Firepower is king

Chapter 818 Inference

What Gao Guang needs to prepare is to be ready to take action at any time in Georgia to control Pavel's batch of arms.

Since the big boss is interested in Pavel's family property and not his arms in Georgia, Gao Guang has to take action himself, but the action in Georgia depends on the success of the action in London.

A single move affects the whole body, or in other words, only if the London side succeeds first, the Georgian side will fall into place naturally. If the London side fails, the Georgian side will not be able to attack by force.

Two billion U.S. dollars is a huge amount of wealth, and arms worth two billion U.S. dollars is a large amount of materials. Under normal circumstances, transportation cannot be completed in one or two days, so even if the defenders of the arms can be killed, It's impossible to take away all the arms.

But if Pavel is captured alive, then only a few people on Gaoguang's side will be able to receive the arms peacefully.

It's just that the strength of the king's defense alone is still a bit insufficient. The combat power is enough, but the number is not enough. After adding the manpower of a shadow mercenary group, it is almost enough. This is not a hard-hitting job, so bring in the shadows. If you want to get rich, you can't keep your brothers behind.

It took less than a day for Gao Guang to make arrangements. In fact, at this time, the plan to capture Pavel alive could already be carried out.

Gao Guang was ready to leave. As a middleman, as an agent of the CIA, and as a collaborator of the KGB, he had to go with these multiple identities.

Gao Guang has never failed when it comes to legal robberies with a background, but when it comes to kidnappings with official endorsement, no, capturing prisoners in foreign countries, Gao Guang has never tried it before.

But you don’t have to give King’s Defense any hands-on work, because King’s Defense is not professional in doing this kind of thing. Gao Guang can answer the question for the CIA, but he can’t do everything.

If everything is done in the UK, capturing Pavel alive is just a matter of words.

But the current situation is that the CIA does not dare to leak the news to the British in advance, because arresting Pavel from London will damage the interests of the British, especially the reputation of MI6 and the people it protects.

Handing it over to the CIA, I don't care where to put my face, so I don't dare to refuse openly, but secretly the news will definitely leak out, so that Pavel will get the news in advance and never go to London again.

To sum up briefly, the CIA does not want to distribute money to the British. They just want to put pressure on the British after arresting people, and ask the British to cooperate with them afterwards.

For the British, all they wanted was that Pavel was not captured in London.

As far as the KGB was concerned, all they had to do was send someone to kill Pavel in London.

But for Gao Guang, the situation was a mess, a nightmare tightrope walk.

This operation is difficult. The biggest problem is that this operation can be implemented, but the necessary prerequisite for the operation is lacking, that is, Pavel is not in London.

If Pavel doesn't go, the operation will naturally not proceed. "Have you found anyone?"

"Not yet. We are already looking, but Pavel doesn't always live in London, nor does he go to London often, so we can only wait for the opportunity."

Baslov was also anxious, but no matter how anxious he was, there was nothing he could do. The KGB's undercover agents were in London, not with Pavel, so they were not sure about Pavel's whereabouts, so they could only stay in one of Pavel's locations. Waiting for Pavel to go to London.

But for Gao Guang, this matter cannot be delayed forever. Since there is no news from the KGB, he can only do it by himself. After integrating the resources, Zog can come in handy at this time.

Judging from the current situation, Zog seems to have an insider beside Pavel. Maybe he can provide some surprises. After hanging up Baslov's call, Gao Guang shook his head at Tom and whispered: "The KGB hasn't found anyone yet."

Tom had already expected this situation. He spread his hands and whispered: "Did Pavel notice something? He obviously started to have intentions."

Conceal your whereabouts. "

Gao Guang said in his heart that the CIA has changed its director, and Pavel is not stupid, so he must hide.

It is really difficult for others to find a person who deliberately hides his whereabouts, but the reason why Tom is confident in this operation is because they can put pressure on Pavel and let him take the initiative to show up.

"We put pressure on Pavel and asked him to show up. For example, we asked the British to send a message saying that the amount of profits he turned over every year should be mentioned. What do you think?"

Tom's idea is to let Pavel appear directly. The CIA has this influence. After all, the CIA is also one of Pavel's masters.

But Gao Guang shook his head and said: "No, if I were Pavel, my first reaction after hearing this request would be that you are going to take action."

Tom frowned and said, "Is it that obvious?"


In comparison, Gao Guang obviously understands Pavel better than Tom. Just because their identities are different, they have different ways of thinking.

Tom is a spy, no matter whether he can see the light or not, but whatever he does, the country has the backing and the United States backs him up.

Although people like Pavel are rich, they can die without a burial place if they make one wrong move. Faced with this kind of pressure, they naturally do not dare to take risks, especially when such people are naturally wary and start to find a way out for themselves. When I was there, if there was any trouble, I might as well just hide.

Tom was a little helpless. He sighed and said, "It's hard to handle. If we mobilize the entire CIA to directly search for Pavel around the world, he will definitely get the news."

"Let's integrate our resources. Zog may have a surprise somewhere. I think Zog may be the person who is most familiar with Pavel, and he may have an informant around Pavel."

Gao Guang was not sure, he just suspected that Zog could know Pavel's whereabouts, and it was very simple to verify, just make a phone call.

Gao Guang took out the phone and said to Tom: "Just ask. Send

At this point, it's time for Zog to take action. "Contact Zog, but can't be reached at the moment.

It was very troublesome to contact Zog. The biggest problem was that he was often inconvenient to talk to, and at such times Gao Guang and Tom could only wait.

After waiting for four hours, Zog's call finally came back.

"I'm sorry. It wasn't convenient for me to talk at that time. It's convenient for me now. Is there something wrong?"

Gao Guang immediately said: "I'm ready to take action. Since Pavel is the main one, you can tell me Pavel's whereabouts now."

Zog sighed and whispered: "I don't know yet, but it's not particularly difficult to find out Pavel's location, it just takes some time."

"Oh, how do you check his whereabouts? Do you have an informant with Pavel? Man, I want to take action now, but the lag in intelligence prevents me from taking action with confidence. You should believe in my motivation for this matter How strong, so can you let me know how you found Pavel."

Zog hesitated for a moment, and then he finally whispered: "Actually, I don't have an informant with Pavel. Pavel is very careful and cautious. He can't let anyone who has anything to do with me follow him, so Pavel Weir's whereabouts are actually mainly based on my understanding of him, plus some not-so-secret information, and then through inference, I can get an accurate general range. "

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment and said, "Is this okay?"

But Zog said on the phone: "Pavel was brought out by me and trained by me. I am familiar with his character, his behavior pattern, and his way of thinking, so my deduction There will be no problems, at least 90% accuracy can be guaranteed.”

What Zog said touched on Gao Guang's knowledge blind spot, so Gao Guang looked at Tom. Tom said nothing, but he nodded, which meant that it was indeed okay.

Believing that Tom was right, Gao Guang shrugged and said, "Okay, then you can deduce where Pavel is."

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