Firepower is king

Chapter 844 Direct Destruction

The call wasn't too loud, but Larry could still vaguely hear it.

As a result, the image of highlight became more and more mysterious. At least in Larry's view, highlight became more and more unfathomable.

After hanging up the phone, Gao Guang couldn't finish the meal. When he looked at Larry with an apologetic look, Larry said solemnly: "If you have anything to do, go ahead and take care of the things here." Give it to me, don’t worry, I won’t let you waste too much time.”

What the CIA handed down was a big deal, but as for negotiating business with Armenia, it was a trivial matter, at least to Larry.

There's no need to be polite. Since the CIA has come to ask for help, it's appropriate to let the CIA people take care of the matter here. After bidding Larry farewell with a few polite words, Gao Guang felt that Ye Ye's smile really had a special meaning when he thought about it again.

After returning to the hotel, Gao Guang directly knocked on Ye Ye's door. He saw Ye Ye saying with a half-smile, "You're back so soon. You haven't even finished the meal. Why, the conversation didn't go well?"

"You already knew that, right?"

Gao Guang was not in a hurry. He sat opposite Ye Ye and said calmly: "Then let's talk about it. Why can't we negotiate?"

Ye Ye shrugged and said: "Because the situation in Armenia is too complicated. If you want to sell arms, you must get the consent of the user. Now is a war, the military's say will only be greater than usual, and the military is From our side!”

Sure enough, this is what I guessed, and it is indeed the case.

Gao Guang shook his head helplessly, and then he said to the leaves: "You should have told me earlier, it would have saved some time."

"There are always procedures that must be followed, otherwise how do you know how things will develop? It's not possible to just go to the military, let alone the new government. Only by taking care of both parties at the same time can this batch of arms of yours be Sold smoothly.”

"Can you sort this out?"

Ye Ye spread his hands and said very relaxedly: "Of course, I can't let people work in vain, but don't worry, it won't cost much."

Things are indeed a little complicated, but after joining the leaves, the relationship between the two parties has become feasible, so it is just a matter of time-consuming.

Gao Guang wanted to get to the point.

After being silent for a while, Gao Guang suddenly said: "Have you ever met a particularly difficult person, the kind of person who is extremely determined and refuses to speak no matter how tortured he is?"

Hearing the string and knowing its elegant meaning, Ye Ye was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said: "Isn't it possible that Pavel hasn't opened his mouth yet?" Gao Guang nodded solemnly.


Ye Ye's face began to look ugly. He frowned and said, "The CIA has a lot of good players. They shouldn't be able to deal with Pavel."

To belittle the enemy is to belittle oneself. Although Ye Ye is proud, he will never underestimate his biggest enemy.

Gao Guang said softly: "We have tried all kinds of methods. The psychologists have nothing to do. If the torture continues, Pavel will die. And then there is no use starting with his wife. Pavel is on the verge of mental collapse and he no longer dares to They want to stimulate him again, so they plan to let it go for now and then start with Pavel’s child.”

Ye Ye stood up and walked a few steps back and forth in the room, shook his head and said: "It's useless. Pavel's child must have been hidden, but that's not the key. The key is that it's useless to find his child. The CIA has many good people. It’s impossible not to think of this.”

Gao Guang whispered: "So what can you do? I think the Russians understand the Russians better. Well, maybe you can solve the problems that the CIA can't solve."

"They are all the same. The methods are similar. At best, there are some differences in the methods. But dealing with Pavel is no longer a problem that can be solved by this difference in methods."

Ye Ye took a few steps impatiently and continued: "It is absolutely impossible for a normal person to persist for such a long time. If he can persist until now, he cannot be a normal person. Judging from Pavel's performance, he is not only a little harsh on himself. , everything else is normal, he’s not like that”

The leaves suddenly stopped, and he frowned: "Pavel is not that kind of perverted person, unless he has been hiding it well."

Gao Guang had been transmitting messages in the middle, but after all, he was separated by a layer, so he whispered: "How about you and Tom communicate directly?"

Ye Ye thought for a moment and said, "Okay, call him and let me talk to him directly."

Gao Guang dialed Tom's number, and when Tom answered, he whispered: "Is it convenient for Ye Ye to talk to you?" "It's convenient."

Gao Guang gave the phone to Ye Ye, and Ye Ye grabbed the phone and said directly: "What have you done?"

"Well, I tried corporal torture, depriving him of sleep, all kinds of psychological stimulation, induction, positive and directional psychological induction, but he didn't make a sound at all!"

After finishing speaking, Tom felt that what he said was not detailed enough, so he raised his voice and said: "No sound was made at all, he didn't even scream."

The leaves are straining

The child scratched his head.

This is what an interrogation is like. You are not afraid of speaking nonsense, but you are afraid of not saying a word.

As long as he opened his mouth and said something, whether it was true or false, it meant opening Pavel's mouth.

Some strong-willed people can be silent for a short period of time, but after a long time, when the psychological defense line collapses, even if they start to talk meaningless words, as long as they open their mouth, sooner or later they will reveal everything they know.

But those who can hold back their screams are really not ordinary people.

Ye Ye was stunned for a long time, and finally said: "I have met such a ruthless person in my life, but I didn't expect Pavel to be such a powerful character."

Tom said extremely helplessly: "I have never encountered any of them. I want to ask how you solved it in the end."

"There was no solution. The subject of the interrogation turned out to be an idiot in the end, and only got worthless fragments of gibberish. Time was too tight at the time. It took them six days to pry open the target's mouth in time. On the seventh day, By that time, it was too late to ask anything, so I used veritaserum, but the interrogation ended in failure. "

Ye Ye told a case of failure. He sighed and said: "People nowadays lack faith. There should not be such iron men who violate physical and psychological limits. Therefore, either you have made a mistake, or What hidden psychological traits did Pavel have remain undiscovered?”

Tom and Ye Ye were silent. After a moment, Tom whispered: "We have suspended the interrogation of Pavel."

"It's time to stop, otherwise it may lose its value." This is an exchange between experts, so after Ye Ye agreed with his peer's choice, he said helplessly: "You shouldn't miss anything, so what we have to do now It’s about digging into the unknown side of Pavel.”

"Our psychological experts have repeatedly conducted demonstrations and discussions based on Pavel's known psychological characteristics, but no breakthrough has been made."

After thinking about it for a few words, Tom suddenly said: "Maybe we should communicate and see if the information we have is consistent." "Okay, come on."

It is impossible for Ye Ye to go to the United States to help interrogate Pavel, so Tom can only come here. This is a waste of time, but there is no other way.

He couldn't talk about such a professional topic about interrogation. All he knew was to hit or shoot twice, because he couldn't meet such a particularly difficult person.

Pavel's money scene has been cast into a haze, which makes everyone a little unhappy, and the highlight is just thinking about it

What, he said casually: "I wonder if Zog knows anything, or else I can ask him?"

Ye Ye said without hesitation: "Of course I have to ask. Now we have to collect from all the people who are familiar with Pavel. Collect."

Ye Ye suddenly couldn't speak anymore. He seemed to have remembered something and seemed a little dull for a moment. Tom on the other end of the phone didn't even dare to speak out loud. The high light next to Ye Ye also didn't dare to make any sound for fear of disturbing Ye Ye. ideas.

After a long time, Ye Ye suddenly let out a long breath, and then he said seriously: "I thought about it, and I know where the problem may be! No, it's not the problem, but I thought of a possible breakthrough. "

Gao Guangxiao said cautiously: "How to do it?"

Ye Ye waved his hand and said: "Destroy him! Destroy him directly!" Tom said on the phone: "We have already tried it."

"Use simpler methods to destroy him. Your methods are too complicated! Don't dig into your inner fears or childhood shadows, and don't try to threaten Pavel with his wife and children!"

Ye Ye started to get excited, his voice slightly raised, and he said quickly: "You are right, the Russians know how to deal with the Russians, don't treat Pavel as a spy, don't think too much about him, his psychology is twisted , then just push it to the end in his twisted psychology, do you understand what I mean?"

Tom said honestly: "I don't understand."

Ye Ye said in a deep voice: "The big stick is thicker! Your approach is too gentle!" "He is almost going crazy!"


After speaking categorically, Ye Ye breathed out and said: "You don't have to come. It's a waste of time. Stop all interrogations now and let Pavel get a good rest. Let him eat well, sleep well, and adjust his body."

"Then what?"

Ye Ye looked at the highlight and said: "Then the mad dog will destroy Pavel. The time is just right and it won't take too long!"

Gao Guang pointed at himself in surprise, but Ye Ye nodded and said: "Yes, you go, only two people can do this, you or me, and I can't do it myself, so it can only be done by you. went."

Gao Guang nodded, and Tom immediately said: "Okay, I'll tell you what I mean right away, uh, are you sure?" Ye Ye thought for a while and said, "Forty percent sure."

He was only 40% sure, but Tom said without hesitation: "It's worth a try, okay, I'll wait for the mad dog to come over."

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