Firepower is king

Chapter 630: The Soul of Guns

Not everyone believes in the nonsense of consecration.

There are a total of sixty-four official members of the Phantom Army, but only sixty-one came to consecrate it, and three others did not come. People simply did not believe it.

Students are not qualified to seek consecration.

There must be three to four hundred people in the base's logistics and standing staff. He didn't know the exact number, but he knew that anyone who felt like he had some status was here.

The base chef holding a kitchen knife and asking for blood did not appear, but after the person in charge of base logistics came to the door holding a bouquet of flowers and asked for blood, Gao Guang knew his situation.

It was impossible to prick the fingers all the time. It would be too painful and inefficient. The key was that there was no need to prick the fingers, so Gao Guang inserted a Ti vein indwelling needle into his left arm, which does not require constant needle pricking during infusion.

In fact, you can also draw blood, but most people generally think that this is not possible and it will damage the magic power. They have to watch the blood just flow out of Gao Guang's body.

Fortunately, the Phantom Troops are special forces, and fortunately each gun only needs a little blood, otherwise the highlight would have to be extracted and fucked by a human being.

I never expected that the Phantom Troops would come to donate blood. This is a bit outrageous.

But looking at the matter from two aspects, Gao Guang came to the Phantom Army, and then grabbed the members of the Phantom Army and bled them one by one, and he did it one by one from top to bottom.

Therefore, this is the friendship watered by blood and the friendship condensed by consecration.


The high-gloss mouth was dry and his head was a little numb. When the one hundred and twenty-second fool happily ended the consecration ceremony, there was finally no one waiting for bloodletting in front of him.

There had to be 200 milliliters of blood coming out, but fortunately, this amount of blood wouldn't make the highlight feel anything, and it doesn't have to be this small if you get injured.

"Is there more? Is there anyone else consecrating it?"

Gao Guang couldn't help shouting, but when he found no one answered, he slumped down on the chair with a tired look on his face and said feebly: "Remove the tube, no, remove the needle."

Instructors plus regular members plus base logistics, 122 people were bled by the spotlight during the day. Thinking about it, it is actually quite a sense of accomplishment.

If it were another person, anyone who dared to say that his blood was a blessing and not a contamination would probably be beaten out. But whoever made Gao Guang's marksmanship be magical and could calm people like a miracle.

Besides, nothing will be lost.

Carlos stepped forward and pulled out the indwelling needle of Gao Guang. Gao Guang moved his left arm, and then he said feebly: "From now on, if anyone talks about getting a consecration, I will turn my back."

Lei nodded quickly and said hurriedly: "Definitely, definitely, it should, it should."

At this time, Laura, who had been watching, suddenly said: "Then shall our shooting training continue?"

Gao Guang was tired, physically and mentally exhausted, so he shook his head and said, "Forget it, I have to go back and take a rest."

Laura nodded and said calmly: "Okay, I'll report to the student team. We are about to conduct the final assessment."

There was no further explanation. Laura had not developed the habit of discussing everything with Gao Guang, so asking him more today was considered an exception.

Laura doesn't talk much, and she is very accustomed and adaptable to being alone. She eats when she arrives. She especially likes to follow Gao Guang to the officer canteen to eat. If nothing happens, she goes back to the dormitory to rest. Other students are exhausted every day, but she is leisurely. a lot of.

I don’t know if Laura likes this kind of life. It’s much easier, but she loses hope of joining the Phantom Army right before her eyes.

Anyway, when she was with Gao Guang, she would repeat meaningless shooting training. When she wasn't with Gao Guang, she would practice with the student team. Laura never expressed anything.

This time, Laura also walked away slowly alone. After she walked out for a while, Gao Guang looked at Lei, and then he asked seriously: "Can she join the Phantom Army?"

Lei spread his hands and said nothing.

Gao Guang frowned and said, "Man, you made me bleed a lot, and now I don't even dare to say a word?"

Lei exhaled and said: "Well, according to the requirements, Laura is not qualified to join Phantom. Her various conditions are somewhat different from our standards."

Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief, but Lei continued: "But Laura doesn't need to meet all the standards. Why should a sniper like her meet all the requirements? She was specially recruited. We don't need it." , of course it’s impossible for her to fight like that with a strong man, right?”

Gao Guang frowned again, and then Lei continued: "But...if you can make her give up before she is selected to join the Phantom Army, then we can also declare her disqualified from entering the Phantom Army, but the premise is She has to be willing."

"It's like a human saying."

As he became more and more familiar with me, Gao Guang didn't speak so politely. He smiled at Lei and said, "When are you going to take the assessment?"


"Huh? What did you say?"


Gao Guang stood up and said in shock: "Tomorrow? Tomorrow is the enlistment assessment for new students?"

Lei lowered his head, scratched his forehead twice, and said sheepishly: "Yes."

"The assessment will be held tomorrow and you won't tell me?"

"You didn't ask, mainly because you didn't ask. This is a military secret. You didn't ask me why I said it."

Gao Guang looked at Lei with extreme astonishment and said, "You burn bridges when you cross the river!"

"No, no, no, no, no, you got it."

Lei was very serious. He approached Gao Guang and whispered, "You like snipers like Lola, and so do we. We can use Lola as bait to attract you, but... there's no need to really let you eat the bait, buddy. If it weren't for the fact that you shed so much blood, I wouldn't tell you that she will be assessed tomorrow, understand? As long as she passes the assessment and officially joins Phantom, she will have military status and will never leave." Gao Guang was extremely annoyed. He raised his voice and said, "You mean you're giving me face by telling me now?" "Of course, buddy, it's been more than a month, and you haven't let Lola go with you yet. You can't blame us, right? Did we take the initiative to push a genius sniper into your arms? Buddy, I can only say that you're too slow." Complaining to Gao Guang in return, Lei spread his hands and said, "Lola was exempted from the test. For the sake of the club, I reminded you today. Hey, I thought of it!" "What did you think of?" "I thought of the name of the club! How about calling it the Gun Cannon Cult Shooting Club? Our club has never had a name, but this name is very good. "

Gao Guang said unhappily: "You just thought of this? No!"

"Why not? Our club has never had a name. You can register this name, right?"

"This name cannot be used."

Gao Guang stood up, and then he said viciously: "Before I go after Lola, you'd better give me some useful tips!"

"Well, if this name can't be used, then Gun Blood, Gun Soul? Gun Soul, guns also have souls. After opening the light, I deeply realized this, so how about we call it the Gun Soul Shooting Club, we can remove the word shooting, and call it the Gun Soul Club, what do you think?"

Gao Guang said angrily: "You tell me this at this time? Get out of here."

Pushing Lei aside, Gao Guang stretched out his hand and shouted: "Lola, wait for me, Lola."

I couldn't hear it anymore. Lola walked away, and Gao Guang could only run to chase Lola.

Lei shouted from behind: "Our club is also very important, Fuck!"

Lei scratched his hair in annoyance and sighed. Then he noticed the unfriendly eyes of several people on the side and said righteously: "Why are you looking at me? Don't I want to make some contributions to my own army?"

It's very contradictory, very contradictory. He doesn't want Lola to be abducted by Gao Guang, nor does he want to make Gao Guang happy for nothing.

If it weren't for the fact that Gao Guang paid the price of blood, Lei would never say that Lola will officially join the army tomorrow. If it weren't for the club, even if Gao Guang bleed, Lei would never say it.

It can only be said that you should be grateful for what you have received. Originally, the bait was just for Gao Guang to see, but now the bait is about to be eaten by Gao Guang.

Forget it, just eat it. Anyway, the demand for snipers is not so strong for the Phantom Army.

Lei sighed and said, "Soul of Guns and Cannons, well, Gun Soul, or Gun Soul, this name is very classic, hey, what do you think of this name?" Gao Guang didn't care about the Soul of Guns and Cannons, or the Gun Soul Dayue. He was not ready to confess yet. Gao Guang wanted to proceed step by step, but he still underestimated the sinister nature of human nature. Mags, this bastard, actually had a trick up his sleeve. Gao Guang ran wildly and finally caught up with Lola. Lola stopped when she heard the footsteps. She turned her head and looked at Gao Guang. After Gao Guang stood still, she said very calmly, "What are you doing?" "You will be assessed for joining the team tomorrow?" After thinking about it, Lola shrugged and said, "They said this is a military secret and must not be disclosed." "Lei has already told me, it is not a military secret." "That's right, I will officially join the Phantom Force tomorrow." Lola still had no expression. Gao Guang's heart was beating fast. He didn't know if it was because he ran too fast or for some other reason. "You uh, I sss." Scratching his head, Gao Guang didn't know how to start. Lola asked curiously, "What do you want to say?" "Can you... um, can you not take the assessment, that is, can you join our King's Defense instead of the Phantom Force?" Lola didn't answer. She didn't say yes or no, but bit her lip, as if she was very entangled. "You can make a lot of money by joining the King's Defense, and I will prepare a good gun for you, really, a gun made by the best gunsmith, um, and... and..." Gao Guang was really not ready yet, and his mind was very confused at the moment, especially he was afraid that Lola would refuse, so his IQ and EQ both dropped, so he didn't know what to say. In a hurry, Gao Guang used actions to relieve his psychological tension. He naturally took out a handful of candy from his pocket and spread his hands in front of Lola. Lola picked up a candy from Gao Guang's hand and passed it to him. Gao Guang put the rest of the candy in his pocket and said, "And... uh..."

"I'll go with you."

Lola put a piece of chocolate in her mouth and said vaguely, "Don't say anything. I'll go with you."

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