Firepower is king

Chapter 624: A skill

The high-gloss days are simple and regular, with physical training in the morning, shooting in the afternoon, and an additional shooting session in the evening.

The relationship with Laura is just like that. It has definitely become warmer than at the beginning, but the heat is also limited. At least Gao Guang feels that there is absolutely no possibility of him being in love with Laura for a long time. If there is any relationship, it is because he is determined to keep Laura. It's just the determination of his subordinates.

At most, they have developed some friendships. After all, they have been hanging out together every day for a month, and they have become very familiar with each other. They should be considered friends, or so Gao Guang thinks.

As for the rest, sorry, nothing else.

The life in the training camp is too monotonous, too boring and too tiring. Even if Gao Guang wants to think about something else, he will be tortured to the last bit. It is the instructor's responsibility to hold back some energy that is difficult to vent in a place like this. Failure is simply impossible.

Today Gao Guang sent Laura back to the dormitory, and then he dragged his tired body to the dormitory of several people from King's Defense. Although there was nothing to see, this was also one of Gao Guang's new habits, to care about his subordinates.

According to the standard of a good military general, in terms of loving soldiers as sons, Gao Guang felt that he was qualified to be the father of all of them.

When Gao Guang thought about becoming a father, he thought of Mike and wondered how he was doing.

It was strange that he was a little panicked. Just when Gao Guang was hesitating to go back and call Mike, he saw a familiar yet unfamiliar figure.

The four met at the entrance of the soldiers' quarters, and then all four of them stopped.

Yuan Zheng is not actually fat, but he is the fattest among the three recruits. But now, he has lost his shape, his face is black and white, and his eyes have a color of vicissitudes of life.

Why are there black spots and white spots on my face? It's because of the sun. After the skin peels off due to the sun, the new skin appears white, while the skin that hasn't peeled off appears dark.

Lin Nianzu watched Gao Guang's lips keep moving, and he kept whispering something, but no one could hear clearly.

Only Riccardo still looked like a martyr, and when he saw the highlight, he had a complicated expression on his face.

Yuan Zheng was the first to speak. He sighed and whispered to Gao Guang, "Yeah."



This long sigh came back hundreds of times, full of helplessness and regret, but it did also contain a little bit of relief.

After Gao Guang sensed the smell of Yuan Zheng's long sigh, he finally pretended to be brave and said, "I'm stopping you."

Yuan Zheng nodded heavily, and then whispered: "I am young and ignorant."

In fact, Yuan Zheng was sensible, but Lin Nianzu looked at Gao Guang and his voice was slightly louder, just talking about Lin Bei, Bei Bei, and what else he wanted to show off. It was too profound and he couldn't understand a sentence.

Riccardo said to Gao Guang: "Boss! I...I survived!"

Gao Guang was a little uneasy, and he said carefully: "How did you practice? Is it hard?"

Same base, different situation.

Wherever he went, he was greeted with smiles. None of the official members had ever received $100,000 from him. Even if those officers were not members of his shooting club, they were still reserve members. During training, they were accompanied by beautiful women. After training, There is a canteen that works overtime to open a small stove.

I can't say that I came here for a vacation, but I was just tired at most, so I'm definitely not guilty.

But looking at the appearance of the three rookies, this was a heavy punishment.

When Gao Guang asked how they practiced, the three of them collectively shuddered, and then Yuanzheng said with a blank look on his face: "The first day here is Devil's Week."

"The devil's week is over and the devil's week continues."

“It’s one devil week after another, why don’t they say devil month?”

The three people's answers were mostly the same, and then they collectively fell into silence.

Gao Guang sighed and said: "It doesn't matter, I got through it, I got through it! Now that you have been let back, is this the end?"

The muscles on Yuan Zheng's face twitched a few times, and then he whispered: "Hell Week starts tomorrow..."

Lin Nianzu's voice became louder, and he came up with a word that seemed to be Selinmu.

Gao Guang looked at Lin Nianzu and said seriously: "That's too much!"

Lin Nianzu said helplessly and angrily: "I said yes to the instructor, not you."

A color called fear finally appeared on Riccardo's face, and then he took a step forward and said in a dejected voice: "Boss, we came back to choose the main weapon. Both of them have special training, and I... …No!"

Special training? This is what it should be. If there is a skill, it must be strengthened and cultivated in a targeted manner.

Riccardo said with a fearful look on his face: "I will go to the expedition to learn demolition, Azu will go to learn military medicine, and I can only be an infantryman. They still have a chance to breathe, but I can't do anything..."

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment, then he looked at Yuan Zheng and said, "Explosion? You?"

Yuanzheng smiled, then he spread his hands and said: "I have no choice. In order to be more relaxed, I have to choose a new major related to combat. UAV pilots are not in their combat sequence, so I will learn demolition." Well, Yiduo doesn’t have to worry about it. Also, I can add bombs when I modify the drone.”

Gao Guang said in shock: "That's not right. Isn't blasting very professional? You have never been exposed to it before, and you can still be a blaster?"

"You don't understand the world of genius. Fortunately, I studied science and engineering. It's nothing more than some electronic circuits, nothing more than weak points in the construction, nothing more than the type of fake drugs. Hey, that's all. I can spend half an hour every day to look at it. But if I want to be able to carry out professional blasting training, I have four hours of study time and four hours of rest every day!”

Yuanzheng looked at Riccardo with sympathetic eyes, and then he whispered: "Poor brother, he only practices lip service. The instructor said that unless he can talk the enemy to death with his mouth, he has to be an honest man. The big head soldier, tsk tsk, is pitiful. Twenty hours of training time a day is very pitiful.”

Did you practice too hard? But considering that this base trains hard, but the logistics and medical system can definitely keep up, so it can really guarantee that you will not die after training. Well, in this case, then continue to train to death.

Riccardo himself requested it, and begging for mercy will lead to mercy, no wonder Gaoguang.

Gao Guang looked at Lin Nianzu, who shrugged helplessly and said: "They don't have a medical major here, but they will turn a qualified doctor into a qualified medical soldier. I have two hours a day for special training, no matter what How, better than him."

The three people were talking in Chinese. Riccardo couldn't understand it, but when he saw the three people looking at him with sympathetic eyes, he said quietly: "I studied law to take advantage of the loopholes in the law, but there is no loophole in the battlefield." Drill, I...some regret..."

"Well, the next month will be Hell Month, right?"

All three people nodded, and masks of pain immediately appeared on their faces.

The king's defense think tank was tortured to such an extent. It was really pitiful. Gao Guang finally softened his heart. The think tank didn't have to train to death, so he said cautiously: "Otherwise, I will give it to you." Tell me, relax a little bit?”

Riccardo shook his head, and then he said firmly: "No, what I lack is force. For my ideal, I must persist to the end. Mike can persist, and so can I!"

Do you regard Mike as your goal and role model? Gao Guang had nothing to say. He nodded and said, "Okay! Have some backbone!"

After standing at the door of the dormitory for several minutes, Gao Guang turned sideways and said, "Go in and take a rest quickly."

Riccardo said in a deep voice: "Boss, after passing the first month of devil training, we will be qualified to use weapons. According to the rules of Phantom, they will issue main weapons suitable for us. There will be a small Ceremony, will you attend our ceremony?”

And this thing? I haven't heard of it. Gao Guang has been practicing for a month, and no one said that he would be given a sniper rifle or something.

The trio of rookies are still rookies, but their starting point is much higher than others. After practicing for a month, they can get their own weapons. There is nothing to celebrate.

But when Riccardo said that, Gao Guang nodded and said, "I will definitely go to your kindergarten..."

Seeing the painful expressions on the three people's faces again, Gao Guang quickly changed his words and said, "I'm going to attend your elementary school graduation ceremony. Well, that's about it for you."

Riccardo sighed and said: "No, we... we... we have at least completed a lot of basic training, can we be considered qualified infantry?"

Gao Guang didn't care very much, he just suddenly remembered something, so he said casually: "Did you jump over the blood pool?"

The three of them were stunned, and then Yuanzheng said nervously: "What blood pool?"

It was at the level of a primary school student. He only started formal training after getting a gun. Gao Guang, who had a clear understanding of the level of the three people, said without hesitation: "Oh, it's just a training project. It's very easy and casual. Don't worry, it's really It’s not difficult.”

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