Firepower is king

Chapter 845 Try it

The most professional venue, with the most professional talents. Not only are the CIA's top interrogation experts, but also the world's best action team members sent by Ye Ye.

Gao Guang felt that sooner or later he would have to learn bad things from Ye Ye. Really, he already felt that he was not a good person now, but if he stayed with people like Ye Ye for a long time, he would become even more of a bad person.

As soon as the trapeze artist got off the plane, he was directly invited to the place.

After all, Pavel was not captured by the CIA in an upright manner, so naturally he could not be sent to the headquarters.

The place where Pavel was detained and interrogated was a small villa on the outskirts of New York. It was originally used as a villa, not a professional interrogation room, but the CIA people moved in all kinds of equipment, such as a complete set of life systems. Monitoring systems, brainwave monitoring systems, first aid facilities, and various medications.

Basically, a torture room can be regarded as the best ward. A torture expert may not be a particularly good surgeon, but he will definitely be a doctor with perfect scores in anatomy class.

In addition to causing physical pain, experts who inflict mental pressure and pain have a greater role. Such interrogation experts are called psychologists.

In fact, CIA psychologists are really psychologists, and they must be of the highest quality.

When all these failed, Gao Guang, who only knew how to stab people with a knife as a last resort, could be the presiding judge, and he could only agree to that sentence.

Seek medical treatment if you are sick.

A doctor who specializes in anatomy and a psychologist, both in their fifties, are bald and have a very good understanding of each other. They both also have beards.

A mustache and a goatee, it seems that he cannot explain himself to the world without showing that he is a complete pervert.

Gao Guang, who was being stared at by the two perverts, couldn't help but feel a little pressure, because in their eyes, it could be forgiven if Gao Guang came to ruin their jobs, but Gao Guang came to solve an unsolvable problem for them, and this really made them This is unacceptable.

This is the saying that a scholar can be killed but not humiliated.

Gao Guang was also helpless. Even if he had some means, he couldn't be the interrogator.

The door opened, and Tom looked expectant, but also seemed a little unsure. He looked at the highlight from the door. The two people in the room were also staring at the highlight. They wanted to see what new tricks this young man could come up with.

Pavel was sleeping soundly in bed. For seventy-two hours, he couldn't sleep for even a second, and he had to endure continuous torture and psychological torture. Now Pavel can have a good sleep. It was definitely the most comfortable sleep and the most enjoyable sleep in his life.

Gao Guang was looking at Pavel quietly in the room, when the interrogator with a goatee said solemnly: "Do you need us to leave?"

Gao Guang lowered his head and said, "You don't have to leave. If you want to see it, you can see it. If you don't want to see it, you can leave. Just leave the door open. It's more convenient."

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang said to Goatee: "How long has he slept?" "Sixteen hours."

"That's enough, wake him up."

The goatee pulled a long needle from the shelf. He walked up to Pavel, grabbed one of Pavel's fingers, pointed it at the gap between the nails, and pierced it.

Pavel let out a very short scream, and then it was like someone had pinched a cock by the neck, and he couldn't make a louder sound.

Pavel sat up from the bed with his upper body, and then his waist was pulled by the restraints, preventing him from standing up completely. There is no need to ask questions, but as long as Pavel can say something, there is no need for Gao Guang to come all the way.

Since there is no need to ask first, let's start directly. Gao Guang waved his hand, and a man wearing a snow-white chef's uniform and a snow-white chef hat slowly walked over pushing a dining cart.

There is a lot of food on the car, not the best, just an ordinary breakfast, but it suits the appetite of most people. Even if a few don't, it doesn't matter. There are many kinds of food on the dining car, which can fully meet Pavel's requirements.

The dining car drove across the entire single bed and pushed it in front of Pavel. "Eat."

Pavel didn't look at anyone. Gao Guang said, "Eat it." He grabbed an egg and put it in his mouth, while holding up a glass of milk in his left hand.

Watching Pavel swallow half a hard-boiled egg and drink half a glass of milk, this is consistent with the information he asked from his wife. His favorite food is hard-boiled eggs, milk, and buttered toast. , then bacon.

There were three eggs, but Pavel ate one and was about to get the second one when Gao Guang reached out from the plate and dropped the remaining two eggs on the ground.

At this time, the second person appeared, a cleaner wearing a blue uniform pushing a moving garbage bin. There is no need to say anything about highlighting, he just does it.

Pavel didn't even look at Gao Guang, he just glanced at Gao Guang when he threw the egg on the ground. Pavel put down the milk, reached for a piece of buttered toast, and took a bite.

When Pavel took the buttered toast away from his mouth, Highlights snatched it away

I just took a bite of toast and threw it into the trash can.

Pavel still didn't speak. He paused for a moment, picked up his fork, pierced at least five pieces of bacon in a row, and then picked up a croissant in his right hand.

After thinking for a moment, Pavel suddenly opened his mouth wide and stuffed five pieces of bacon into his mouth. Then he took out his fork and chewed hard.

Gao Guang ignored what was in his mouth, but when he saw Pavel put the fork heavily on the table, he suddenly reached out, grabbed the fork and threw it into the trash can.

No one spoke during the whole process, except for the psychologist with a goatee who was always surprised. He planned to say something several times, but finally endured it.

Gao Guang stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, which meant that Pavel could continue.

Pavel finally swallowed the bacon, then he stuffed the entire croissant into his mouth. From beginning to end, Pavel never glanced at the highlight.

But Gao Guang grabbed the small basket with three croissants left and threw it directly into the trash can. Pavel didn't make any sound from beginning to end, but the highlight didn't make any sound either.

Pavel looked at the dining table, and then he reached for the clay pot with milk. When he was holding a cup in one hand to pour the milk, Gao Guang suddenly snatched the cup and milk jug from Pavel's hand and threw them into the garbage at the same time. bucket.

Then Gao Guang swept everything on the dining table into the trash can. .??.

Waving his hand, the chef pushed his own things and retreated.

At this time, Tom brought in a cigarette. It was not a good cigarette, but there was no need to buy the cheapest cigarette, which was the most common Hilton in the United States.

Gao Guang took the cigarettes, opened one, took out a box and opened it again. Then he took out one and put it to Pavel's mouth.

Pavel reached out and took the cigarette. Holding the cigarette between his fingers, Gao Guang took out the lighter and waved it in front of Pavel, then lit it and lit Pavel's cigarette.

Pavel probably knew what was going to happen next. He took a deep breath and burned down at least one third of the cigarette.

Without waiting for Pavel to spit out the cigarette, Gao Guang went up and snatched the remaining half of the cigarette from Pavel's hand, then threw it directly on the ground. He then stretched out his foot to stamp it out and twirled it. He also threw the lighter on the ground. In the trash can.

For smokers, this cigarette is different from other things. It may not hurt to lose ten yuan, but it really hurts to lose half a box of ten yuan cigarettes.

Gao Guang took out the cigarettes one by one from the cigarette case, threw them on the ground, and then crushed them with his feet.

There was no rush, and he could step on one box after another, but the highlights were not there, so he took apart the boxes one after another, and had to step on the different ones one by one.

Soon the whole room smelled of tobacco.

But Pavel was silent, he didn't close his eyes, and he didn't stare at the bright light specifically. He just sat there with no expression on his face and no eyes in his eyes.

Gao Guang waved his hand. He held a gold watch in his hand. This was the only valuable thing on Pavel's body, about 40,000 pounds.

Gao Guang turned the watch over and over for a few times, and then he threw the watch that once belonged to Pavel on the ground. But that was not the end yet. He reached out and took a hammer, squatted on the ground and smashed the watch to pieces. .

Pavel still had no expression, let alone spoke, but he couldn't help but turn his head slightly, but as soon as he made this turning movement, he immediately stopped again.

But the goatee psychologist's eyes suddenly widened. Don't be in a hurry, take your time, you have to take your time.

Highlight waved, Tom took a bottle of vodka, Highlight took the vodka, opened the cap, and handed the whole bottle to Pavel.

Pavel grabbed the vodka, raised his head and started drinking. After he took two swigs, the liquid level in the transparent glass bottle suddenly stopped moving.

Pavel couldn't wait to take two sips, but he suddenly remembered something, so he stopped, because now it's not the same for him to drink, and it's not the same if he doesn't drink.

If you drink, you may get drunk, and Pavel has been silent these days, so how can he let himself get drunk because of his alcohol addiction.

It would be a pity not to drink it, and it is very likely that I will never drink it again in the future. The most important thing is that this wine is valuable, and I must admit that it tastes good.

Seeing that the liquid level of the wine had stopped, Gao Guang was a little disappointed, but it didn't matter, there was no rush, the progress was already very good.

Pavel always held the bottle up by his neck, with the bottle's mouth facing his mouth. He couldn't put the bottle down, because then the bottle of wine would be gone, but he didn't want to drink too much.

Gao Guang reached out to pick up the wine bottle. At this time, Pavel's Adam's apple moved and he took two more gulps. The wine in the bottle was at least two taels less.

Gaoguang still copied it.

Glass containers must be thrown on the ground and smashed.

There was a crisp sound, and the smell of alcohol quickly began to fill the room.

Gaoguang waved, and someone took out a piece of clothing, Adidas, with three stripes, brand new, unopened.

Gao Guang picked up the scissors and cut off the sleeves of the dress. After thinking about it, he cut the whole dress in half from the middle. "Yeah"

Pavel let out a short strange scream, but it lasted very briefly.

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