and Rubber and Qiao are both reliable. There is no reason for them to continue to earn money in the war. Small money.

But Gao Guang did not call the people back directly, but handed the calling to Frank. The reason was very simple. If Gao Guang got everything done, Frank would sit back and enjoy the results, which would be detrimental to his confidence in rebuilding.

Gao Guang is sincerely grateful to Frank and sincerely wants to help Frank. Everything he does is not to demonstrate to his original boss and let people see how well he is doing now. Therefore, he wants Frank to personally bring back all his old team members. .

With Frank's brain and way of thinking, he may not be able to see through Gaoguang's intentions, but he is really happy to reunite the original old brothers.

Frank's confidence was shattered in the rainforest of South America, and his dream of hundreds of millions of dollars collapsed, but he never told Smith about it, and Gao Guang never mentioned it, because the two of them Everyone knows that once asked, regardless of whether Smith did it intentionally or not, the relationship will be broken.

Smith is Gao Guang's backer, and he is not Frank's backer, so they have a tacit understanding that no one wants to mention this matter.

As for now, Gao Guang has a new backer, and Gao Guang's backer is also Frank's backer. He has another opportunity to show off his talents. If the business is really doing well, there is no need to pursue those illusory hundreds of millions of dollars.

Therefore, the self-confidence Frank lost in the rain forest will naturally come back. As long as he can accept small changes in identity and relationship, he can completely realize his dream.

"I'll call Rubber and Joe. It would be great if they come back."

Frank was very happy, and so was John, so something had to be done.

The brothers decided to settle the score. The zero-dollar purchase business was for John's retirement. If Frank came back, nothing would happen to John. How could that be possible?

"Riccardo, please help me draft an agreement regarding the distribution of shares in this part of the business for zero yuan."

Gao Guang plans to set up an independent subsidiary, or simply set up a brand new trading company to carry out arms trade. The King's Defense business is mainly a zero-yuan purchase business, but the King's Defense brand is now very popular, and the PC business It's a pity that our business has been lost.

As long as Gao Guang is willing, King's Defense will definitely not be able to compare with Zhanhuo in terms of scale, but in the high-end business, it can get quite a lot of business.

If compared with the War Group, then the War Group is large and comprehensive, while King's Defense is small but refined.

Gao Guang slowly revealed his well-thought-out plan.

"We are going to upgrade King's Defense Company to King's Defense Group. I am the chairman of the group, but King's Defense Company will exist as a branch of a group, and its main business will still be private military force."

Riccardo took out a piece of paper and wrote down what Gao Guang said.

Gao Guang looked at Frank and Mike and said, "The general manager of the King's Defense Branch is John."

Frank didn't have any dissatisfaction, because when he was living his own life in San Francisco and in prison, John accompanied Gao Guang all over the world through life and death. Even if Gao Guang had a romantic relationship with him, he didn't kick John away and let him control him. Reasons for the King's Defense.

But John was a little uneasy. He whispered, "Gao, the captain is back, let him be the general manager. I only have one leg and can't do many things." Gao Guang didn't wait for Frank to show his style, because he had to make the final decision on this matter, so he smiled and said, "You are the general manager, and the captain is the deputy general manager. The captain will do the specific things, and you will be the overall supervisor." Frank nodded and said to John, "This is the best way, Bottle Cap, the general manager can only be you." Gao Guang continued, "King's Defense is going to be upgraded to a group company. You are managing a branch company, which does not have the qualifications of an independent legal person, so the equity distribution is meaningless. We only talk about dividends. I account for 30% of the dividends from the zero-yuan purchase, 20% of the hidden shares are for Wharton, and the remaining 50% is yours."

John knew Gao Guang's plan, but Frank seemed a little uneasy, and Gao Guang continued, "When the branch company develops other new businesses, we will talk about how to distribute dividends, but this is it for the zero-yuan purchase."

This is Gao Guang's return to John, but Gao Guang does not want to interfere in how John and Frank divide the dividends.

John took the initiative to ask, "Can the captain and I split it equally?"

Frank immediately said, "No, it's not appropriate to split it equally. And Joe and Rubber, do you want them to be partners, or do you want them to be workers who earn money?"

"You decide."

John and Frank looked at each other, and then they said in unison, "Then let's be partners."

When Frank withdrew from the war and started his own business, John and Rubber followed him without hesitation. Now that they have the opportunity to make a fortune, the two have not forgotten their old brother.

Gao Guang smiled and said, "Of course, you two can decide how to divide the dividends."

Frank said to John, "You take 20%, and Rubber, Joe and I take 30%. What do you think?"

John was still hesitating, and Frank whispered, "No one is doing this thing. They called us here to give us a chance to make money. In fact, 30% is too much for us. Tens of millions of profits every year is a lot."

John nodded and said, "Okay, let's do it."

Or the arms business is a huge profit.

After all the operating costs are deducted from the zero-dollar purchase business, the maximum profit is tens of millions, but the arms business can make more than this profit. Why did Gao Guang start the zero-dollar purchase business immediately and give it to John as a pension industry? It's because he really doesn't care about this little profit. It can be used to support John's retirement, but it's too little for everyone to share.

Ricardo wrote very quickly. When Gao Guang finished speaking, he basically stopped writing. At this time, Gao Guang looked at Ricardo and said, "Since you are unwilling to stay and handle the company's legal affairs, then you should find a suitable law firm to cooperate with. You should find a professional team of lawyers. If there are any legal problems in the future, let them solve them directly."

Ricardo was moved again and almost cried.

This boss is so generous, isn't he? Ricardo is a pure newcomer who just joined, and he wants him to be a consultant. This is the second position of a mafia group. Although Ricardo studied law, how can he be a military advisor as soon as he comes.

His cousin started out as a thug, followed the boss through life and death, and almost died several times while blocking bullets. Now he has reached the position of executive officer. Ricardo is not even a formal member. First of all, it is not right to be a military advisor directly.

So Ricardo positioned himself as a thug, the same position as his cousin.

But as a thug, the boss still entrusted him with important tasks and actually handed him a group of legal issues directly to deal with. Although he asked him to find a suitable law firm, please, there is still too much room for maneuver.

All things, all details, all reflect one word: trust.

Ricardo really wanted to cut something more to express his gratitude and loyalty.

But Ricardo resisted the urge to pull out a knife. He nodded heavily and said, "Yes, boss, I will find the most suitable law firm."

In fact, Gao Guang didn't mean so much. He just didn't understand the law, and didn't know what famous lawyers and law firms there were in Los Angeles. He didn't want to trouble others on this matter, so as not to terminate the cooperation with the lawyers in the future. It would be easier to find a law firm by himself. In this case, it would be more appropriate to let a top student from a famous law school find a law firm.

It's just to let Ricardo find it, not to let him make the final decision. Gao Guang really didn't think there was anything to be grateful for.

The matter was over, and they could chat, and the atmosphere became relaxed.

Because of Francisco's existence, everyone heard him talk about his cousin more than once, so after meeting him in person, Ricardo naturally became a topic of conversation.

John looked at Ricardo strangely and said, "What's wrong with your hand?"

Ricardo raised his left hand, his little finger was wrapped in gauze. After hesitating for a moment, he said seriously, "I accidentally hurt myself!"

A strange young man, not in line with the image of a favored child in everyone's mind, he seemed a little too nervous and serious.

Frank didn't know most of the people in King's Defense, because many people were recruited by Gao Guang, so he just chuckled and said, "Young man is very handsome, you will be very popular with girls in the future, hahaha."

Ricardo stiffened his neck and said in a rough voice, "I don't like women."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

If you don't like women, you just like men. In the bachelor gang of King's Defense, there is someone who likes men. This is very dangerous and not conducive to unity.

There was silence in the room, and Francisco tried to explain. He started waving his hands and said, "No, he's not that."

Riccardo continued: "Being too handsome is my trouble. I don't like to let anyone interfere with the goals I strive for. Women will only affect and interfere with me. After I had two girlfriends, I I swear never to let a woman interfere with me again!"

Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief.

If the Huns are not destroyed, why should we take care of our family?

As long as an idiom can explain something clearly, it must be shocking.

Gao Guang laughed twice, waved his hands and said: "Actually, it's good to have goals, but don't delay falling in love. We make so much money, eh..."

Gao Guang thought about himself. He hadn't even had a heroine for so long, as if he had no right to criticize others.

So Gao Guang immediately changed his tune and said: "As long as it doesn't affect our careers and goals, we can still find a girlfriend. But if it does, then we should put our careers first. Well, that's it."

Riccardo was not only grateful for Gao Guang's trust, he believed that Gao Guang was a kindred spirit and someone who understood him.

Silence fell again, because normal people would be speechless.

At this time, Gao Guang's phone rang.

The phone number was unfamiliar. Gao Guang answered the call, but heard the caller say: "Victoria Club, sir, your commission has made progress. We have a very good opportunity for a trial training. As long as the trial is passed, That’s it.”

Gao Guang was overjoyed. After Frank's matter was settled, Mike finally had a breakthrough in realizing his dream.

"Great! Which team?"

"The Oakland Raiders, but they've been given the go-ahead to move to Las Vegas, so it's going to be the Las Vegas Raiders very soon, and there's some turmoil with that franchise right now, so we found an opportunity."

The Oakland Raiders don't seem to be very famous, but that's not important. As far as Mike's conditions are concerned, it is a victory for him to join a team, and he has no right to pick and choose.

So there was no need to ask Mike, Gao Guang said without hesitation: "Great, how much is it?"

"It's not about money, it's just an opportunity. Tryouts are a must. If you don't perform well, you won't be able to get in anyway, but if you perform well, then the Raiders would rather litigate with the league and let your people join the team. "

After finishing speaking calmly, the person on the phone immediately said: "The trial training will be held in Auckland. The sooner the better, if possible, the best is today, and the latest must be tomorrow. Please tell me as soon as possible when you can participate in the trial training." , please give me a specific time, I’ll wait for your call, goodbye.”

After hanging up the phone, without waiting for anyone to ask, Gao Guang dialed the phone to Mike as quickly as possible. After Mike answered, he hurriedly said: "Hai, Mike! Don't train today, we Go try out, go try out in Oakland! Raiders!"

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