Firepower is king

Chapter 817 How dare you

If you don’t have money, focus on procedures; if you have money, focus on efficiency.

On Baslov's side, he can still bring full sincerity.

When he saw Tom, Baslov smiled before he said anything, because he felt that when Tom arrived, the matter was basically settled.

Regardless of whether it will succeed or not, at least the sincerity of Gao Guang and Tom has been shown. If they didn't really intend to cooperate, Tom wouldn't show up.

Of course, if Baslov knew that Tom was not interested but came with a mission, he might still try to take advantage of him.

The current situation is called hitting it off and collaborating. "Nice to meet you."

Baslov shook hands with Gao Guang and Tom, and then he said confidently: "Tell me, if you want to know or get anything from me, just ask."

The so-called sincerity is not a specific thing. The way two spy chiefs and a broker can show sincerity is intelligence.

Tom spoke first. He wanted to ask for what he wanted in the most ordinary way possible.

"You said Pavel has billions of dollars in savings. The savings alone are several billion dollars. How can you prove that?"

Baslov was very surprised and said: "You still need to ask me about this? You can just inquire directly with the bank. Among these banks, who can refuse the CIA's inquiry request?"

Tom always remained calm. He said calmly: "You are right, but it is the CIA who investigates, not me. Do you want more people to share the money?"

Baslov sighed, laughed, and said, "Man, this is not money you can swallow by yourself. There is nothing wrong with letting more people share the money."

Tom whispered: "Can you teach me who to cooperate with?"

Baslov was stunned for a moment, then he spread his hands and said: "I can guarantee that the data here is absolutely true, because we have verified it."

"How did you verify it?"

"This is a secret, you shouldn't ask."

Tom whispered: "With your technology and resources, you can't find the private deposit records of several banks, and there are three banks. Man, now you say there are billions of dollars in it, how can I believe it?"

Baslov shook his head.

Gao Guang coughed slightly and said to Baslov: "Sincerity, man, show some sincerity."

Hearing Gao Guang's words, Baslov hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed, and then he whispered: "We have an informant, an undercover agent who has been with Pavel for a very long time."

Tom frowned and said: "Undercover? What kind of undercover can have access to Pavel's private account information and let you know the amount in it? I'm not asking you to tell who the undercover is, but this kind of thing is simply impossible, man. We are colleagues, don’t fool me with this statement, if undercover is so easy to use."

"Hear me out."

Baslov waved his hand and interrupted Tom. He said proudly: "The undercover can't provide account information, but the undercover can bring a signal receiver into Pavel's house, and then he only needs to surf the Internet and make calls at this house. We can monitor his information, and yes, we have a hacker, a super talented hacker.”

Tom was obviously distracted for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing. "why are you laughing?"

"Man, our hackers are, well, a classified number, but you think I don't know what a hacker looks like?" The CIA has only a few more hackers than the KGB, so Tom finds this statement hilarious.

And so are the highlights.

He felt it was unreliable, so he spread his hands and said: "Is there a long-legged beauty hacker who is about 20 years old, very beautiful, with blond hair and over 1.7 meters tall? Invading the systems of major banks in the world is like Drinking water is that simple, right?”

Baslov was stunned for a moment, and then he said in shock: "Why did you say that?"

"Because no matter in the movie or in the movie, the hacker must come from Russia, and at least more than 50% of the chance is a beautiful woman, 30% of the setting is a technical geek under the age of 16, and 20% The setting is a bald, wretched middle-aged man, um, what kind of hacker is yours?”

Baslov hesitated for a long time, but still didn't speak. Gao Guang said in surprise: "No way, she is really a beauty?"

"Uh, well, no, he is a twenty-six-year-old technical geek, but his hairline has indeed started to recede. I doubt whether his hair can last until he is thirty."

Not all hits, but pretty close.

So why do the Russians produce genius hackers? Because Russian mathematics is really powerful and unique. It has been very good from the Soviet era to the present. Therefore, the birth rate of genius hackers is indeed high, but it is nonsense to say that all hackers are Russian. .

Tom can pull out dozens of hackers at any time, and his Middle East office can do it. Tom nodded and said, "Just a hacker."

"Just a hacker, but he is definitely beyond your imagination."

Baslov scratched his head, and then he continued: "We did not break into Pavel's bank account. If we could, we would have transferred his money, but we know which bank he is in and which bank he is in." How much money you have in your account is enough, right? But you have to understand that being able to hack into Pavel’s computer system without being discovered and still monitoring his computer is already pretty impressive.”

Tom sighed and said: "It's very powerful. Then, you also know where Pavel is." "Of course, you can know part of the whereabouts."

Tom thought for a moment, then he crossed his arms and said seriously: "We can ask the bank to hand over the money by recovering stolen goods. This is a public practice."

Baslov shrugged, spread his hands, and said, "Don't say that. I don't believe it. It will have to be confiscated. Are you willing?" Tom smiled and said, "Of course, the money can be secretly obtained through other methods."

"This is right, this is right, otherwise why would I need to cooperate with you." Tom whispered: "Who is behind you?"

"Who is behind you?"

Two people from the Middle East are plotting to get someone whose main activities are in Europe. Of course they have the big head behind them, otherwise this thing would be a mess.

Tom whispered: "I just want to make sure whether you have the ability to cooperate and whether you can get things done. Forget it, we don't need to understand each other. I am on the CI side, and you are on the KGB side, the mad dog middleman. is that OK?"

Baslov said seriously: "What about the British side? It's not easy to handle without the British, well, but I don't trust the British." Tom thought for a moment and said, "What do you mean, Pavel is in the UK?"

"Yes, in the UK. I won't tell you the exact location because I'm afraid you will act alone."

Gao Guang shook his head and said: "Brother, this is your fault. As a middleman, I rely on credibility. Now the three of us have no means to restrict each other. I admit that your worries are reasonable, but if you want to accomplish this, , besides trusting me completely, what else do you have?

method? "

Baslov remained silent, and Gao Guang continued: "We will not act alone, it is only fair that you take action, and this matter will not be easy to do without anyone."

Baslov finally said: "Okay, then you will act with me. Yes, you are a hostage. If we do what we promised but don't get the money, then you will die."

Gao Guang was stunned, but Tom, after being stunned for a moment, said in shock: "You're kidding me!" "You really want to act alone and take it all to yourself." .??.

Tom said without hesitation: "A person as important as Mad Dog is taking you as a hostage? What are you thinking?" After finishing speaking, Tom said angrily: "Forget it if you don't want to cooperate."

"Hmph, okay, then I will tell you another news. Do you know why I am in a hurry to kill Pavel? Because Pavel is in contact with certain people, he may take out most of his net worth and then go If you wait for him to finish the Russian pension, then none of you can even think about touching him.”

Baslov looked disdainful. He looked at Tom sideways and said, "The CIA has a bad reputation. Everyone knows what you have done. Do you think Pavel is afraid of us, or is he more afraid of you?"

There are really no secrets in this world. Everyone knows about the CIA’s bad things. Everyone knows about fattening pigs before killing them.

The more money Baslov makes, the more he fears being ripped off, and now it seems that the time has come. He is already looking for a way out, and everything is expected.

Gao Guang sighed and said: "Okay, don't argue. It's okay for me to be a hostage. Well, no problem. If you don't trust me, I won't trust you either. I happen to be with you and can supervise you."

Baslov spread his hands and said: "Then there will be no problem." Tom looked at the high light and shook his head, whispering: "No, absolutely not." Baslov frowned and said: "You are planning to default on your debt. ?”

Tom didn't want to default on his debt, but he was afraid that after the money got into the hands of the big shots, those big shots would default on his debt. But in the final analysis, Tom was just as afraid of someone defaulting on his debt as Baslov.

Gao Guang did not overestimate his status. He did not think that his life was more important than a billion or even more dollars in the eyes of the CIA's big shots, but his status as a free man and a collaborator, not the white gloves of the Pentagon, It's not a pig raised by the CIA. This meaning can be reflected at this time.

Gao Guang said to Tom: "No problem, it's a lot more convenient for me to be a hostage. As long as the money is in place, you will ensure my safety, right?"

The last sentence was said to Baslov, who said seriously: "Of course, as long as we get the share, you will definitely be a VIP of the KGB, and only a VIP."

Highlights gave Tom a wink.

Tom exhaled and said: "Okay, Mad Dog will be the middleman, and he will follow you to act together. Now, we can tell you about Pavel's position."

Baslov immediately said: "He is in London and lives at No. 13 Downing Street." Tom immediately widened his eyes and said in shock: "Impossible!"

"Why isn't it possible?"

Faced with Basloff's rhetorical question, Tom said extremely angrily: "Of course it's impossible. How could the British allow a notorious arms dealer to live in...\\n.\\n.\\n.\\n.\\n.\\ nOh, you mean No. 13?”


Tom pouted and fell silent.

Gao Guang couldn't help but said: "I know that No. 10 Downing Street is the official residence of the Prime Minister. Well, can I be a neighbor to the Prime Minister?"

Tom said calmly: "Tang Ning

The total length of the street is only 200 meters, with a total of twenty house numbers. Numbers 1 to 8 are the Privy Council, Trade Commission and Finance Office, number 9 is the press room, numbers 10 and 11 are offices and official residences, and number 12 is The Ministry of Information and the Prime Minister's Liaison Office have been demolished from the 14th to the 20th, as for the 13th."

Tom seemed a little hesitant, but Baslov smiled and said: "Isn't it convenient to say, let me tell you, No. 13 is the intelligence room, managed by the British Joint Intelligence Committee, but in daily use it is MI6 and MI6 Five places.”

Gaoguang scratched his nose.

Baslov continued: "MI6 has prepared a room for Pavel. It is just a room for the personnel on duty to rest. It does not even have a private bathroom. But as long as Pavel goes to London, he will definitely live there."

Tomba chimed a few times and said to Baslov: "How dare you. The person you are monitoring is not Pavel at all, and your undercover is not Pavel's undercover. You have simply infiltrated MI6."

Gao Guang suddenly realized. Gao Guang is convinced.

The Russians are so reckless, but they are also so powerful. They actually sent spies to the heart of Britain, and Baslov dared to say it. This is so sincere.

Baslov chuckled and said: "We are all colleagues, is it necessary to say this kind of thing? Do you care? Well, now do you still have doubts about my sincerity and ability? If there is no doubt, then It can be implemented.”

Tom breathed a sigh of relief and said, "How do you do it?"

"Wait, wait for Pavel to go, we will know when he goes, and then we will wait for him nearby. It is too easy to kill him, too easy. I don't need to say more about this. You can use any method. If you like, It doesn’t matter how you specify it.”

There's really nothing to say, a bullet, or the ricin that the Russians like, or whatever. If you don't consider the bodyguards around Pavel, or even arrange for a gangster to go up and give him a few stabs, London doesn't lack this. .

But to capture him alive, well, this problem is what Gao Guang and Tom consider.

After the two looked at each other, they nodded in unison and said in unison: "Okay, let's settle it like this first."

Baslov was also very happy, but he immediately said: "Do you need me to warn you? For example, if our mole in London is discovered and our surveillance is discovered, I can only suspect that you are leaking the secret. ”

Gao Guang said in shock: "What? Are you kidding me! Do I have to be responsible for this kind of thing? I won't do it. Forget it, I won't do it."

Baslov waved his hand and said: "Don't get excited. After our Mole incident is successful, we should withdraw. If the Mole's identity is not about to be exposed, how could I tell you the news? So the confidentiality agreement will be maintained until the incident. It’s over, is this okay?”

This is okay and acceptable. Gao Guang looked at Tom and nodded, so Tom said solemnly: "That's okay. Don't worry, I will never reveal this secret. We all know the stakes. You You can rest assured.”

Baslov stood up, looked at the highlight, and said with a smile: "If there is nothing else, come with me."

Gao Guang said with a look of astonishment: "You can't be so ignorant, don't you want me to prepare something? Don't you want me to arrange the work? Man, I will definitely be your hostage before taking action, but don't guard me like this. , you are insulting me, are you looking down on my credibility?"

Baslov was a little embarrassed by what he said, and then he finally said: "Okay, I'll give in. You come before the action, otherwise the action will be cancelled. Goodbye, you two."

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