Firepower is king

Chapter 819: Miser

Gao Guang played the sound of the phone outside so that it would be easier for Tom to listen.

"If you want to know where Pavel is, you must first understand his character. Pavel grew up in an extremely poor environment, so he is extremely insecure. His lack of security makes him extremely love money and save money. Money, because he was so fed up with being poor that even after he had money, he was still afraid.”

Zog's voice was slow and clear, but Tom suddenly whispered: "Please be more detailed."

Tom spoke, but Zog had no doubts. He still said: "Okay, let me be more detailed. Pavel was born in Moscow in 1986. His father was a worker in a tractor factory, and so was his mother. But you should understand from the time that what happened What, yes, the collapse of the Soviet Union, shock therapy, his parents lost their jobs, his family became extremely poor, his father drank all his life and died of alcohol poisoning in 1994, his mother committed suicide in 1995, and then Pavel became He was an orphan when he was less than ten years old."

To understand a person's psychology and his way of thinking, childhood experiences are extremely important, and can also be said to be the most important.

Zog was talking and Gaoguang was listening, but Tom was remembering.

"Pavel spent his teenage years in extreme misery. He grew up on the streets and inevitably became a gangster. Many young people in his neighborhood joined gangs, but Pavel did not join gangs because he I have a girlfriend I grew up with, Alkina. Alkina’s parents also worked in a tractor factory. It was Alkina’s parents who funded Pavel, and it was Alkina who stopped Pavel from joining the gang.”?? .

No one needed to remind Gao Guang to remember the name Alkina firmly.

"Pavel wants to change his situation, but he has no knowledge and no money. He can only look for ways to change his destiny from other aspects. Fortunately, Pavel is a very good boxer. He can defeat anyone who dares to challenge him on the street. His person, so he wanted to become a professional boxer, but the problem is that street fighting and professional boxing are two different concepts. Pavel, who has no professional training at all, cannot become a professional boxer at all, so in order to make money, he Go get some black boxing."

Taking up black boxing was an expected choice. When Gao Guang heard Zog say that Pavel liked boxing and had some talent in boxing, he knew that Pavel had to take up black boxing.

There is no way out, no future, young people who want to get ahead, but are unwilling or unwilling to work a small job, pin their dreams on professional sports. This is the choice of too many young people.

Mike is a typical representative of the group of celebrities in the United States, most of whom came from the bottom.

Most of the football stars in South America were born in slums, and most of the boxers in Russia grew up in poverty.

But Pavel boxed black because he only had talent for boxing, but lacked the opportunity to receive professional training like Mike.

Zog continued calmly: "I saw Pavel in a black boxing match. He was eighteen years old that year and he fought against a famous underground boxer. If he won, he would get a thousand dollars. If he lost, he would get a thousand dollars." He was able to get an appearance fee of one hundred dollars, and then I saw that he was beaten so hard that he couldn't even stand up, and finally he was knocked unconscious on the stage. I felt that this guy is a character. "

Tom whispered: "How should I put it? What qualities about him moved you?"

"He could actually admit defeat early on, or give up the game, let others beat him, and then leave with a hundred yuan appearance fee, because everyone can see that his level is not on the same level as his opponent, physically, technically, He was not good at everything, speed, but he just refused to give up. He persisted in fighting until the last moment.

Until he was knocked unconscious. "

After finishing speaking, Zog sighed and said: "So after the black boxing match, I went to see him. He was thrown to the ground, with blood loss all over his body, and his face was swollen like a pig's head. He had just woken up and had just taken the I asked him for a hundred dollars in appearance fees, and then I said to him, why can’t you be more sensible and give up the game that you are bound to lose? He said that he wanted to get one thousand dollars instead of one hundred dollars.”

Zog was silent for a moment, and then he sighed: "I said at that time, if you want to make a lot of money, come with me. Then, Pavel followed me directly."

Gao Guang couldn't help but said: "Where is Algina?"

"Of course his girlfriend stayed at home. They were already living together at the time, and Alkina was four months pregnant, but she had to work two jobs to support herself and Pavel. She was willing to support Pavel's dream of becoming a boxer. , she was willing to give Pavel all her money to train, but the moment Pavel was knocked down, his dream was shattered. The moment I appeared, Pavel's dream turned."

After finishing speaking, Zog whispered: "Pavel started to work as a thug for me. He has endless desire for money. He dares to do anything, and he is very flexible and smart, but he is also very disciplined. I am slow. I slowly started to give him some complicated tasks, and he handled them very well. Then I slowly started to let him work alone, and he still handled them very well. "

After a moment of silence, Zog whispered: "In the first month of working with me, I gave him a salary of five thousand US dollars, and he gave it all to Alkina. In the fourth month, I asked him to kill him I married a person, for which I gave him ten thousand dollars, and then he gave it all to Alkina, and then he asked me to give him a job with a generous bonus because he wanted to get married and he needed money for his wedding, so I asked him to send a batch of arms, and he did a very good job. I gave him a share of 60,000 US dollars. With this money, he held an extremely beautiful wedding. On the tenth day after the wedding, his first wedding was held. A son was born.”

None of the three said anything. After a moment of silence, Zog continued: "Why I am so impressed by Alkina is because she is extremely important to Pavel, and for me, people without family are not worthy of trust, and Although Pavel has no relatives, Alkina’s existence gives him someone to belong to. I can safely use such a person, so I gave Pavel more work, and his income increased extremely quickly.”

Having said that, Pavel is still an important worker, and it seems that there is not much possibility of becoming a big boss, because there are many people like him.

Zog sighed again at this time: "Pavel is really an outstanding person. He is a subordinate that all bosses like because he can always handle everything you give him perfectly, but his upper limit is only That’s because he is too stingy and takes money too seriously.”

Gao Guang suddenly said: "Give up your life rather than your wealth."

"Spend your life rather than your wealth. Yes, that's it. Pavel's shortcoming is that he is too stingy, but Pavel's advantage is that he can really listen to other people's advice, and he can clearly distinguish what is right and what is wrong. ”

Zog continued: "I think Pavel is a talent, but his shortcoming is that he is too stingy, so I advised him that if you want others to listen to you and be willing to follow you, then you have to give enough benefits. Take it out and share it with everyone. At least you should split it 50-50 and give half of the income to your brothers, but it is best to split it 30-70, because you are doing the work of thugs and force, and you have to let more people I am willing to sacrifice my life for you.”

Thirty-seven points, what a familiar word, because that's what highlights do.

"Pavel did it. He sold the goods he got from me and gave 30% to 70% of the profits to his men. So Pavel quickly became the best performer among my men, so I Give him more and more business so he can make millions of dollars a year."

Speaking of this, Zog paused for a moment, and then he said with some emotion: "Pavel soon became one of my most important subordinates. When I felt that he was important enough, I brought Alkina and His two children were sent to London."

Gao Guang hesitated for a moment and said, "Is he considered a hostage?"

Zog whispered: "Yes, people without family cannot be trusted. There are too many desperadoes in our line. We are not afraid of death. What else are we afraid of? What can I do to restrain them? The only thing I can do is have family, so I The principle is that only those who value family and affection are worthy of trust and worthy of investment.”

Tom said: "Pavel is obviously doing well."

"Yes, he loves his wife and children extremely much. He is the most family-oriented man I have ever seen. He"

At this point, it’s time to get down to business. Zog took a breath and said, “Pavel is extremely stingy, but he is only stingy to himself. When he just received the first money from me, he bought himself a suit. Authentic Adidas sportswear, a pair of sneakers, and he gave Alkina all his money, and he wore this outfit for six years! Can you imagine what he wore when he was earning a million dollars a year? It’s still the same sportswear.”

Gao Guang couldn't help but said: "Maybe it has some special meaning to him?"

"No, he is just stingy. He earns one million dollars a year, but he is reluctant to buy himself a pair of $100 sneakers. Unlike all the nouveau riche, Pavel is extremely stingy towards himself. He lives an extremely poor life. Because he is reluctant to waste a dollar, and in his view, any expenditure on enjoyment is a waste.”

Gao Guang couldn't help but look at Tom.

Zog continued: "Pavel loves Adidas the most, loves to smoke the cheapest cigarettes, loves to drink the cheapest vodka, and loves to watch boxing matches. These are his four hobbies. Then he is extremely generous to his family and to himself. His men were extremely generous.”

Gao Guang said with a smile: "Keep your pathological stinginess to yourself, give your generosity to your family, and give your generosity to your subordinates who can help your career."

The summary was very accurate. Zog said with great appreciation: "Yes, what you said is very correct."

Gao Guang shrugged, because he was also such a person, but not as perverted as Pavel.

There is no doubt that Pavel's stinginess is pathological, and Gao Guang does not have the habit of treating himself harshly or even abusing himself even after he has money, but he does feel that it is better not to spend unnecessary money.

But when it comes to treating its employees and partners, Gao Guang has always been generous.

So Gao Guang can understand Pavel, although he also thinks Pavel's approach is a bit silly.

Zog continued: "These are Pavel's secrets, his unknown secrets. He hides them very well, but I am too familiar with him, so I can always find his traces."

Gao Guang immediately said: "How to say?"

"Pavel loves boxing, so he will definitely go to watch any important boxing match, but no matter how rich Pavel is, he is reluctant to spend a lot of money to sit in the front IP seat, let alone the box, so he will definitely choose the most cost-effective seat." Tom couldn't help but whispered: "Cost-effective." Zog continued: "For the sport he loves most, Pavel will choose cost-effective, but in order to please himself, he will wear an Adidas suit and sneak to watch a boxing match. After the match, he will smoke the cheapest cigarettes he can buy locally, drink the cheapest vodka in the local area, go to the cheapest restaurant in the local area for a meal, and then fly back on his own private plane. This is the best enjoyment he can imagine." Gao Guang couldn't help but say: "The fuel money for the private plane. Could it be that Can't you let him have a good meal?"

"Watching boxing matches is a hobby, private jets are for safety, Adidas is a sentiment, and spending an extra penny on smoking, drinking and eating will destroy this hobby."

Zog finished speaking, and then he changed the subject and said: "But Pavel bought the best house in London for Alkina, he never missed any jewelry exhibition, he would buy the most expensive jewelry for Alkina, the luxury goods he gave Alkina were enough to fill a football field, he bought Alkina four private jets, he gave Alkina... Forget it, no need to say more, you just understand what I mean."

Gao Guang whispered: "I understand what I mean, but how to find Pavel's whereabouts?"

Zog smiled and said: "See what important boxing matches there are this year, Pavel will definitely be there , check where Alkina lives. Pavel will definitely go home when he is free. His child will have a birthday on that day, or any other important day. Pavel will definitely be there. It is so clear. It should not be difficult for you to find it out with your ability, right? "

Tom nodded and gestured to Gao Guang, so Gao Guang immediately said: "It is not difficult."

Zog whispered: "I want to say more, but time is a little too late. Now I have told you the trick to find Pavel. Try it yourself. I will notify you when I have definite news, but I have to hang up now. Contact again."

Zog hung up the phone, and Gao Guang said to Tom: "Pavel is really an interesting guy."

Tom took out his mobile phone, he started searching, and soon said: "There are many important boxing matches, the most The nearest is the lightweight championship fight, October 18, Lopez vs. Lomachenko, at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.

Gao Guang nodded and said, "Will he come? If it's in Las Vegas, it would be very convenient."

Tom suddenly said, "Wait, September 30, London Bernal Green, super lightweight championship defense, Josh Taylor vs. Apinu."

Gao Guang took a breath and said, "Today is September 25, only five days, so should we do it in London, or wait for the boxing match in Las Vegas?"

Tom put down his phone and said, "It's not certain whether Pavel dares to go to Las Vegas to watch the boxing match. There is a safe enough place to live in London, his wife, and his favorite boxing match. No matter where he is now, it is very likely that he will go to London on the 30th."

"Okay, then wait for him in London, time is very tight. "

Tom stood up and said seriously: "Zog's information is very valuable. We must be prepared to take action in the boxing ring. I need to contact experts in this field to find out which position has the best value for money. If we can take action in the boxing gym, it will definitely be better than taking action on Downing Street."

Gao Guang smiled bitterly and said: "It's not so easy to judge the value for money that a miser thinks, but we have to try it. People wearing Adidas sportswear are still more eye-catching. I'll contact the KGB and let's get ready."

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