Firepower is king

Chapter 623 The progress is too slow

Candy is very sweet, but don’t eat too much, especially not as a meal.

If you eat too much, you will gain weight and get tooth decay. The most important thing is that you will no longer feel sweet.

Gao Guang habitually took out a piece of candy, peeled it open himself, and then naturally put it into Laura's mouth next to him.

Laura was ready when she heard the sound of peeling off the candy wrapper. She opened her mouth without taking her eyes off the scope. After putting a lollipop in her mouth, she said in surprise: "Orange flavored."

"Fifteen hundred and fifty yards away, wind speed four."

Laura pulled the trigger, and there was a loud gunshot. In the high-gloss ultra-high-power fixed sight, the trajectory of the bullet tearing through the air at high speed was seen.

Yes, the human eye can see the trajectory of the bullet, but only if it is the secondary shooter. Because the trajectory of the bullet presents a parabola, the trajectory of the bullet after the primary shooter, that is, the person who fired the shot, will be higher than what the primary shooter sees through the sight. The field of view that can be seen in.

After a few seconds, Gao Guang saw the dust on the ground where the bullet had fallen. Then he thought for a moment and said, "The impact point is 1.5 meters below and to the left. Adjust the sight to a secret position."

Laura does not need a secondary shooter, but Highlight needs to master the knowledge that a secondary shooter should have, so now Laura is a trigger-pulling machine, shooting without his own brain. All shooting elements are provided by Highlight, and in this case , the highlights require a lot of calculation work.

The impact point of the bullet is to the left. If you want to adjust the impact point of the bullet to the correct position, that is, to hit the target, the simple way is to aim the roller a little to the right and then fire. This is very fast, but a slightly slower and more formal way is to adjust the sight.

Since we are training how to use the highlighter as a secondary shooter, of course we need to adjust the scope.

Laura turned the scope one position to the left and down one position. Then she aimed at the target again and waited for Gaoguang's order before she fired the second shot.

The bullet flew for several seconds, and then the highlight finally said: "Beautiful, hit!"

Then the next target should be 1,600 yards. This distance is actually the limit of 6mm bullets, but for experts, the challenge is the limit.

Gao Guang took a few glances at the ballistic watch in his hand. At a distance of 1,600 yards, the bullet's trajectory was already very curved and dropped very sharply. Therefore, the available data for 1,550 yards increased. After a mere fifty yards, he had to start over again.

This is very painful.

Of course, there are ballistic computers for calculating ballistics, but there is no problem using ballistic computers in actual combat, but if you dare to use this to cause trouble during training, all the instructors will probably kick you.

Gao Guang now needs to be familiar with the trajectory of bullets, how the sight lines of the gun used by Rolla are distributed, the impact of wind speed on the sharp reduction of bullet storage speed, and the calculation of the deviation of bullets.

In short, the farther the distance, the greater the difficulty. If you can hit the target after one or two test shots, you must be a master. It is normal for you to fail to hit the 1,600-yard target after seven or eight test shots.

So Gao Guang really doesn't understand how Laura can do this all by herself, and I can't help but accept it.

Based on the previous shooting, Gao Guang sighed and said: "The distance is one thousand six, the wind speed is five, and the secret position is plus one."

The distance is 1,600 yards, the wind speed is five meters per second, the muzzle is raised, and the lower position of the scope is used to aim, and then you can shoot.

The highlight reported the data, and Laura fired. After waiting for a few seconds, the bullet hit the dust two meters to the right.

It's not that Laura's shooting is inaccurate, nor is it that the highlight report is inaccurate, but their shooting range is in the mountains. The wind in the mountains fluctuates. If you want to correct the influence of the wind, you really have to rely on luck to a large extent. .

The highlighter's head was about to explode. He took a breath, rubbed his head with his hands, and continued: "The impact point is two meters to the right, that is..."

Before the highlight could calculate how many yards two meters equaled, Laura fired again. After a few seconds, the bullet hit the target again.

After finishing the shot, Laura's eyes left the scope, and then she said to the highlight: "Do you know what the problem is? The problem is that you ignored the change in wind speed in the distance. About seven hundred yards in front of us, there is a valley. , the wind in the valley will become stronger. After observing the terrain, you should consider the impact of changes in wind speed, close-range wind speed and long-distance wind speed. "

Sniping is too difficult, especially ultra-long-range shooting, it is really difficult.

Gao Guang's speed is not too slow, it only took half a month, and he has been able to start the actual training of the assistant shooter. This progress is already very fast.

Although Gao Guang was only in the stage of swallowing the jujube, that is, stuffing the knowledge into his brain and then slowly experiencing it in practice, his speed was already very fast.

It is just that he is still far away from becoming a qualified sniper. In terms of shooting training to increase the range, the results of high-gloss mid- and short-range training are much faster than those of long-range.

The main thing is calculation. This is too difficult and troublesome. The most important thing is that the data between the sniper and the secondary shooter must be unified. The length unit used by Rolla is yards, while the length unit used by Highlights is meters.

Just having to convert meters into yards every time is enough to keep Gao Guang's brain busy for a while. Round numbers are okay, but it's really impossible to calculate with fractions.

So now the unit of range is yards, and the unit of wind speed is meters, and the unit is meters per second, not meters per hour. If there is another method to report the numbers according to miles per hour, Gao Guang can completely give up being the secondary shooter for Rolla. .

Gao Guang sighed dejectedly, and then he said helplessly: "It's unbelievable that the United States still retains the outdated length units of miles and yards. I don't think I can adapt to it anymore."

Laura was silent for a moment, and then she said reluctantly: "Okay, I can adapt to you in the future and report in the units you are accustomed to."

"Uh, thank you."

"It's your turn now."

Gao Guang lay on the ground, he pulled his sniper rifle, and Laura shouted a lollipop and came behind the high-power telescope, and then she said to Gao Guang: "How are you practicing with that precision shooter?"

I have been here for more than half a month. In addition to practicing sniping, Gao Guang definitely needs to practice precision shooting. And since I have the best precision shooter in my team, I definitely don't need to learn from other instructors in the base.

If you practice with your own masters, you will have better coordination and it will be easier to fight in the future.

Then Gao Guang discovered that he didn't want to practice precision marksmanship, but his shooting skills were improving by leaps and bounds. He wanted to practice sniper, but his progress was very slow.

So when Laura asked, Gao Guang was very embarrassed and said vaguely: "It's okay."

"Okay what?"

"It's okay. If I don't use the scope, I won't have any problems within 200 meters. With the scope, I can shoot without miss within 300 meters. Within 400 meters, it takes a little longer, but even if it's a moving target, I can't... run away. Lose."

When he was in South Africa, Gao Guang could hit targets within 150 meters with a rifle, almost without aiming, and he could hit moving targets. Of course, the rate of fire was incomparable to when he used a pistol.

After arriving here, I practiced for a period of time, and I also practiced with David, a master. Gaoguang increased the distance of his mobile-ignoring shooting by fifty meters, and this was the limit of his machine sight. If the distance was further increased, he still wanted to be able to do it. If you want to hit accurately, you must use a sight, neither red dot nor holographic sight will work.

The reason why this is so is very simple, because within 150 meters, there is basically no time difference between the time the rifle bullet is fired and the time it hits the target. Therefore, the highlight can hit the target just by feeling, but the distance increases slightly, and the flight time of the bullet If it exceeds the target's movement speed, it will naturally miss.

Therefore, if you want to hit a target farther away, you must aim. As long as there is an aiming action, the shooting time must be increased, and the rate of fire will naturally be greatly reduced.

It can be said that when it comes to close-range shooting with pistols, highlight is the only one that can't even be compared with someone.

When it comes to short and medium range shooting with a rifle, as long as the rifle is used, the highlighter is still a master, but it will definitely not be as good as David.

From fifty to two hundred meters, the highlight is not as good as David's, but it can definitely be on par with most professional precision shooters. Beyond 200 meters, the highlight is not as good as those of genuine precision shooters. Once it exceeds three hundred meters, Especially after it exceeds the direct shooting distance of most bullets, which is four hundred meters, the performance of the highlight will be much worse than that of a qualified precision shooter.

The ultimate reason is that once at a distance, David's prediction of the target can be compressed into a very short period of time, making it seem like he shoots the gun without thinking, while the highlighter predicts the target in the same way. The trajectory of the action, provided there was no misjudgment, was much slower than David's.

But fortunately, according to David's judgment, what Gao Guang lacks now is experience. When he becomes familiar with a gun, he doesn't need to calculate the ballistics, and then he has enough experience to hit a target at close range. Then his shooting skills will be better. It will be brought up quickly.

Just don’t think too much about comparing it to a pistol. It’s unrealistic. They are two completely different shooting methods. Highlights are the only genius in pistols, but they can only be considered geniuses in rifles. Being able to become a master is the limit. .

As for long-distance sniping, Gao Guang's performance is just like that of everyone. There is no talent at all. He can do everything that ordinary people can do, and he doesn't have to think about what ordinary people can't. He expects and If Laura is at the same level, don’t even think about it.

The situation is like this. Logically speaking, Gao Guang shouldn't have any psychological burden, but after Laura stood up for him last time, she seemed to have secretly competed with David.

Precision shooters and snipers have different positions and use different guns. In short, in addition to using guns and shooting accurately, most of the technical requirements are different. Laura cannot compete with David, so it is natural. , Laura didn’t want to be compared to David in teaching disciples.

But highlight is really more suitable for precision shooters rather than snipers, so his performance on Laura's side was unsatisfactory, but he made rapid progress on David's side, even though he spent most of his time on Laura's side.

But now, after hearing Gao Guang's answer, Laura's mouth pouted slightly, and she was unhappy.

"There are no misses within three hundred meters..."

Laura's tone was a little disappointed, and Gao Guang whispered: "Well, as for this, I think there is actually no problem. One sniper is enough. We are a sniper team. As long as you are with me, there is no need. I became a sniper, right?"

Gao Guang was testing again, but Laura sighed softly and said, "But I just want you to become a qualified sniper. You haven't even started shooting training at night, but your progress has already been far advanced." Falling behind the precision shooter."

After finishing speaking, Laura turned her head, she looked at Gao Guang faintly, and suddenly said: "I hope you can become a qualified sniper as soon as possible. According to your current progress, it is too slow, otherwise you can practice more. "

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