Firepower is king

Chapter 711: Surrounded

If this was an ordinary wheelchair, Gao Guang could push it forward with his own hands, but now this nearly 500-meter electric wheelchair can only be pushed by others.

Francisco hugged Gao Guang's broken leg. It was the easiest and most convenient thing to do.

"This won't work, you're stupid!"

Amidst Gao Guang's angry scolding, Francisco lowered his waist, pushed Gao Guang's thighs with both hands, and turned Gao Guang's back to the direction of the enemy.

When I charge with my back to the enemy, I always feel like something is wrong.

Gao Guang didn't notice anything wrong at first, but when he realized that he was going backwards instead of forwards, he said in shock: "You pushed back!"

Francisco gasped: "That's right, your back is bulletproof."

I, I, I..."

Gao Guang suddenly felt that it made sense. At this time, if the enemy with night vision goggles shot him from a distance, at least the back of his wheelchair would be able to block it.

Francisco was no fool.

Gao Guang said anxiously to the people following him: "Behind me... No, you line up behind me, not behind me, but behind me. Don't you think you can turn around?"

I'm very annoyed. Once this person forms a fixed mindset, such as standing behind him, that's wrong. He will be blocking bullets for the high-gloss bulletproof wheelchair.

Riccardo pulled Laura and asked her to follow Francisco, and Riccardo followed in a row, followed closely by Carlos and Lin Nianzu. one

Just like a small train, Gao Guang, the bulletproof locomotive, took it and sprinted towards the place where the battle was fiercest.

Turning a corner, you can see the place where the battle took place, and the muzzle flash of the fired gun is obvious.

Patrick's position is not at the front, and in front of him there is the shadow mercenary group searching for targets No. 4 and 5, so the one who is under the most pressure now is Lei.

A small road, or an alley, where cars can pass, where two cars need to find a good place to pass each other. Basically, it is a line that needs to be penetrated.

Since radio communication was lost, people had to rely on shouting, but the gunshots were loud and explosions sounded from time to time, so no shouting could be heard.

Gao Guang was so anxious that he couldn't see anything yet and could only hear Francisco's gasping breathing.

Pushing a weight of about 600 kilograms, although the wheels are quite smooth, it is still heavy.

At this moment, Gao Guang heard several crackling sounds behind him.

"Am I shot?"

Gao Guang was not sure, but Riccardo raised his rifle, fired two shots at a house not far away, and then shouted loudly: "Stop!"

Francisco stopped pushing the wheelchair. He had good physical strength, but now he was panting and picking up the rifle under his arm. He raised it and fired diagonally forward.

It was so dark that I really couldn't see anything.

At this moment, Laura suddenly stepped forward. She was short and weak, and the gun was heavy. It was not suitable to stand and shoot with the gun, so she stepped forward, pressed one knee on Gao Guang's leg, and pointed the gun towards There is a high light above the head, and two eyes are searching back and forth for the target.

"Ah, move, change places, you hit me, it hurts, it hurts!"

Amidst Gao Guang's shrill scream, Laura suddenly turned her gun, and in an instant she shot at the spot where the muzzle flash had just emerged.

There was a bang of gunfire, and the enemy who had just fired continuously fell down. With a bang, it seemed like someone fell from the roof.

Laura stood up and moved her knees. She said with concern: "I pressed her

Did you break your leg? No, it can't be crushed. "

"It's not a broken leg, it's...forget it, keep going, keep going!"

Francisco pushed the wheelchair again, Lola quickly pulled the bolt of the gun, and Riccardo broke away from the wheelchair train. He ran a few steps forward, and then loudly said: "It's a local, using an AK. what happened?"

Francisco said in a sullen voice: "Either one of our people is our enemy, so don't worry about it."

Suddenly ahead

There was a flash of fire, and then there was an explosion. Gao Guang said anxiously: "The enemy is using rockets, hurry up, hurry up, why don't they retreat? Damn it!"

It's all nonsense, because if you are pressed down and beaten, you will die faster if you don't have cover.

At this moment, the third flare began to fall, illuminating the battlefield.

Now you can see the battlefield directly.

It can be seen that the people of the Shadow Mercenary Group are divided into several parts, but they are all defending themselves. No casualties can be seen, but it can be seen that the battle is very fierce, but now the battle almost always takes place in The field of vision is not good, so although the fighting is very fierce, there will be no instant heavy casualties.

"Five minutes, five minutes at most. Once the enemy gets the night vision equipment, they will massacre them unilaterally. Quick, quick!"

Gao Guang was still urging, but Laura suddenly said: "Stop!"

Gao Guang didn't understand why, but Francisco, who was pushing the wheelchair, stopped, and Laura put the gun above Gao Guang's head, took aim briefly and fired.

Pull the bolt and shoot again. After waiting for a few seconds, Laura fires again.

After firing three shots and closing the gun, Laura whispered: "Kill three people and move on."

"Uh, is this okay?"

Laura didn't look like a petite woman now. She said coldly but confidently: "As long as no bird comes out to block my bullet, then there will be no problem."

This time Laura couldn’t make it through.

At a distance of about more than a thousand meters, Laura was not hitting the farthest target. She was hitting behind the shadow troops, blocking the enemies on the way back.

"The enemies are very close on the roof. They are also exposed to flares, use light machine guns and rifles, and wear robes common to locals. I suspect they are not black boxes, but local militants." "

With just such a glance, or the illumination provided by the flare, Laura fired three shots. How could he see so accurately?

Laura has removed the thermal imaging on the gun, leaving only a white light sight. At this time, she needs a light source to aim, but she can also shoot with a certain light source.

Snipers are common, but they can accompany the assault team and shoot. Although they need to stop to shoot, they are still very powerful.

Laura is taking David's job.

"keep going!"

Highlights and they continued to run forward.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a sound similar to a buzzing, or like a mosquito buzzing in my ears, except it was much faster. Then, not long after, Gao Guang came to the house next door to them. Suddenly there was an explosion.


I vaguely heard someone scolding, very close to me.


Guang was stunned for a moment. He carefully recalled the coordinate map in his mind, and then realized that this was not far from the explosion of the electromagnetic bomb.

"The enemy is here!"

Gao Guang had just arrived and shouted, but several people around him had already turned around.

Still nothing could be seen. Looking ahead, the battle was still going on where the flares were enough to illuminate. However, where the explosion had just occurred, nothing could be seen. At most, the outlines of houses could be seen.

A drone suddenly appeared and hovered in front of Gao Guang and them, making a very obvious noise, and then the drone swayed left and right twice.

"The expedition is guiding us... There is someone here, come on!"

Riccardo went up and kicked the door.

The door was open. Riccardo almost kicked the air and almost fell in. However, Francisco went up with the gun in hand, and then heard the crackle of gunshots. Francisco Then he withdrew again.


Gao Guang raised his rifle, and he vaguely saw a figure on the roof, so he didn't care whether he could see clearly or not, he just pulled the trigger and started beating randomly.

Firepower density is very important now, but Gao Guang feels that this rifle is not as smooth as a pistol.

So Gao Guang pulled out his pistol.

If you can't see clearly, just shoot at the silhouette anyway. Flares are still of great help, as long as you can roughly see the silhouette.

Riccardo and Carlos had already thrown grenades.

They didn't know where the enemy was. The grenade was thrown in all kinds of ways, but it was useless. But at this time, the drone in front of Gao Guang and the others suddenly moved again and flew in through the open door. After a moment, it was again. There was a bang.

Now, only Yuan Zheng on the entire battlefield has a clear vision and fast attack methods. At this moment, he is the savior of the king's defense.

Using the drone as a guide, Francisco and Riccardo rushed in again, and after a moment, they let out a cheer together.

"Night vision!"



Two people rushed out again, and then Riccardo hurriedly said: "Four people, wearing tactical uniforms, well-equipped, but their night vision devices are all broken! They are not the people we are looking for!"

This is an area outside the five key targets. There are still people from the black box ambushing here, but their night vision devices are also broken, which means they are also unprepared.

Disappointed but fortunate, if these people's night vision goggles were intact, they would have had no chance of penetrating through the high light just now.

Darkness is fair and provides protection to both warring parties.

"Keep rushing, keep rushing!"

The shadow troops should have discovered the incoming reinforcements, but they did not take the initiative to join them. This is only for one reason. They were pinned down and unable to move. As long as they left the bunker, they would be shot immediately.

At this time, another drone came in front of Gao Guang and the others, hovering at a close distance, no more than two meters away.

What if the expeditionary hand shook and pressed the detonation button...

Gao Guang started to sign. He had already told Yuanzheng to find high-value targets to bomb, but Yuanzheng's drone flew over again, which meant that he did not find high-value targets.

Now what is considered a high-value target? The first is an enemy with vision, such as a night vision goggle.

, such as machine guns that fire wildly at the shadow troops, and enemies that use rocket launchers that can use the light of flares to pose a major threat to them.

That there are no high-value targets means that the situation is not too bad.

I don’t know what the enemy means. If they don’t have the means to win, then why bother detonating the electromagnetic bomb in a hurry.

But it's right to think about it. If the enemy doesn't detonate it, the people of the Shadow Mercenary Group should withdraw. They can just leave in the car. Black Box has no chance to keep the people behind.

Now, let's leave the highlight and the others behind, and then wait for another opportunity in the black box. As long as there is time, they will have the opportunity to completely annihilate the King's Defense and Shadow.

So the focus is still on the enemy’s reserve of night vision goggles, and the enemy has reinforcements!

This is the only explanation.

Reinforcements, Gaoguang also has reinforcements.

An electromagnetic bomb exploded here. The Iraqi Defense Forces cannot remain indifferent, and inevitably, the U.S. garrison must also move out to check the situation. Therefore, for a few minutes at most, the sky is filled with bright reinforcements. How can the black box have the confidence to compete with the strength of the reinforcements, unless their reinforcements are special? close.

The vast ocean of people’s war······

If people in this area can be inspired by the black box, and if there are anti-American armed forces in this area, can they immediately go into battle?

Gao Guang was helpless. He had no objection to the anti-American armed forces, but the problem was that he didn't care about anyone and didn't hit him.

"Speed ​​up, hurry up, rush!"

Now is the time to grab time. If we are slower, something big will happen.

Gao Guang's judgment was correct. When he asked to push the wheelchair closer to his trapped companion, Laura suddenly said: "What's the sound?"

On the battlefield where gunfire rang out, a faint shout was heard. Highlights and the others couldn't help but stop and listen to the source of the sound.

Then several people's expressions changed drastically at the same time, because the sound was a shout, and it was made by many people at the same time.

The shouts came out.

Gao Guang was stunned and asked in a trembling voice, "Is Black Box so appealing?"

Riccardo exhaled and whispered: "It doesn't have to be the appeal, they could also be deceived by the black box, but no matter what..."


Francisco pushed the highlight and started running again. As he ran, he said: "Those signal bombs and illumination bombs are to guide the armed organizations!"

It would be great if Black Box had been operating in Baghdad for many years and had its own armed organization. Three signal flares, followed by illumination flares one by one, were basically the guiding light for calling in reinforcements.

Gao Guang suddenly said angrily: "Their killing move is not a reserve of night vision goggles, but an army!"

They underestimated the strength of Black Box, so they also misjudged Black Box’s trump card. No wonder they dared to lure Gao Guang to Baghdad to fight. That’s because they have an army in Baghdad.

The fixed mindset kills people. They, including Lei and Tom, are accustomed to the bright light of high-tech weapons. They all believe that the enemy has prepared night vision goggles, which can have one-way transparent vision on the battlefield.

But Black Box's unhurried attack was just to hold back the shadows. They were waiting for the arrival of a large number of reinforcements, and then had a night battle in the dark streets of Baghdad, close combat, melee, maximizing their advantages, and beating them up after losing high-tech weapons. Shadows and kings who don't know how to fight.

How can we fight this? There is no way to fight this. The most important thing now is to retreat quickly. No matter how high the price is, we have to retreat first. Otherwise, we will be completely surrounded by others, and then we will turn from being crushed to being crushed.

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