Firepower is king

Chapter 820 Action Team


Gao Guang came to London for the first time, and everything here made him feel amazing, the humid air, the weird accent, and the rich food.

London is the capital of gourmet food. Here you can find food from all over the world, such as Chinese food, French food, Italian food, Greek food, and even Indian food that is everywhere, and they are all quite authentic.

Gao Guang is eating fish and chips, with Riccardo to his left, Tom to his right, and Basloff across from him.

The atmosphere was a little dull because they had been rivals for so many years and suddenly one day they had to eat at the same table. It did feel a bit awkward.

But it doesn't matter if you don't come. This operation is equally important to Tom and Baslov. "You are responsible for taking action, are your manpower ready?"

Tom finally spoke. He kept the habit of wearing makeup, which made him look very reserved when eating, so he didn't touch the things on the plate. Of course, it's possible that he was really tired of eating fish or chips, so He just flips things over and refuses to put them in his mouth.

Baslov doesn't eat much either. Ever since Gao Guang said he would eat at this fish and chip shop and have a meeting, he has always had this helpless but hard-to-say attitude.

"Of course the manpower is ready. As long as we can find the target, it's just a matter of time to deal with him." "Don't you want to eat it? It tastes pretty good."

Gao Guang eats very happily. He is not very picky about his diet and is relatively adaptable. He can eat food that is both delicious and difficult to eat, but it is enough to fill his stomach. And now he feels that the food tastes really good.

There is another trouble that needs to be solved in this operation, that is, the CIA's goal is to capture Pavel alive, but the KGB's plan is to kill Pavel, and so far, Gao Guang and Tom have not made this request to Baslov.

However, it is countless times more difficult to capture alive than to kill.

To kill Pavel, you only need to fire one shot, kill him, and leave without even collecting the body. But if you want to capture Pavel alive, you also need to avoid the British eyes and ears, escape the British pursuit and interception, and send Pavel back to the United States. This is really difficult.

You can't talk about capturing him alive just before the action is taken, so if you want to say it, now is the time.

But how to say this, how to get Baslov to accept the upgrade of the difficulty of the operation, and not plan to increase their share, this will test the abilities of Tom and Gao Guang.

Tom's idea was to take a look first and see how many people the KGB had prepared for this operation. If the quantity and quality of the manpower were sufficient, it would not be too late to wait until the last moment.

In fact, Gao Guang's thoughts were honest. He felt that if time was delayed until the end, and he notified the KGB of the change of plan at short notice, there was a high probability that something would go wrong.

Unless Tom actually had a plan secretly, but this possibility is unlikely, because Tom can hide it from anyone, but he should not hide it from Gao Guang.

So now is the time to test Baslov and see if he is willing to show his trump card.

The main reason is that the situation has changed slightly. Zog's information gave Gao Guang and the others one more possibility to take action in the boxing match. This did not require Baslov, but if Pavel did not come to watch the boxing match, then We can only wait until Pavel goes to Downing Street before taking action, so we can't put the KGB aside just yet.

It can only be said that there is intrigue, no one is a kind person, and no one is easy to talk to. As the middleman between two spy chiefs and the buffer between two intelligence agencies, Gao Guang is very tired.

The main reason is that opponents who have been hostile for decades, even if they want to cooperate, can't really let go of their guard and worry, and the closer to the time of action, the stronger this feeling becomes.

Highlights can also play a role in relaxing the atmosphere, but Tom and Baslov obviously don't appreciate it very much.

"What's so good about fish and chips? It's good the first time you eat it, but after three times it makes you sick when you see it."

After Baslov despised Gao Guang's taste without any quality, he said to Tom: "Do you have any conspiracy? Because if you just kill Pavel, you won't come to London."

It is often the enemy who knows you best, Basloff hit the nail on the head, because just to kill Pavel, Tom really won't come to London. Tom said solemnly: "I will come as soon as you come. It's just the work of a few action teams. Why do you need to come to London?" There is no hostility, because the willingness to cooperate is still strong, but both sides have What little thoughts are there can basically not be concealed at this point.

Baslov thought for a moment and finally said: "I have to watch the mad dog."

Tom immediately said: "Because Mad Dog is with you, I have to come."

Well, no one wants to say anything, this conversation can't continue.

Gao Guang finally said: "Can I just say something? Since everyone wants to accomplish this operation, we should be more honest."

Baslov immediately said: "Okay, tell me why you came to London in advance. Did you get any definite news?"

Gao Guang shrugged and said, "Yes, we received intelligence and knew that Pavel might appear, so we rushed here to prepare for action."

"What source?"

Tom shook his head and said, "I can't reveal this, but I can guarantee that the information will be accurate." "You should tell me the time and place, these two most basic things, right?"

Baslov said very dissatisfied: "Now you are not even willing to disclose these, where is your sincerity? I have told you all the core secrets."

Tom said helplessly: "Stop talking about this. The news channels are different. We can't disclose it now. Man, show your strength and let me evaluate your strength.

None of us want to fail. "

No one is willing to let go now. Everyone has their reasons for keeping it secret, but it is uncomfortable for Gao Guang to be caught in the middle. But in the end, he must support Tom.

After finishing the meal, he wiped his hands and said to Baslov: "We do things afterward, and you are responsible for the actions. When your actions are over, our operations will begin, so your actions are this This is the basis of our first cooperation. Now the partner wants to see your strength, so you have no reason to refuse.”

Baslov remained silent, and Gao Guang continued: "Let your people come out and meet you. Is it possible that we let the people who negotiate with the bank meet with you? Let's be reasonable, and a few people who negotiate with the bank can meet with you. People, is it useful to you? But your people are different. We are all experts. Everyone can see the strength of the action team members you have arranged, so why is it unfair to you if you look at them in advance? ? Man, we don’t do things fairly, but we have to pay attention to our strength.”

This cooperation has been bumpy and bumpy, but it’s okay and can basically be pushed forward.

Baslov hesitated for a moment, then he finally exhaled and whispered: "Okay, let's meet."

After saying that, Baslov stood up and said expressionlessly: "Follow me."

We are about to meet, the famous KGB action team. Although we have not dealt with the KGB once or twice, this is the first time we have dealt with a real KGB action team.

I don’t know what it will be like, the image of a well-equipped and well-trained person, or the image of a pretender who looks very inconspicuous but actually has special skills. To be honest, the highlight is quite curious.

Baslov arrived in London almost at the same time as Gao Guang and the others, but they took a different plane. Then they stayed in the same hotel and on the same floor.

But now after returning to the hotel, Baslov did not go to his room, but went directly to knock on the doors of other rooms on the same floor.

The door opened, and a man who looked to be in his fifties or sixties opened the door. He was wearing a white bathrobe, his chest was exposed, his chest hair was very thick, he was at most 1.7 meters tall, but he had a big belly and a full face. With a fat face and an impatient face, he looked at Baslov and mumbled something in English with a strong Middle Eastern accent.

"What do you want to do?"

Baslov said expressionlessly: "Go in and say, this is the partner."

The fat man who opened the door changed his expression and no longer looked impatient. He ducked into the house and opened the door. Baslov motioned for Tom and Gao Guang to go in first, and after they entered, he closed the door behind him.

There was only one fat man in the room who looked very vulgar and arrogant. There was no other person. When Baslov entered, he said directly: "You can call the person who carried out this operation Leaf."

A fat man who is not too short, but considered short among Russians, is codenamed Leaf, and looks like a wine bag.

The person who looks like a rice bag is the executor of this operation.

Gao Guang knew that people should not be judged by their appearance, but looking at the image of the leaves, it was hard for him not to murmur. From the appearance, Ye Ye really doesn't look like a powerful character.

At this time, Ye Ye's accent had changed. He waved his hand rudely and said in authentic London accent: "The room here is too small. You have no place to sit. If you have anything, please tell me quickly."

Tom looked at the leaves, and then said to Baslov: "Where are the others?"

Baslov said without hesitation: "Without anyone else, Ye Ye alone is enough."

Tom was stunned for a moment, and so was Gao Guang. Then, Gao Guang spread his hands and said, "Wait a minute, man, what we are saying is that you will send out an action team! There is a difference between an action team and one person."

Baslov said very proudly: "Ye Ye alone is an action team, and it is not about capturing the target alive, so what's the point of preparing so many people."

Tom was speechless, he couldn't speak.

Ye Ye said calmly: "Are you questioning my strength?"

Baslov pointed at the leaves and said with a proud face: "This is the captain of our ace action team. He is about to retire, so he will be in charge of this operation. I can responsibly say that he alone is better than the CIA." Action team, if you don’t believe it, you can try it.”

Tom exhaled and said: "Well, one person, I am not questioning his ability, but one person is indeed too few." Baslov said with a slight sarcasm: "Unless you want to capture Pavel alive rather than kill him he."

Well, Baslov guessed what Tom and the others were thinking.

He was slightly embarrassed, how could he resolve it? At this time, Riccardo's cell phone, which had been silent all this time, rang. He picked it up and took a look, and then his face was full of shock. After hesitating for a moment, he finally turned to the highlighter and lowered his phone. He said: "Boss, something big happened."

Very good. Riccardo interrupted him like this. Gao Guang was very satisfied with Riccardo's eyesight. He immediately asked: "What happened?"

Riccardo whispered: "Azerbaijan and Armenia started a war just now."

This is really something big. Gao Guang was stunned for a moment, then he took the phone from Riccardo, glanced at the breaking news, and then said to Tom and Baslov: "You heard it, Now the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia has begun, and Pavel has been preparing for this war for a long time. I think if you still want to accomplish this, you have to find a way."

The war started first, and after the war started, I don’t know if Pavel still had time to watch the boxing match. After Tom and Baslov thought together for a moment, they let out a helpless curse in unison.

But Ye Ye, the old god, said: "Don't worry, Pavel will come. The plan remains unchanged. I can guarantee that he will come no matter where the war starts."

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