Firepower is king

Chapter 631 Difficulty

Now Lola's identity is different. She is no longer a candidate for selection in the Phantom Force, but a member of the King's Defense.

The procedure was handled by Mags, and the reason was very simple, that is, Laura's physical condition did not allow him to join the army.

It stands to reason that you should leave after you get the highlight, but the current situation does not allow it. One is a trio of rookies who have not yet left the recruit period, and the other is King's Defense. They have opponents to practice here every day, and they can use the phantom troops as imaginary enemies. This kind of treatment It cannot be said that there is no chance of success with an empty gun, it has to be regarded as hard to find in the world.

Also, Mags refused to highlight the situation and they left. Seeing Mags getting increasingly anxious, he didn’t know what he was waiting for.

Gao Guang doesn't care about that. His current life is very comfortable.

Every day feels like a vacation, and you can still practice your marksmanship, so why rush to leave.

Gao Guang raised a Remington M700, Laura took her AWM, and the two walked towards a Bird helicopter.

It's been snowing heavily for three days in a row. Now that the snow has stopped, it's time to go hunting. No, it's time to conduct sniper training.

The helicopter was flying in the mountains, and Gao Guang was looking at the ground. He was looking blindly as if he was admiring the scenery, but Laura was different. Her eyes were very serious and sharp.

Suddenly, Laura pointed to a cliff below, and then she said excitedly: "Look there, bighorn sheep."

Gaoguang looked in the direction of Laura's finger. There were a few gray spots moving on the black stone cliff. He raised the telescope and saw that they were argali with large horns.

Gao Guang put down the telescope and asked, "Is the meat of argali delicious?"

"It's not bad, it has a lot of flavor, but it's not as good as venison. I like bighorn sheep."

There was nothing more to say. Gao Guang pointed to the cliff where the argali was and said with a smile: "Man, find a good place to put us down."

Below the cliff is a steep slope. Below the steep slope is a gentle slope. There are woods on the gentle slope. The pilot looked at it and pointed to the place where the steep slope slowed down and said: "We will land here. I will come to pick you up after you have packed up your prey. Hi, I wish you the best." A good horse.”

Gao Guang didn't remember seeing this pilot, but the pilot was very enthusiastic about him, so he must have met him before. This is the advantage of being in the Arena Training Center of the Phantom Force. The people here either took his money or were involved in it. He has his blood and is very popular.

The helicopter landed, and it was a difficult semi-suspended position, that is, one side of the landing gear landed on the ground, and the other side was in the air. It was just to send a high light for hunting, and the pilot was willing to perform aerobatics instead of throwing him far away on the top of the mountain. Never mind.

How can I put it, it’s just that I’m popular and there’s nothing I can do about it.

Gao Guang and Laura jumped out of the helicopter. This was the windward side and the snow was not very thick, so the two of them did not walk towards the cliff where the argali were active, but went down the gentle slope.

The activity was a bit difficult, and Gao Guang was afraid of accidentally rolling off, but Laura seemed to be able to do it with ease, and she seemed very happy to be able to carry out this shooting training, extremely happy.

Putting a backpack on the ground, Laura looked up towards the cliff, then she raised the telescope and said: "The distance is about five hundred meters, the height difference is huge, at least three hundred meters, it is very difficult to shoot, the target is on the windward side , we have the wind at our back, which is good for shooting, but may scare away prey.”

After finishing speaking, Laura put down the telescope, she smiled at the bright light and said: "Come on, it's time to test you."

There was nothing to say about the highlight. He also put the rucksack on the ground, looked around, found a big enough stone, walked over and put the gun on it, adjusted the angle of the upward shooting, and after searching, found it through the scope. The largest argali sheep.

"You are aiming for the head sheep. Don't shoot the head sheep. If the head sheep dies, it will be difficult for the entire flock to survive the winter. Moreover, the head sheep are mature older rams, and the meat is very hard and not tasty."

Laura squatted down next to Gao Guang. She raised the telescope again. After observing for a moment, she pointed at an argali sheep on the cliff and said: "This one is better. It is a little ewe within two years without a lamb. The meat quality is better." It is tender and will not overly affect the population. The distance is 512 meters, the wind speed is 7, the wind is downwind, and the temperature is minus...21 degrees Celsius."

Laura could already tell in meters instead of yards, but when it came time to tell the temperature, she still had to think briefly before changing from Fahrenheit to Celsius.

You can't test-shoot when hunting. All the prey will run away after a test shot. That's why Laura has a high hit rate in her first shot. It's because she has practiced it for many years.

The highlight was aimed at the ewe that Laura was pointing to. He thought for a moment, and thought carefully about how the instructor taught him to shoot upward.

Memorizing the ballistic table is a basic skill for every sniper, but the ballistics of upward shooting and side shooting are different. The distance is 500 meters and the drop is at least 300 meters. This shot is very difficult.

But Gao Guang thought there should be no problem, so he took aim and planned to shoot.

However, Laura knew where Gaoguang's weaknesses or flaws were. The moment before Gaoguang was about to pull the trigger, Laura suddenly said: "Have you considered the impact of low temperature on the barrel?" ""

Thermal expansion and contraction, the same goes for guns. At low temperatures, the barrel of the gun will be too cold, which will lead to changes in ballistics. Therefore, in extremely cold areas, the first shot is often inaccurate. Fire the first shot and wait for the barrel to heat up before firing the second shot. The second shot will be much more accurate.

This is the significance of sniper test firing, but there is often no chance of test firing in actual combat, so those who can hit long-distance targets in extremely cold weather are the real masters.

Gao Guang really forgot about the impact of low temperature on the barrel, but he didn't know how to adjust it, because the adjustment required an extreme familiarity with the gun, bullets and ballistics, so that it would not be affected no matter how the shooting conditions changed.

Therefore, the highlight gun cannot be fired.

Feeling a little uncomfortable, Gao Guang thought for a moment, and then he whispered: "The trajectory will be lower, right?"

If Laura wants to give guidance to Gao Guang, then she needs to be familiar with the gun in Gao Guang's hand, familiar with the sight, and make a comprehensive judgment on distance, wind speed, elevation angle, and temperature. And that's not all, she must also Gao Guang is familiar.

He had to know Gaoguang's shooting habits and aiming methods very well before Laura could give guidance on Gaoguang's gun.

After thinking for a moment, Laura whispered: "Raise the zero point three secret position."

Lola spoke, the highlight was done, and then he fired.

The gunshot made Gao Guang's shoulders shake, so his scope moved away from the original aiming position, causing him to temporarily lose his vision. However, when he quickly used the scope to search for argali again, he heard Laura whisper: "What a gun." , hit.”

Awesome, really awesome.

It can be seen from this shot that the power is definitely not just a boast.

Of course, the powerful one is Laura.

Sure enough, if Gao Guang is allowed to shoot by himself, then his shot will definitely be very high, passing about one meter above the argali, and then the sheep will start to flee. If they go hunting this time, no, their training this time will end in failure. end.

Anyone can understand how difficult it is to hit a prey five hundred meters away from a target with a large height, a large drop, shoot from the top, and kill it with one shot.

But what's really scary is that it wasn't Laura who fired the shot, she was the deputy shooter.

It is difficult to accurately describe the difficulty of this shot, and it cannot be expressed in quantitative data. Let's just say that all the snipers in the world combined can probably count on one hand the number of people who can do this. come out.

But all this was so natural to Laura. She didn't feel that she had done something extraordinary at all. Instead, she put the telescope away and said happily: "There is some mutton to eat, I will carry the prey back. "

The argali was on the cliff. After being shot, it began to roll down and fall, until it fell onto the steep slope. It fell dozens of meters further on the rocks on the steep slope, and finally stopped.

To retrieve the prey, Laura needs to crawl on the rocks to a height of at least 200 meters, a distance of about 400 to 500 meters.

"I'll go with you."

"No, don't move, don't follow me, be careful of falling rocks."

Laura carried the empty bag and climbed up the steep slope happily. Gao Guang thought about it and felt that it was a bit embarrassing for him to let a delicate girl carry the prey down while watching, so he changed the route to ensure that he would not After being hit by a falling rock, he climbed up.

The speed of the highlight was not slow. When Laura reached the argali, he was almost there.

Then I heard Laura say happily: "This sheep is very big. I can't take it back directly. What's worse is that the bones were broken when it fell. Then the internal organs must be broken and the meat is contaminated, so we only bring the meat." Just go back.”

Saying this, Laura pulled out the skinning knife that she never left behind, and then started skinning the argali with one slash of the knife.

Gao Guang was stunned to see it, because Laura's movements were so skillful that it made people feel distressed.

Her hands were covered with blood, and some of it was inevitably rubbed on her body, but Laura moved really fast, and then she also removed the leg of the lamb, untied the large pieces of meat, and placed them on a piece of plastic sheet.

"I don't want the internal organs. It's a pity that the sheepskin can be taken away. Okay, we can go down."

In ten minutes, Laura had finished breaking down the argali. The sheepskin was rolled into bundles, and the mutton was wrapped in plastic sheeting and stuffed into a framed backpack. Then she carried the bag, put the sheepskin outside, and was ready to go down.

Gao Guang watched the whole process, but Laura had no intention of letting him share the weight.

"I can actually carry some, so you don't have to carry them all yourself."

"Forget it, it's better for me to take care of city people like you. Let's go down and be careful."

Gao Guang couldn't tell what his state of mind was. He touched his pocket out of habit and found that there was no sugar.

I’ve finished eating the candy, after all, it’s been a few months.

Gao Guang felt it necessary to order some more candies to be delivered.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly rang from the high-gloss intercom.

"Mad dog, mad dog! Where are you, mad dog, where are you!"

Mags's voice was urgent and fast. Gao Guang was stunned for a moment. He picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "I'm..."

"No matter where you are, come back! Come right back. Stop hunting. Come back!"

Mags's voice didn't sound particularly anxious, but he sounded very happy. Gao Guang was stunned for a moment, and finally said: "What happened?"

"The men of Trident, they accepted the challenge!"

Mags was so excited that he sounded like he was about to cry. He was trembling with excitement and loudly shouted on the intercom: "With my efforts, the Navy people finally couldn't stand it anymore and they agreed to hold a joint exercise!"

Under the influence of Mags' persistent ridicule and hatred, the Navy finally felt that it could no longer save face, and they finally accepted the challenge.

Gao Guang took a long breath and said, "Great, we can go. I'll go back right away, um, go back right away."

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