Firepower is king

Chapter 811 Psychological Intervention

China has too many ways to solve Patrick's problem.

But you have to carefully choose the operation method, because the technique is still very particular. First of all, the Buddhist method should be eliminated first, because it is not cool enough and is not easy to fool people. The key is that the highlights are not clear.

Taoist things can be done, just draw a talisman in the way of setting up an altar, but there are requirements for doing things like this. Originally, I wanted to draw the talisman on the spot, but to draw the talisman, I need yellow paper and cinnabar, and then I have to be able to highlight it. It's not enough just to look at it to have a good look, it also needs to be practiced.

Gao Guang is too lazy to practice. Fortunately, the modern Internet is developed, and any talisman can be found by searching online. But the problem is that Patrick is not stupid. He prints out pictures from the Internet to fool things. I'm afraid he also knows how to search online. By the way, isn't this just revealing the truth?

Another option is to dance like a master, which should be classified as shamanism. Unfortunately, it requires singing and dancing, and you can't get highlights.

The last option is the kind of folk superstition, but it seems to be very deceptive. Chinese people have been exposed to these methods since childhood, but they can't explain why.

For example, standing chopsticks in the water, or a child screaming when he loses his soul, these things are done in the north's way, and in the south's way, but it doesn't matter which place, there is definitely a way to do it.

With Gao Guang's smart mind, he feels that these problems can be solved through a combination of methods, such as adding a little of everything.

Gao Guang first looked at talismans on the Internet for a long time. He really put a lot of effort into memorizing the simplest talisman drawing method. He went to Chinatown to buy yellow paper with a lot of effort, and then he saw an incense store selling incense. , and also bought a handful of incense sticks.

For his chief machine gunner, Gao Guang worked very hard. Everything is ready and the ceremony can be carried out.

What a ritual, a soul-calling ritual!

If it is a ceremony, it must have a sense of ceremony, and if it is a ceremony, it must have an audience, and there must be many audiences.

In order to prevent Patrick from not being able to understand or understand, there must be an explanation. Who is it? Expedition is the most suitable. In order to create a sense of sanctity, the ceremony must be upgraded, so there must be an incense hall.

As for how to arrange the incense hall, Gao Guang didn't quite understand, but why should he? Just to fool Patrick, does he need to know anything special?

So, this is not a highlight that fools Patrick, this is a shock of faith from a mysterious country. At three quarters to noon, everyone in the King's Defense Department arrived on time.

Patrick still looked haggard, but he brought a gun case, which he had brought according to Gao Guang's order. "Boss, I've found a new gun to use. I decided to use a MK5."

We gathered everyone together today just to see Patrick’s condition, so Patrick knew he had to get

A gun came, but he didn't know if he chose it randomly or if he really intended to replace Phil.

David knew that Gao Guang wanted to give Patrick a psychological treatment, and Yuan Zheng knew that Gao Guang wanted to give Patrick a dance, but others didn't know that. They only knew that Patrick had a serious problem now, and they came today to solve the problem.

But how to solve it, no one knows.

An MG5 infantry type, also known as HK121, is Germany's active light machine gun. It has strong continuity with the MG3, but it was manufactured to replace the MG3.

Gao Guang said seriously: "Are you sure? Have you really decided to use this gun?" Patrick said seriously: "Yes, I will use this gun for the time being."

"You don't use PKM anymore?"

The corner of Patrick's mouth twitched, and then he whispered: "The machine gun I am most familiar with is the MG3, and the PKM is the one I used most in Iraq. If I had to choose, I prefer the MG3. Now, I want to switch to the MG5. "

Gao Guang continued: "Why don't you continue to use PKM? Is it because your last gun was a PKM, so you will never use it again."

This logic is a bit strange, but if you replace the gun with a human, it is easy to understand.

Patrick nodded and whispered: "Yes, I will never use PKM again."

David looked at Gao Guang worriedly, but Gao Guang waved his hand and said, "Okay, it's okay, no problem." Patrick was a little strange because he didn't know what Gao Guang meant.

Everyone is confused, so Gao Guang wants to give an explanation.

Pointing at Patrick, Gao Guang said very seriously: "Patrick is our machine gunner, but he is in a very bad condition because his gun exploded, and Patrick named his gun."

If you give your gun a name and personify it, the problem becomes much more serious.

But Patrick didn't feel any embarrassment. He said seriously: "Her name is Phil." Patrick used her, not him, nor it. This problem was more serious.

But it doesn't matter, Gao Guang got it all back for him today.

Wanting to rise before suppressing, Gao Guang played very smoothly. He said with a sad face: "Yes, Patrick's Phil exploded! This hit Patrick hard and he couldn't accept a new gun."

Patrick frowned and said: "It's not that I can't use other guns, it's just that I can't accept another gun as my soul mate. Boss, a gun is a gun, and Phil is Phil. Others may not understand, but you should understand." "

Gao Guang sighed and said seriously: "Brother, stop talking, I understand you!" Patrick lowered his head, but he finally couldn't help but said: "Then you still force me." The infinite resentment made people goose skin. The kind that has pimples all over your body.

Gao Guang continued to say seriously: "Do you think there will be a soul after death?" "Of course."

“Where does the soul go?”

Patrick said listlessly: "Either go to heaven or hell, where else can you go."

Gao Guang shook his head and said: "No, in our opinion, people will be reincarnated after death. Do you understand this concept?" Patrick was stunned for a while, then he nodded, but then shook his head again.

It’s better if you don’t understand or not, that’s right.

Gao Guang immediately said: "Then do you think guns have souls?"

Patrick was stunned for a while and said: "Not originally, but my gun has a soul after it is fired!" "Yes, this is called the weapon spirit, which is the soul of the gun, which is the soul of the gun."

As long as you have watched fantasy, it is not difficult for Gao Guang to make up this kind of thing.

Patrick believed it, and what Gao Guang said was exactly what he wanted, so naturally he would not question anything and would definitely just nod his head.

Gao Guang continued: "But do you know that as long as an inanimate thing produces an instrument spirit, that is, a soul, then this instrument spirit will not be destroyed, and will not be destroyed along with the external destruction of tangible matter. Destruction, this is called the immortality of the gun soul."

Patrick's eyes widened. He digested Gao Guang's words for a long time, and finally looked at the other two Chinese people. "Is what the boss said true?"

Patrick wanted to seek answers from Yuan Zheng and Lin Nianzu, and then he found that both men nodded together.

Yuan Zheng didn't say anything, but Lin Nianzu said seriously: "My father understands this, but I was born in Baghdad, so I don't understand it very well. If you want to understand, my father can tell you."

Patrick's lips began to tremble, he swallowed and said: "If it is true, that would be great, um, great"

Gao Guang sighed and said: "Originally I didn't want to tell you this, because it is too difficult, too complicated and costly to hold a gun soul transfer ceremony, but looking at you like this,

I really can't bear it, oh, I can't help it, you are really too affectionate. "

"The gun soul transfers, I, you, you, you really."

Patrick was trembling and couldn't understand what he was saying, but Gao Guang said with a serious face: "Come here!" A group of people followed Gao Guang to the room where he specially fired guns.

Big house, loves guns, rich.

With these few prerequisites, it would be strange if the highlight didn't have an entire room dedicated to guns.

But now there is a wooden table in the high-gloss gun room. There is an incense burner on the table with three sticks of incense inserted in it. This is the incense table.

The gun room was filled with the scent of sandalwood, which was very good. A slight green smoke filled the whole room, adding a sense of mystery.

In fact, Gaoguang wanted to make it more complicated, but unfortunately he couldn't buy the apricot yellow flag in his mind, and he couldn't use the mahogany sword, so he bought two display stands with two boards on them. There are two pictures posted on the board.

On the left is Qin Shubao and on the right is Yuchi Gong.

Yes, there are two goalkeepers. In fact, Gao Guang wanted to buy the ones from Shencha and Yu Lei, but unfortunately he couldn't, but the goalkeepers from Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong were not bad either.

Full of mystery, full of ritual, and full of anticipation, Patrick had already taken the initiative to kneel on the futon in front of the incense table. Looking at Patrick's actions, you should know his current mentality.

Lin Nianzu couldn't help but burst into laughter. Then he tried hard to suppress his laughter, but a strange sound came from his mouth. Everyone looked at Lin Nianzu, Patrick turned back blankly, and Gao Guang glared at Lin Nianzu.

Lin Nianzu changed from suppressing a smile to a look of shock. He said loudly: "Wow! Boss, you still support the door god, uh... that's awesome!"

Patrick looked expectant and nervous and said: "Can you tell me, what kind of gods are they?"

Gao Guang said loudly: "The Eastern Gods of War, because they are gods of war, they became the emperor's door gods. Because they are powerful enough, and because they are the gods of war and door gods, they are also the gods of weapons!"

Patrick suddenly realized, Lin Nianzu looked stupid, and then he said to Gao Guang: "Boss, Gao, he is really high!" Yuanzheng spread his hands and said: "I'm sorry you figured it out, this psychological therapy is amazing, really amazing "

I’m not afraid that Patrick can understand it because it’s in Chinese.

Gao Guang still maintained a serious face, and he said to Patrick very seriously: "Kneel down! Well, you are already kneeling down, then kneel down, burn incense, and then I will summon the spirit of your gun!"

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