Firepower is king

Chapter 814: Lou Cao beats rabbit

Baslov is a difficult negotiator. He is different from the opponents Gao Guang has met in the past. This guy has no right words. If you joke with him, he will also joke with you. He also refuses to talk seriously. He insisted on his offer and refused to let go.

Therefore, Gaoguang offered the lowest price. If Baslov still refused to agree and really insisted on 50%, then it would be okay not to do the business.

Looking at Gao Guang's appearance, Baslov seemed to be able to figure out Gao Guang's thoughts, so he did not agree, but he did not refuse outright, but said slowly: "It's boring to just say 50% to 20%. First, you know Pa How much money does Weir have?"

Finally remembering to ask how big the business was, Gao Guang felt angry and funny, so he said impatiently: "It is said to be two billion, but no one can tell how much it will be. I estimate."

Baslov's eyes widened, and he looked at the highlight in surprise.

Gao Guang said hesitantly: "I estimate there will be a billion at most. Why are you looking at me like this?"

Baslov shook his head, and then he said seriously: "Are you kidding? How can Pavel's family property only be 2 billion? As for one billion, who are you looking down on? Baslov's assets are at least 5 billion. One billion U.S. dollars, excluding those real estate properties that are difficult to liquidate and those yachts that have greatly depreciated in value, are just deposits and only have a cash flow of at least five billion U.S. dollars."

Gao Guang was stunned for a while and said: "I'm talking about his arsenal in Georgia. How can we get all his assets."

Baslov said seriously: "Why can't you get it? Why can't you get it? I'm willing to cooperate with you, isn't it because I can make a lot of money? If I only earn your information fees, frankly speaking, I still don't care about this money. Not yet."

Gao Guang raised his right hand and said, "Wait a minute, this may be a bit of a misunderstanding. Please let me sort out my thoughts and let me think about it."

The information was provided by Zog, and what they wanted to do was a batch of arms that Pavel had hoarded in Georgia. This batch of arms was worth two billion US dollars. If Gao Guang could grab this batch of arms, they would successfully sell it to Armenia or Azerbaijan, you can make a lot of money.

Baslov's understanding is that Gao Guang wants to attack Pavel. Pavel has at least 5 billion US dollars in assets, so he wants half of it, which is 2.5 billion.

After thinking about it carefully, Gao Guang confirmed that when he called Baslov, he did not mention Georgia. It was Baslov who directly acquiesced to kill Pavel.

I know what the problem is. Baslov’s appetite is too big. He wants to swallow up all Pavel’s wealth in one go. But the problem is, it’s easy to kill Pavel. It’s also easy to rob him. But if he completely takes away Pavel's entire family fortune is difficult.

Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief and said to Baslov: "There is a problem. We may not be talking about the same thing. What I want to do is to rob Pavel's arsenal in Georgia. It is best to kill him along the way. In this case, we have at least one billion US dollars in the account, you take 20%, give others 30%, and I take half, so everyone can make a profit.”

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He is justified in saying that he gets half of it, because he initiated and planned this matter. If he can't get half of it, then he would rather give up.

Baslov looked very puzzled. He spread his hands and said in great confusion: "I don't understand. Since you are planning to kill Pavel, why can't you take all his wealth?"

It's simple to say, but other people's wealth is not so easy to grab. For example, Pavel has a billion-dollar deposit in the bank, but only he knows the account and the password, and no one else can discover it. How to grab this wealth?

Gao Guang felt that there was nothing he could do, so he waved his hand and said, "You said you can get it, okay, you said there is something you can do."

Baslov said seriously: "I know Pavel. Of course I know. Last time you asked us for compensation, I proposed to kill him. It was you who never took any action, which delayed this matter until now." ”

Gao Guang continued to spread his hands and said, "Let's talk about the important point, how to get his money."

Baslov still said seriously: "Pavel was once a subordinate of Aaron Feynman. Aaron Feynman cooperated with us, but Pavel betrayed Aaron and the CIA arrested Aaron. Then, Pavel Weir received at least one billion dollars of Aron's fortune, and the CIA squeezed at least ten billion dollars from Alon."

Gao Guang's eyes widened, is Zog so rich? Ten billion level? Are you kidding me?

Baslov continued: "Pavel took over Alon's group and continued to do business. He took charge of a huge arms smuggling channel, controlled oil smuggling in Syria and Iraq, and then he was also responsible for smuggling Russian crude oil to In Europe, he also engaged in many other businesses, such as human trafficking and organ trafficking in Ukraine, he smuggled drugs from Afghanistan to Europe, and he even started smuggling drugs from South America to Europe. Let's put it this way, everything you can think of He is doing all kinds of profit-making businesses, and his business is even bigger than Aron and Feynman!”

Gao Guang scratched his head and said, "Is that so? That five billion US dollars is an underestimate."

"I'm talking about at least five billion U.S. dollars, five billion U.S. dollars that can be used to track down clues. In addition, Pavel has now been granted asylum in the UK and has been cooperating with the CIA. So if you want to kill Pavel, then you can do this Yet?"

Zog didn't say this, never mentioned it.

Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I never heard that Pavel was so powerful and his business was so big. I thought he only sold arms."

Baslov sneered twice and said, "That's because your information is not accurate enough."

An invisible rich man, a real underground boss, it would be normal if Gao Guang had never heard of him.

In the underground world, or any shady industry, anyone who is famous must be dead, even if

If he's not dead yet, he must be close to death.

The same goes for Gao Guang. The things he did would be absolutely ruined if he was really exposed.

People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. This applies especially in the underground world. Only when those crimes are exposed and the details are exposed will many people know about them. If they are people who are known to ordinary people, they must have been punished. Otherwise, a person People with a little bit of brains also know how to hide themselves better.

Gao Guang thought a lot, and then he finally said: "You said you can get Pavel's wealth. Tell me, how can you get it?"

"We have Pavel's two bank accounts, three secret residences, and where his wife is. We have been investigating him for several years, and we have far more information than you think."

Gao Guang nodded, and then he immediately said: "Wait a minute, what is your main body? How many departments are involved." Baslov said: "It is the Foreign Intelligence Service, there is no need to involve other departments."

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the KGB was divided into two parts. The main body of the KGB was reorganized into the Russian Federal Security Service, but the strongest First Main Directorate of the KGB became the Foreign Intelligence Service.

The Foreign Intelligence Service is responsible for all intelligence work outside Russia. If Baslov and the others had been paying attention to Pavel, they would really have a lot of information.

Gao Guang nodded and said, "How to get the money?"

Baslov said seriously: "This is the main point I want to say. You are responsible for chasing the money. Don't worry about anything else. Just leave the matter of killing Pavel to us."

Gao Guang couldn't help but laugh, he burst into laughter, but Baslov endured it for a moment, and finally said with an angry look on his face: "Why are you laughing?" "Goodbye, farewell."

Gao Guang stood up to leave.

If Baslov didn't call him, then Gao Guang would leave, because it would be boring to talk to Baslov.

Killing Pavel is not the key point, let alone the difficulty. On the contrary, it is the simplest thing. Baslov has done the simplest job and still wants to get half of it. Take it for what you want, he won't give him 20%.

Finally, Baslov gave in. He stood up and said loudly: "Stop, I haven't finished speaking yet. Why are you leaving?" Gao Guang stopped, turned around, then looked at Baslov seriously and said: "You are not sincere, there is no need to talk anymore."

Baslov frowned and said, "Then tell me what you think. If you have something to do, just talk it over slowly. Why do you want to leave?"

Gao Guang sat down and said calmly: "To be realistic, I don't need your help to kill Pavel. I can do this myself. Why don't you be responsible for recovering the money?"

Baslov shook his head and said: "We can't do it. His money is mainly in the UK and Switzerland, but we have key information. If you do it alone, you can kill Pavel at most and you won't get a dollar."

Gao Guang stretched out two fingers and said seriously: "Twenty percent, I'll give you 20%, and the remaining 20% ​​will be given to the CIA.

There is still 20% for the British side, and another 20% is reserved for distribution. I can also get 20%. Do I want to do it? "

Baslov swallowed and said, "Only 20%." "You have a big appetite, but do you have such good teeth?"

Gao Guang asked Baslov unceremoniously, and then he immediately said: "I know I can't do it, so I plan to bring many people together to do this. Only by cooperation can it be possible to use Pavel's money Get it, otherwise it will only make the bank cheaper, you should understand this truth. "

Baslov was not angry this time. He said in a deep voice: "I am interested in your relationship with the CIA, so I am willing to cooperate with you. I can provide key intelligence and evidence to prove that this cooperation is indeed profitable. , The problem now is that after we have done the work, you can only be responsible for getting the money out of the bank, but how can you guarantee that you will give us every penny?"

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "Based on my credibility, if you trust me, we will cooperate. If you don't trust me, go find someone else."

Baslov hesitated for a long time, and then he slowly said: "You have just debuted, but you have a good reputation. I believe you, but I ask you to call the CIA and British people together first. Let's first Let’s meet and let me feel that you are strong enough before we take the next step.”

"Okay, you give me something that can impress people, and I will be responsible for starting to recruit people to organize the game." Empty talk is not enough, there must be evidence.

Baslov was obviously ready. He took out a piece of paper from his pocket and said seriously: "There are three accounts on it, all belonging to Pavel. You can check it. There are ten accounts in the British Bank." There are 400 million pounds in deposits, 2.5 billion US dollars in deposits in Swiss banks, and seven tons of gold stored in it. There is also an account belonging to the Bank of Ireland with 1.7 billion US dollars in deposits, but the name is her wife's account. , it’s these three accounts, you can calculate how much you have.”

Gao Guang took the note. He was stunned for a while and said, "A deposit of US$5.6 billion? Just a deposit?"

Baslov nodded and whispered: "This is such a huge amount of wealth. Why are you staring at his arms worth hundreds of millions of dollars? As long as you can handle it

"Wait a minute, let me think, let me think."

The wealth Baslov mentioned is not the same thing as what Zog mentioned, but there is a problem. The arms Zog mentioned are obviously easy to obtain and very possible to achieve.

But what Baslov said is stored in the bank and is extremely difficult to cash out.

Then, where can I get Gaoguang from Georgia? It’s at least one billion. But if I cooperate with Baslov, although the total sounds great, there are too many partners. If I only get 20%, I will still get almost one billion.

If you think about it this way, the deal with Baslov was a bit of a loss.

But think about it from another angle, what if you want them all? Wrapping up the grass and hunting rabbits is a way to get things done. It's just that one eats it alone and the other gets a portion. Wouldn't it be nice?

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