Firepower is king

Chapter 815: Cut

Greed is enough to make a snake swallow an elephant.

Now the highlight is a cobra, but Pavel is an African elephant. The size difference is too big. Although this venomous snake can bite an elephant to death in one bite, it is impossible to swallow the elephant.

But if we could find a few more lions, no, a few groups of lions, it would be easy to be eaten alive by elephants. If the matter is too big, you need to find more people. This is a simple truth.

But looking for Zog first, or finding Tom first, this made Gao Guang hesitate a little.

The former Aaron is now the Zog. Zog was taken out of prison and used as a white glove. It is still a secret. Very few people know about it. At least Baslov definitely doesn’t know about it. And Gao Guang doesn’t know yet. He said it was because he didn't know whether to sell Zog first.

Although it was hard to say whether they were friends or foes, Gao Guang did not have the habit of selling people out after all, so subconsciously, he kept this secret for Zog for the time being.

The key point is that Zog has also cooperated with the KGB before. What if Baslov is to know that Zog is Aron, then what if they collude together and put aside the middleman Gao Guang.

Gao Guang thought about it for a long time and decided to meet with Tom first.

Tom is no longer staying in Baghdad. He is now the director of the Middle East Division, with a high and powerful position. His former boss, Gapero, has also been promoted and is now the director of the Counterterrorism Center in the Operations Division of the CIA headquarters. The level has reached SIS-2.

But Tom became the director of the Middle East Division, but his rank was still GS-15. When he served as the chief of the Baghdad Station, his rank was already GS-15.

It's a bit troublesome to mention here. This is because the CIA's ranks and military ranks have a rough correspondence, but they are not exactly the same.

Officials in the U.S. government are called senior executives, but in the CIA they are called senior intelligence agents. And what about the correspondence between CIA officer levels and military ranks? GS-15 is equivalent to a colonel, and SIS1 has collapsed. Tianqian is already at the level of brigadier general.

Now Gapero has been promoted to SIS level 2, which is considered a major general in the army.

But Tom was stuck in the key position of director of the Middle East Division through his job. However, he still had to wait a while before he could be promoted from a school officer to a general. However, he had already been stuck in the position, so his promotion was only a matter of time.

Going back to Gapello, Gapello is now the director of the Counterterrorism Center under the CIA's Operations Division. How should I describe this position? It is one of those extremely important departments that do nothing.

The four main departments under the CIA are the Management Division, the Intelligence Division, the Operations Division, and the Science and Technology Division.

The Middle East Division is affiliated to the Intelligence Division of these four main departments.

One of the district offices.

In other words, in the entire CIA system, Gapello has climbed to the middle and upper levels, the position of the cow, while Tom has just touched the edge of the middle and upper levels and has become the chicken head position.

The CIA's personnel structure is also in the shape of a pyramid. There are fewer people as you go up, and the number is significantly reduced. There are at least 3,000 people in the entire CIA and GS15 at the same level as Tom. The difference between important and important status mainly depends on the position, and when you reach Capello There are only a few dozen people at SIS-2 level. The specific number of people is top secret. Even though the current CIA is famous for its bloated size, the number of people at SIS-2 level cannot exceed thirty at most.

The difference in level is huge, but the number of people is hugely different, and the status is also hugely different.

And Capello was promoted, but he was transferred from the Intelligence Division of the previous four departments to the Operations Division. Considering that Capello himself is an action officer, this transfer is reasonable, but the key is that Capello has moved to a But once he was in the core position, the people and things he could come into contact with were completely different.

Although the mountains are high and the emperor is far away in the Middle East, they are still lower-level units after all. They do have some freedom, but they can't speak loudly in the headquarters.

But now, Gao Guang can think about how to make trouble, because Tom, as the director of the Middle East Division, cannot handle matters on the European side, but as the Counterterrorism Center under the Operations Division of the CIA General Directorate, Gapero can directly contact the European side. People on the other side, even dealing with matters on the European side.

There is another extremely important factor. The CIA also belongs to the emperor and his ministers.

The director of the CIA is at SIS level 6, the level of a general, and the deputy director is at the level of SIS 5, which is also the level of an admiral. However, the director of the CIA can be replaced like a revolving door, but the deputy director never changes.

Why, because the director of the CIA is directly appointed by the president. Whoever the president says is who he is. It doesn’t matter whether he understands intelligence or not. But the deputy director has real information and is the person who is really responsible for doing things. It would be different if he changed his mind. Something big went wrong.

And now Gapero is qualified to meet the new director. If necessary, if feasible, Gao Guang can do things from the level of CIA director. The significance of the huge difference is reflected in this. Yes,

Of course, regardless of which level you can reach in the end, you must start with Tom.

Tom is currently based in Dubai, but if he wants to meet Gao Guang, he can fly to Baghdad just a short sentence away.

There’s no need to be pretentious. Before Tom takes off, the highlights will give you a rough idea of ​​what’s going on.

There was an introduction, so after the meeting we went straight to the topic and just saw if we could do it.

Now the news from Tom is not very good.

"I didn't find any information about Pavel. This is unreasonable. Although Pavel and I will not have direct contact, he has a large business and has not been noticed at all. This can only show that under the CIA system Inside, Pavel is protected."

Someone at the CIA protects Pavel to ensure that his name is not known to everyone. This is understandable. It is like many drug lords in South America are basically raised by the CIA. So South America raises drug lords, and Europe raises arms dealers. It's also normal. This is called relying on the mountain to eat the mountain, and relying on the water to eat the water.

As for the Middle East, it is Gao Guang, but Gao Guang is not raised by the CIA, but a CIA partner. The difference is huge.

But generally speaking, that's what it is, and there's no mystery about it when it's revealed.

Gao Guang said softly: "Now we are going to deal with Pavel, do you think we are somewhat sure of success?"

"Based on the situation you mentioned, catching Zog and squeezing out Zog's wealth was the responsibility of the previous director. If the director doesn't take the lion's share of such a huge profit, it's because the person doing it wants to die. Since now the CIA If the director is changed, we can certainly harvest again."

Just like cutting leeks, one crop after another.

But here in Pavel, it’s more like fattening the pigs and then killing them. Zog was a fat pig from the KGB. The CIA snatched it and killed it, ate a few mouthfuls of fat meat, and then raised Zog’s cubs. Now After they are raised and fattened, they are ready for slaughter.

Gao Guang was worried about only one thing.

"Pavel should be offering sacrifices on time, right? Will he touch the CIA boss's cheese?"

Tom whispered: "I am worried about this issue as well, but our new director has only been in office for less than two months. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Not full yet? Are you in a hurry to start?"

Tom nodded and said with a deep expression: "Our deputy director is also going to be replaced. Do you think we should show off in front of the new deputy director?"

Highlight eyes suddenly brightened up, God-given opportunity, God-given opportunity! "Is it so good and such a coincidence?"

Tom whispered: "Don't spread it outside. It's top secret. The former director of the Intelligence Division was promoted to deputy director of the CIA. The whole world knows about the director's replacement. If the deputy director is replaced, it's top secret."

Tom said he wanted to keep it a secret, but he could no longer hide the smile on his face. Gao Guang immediately said: "The 20% is less, at least 30%, right?"

Tom said with a stern look: "Give him 20% alone!

As for ourselves, taking 10% is too much. I even want to give away 30%, but there is still Chief Gapero. "

Tom is also a ruthless person, and his ability to get along has a lot to do with his willingness to cut his flesh.

Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Instead of this, how about giving all the proceeds to the new deputy director and letting him watch the distribution?"

Tom was stunned for a moment, then he said to Gao Guang: "You, you are even more ruthless!"

"You have to use all your strength to hold the thigh. You have to think like this. To become the deputy director of the CIA, you are definitely a master of balance. The kind of person who is greedy for money and likes to monopolize it will never get there. We will decide how to allocate this money below. It’s a taboo. Anyway, just give the KGB two cents.”

"You. It's a pity that you are an arms dealer." He was quite emotional, and he didn't know whether it was a compliment or not. Tom sighed: "Your skin color is not suitable for the CIA, otherwise I really want to get you into the CIA. ”

Gao Guang waved his hands repeatedly and said: "What do you think if I don't join the CIA? Can you contact the European side, mainly the UK?"

Tom looked at his watch and said confidently: "I'll fly back right now. Wait for the good news. It's more than five billion US dollars."

"There are still seven tons of gold. We are doing such a big thing, so the gold must not be leaked." Tom smiled fiercely and whispered: "No more, just wait for my good news."

The CIA must rely on Tom to operate, but the KGB is still waiting for news. Gao Guang said: "The KGB is waiting for news. How long will it take?"

"Three days, no, two days, no! I will give you exact information within twenty-four hours. It is easy to solve it on the European side, and it is easier to solve it on the British side."

Tom couldn't help but rub his hands, and then he whispered: "Give me the evidence, and I'll leave now."

Gao Guang said again: "See if you can bring more people in. We have a lot of people in the club, so it's always good to get more."

Tom sneered and said: "Give the British 20%, and they also deserve it? Withhold the British share and give it to the Department of Homeland Security. You don't have to worry about this. I know how to do it."

Although it doesn't sound good, it is a fact. The British have no bargaining qualifications now. Whether they eat meat or gnaw bones depends on the Americans' faces.

It's just that Gao Guang talks about distribution in front of Baslov. In the end, the big deal must fall into his own pocket anyway.

Gao Guang exhaled and said easily: "Then the arms from Georgia."

Without finishing his words, Tom smiled and whispered: "Of course I keep it for myself, you are the arms dealer."

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