Firepower is king

Chapter 842: Counter-Question

Ye Ye didn't want to follow Gao Guang back and forth, but before receiving the money, he had to follow Gao Guang to fly back and forth.

The highlight was also very tiring. He spent one night after arriving in Georgia and had to take a flight to Yerevan, Armenia, early the next morning.

I took Riccardo and Leon with me, because they went to Armenia to discuss business, not to fight, so everyone in the king's defense was once again idle, and then they happily went to visit the beautiful scenery of Georgia.

Speaking of Armenia, this country is interesting.

Because of the pressure from Azerbaijan, Armenia has always been Russia's die-hard ally and little brother. The best proof is that Russia has a military base in Armenia, including an air force base and an infantry division.

However, the relationship between Asia and Russia was tested in 2018. The president who had been friendly with Russia was ousted and Pasini, supported by the United States, became president.

Then the relationship between Armenia and Russia became subtle. Although Pasini claimed to maintain friendly relations with Russia, in actual actions, he was close to the EU and was a bit of a hug with NATO. The most important thing is, After 2018, the United States replaced Russia as the largest donor.

Armenia and Azerbaijan fought once in July, and then Armenia wanted to buy arms from Russia. Note that it was a purchase, not a free one, but Russia still refused.

Even a blind person can smell the relationship here.

So the current situation is that Russia has heavy troops stationed in Armenia, but its relationship with Armenia’s top leaders is very delicate. Although the United States does not have a military base in Armenia, it has 2,000 staff members in the U.S. embassy.

One more thing, Armenia has a land area of ​​27,000 square kilometers and a population of nearly 3 million. It is such a small country. There are 2,000 staff members in the US embassy. What can these staff do? You idiot. You should be able to understand it.

The current situation in Armenia is simply tailor-made for Gao Guang.

Russia has traditional influence on Armenia. This influence cannot be erased in a short time by current President Pasini, and Gao Guang is surrounded by leaves.

It had nothing to do with anything else. He just asked Ye Ye if he was willing to help. Did Ye Ye have the nerve to refuse? Okay, the relationship on the Russian side has leaves, so there is no need to talk about the relationship on the American side.

There is no need to look for anyone, and there is no need to rely on anyone. Gao Guang himself is the golden thigh. If it doesn't work, he will walk around the American embassy and find someone from the CIA to be his bag-carrying boy, ensuring that the Armenians treat him as a distinguished guest. .

There is no other way. I have been a money-spreading boy for a long time. The road to Gao Guang is really paved. I really need to rely on the influence of others to complete it.

To achieve his goal, whoever he finds will have to cry and shout to do something for him.

Logically speaking, when the high-gloss plane arrives in Yerevan, it must be picked up by high-level officials, but the current situation does not allow it, because Armenia and Azerbaijan are fighting fiercely this time, which may lead to local conflicts surrounding the Nagorno-Karabakh region. It has evolved into a war to destroy the country, so the current top leaders of Armenia really can't care about it.

After all, the situation is not good for Armenia, and Gao Guang cannot find fault with these etiquettes. When the high-gloss private plane landed, the cultural counselor of the U.S. Embassy came to greet her at the airport.

A middle-aged man in his forties, extraordinarily tall, and looking like a proud and arrogant person, with typical American arrogance.

But when he saw Gao Guang coming down the ramp of the private jet, the counselor took the initiative to greet him, stretched out his hand, and waited for Gao Guang's feet to land. He immediately took hold of Gao Guang's right hand, still holding it tightly with both hands. Then he shook his head vigorously and said: "Hello, I am entrusted by Tom and also appointed by the higher-ups to welcome the arrival of Mr. Mad Dog."

Gao Guang has become somewhat accustomed to the current scene.

Although Gao Guang couldn't control the counselor, and Tom actually couldn't control him either, there were plenty of people in the CIA who could control him.

Needless to say, I mentioned Tom's name when I came up. This meant that we were one of our own. It also showed that although he was a diplomat, he was a senior agent of the CIA.

First he expressed welcome, and then the counselor smiled and said: "My name is Larry, Wayne, just call me Larry." "Thank you, Larry, what are your plans next?"

Larry said without hesitation: "Let's go to the embassy to rest first. The situation in Armenia is not stable now, and it is not safe to live outside."

Gao Guang didn't want to live in the embassy because he was accompanied by a leaf. In addition, although he was inextricably linked to the CIA, getting together publicly would still narrow the road.

From now on, everyone knows that Mad Dog and the CIA are on the same side, and it will be difficult to do a lot of business.

So Gao Guang shook his head and said, "It's better to stay in a hotel. It's more convenient."

Larry followed suit and said immediately: "No problem, the hotel is ready and you can check in at any time. When you feel ready to rest, we will go meet the representatives of the Armenian military and the Secretary of the Special Military Committee responsible for weapons procurement. Chief Ariant Rusmiyan.”

There is no need to pave the way from below, just airborne to find the person directly responsible. If you want to do national-level business, you must reach this level.


There is nothing much to say. Although it is said that you can meet people after you have rested, this is also a euphemistic way of saying it. You cannot go to meet people directly after getting off the plane.

Armenia is a bit of a fence-sitter, swinging between the United States and Russia, so after all, it is not as convenient as Georgia, which has fully surrendered to the United States.

So there is nothing to elaborate on next, it’s just to check into the best hotel in the area, and then fall asleep in the end because I feel like I can’t get enough rest.

He arrived at around nine o'clock in the morning local time. Gao Guang took a nap and when he got up for lunch, Larry happened to be visiting and invited him to have a local dinner. The point is, the meal was prepared by a so-called special military officer. Hosted by the Secretary General of the Commission.

It was obvious that this was a secret meeting.

Gao Guang didn't think anything of it, but Ye Ye, who knew his whereabouts, had a disdainful smile on his face. Gao Guang, who always paid attention to other people's expressions, noticed Ye Ye's expression, but he didn't ask in detail.

Then when they met, Gao Guang knew why Ye Ye was smiling. The reason is simple, there are divisions within Armenia.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Mad Dog."

Ariante, Rusmiyan, has a very Armenian name. He is in his forties and looks unattractive, but the female assistant he brings is quite beautiful, but the three of them are in a very small room. When they sat down in the small room and started eating, Ariante asked his assistant to leave, which made Gao Guang feel a little bit regretful.

Shaking hands with Gao Guang and Larry, Ariante then pointed to the pile of barbecue on the table and said, "Mr. Wayne, let's talk while eating."

Gao Guang sat down. He was indeed a little hungry, so he was not too polite and picked up a skewer of barbecue that was also on a big iron skewer.

It looked like both of them were putting the meat on the plate before eating it. Gao Guang also started to wrap the meat skewers with a thin piece of dough like Ariante, and after rolling it off, he picked up a fork and started eating.

Mutton kebabs, the meat quality is quite good, and the taste is equally good.

Ariante was very happy to see Gao Guang pick it up and eat it without any pretense, but unlike Gao Guang who woke up a little hungry, Ariante was a little unable to eat.

There is always a reason why we eat in a small restaurant near this hotel.

"Mr. Mad Dog, I'm sorry to entertain you here. I really want to get continued weapons and equipment, but our situation here is a little special."

Ariante was thinking about what to say. He had no appetite. After hesitating for a moment, he realized that Gao Guang was still eating.

Instead of stopping to listen to him, this actually put him at ease.

Finally, Ariant whispered: "We hope to purchase arms from anywhere, but there are objections in the army. Some people in the army are putting pressure on us, hoping to purchase much-needed arms from Russia."

Understand, it is still a dispute between the Russian and American factions. Armenia’s current political circles are leaning towards the United States, and the military is greatly influenced by Russia, so even if the war reaches a critical moment, there are still different voices.

So much so that President Pasini bypassed the military and established a special military committee to purchase urgently needed arms, but the person in charge, Ariante, still did not dare to have any public contact with Gao Guang.

If you think about it more carefully, the so-called different voices in the military have nothing to do with Russia, but are related to certain interests.

The simplest thing is that Pavel has prepared a lot of arms to sell to Armenia. If he didn't get it done in advance, Gao Guang would not believe it at all.

So in the final analysis, Pavel took the first step and had already laid out the plan and paved the way. But now the people in Armenia who have colluded with Pavel have no idea that Pavel has been arrested.

There is nothing new under the sun. If you are used to the high-profile route, how can you not see through Armenia?

So Gao Guang laughed. He picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth. He said easily: "It doesn't matter. I can also take the Russian route and provide Russian weapons."

Larry stretched out a hand at this time. He pointed at the highlight, but looked at Ariante very seriously and said: "Mr. Mad Dog is extremely powerful. No matter what your needs are, he can satisfy you. Let's put it this way. ”

Larry paused for a moment, and then he said very seriously: "Whatever the United States can give you, Mr. Mad Dog can give it to you. If the United States cannot give it to you, Mr. Mad Dog can still give it to you, that's it!"

It's a bit exaggerated, but Gao Guang likes it. In business, being able to boast is not a derogatory term.

Ariante didn't seem to believe it. He lowered his head slightly to avoid looking directly at the highlight, and said softly: "So, what can Mr. Mad Dog provide?"

Gao Guang didn't have any special reaction. He just said easily: "What do you need?" "Uh, I mean, I can see if I can buy what Mr. Mad Dog can provide." Gao Guang shook his head, Said: "What do you want? I will give you whatever you want."

This was very full and very proud. Ariante hesitated and said: "We are in urgent need of drones."

"How much do you want?" Gao Guang spread his hands and said calmly: "I have as much as you want."

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