Firepower is king

Chapter 846 No need

It was just a short and meaningless cry, but to Gao Guang it sounded like the sound of nature, to some goateeed psychologist, it sounded like thunder.

He remained silent despite being tortured, but the extremely simple technique of highlighting was able to touch Pavel's defenses.

Gao Guang threw the cut clothes into the trash can, and then he also threw the scissors into the trash can. Then he clapped his hands to indicate that there was nothing on his hands, then turned and left.

Not only did he want to leave, Gao Guang also beckoned others to follow him.

The two interrogation experts left together, leaving only Pavel, who continued to remain silent, on the bed.

After the door was gently closed, the psychologist with the goatee asked extremely puzzledly: "Why don't you continue to stimulate him? He just showed some signs of wavering, why should it end at this time? Why do you want to end it at this time? Don’t want to continue?”

Gao Guang shook his head and said: "Because there is no more intense stimulation, no matter what you do next, it will not produce better results, and it will only repair the loopholes he just created, so this is the only way it can be done. "

The psychologist made a puzzled gesture, but Tom whispered: "What do you mean? Can you explain it?" "No need. If you study Pavel's behavior carefully, you will find that there is no need to follow this sentence. his whole life.”

Gao Guang thought for a while and continued: "Pavel is a very contradictory person. He is extremely stingy to himself, but very generous to his wife. The main reason is that he thinks it is unnecessary."

Tom fell into deep thought, and Gao Guang continued: "There is no need to eat expensive and rare food, because food will be expensive because of scarcity, but the rarity of food has nothing to do with its deliciousness, and it has nothing to do with its nutritional benefits. , so, Pavel is a billionaire, but he does not pursue expensive food, and he does not like to go to famous restaurants, but Pavel is a very sober person, and he knows that others pursue these, so he will go to expensive restaurants. Dining in restaurants because it’s necessary.”

Waving his hand, Gao Guang continued: "In the same way, there is no need to smoke expensive cigarettes, because cheap cigarettes can also provide nicotine, and there is no need to drink expensive wine, because cheap vodka can also make people drunk, so there is no need to buy those Expensive fashion, because Pavel no longer pursues the identification brought by clothing, he only

Just wear clothes that you like or that are functional. "

Tom nodded: "Yes, that makes sense."

Gao Guang said with a smile: "So Pavel is not stingy. He is different from a real stingy person. A stingy person is stingy to himself and others, but Pavel is not stingy to others. He never gives his partners any money." He pays his subordinates very well because he knows it is necessary.”

Goatee whispered: "So it's not the extreme desire for money, but the extreme utilitarianism. Is it only divided into two types: necessary and unnecessary?"

Gao Guang is just parroting it, because he doesn't understand the art behind it. What he really understands is the leaves, and he just copied the analysis of the leaves.

So Gao Guang couldn't answer a psychologist's question. He just continued: "I don't know whether it's utilitarian or not. I only know that the reason why Pavel lives an extremely simple life after having a net worth of tens of billions is just his enjoyment threshold. It’s just extremely low. He can get enough happiness from very simple materials, so he doesn’t need to spend more money.”

Spreading his hands, Gao Guang said with a smile: "Of course, in the final analysis, he is still stingy. Because of the tragic experiences in his childhood and the consumption habits he developed in his childhood, Pavel does have a strong pursuit of money."

Goatee frowned and said: "Needless to say, of course we know this, but the methods adopted to target his psychology cannot be effective."

Gao Guang shrugged and said: "You have set the threshold too high. You think that with Pavel's net worth, he will only feel for those large amounts of money, but you are wrong, millions, tens of millions , hundreds of millions or billions of dollars, this is just a number to Pavel. He knows that these numbers are important, but they are just numbers.”

Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "So the way to deal with Pavel is to start from a young age, because his level of perception is here. You think Pavel only has feelings for hundreds of millions of dollars, but in fact, Pavel He feels that a few dollars, dozens or hundreds of dollars are very important to him, because

Items in this price range and this amount of money are what he uses most. You know what I mean, tens of millions and hundreds of millions are just numbers to him, but a few dollars and tens of dollars are the price range he really uses. "

They walked and talked, but the goateeted psychologist stopped and looked shocked.

Gao Guang also stopped, and he continued: "So the upper limit of incentives set for Pavel should be the amount of money he earns for the first time in his life, which is the first money he earns from black boxing. Hundred dollars."

Goatee breathed out and said: "Me." Gao Guang asked curiously: "Did you set the price too high?" Goatee said with a dazed look on his face: "I refuse to answer."

Tom exhaled and said: "Russians still understand Russians better!"

Ye Ye was right. Although he didn't come and he didn't see how Pavel was interrogated, his guess was all right. According to Ye Ye, this is because there are fundamental differences between the psychology of the United States and the Soviet Union.

Psychology is of course based on culture as a group, and Russian psychology mainly laid its foundation during the Soviet era.

The Soviet Union valued control and also valued stimulating people's potential, so after Pavlov conducted his famous animal experiments on classical conditioning, the school of behaviorism was born.

There is also the theory of proximal development proposed by Vygotsky, from which the cognitive school was established.

Americans value pragmatism, so the functionalist psychology proposed and perfected by James emerged.

American psychology is based on positivism and emphasizes the value of actual existence. Therefore, operant conditioning, cognitive psychology, and humanism are all established on the basis of positivism.

Then it comes back to how to interrogate Pavel. Goatee's understanding is to find out why Pavel is so resistant and why he doesn't say a word. Only after finding the reason can we prescribe the right medicine, or to put it another way, can we defeat him easily. Pavel's psychological defense.

But the leaf guide and the practical method of highlighting are much simpler, or in other words, much more direct, and you don’t have to go through it at all.

Explore how Pavel's psychological defense is constructed, and just hit it with a stick.

Typical Maozi style, someone is blocking the road and the iron rod is thickened.

According to Gao Guang's understanding, a thousand-mile embankment is destroyed by an ant nest. No matter how strong the embankment is, whether it is made of soil or reinforced concrete, or even if it is a pure steel embankment, as long as there is an ant nest, it will be directly destroyed. Attack the anthill until the dam is broken by him.

Originally this idea was just a guess, but after a simple verification by Gaoguang, he found that the leaves' guess was correct and the proposed method was effective.

Really, the Russians understand the Russians, or the Russians know better how to deal with the Russians.

It has only been verified, but it is still far from being able to break Pavel's heart. But as long as it proves that this path is right, it will work if you stick to it.

"What to do next?"

Tom couldn't wait to know what to do next, because he still had to prepare.


Gao Guang immediately said: "Let him rest for an hour, judge whether he has done something wrong, let him start to doubt what we are going to do next, and then start to stimulate him in a way that he could not imagine at all. The stimulation level is not strong. But it has to last.”

The goatee psychologist sighed softly and said cautiously: "Continue to repeat what happened just now and stimulate him repeatedly in his strong feeling range?"

Gao Guang shook his head and said: "No, burn money, go get one dollar, ten dollar, twenty dollar bills. Don't want new bills but old ones. Don't take too much at one time. A few hundred dollars is enough, and then a hundred dollars will be enough." You have to have some, but not too many, just burn one at a time, um, that’s it.”

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang said seriously: "What Pavel can't bear is not the loss of those things, but that he can't stand the unnecessary waste of things. What he thinks is unnecessary is his mentality that is not fatal now. Flaws, but targeting his flaws can pry open his psychological defenses.”

Several people didn't speak. After a long silence, the goatee suddenly said: "It's not necessary, ha, it's just not necessary."

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