Firepower is king

Chapter 841: One Step Ahead

Most people don’t know what exactly two billion dollars of arms is.

To give a simple example, 320 T-80UD tanks were purchased from Ukraine, and these 320 tanks formed the foundation of the entire army. It only cost 1.6 billion U.S. dollars, and these 320 tanks It took several more years for the ten tanks to be delivered.

Three hundred and twenty tanks costing US$5 million each would require a regional military power to afford them.

Now Gao Guang has eighty-four tanks. Just imagine, which country in the world can eat so many outdated tanks in one go? Let’s not talk about the money issue, but which country needs to build such a tank? Where is the army?

Two billion U.S. dollars is nothing to a big country. Take the United States as an example. Two billion U.S. dollars is enough to build two Burke-class destroyers, one-third of a Ford-class aircraft carrier, or an additional 400 million U.S. dollars. US dollars can build a B2 bomber or twenty F35 fighter jets.

Leaving aside gold-eating beasts like the Navy and Air Force, two billion dollars can purchase 200 M1A2 Abrams main battle tanks. For the United States, which spends hundreds of billions of dollars a year on military spending, two billion won't even make a splash.

But for a small country with only 2 billion military expenditures a year, these 2 billion are the cost to maintain the operation of the army for a year.

Military expenditures and weapons procurement costs are two different concepts. The food, drink and sleep of soldiers, the ammunition consumed, and the daily operation and maintenance of equipment are all money, and they are all included in military expenditures, while the cost of purchasing weapons only accounts for a small part of military expenditures. part.

There are now a total of 84 tanks, more than 200 self-propelled artillery of various calibers, 40 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, more than 100 towed artillery, more than 20 towed anti-aircraft guns, and a total of more than 500 mortars of various types.

Large-caliber artillery shells include 300,000 tank shells, more than one million mortar shells, and more than 200,000 small-caliber anti-aircraft shells. There are more than 2,000 missiles of old and new models in total.

Looking at the list, you can tell that the goods here are all heavy equipment that is not easy to sell in the retail market. There are no hard currencies like cash, such as rifles, rocket launchers, or light weapons such as grenades and bullets.

The super large batch is somewhat outdated, but it is still the mainstream traditional army main battle equipment.

It is not easy to sell, even if it is cheap, it is not easy to sell, but if you encounter the right opportunity, this batch of arms will not only be easy to sell, but can even be sold at a high price.

Only countries where a real war has broken out, where all the arms stored in the past have been used up, and the war has to continue, can make emergency purchases and digest such a large batch of arms inventories.

I didn’t know Pavel saved it

It took him many years to have these goods. The reason why he stocked the goods in Georgia and waited for Azerbaijan and Armenia to go to war was because he had no choice.

After looking at the list, Gaoguang still had no choice. Apart from Armenia, there was no second customer who could possibly eat this batch of goods.

Why not choose Azerbaijan? The reason is very simple. It is because Azerbaijan has local support and people do not have to pay out of their own pockets. There are deep-seated reasons behind all actions. After looking at the list, the highlight of this trip to Armenia is imminent. Azerbaijan and Armenia are fighting in full swing, taking various drones to new heights. However, traditional combat equipment has also suffered heavy losses under the attack of drones. The original king of land warfare was the tank, but now, the tanks of both warring parties There was no chance to meet, and they were blown to pieces by the opponent's drone attack.

The same goes for cannons. When artillery positions are attacked by drones, they have no chance to resist. Each cannon is directly destroyed by drones.

The current war situation is very delicate, and traditional army combat equipment seems to be completely outdated, which means that the equipment Gao Guang has on hand will not be easy to sell.

But on the other hand, Armenia's army suffered heavy losses in basic equipment. They must purchase new equipment to maintain a certain combat effectiveness. Looking at it this way, it is a good opportunity for shipments.

And the most critical point is that even if Pavel's goods are not easy to sell, Gaoguang's own goods can be sold at a high price.

The unmanned aerial vehicle that no one cared about in the past became a hot commodity after both warring parties had used it up.

The door of a warehouse was opened, and the not-so-bright lights came on one after another. The neatly arranged tanks in the warehouse gradually emerged from the darkness and were displayed in front of the bright eyes.

This scene had a blockbuster effect, but it failed to impress Gao Guang's appetite. He just glanced at it, but what he was thinking about was how to transport these tanks out, and how to continue to store them.

Gunshots suddenly rang out outside, intensive but short-lived. Gao Guang glanced back, and then he lost interest in continuing to examine the trophies. Let Leon take a look at these things later, he was no longer interested.

After turning around and walking out of the warehouse, Gao Guang walked towards Martin, who was standing side by side with the Minister of Arms.

Shake hands, thank you, seal the evidence, and leave.

Will have to do it later

Using the relationship with Georgia, Gao Guang had to express something, but just find someone to handle this kind of thing. Gao Guang neither wanted nor could go beyond Martin to reach an agreement with others.

So after returning to Tbilisi, Gao Guang had to meet Martin in private. Gao Guang prepared a card with 10 million US dollars in it.

To be fair, given what Martin has done, one million is too much, but Gao Guang has a different idea. Good steel is used on the blade, and the money is spent on the right people.

Gao Guang can deal with people in Georgia by himself, send money one by one, establish his own network of relationships, and at the same time, he can continue to put down the newly acquired arms in Georgia's arms inventory.

But the highlight is that his vision is now higher, and he doesn't want to bother as much as before, so he plans to adopt a simple and one-step approach.

Instead of giving 10 million to ten people, it is better to hit the target in one step and use 10 million, a price that far exceeds the market price, to knock Martin down. Another advantage of doing it in one step is that Lloyd, who opened his mouth to tell the matter, also has face.

When Martin followed Gao Guang into the room where they were alone again, Martin, who only thought it was a routine matter, said very politely: "Mr. Mad Dog, are you satisfied with what happened today?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied."

"Are there any requirements for how the evidence should be preserved? From a time perspective, I think there should be no problem if the evidence is sealed here for one year."

Gao Guang nodded, then he took out the card he had prepared and said to Martin: "This is a little kindness, please accept it." Martin didn't seem to expect that there would be any benefits, and he was a little surprised. Also, look at him taking it. The action when picking up a bank card does not seem to be particularly familiar with this behavior.

Also, Martin's position doesn't actually bring much extra money. If he hadn't encountered any highlights, it is estimated that he would never have received a single extra money of more than 100,000 in his lifetime.

Or just say it in one step, and make him completely determined to follow Lloyd and provide highlight services at the same time.

Gao Guang said calmly: "There are ten million dollars in it, you can"

He didn't finish his words, because Martin's ability to do things was good, but when he suddenly heard this number that was far higher than expected, he had a slight problem with his body control and made strange noises that he shouldn't have.

"Grr. Gulu. Hmm."

He choked and swallowed. Martin nodded and swallowed again.

Spit, and then he said with disbelief: "Ten million?"


Swallowing again, Martin said with some difficulty: "Too many, uh, you think?"

Gao Guang smiled and said: "I want to keep this batch of evidence sealed in place, but I don't want the evidence to be lost, so I want to leave this matter to you, and I won't contact anyone else. What do you think? Sample."

Martin said solemnly: "It's easy to solve. I request that this arsenal be used as our weapons storage point. We can send people to personally guard it and seal the entire arsenal."

After getting it right in one step, he no longer had to worry about many things. In order to be worthy of the ten million, Martin had to handle this matter even if he wanted to.

Gao Guang smiled and said: "Okay, then I'll trouble you."

"No trouble, no trouble at all. Mr. Mad Dog, you can send someone here. It will be more convenient."

Martin began to get excited. He must be very anxious to find a place to verify and see if the card has 10 million.

It cannot be said that the poor suddenly became rich. Martin was definitely not poor before, but Martin definitely achieved financial freedom in an instant. It was an opportunity that he had not expected at all, and he got a huge sum of money that he would never make in his life. , if he could still remain calm like this, Gao Guang would have to wonder if there was something wrong with this man.

Gao Guang said with a smile: "The password is written on the back of the card. The money is stored in Europe. If you find it inconvenient to spend it in the United States, you can use safe channels to launder it and enter the United States. However, I personally recommend not to do this. The handling fee is very high. And it may take a long time before you can use it.”

“It’s worth living in Europe!”

After speaking viciously, Martin realized that he had lost his composure, so he quickly said: "Well, thank you for your suggestion, I will seriously consider it."

Gao Guang spread his hands and said with a smile, "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

"It's a pleasure to work with you. It's a pleasure. Thank you. Thank you General."

Martin was relatively calm. After saying what he needed to say, he was extremely excited and suppressed his impulse to cheer. He stood up and said, "Then I'll take my leave. If you need anything, please feel free to contact me at any time."

"Okay, bye."

After shaking hands with Martin and saying goodbye, Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief after watching Martin leave in a hurry, then stood up and said to Leon and others waiting outside: "The things here are settled, we will go directly to Armenia tomorrow."

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