Firepower is king

Chapter 710 Then there was light

The drone flew towards the place where the firefight occurred at an extremely fast speed. Laura picked up the display screen as quickly as possible and handed it to Gao Guang.

There is no communication, but there is vision.

The effect of the drone's camera is not very good, and the speed is too fast. The scenery below is quickly passing by and the highlights make me feel dizzy.

At this moment, Riccardo said loudly: "Be careful, it's about to catch fire."

With a bang, a fire broke out around a car on the roadside. Wherever the gasoline flowed, the fire burned.

In the dark night, although the fire was blocked by the houses and could not be seen directly, the light from the sky was enough to guide people who had lost their way.

The light of the flares in the sky gradually dimmed, but soon, another flare was fired into the night sky.

Tom admired Gao Guang's wit very much, and he was also surprised that the expedition could come up with usable drones, but in his opinion these were useless.

At least it's not a decisive role, unable to turn the tide of the battle.

We had never encountered such a situation before, so it was the first time in our lives for everyone to deal with it, but the Faraday Cage mentioned in the expedition reminded Tom and made him realize that instead of getting better, the situation might actually get worse.

Tom came to Gao Guang and said anxiously: It's useless. Since they have prepared electromagnetic bombs, they must also prepare Faraday cages. You have drones available, but the enemy will prepare night vision goggles in advance!"

Yes, I don’t know why the expedition prepared a Faraday cage to store drones, but since the enemy prepared and used electromagnetic bombs, of course they were prepared.

If the enemy has night vision goggles, the battlefield will be one-way transparent.

In a night battle, the enemy is transparent in one direction. According to common sense, this is a nightmare. It's a hell difficulty. If you can't fight, it's good if you can run.

But the bright light did not go away. He pointed at the flares in the sky and said, "If the enemy has night vision goggles, why are they still firing flares?"

Tom was speechless.

Gao Guang was very calm and he said urgently: "The enemy also does not have night vision equipment, at least not yet. They may be prepared, but since they can only be placed in Faraday cages, it will take time for them to distribute the night vision equipment!"

After saying that, Gao Guang said to Yuan Zheng, "I can't see clearly!"

Yuanzheng said anxiously: "Don't worry! We haven't arrived yet, but we are here!"

The drone suddenly slowed down until it stopped, and then Gao Guang saw a blurry image.

The lens of this drone is not good, and the pixels are not good. It has night vision function, but it is not enough. It looks like a mosaic, and the picture is still black and white.

But the battlefield can still be seen.

The machine guns were firing non-stop. In the picture captured by the drone, more than a dozen people were moving closer together, and there was chaos on the ground.

"It's Patrick!"


Yuanzheng shouted, and then he said urgently: "Where is the enemy, where is the enemy..."

"Look where the machine gun is shooting!

Riccardo reminded the expedition that there must be enemies in the direction where Patrick fired.

The expedition control drone started again and moved forward quickly. Then, after a short pause, Gao Guang saw fire, which was the scene of firing.

This should be the enemy.

The drone flew rapidly again. Highlight saw a rapidly enlarging figure on the screen. Then the screen suddenly went black and all the images were lost.

You can vaguely see that it is a person controlling a machine gun and shooting, and there is a companion beside him. Judging from the clothing, he is definitely an enemy.

Gao Guang was stunned, but Yuan Zheng said loudly: "I've solved two of them. I can see clearly, everyone, this is an unmanned attack aircraft!"

Along with Yuanzheng's voice, two drones took off one after another, and Yuanzheng continued: "My controller only has dual channels. It can only control one to attack and one to be on standby in the air. I assembled the drone body myself. It is of civilian standard, but the bomb fuse is for military use. Everyone, do you now understand why I put the drone in a Daladier cage?"

Francisco is very

He said honestly: "Why?

Yuanzheng said angrily: "Because this is a suicide drone, I'm afraid that the drone will be accidentally detonated and blow myself up into the sky!"

Gao Guang said anxiously: "Don't explain, leave a drone for reconnaissance."

The two drones followed the same flight path and came over the battlefield again, and in the blurry image, a man wearing a helmet and dragging his companions running wildly behind the bulletproof vehicle suddenly fell down.

The tragedy of the battlefield suddenly appeared, and the people who were shadows had already suffered casualties.

Another person stood up and tried to pull his companion back behind the bunker, but as soon as he leaned out, he fell to the ground in a flash.

Laura suddenly said: "Oh, no, no! Snipers, they can see it!"


"I know! I'm looking for it!"

The drone screen moves again. Yuanzheng controls the drone. He is looking for the sniper who killed two people in a row.

"I see it, I see it!"

A figure suddenly appeared in the image. He appeared from behind the wall, raised his gun, and fired.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute! It's not him. There's no night vision equipment. He's not a sniper!"

Tom was shouting.

The expedition’s drones saved the situation to a certain extent. It’s no secret that the expedition is the savior.

It was too much, so his drone footage attracted everyone there, including Tom.

Tom said not to attack because the person shooting in the picture did not have night vision goggles, and there was no scope on his gun. It was just a gun.

The distance is at least about a hundred meters. At night, although there are flares, it is really impossible to shoot one at a time with a gun without night vision goggles.

The expedition did not attack because he felt that what Tom said made sense.

The distance is only twenty meters, so you can clearly see the enemy's movements and the gun he uses. Also, this enemy is wearing a mask and a robe.

Raise the gun, move the muzzle laterally, aim very briefly, and fire.

When you look at the enemy, you cannot see the friendly forces behind you. The expedition drone is not a reconnaissance drone, but a suicide drone, so the field of view is limited and the clarity is not high.

But you can see that the enemy's movements are smooth and efficient, and you can even see that the enemy's body movements are very relaxed.

I don’t know if someone was shot again. Gao Guang took a breath of air and said tremblingly: "SKS, that's an SKS!"

Laura was looking at the action, and she trembled: "He didn't shoot randomly, he was aiming!"

Tom said in shock: "They specially bought an SKS. Oops, they met a master!"

Gao Guang and Laura shouted at the same time: "It's him!

Highlights come from instinct, Laura comes from judgment.

Needless to say, Yuanzheng pushed the control stick, and the drone accelerated from a standstill and flew towards the person who fired the gun.

The person in the picture suddenly raised his head, raised his gun, and pointed at the drone, as if pointing at the highlight.

Everyone gathered in front of the screen instinctively raised their heads and leaned back. At the same time, the picture on the screen went dark.

Gao Guang said anxiously: "Blow him up!"

Before Gao Guang could shout, the drone had already exploded.

But Yuanzheng said in shock: "I haven't detonated it yet..."

An image appeared on the screen again instantly. It was the second drone controlled by dual channels. The position of the picture was slightly different, but it could be seen that the shooter was turning around and running away.

Yuanzheng still said in shock: "He shot down my drone..."

Gao Guang said angrily: "What nonsense, blow him up!"

"Waiting for signal connection. Okay!"

It took less than two seconds for the signal to automatically connect, but these two seconds felt extremely long. Gaoguang watched the drone screen suddenly start again. However, just as the drone approached the person who shot the gun, he saw the image flash on the screen. Then there was a vast expanse of white.

The image returned by the drone disappeared again. Gao Guang looked at Yuanzheng in shock and asked anxiously: "What's wrong?"


"Asshole, this is...

…He used a bright light to interfere with my night vision camera, holy shit, hit it, hit it again!"

There was infinite confusion in Yuan Zheng's voice, and he trembled: "How could someone shoot down a time-travel machine with a gun?"

Tom said anxiously: "You're flying too straight, it's roundabout, don't fly straight!"

"It's so small and so fast, it's impossible to hit it even if you fly directly..."

The drone image that had just been disturbed by strong light disappeared, and the screen turned black again, with a white cross in the middle, which was a sign that the signal was lost.

The expedition quickly maneuvered, and the two drones started their rotors again, and then quickly flew out.

By the light of the fire, Gao Guang looked at the expedition box.

Yuan Zheng had a screen in front of his eyes, but half of his face was full of confusion. He said to himself: "How can we defeat it? It's unscientific, this is unscientific."

Tom was impatient, and he suddenly said angrily: "Your boss doesn't understand science either! Stop talking, blow him up! Blow up that bastard!"

Yuan Zheng was equally impatient. He controlled the drone to fly to the previous location again, but this time he did not dare to get too close, but he also lost the trace of the gunman just now.

"There is no automatic positioning, no interference, and automatic return. The configuration of this drone is too low!"

The expedition felt suffocating.

Gao Guang was sitting in a wheelchair. He subconsciously pushed the joystick, but the wheelchair did not move. After pressing it twice, he remembered the reality that the wheelchair was also broken.

If mankind loses electricity, it will almost be doomed.

There can be no delay. Drones can improve the situation, but they cannot reverse it. The enemy does not have any night vision devices now, but if the enemy is really prepared and can distribute them quickly, any delay will be a disaster.

"Expedition, don't attack casually, find important targets and then blow them up!"

Gao Guang hurriedly warned Yuan Zheng, raised his hand and took down the rifle hanging on the wheelchair, and then said in a deep voice: "Push me up and go to meet him."

The Black Box mercenary group staked their names on it, and once the electromagnetic bomb exploded, regardless of victory or defeat in this battle, Black Box became history from now on, and could no longer exist as a mercenary group.

No country in the world can tolerate the existence of mercenary groups possessing electromagnetic bombs.

The highlight can turn around and escape safely, without any danger of disappearing into the night. But now that light is needed, the highlight will not escape.

With his own life and the entire king's defense at stake, Gao Guang went to rescue his companions.

Now everyone is All-in and reveals their trump cards together.

The rest depends on who is tough and who is strong.

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