Firepower is king

Chapter 847 Will Win

Once you understand the basic principles, you will know what to do next.

Focus only on the key points and ignore the rest. Don't worry about the psychological defenses Pavel has established, just attack the small weaknesses that he can't control.

The high light ignited a one-dollar bill. When he saw that the flames were about to burn his hand, he threw the half-burnt bill into the basin.

Then pick up the second banknote and continue burning it.

I don’t take more every time, and I don’t burn a bunch at a time. I just keep burning them dollar by dollar. After waiting for about twenty one-dollar bills to be burned, Gao Guang finally spoke.

This was the first time Gao Guang took the initiative to speak to Pavel.

"I captured you, and now I will see you off. According to our tradition, I will burn some money for you to use down there." Gao Guang said casually, and then he started to pick up ten-dollar bills to burn. .

It wasn't much. After burning about two hundred dollars, Gao Guang picked up the twenty dollars and started burning them.

Pavel's expression has always been well controlled and he has remained expressionless, but now, as the highlights burn one by one, his lips begin to move uncontrollably.

It was obviously not Pavel's money that was being burned, and it was obvious that he had a net worth of tens of billions, but these tens and hundreds of dollars were nothing to him, but Pavel just felt uncomfortable and could not bear the energy in his heart.

Finally, after burning all the twenty-yuan bills, Gao Guang picked up the only hundred-yuan bill.

He unfolded it, waved it twice in front of Pavel's eyes, and Gao Guang said lightly: "You should be very happy when you earn your first one hundred dollars."

The highlight lit the lighter, and when he put the flame to the corner of the banknote, Pavel couldn't help but blow out the lighter's flame.

Gao Guang shrugged, lit the lighter again, and moved it next to the banknote again. This time Pavel bit his lip and did not blow out the lighter, so the banknote finally lit up.

Just when one corner of the bill was burned, the highlight suddenly blew out, blowing out the flames on the bill.

Pavel restrained himself from blowing out the high-gloss lighter for the second time, but now, after watching the high-gloss lighter take the initiative to blow out the flames that had just burned a corner, he let out an uncontrollable sigh of relief.

"Well, it can still be used after being burned like this."

Gao Guang said a word lightly, then lit the lighter again and moved towards the banknotes he had just counted.

Pavel couldn't help it this time. He blew again, blew out the flames on the banknotes, and said in a very low voice: "There's no need for this, it's a waste."

This was the first thing Pavel said, but

After saying these words, he seemed to be dying, and his expression completely changed in an instant.

Gao Guang thought it would take at least many repetitions before Pavel could speak. He thought it would take at least a few days. Unexpectedly, before the first hundred card was burned, Pavel couldn't hold it in any longer.

Or don't say a word at all, just say the first word and that's it.

Just like the flood has just broken out of the first small gap, it doesn't have to be big, even if it is just a trickle, but the end of the dam is already destined, that is, the gap will get bigger and bigger until the flood breaks the dam.

The reason why Pavel could hold on without saying a word was because he understood this truth. It was precisely because of this that after he said a word, it was as if half his life was gone in an instant.

Because all the previous persistence has lost its meaning.

Gao Guang put down the lighter, opened Pavel's pocket, and put the burned dime in Pavel's pocket. “How did it feel when you first made a hundred dollars?”

Gao Guang asked lightly, just like chatting about family matters.

Pavel, who remained silent, lowered his head and said, "The moment I got the money, I felt like a millionaire." Gao Guang said softly, "You are now a billionaire, but you can never get that money back again." One hundred dollars."

Pavel whispered: "I spent it as soon as I got it. I bought a lot of things, a lot of important things." "Now you have earned another hundred dollars, which is more difficult and more difficult than the first time. precious."

This time Pavel didn't say anything, he was just very disappointed, and then he sighed softly.

Gao Guang said calmly: "We only want your money, not your life. We will give you a chance. You can now earn money to spend the rest of your life. You only need to answer one question, and I will give you a chance." How about giving you one million?"

Pavel finally raised his head and glanced at Gao Guang. He stared at Gao Guang but said nothing.

Gao Guang pointed to the door and said: "I can ask someone else to come in and ask you. You know, when you open your mouth, you will no longer have the motivation to persist, so you can choose to make money from me." If you want to buy your life, I’d better ask someone else in a different way.”

Pavel opened his mouth, then lowered his head, returning to his previous dull expression. Pavel wanted to try, he wanted to see if he could still bear it.

Gao Guang whispered: "Ten million, one hundred million, one billion, ten billion, what difference does it make to you? Ten million is enough for you and your whole family to live a safe and happy life. One hundred Billion, you will have to be watched by many people. Killing you is just the beginning. In order to force you to speak, they will use your wife to threaten you and your children. Do you think you can leave your wealth to your children? "

Pavel still didn't speak, because he had heard these words before.

But this time it was different. This time he spoke after the other party broke through his psychological defense, just like someone put a gun to his head before speaking during a negotiation.

Gao Guang said calmly: "You betrayed Alon to get the wealth you have now. You have already owned it. If you die, you will lose it. Or, to put it another way, after experiencing it, you will abandon it after understanding that too much wealth is actually meaningless." , in exchange for the safety of yourself and your family, you should know how to choose.”

Pavel raised his head, took a deep breath, and said: "Impossible! I will die, and my wife will die too. The only difference is whether you die after being tortured or after giving away all your property. But he will die anyway, and he will suffer no less torture!”

After finishing speaking, Pavel suddenly smiled, and then said with a cold face: "I have seen too many, I know, I understand!"

Gao Guang said lightly: "It's different, because you met me, and I can't get this money, because I'm just an arms dealer, an arms dealer like you, but my business has just started. Compared with you, My business is still too small.”

Spreading his hands, with a smile on his face, Gao Guang said sincerely: "Like you, my family is very poor. I understand your attitude towards money, but the difference is that I am smarter than you, just like this time I can get 20% of your wealth, but I don’t want it because I know that too much money is not a good thing.”

Pavel didn't laugh, he just said softly: "You will not end well. If you get into the ring, you won't be able to get out." "What if I am the referee?"

Gao Guang asked back, and he said seriously: "What will happen if I get into the ring, but I am not a boxer, but a referee?" Pavel was stunned. He was stunned for a while, and finally said: "You You are not a referee, you are not qualified to be a referee."

Gao Guang continued to laugh and said: "Then I will be a hostess holding a sign. Yes, I am in the boxing ring just like you, but I am not a boxer."

Pavel stopped talking again, so Gao Guang said calmly: "Have you ever thought about why you were arrested? Now I will tell you the answer, CIA and KGB,

In addition, MI6 teamed up to deal with you. Even if you have many allies, there are always people you can't take care of who are trying to kill you. "

Gao Guang pointed at himself and said: "I am the person waiting to replace you in the corner that you can't see, but I am not aiming at your position, I am staring at the referee's position, I will change the boxer Replace you, not yourself.”

Pavel sneered.

Gao Guang continued: "I took your arms in Georgia, but I don't want any of your money. Now I am willing to help you as a middleman for the last time. You take out the money and choose a place to spend the rest of your life. I will be responsible for delivering it." Go over and give you another ten million."

Pavel said nothing, Gao Guang said with a smile: "Only I, right now, only I in the whole world can get you out of the hands of the CIA and send you to Russia."

Pavel finally said: "I have left enough wealth to my children, and I will make them safe." Do you believe this? Do you think it's possible for them to give up? "

Gao Guang said sincerely: "I don't care why you refuse to take out the money. Now, I just help people get your money. You may have implicated many people and many things, but I only care about one thing, that That’s it, I just want your money.”

Pointing to Pavel's pocket, Gao Guang said with a smile: "The first hundred dollars is actually easy to make, but the last hundred dollars is your last chance. If you lose both your money and your life, you'd better give up your money to save your life. You can take a gamble.”

"I never bet!"

Pavel sighed, and then he said in a deep voice: "When I get to Russia, I will suffer what I suffered here all over again, and die even more miserably, so your proposal is useless."

Gao Guang raised his eyebrows and said: "Then go to other countries. After losing all your property, you only need to avoid being chased by those who have grievances with you. It's worth it."

Pavel exhaled, then raised his head and said: "Keep the fund I established for my children, and I will take out the rest!" Pavel was a man, and he knew that he couldn't carry it anymore, so he started to negotiate terms.

But Gao Guang shook his head and whispered: "You are a smart man, you should know what to do is right. I will not remind you this sentence a second time. Now, tell me seriously, do you want to bet?" A gamble on my credibility and my character."

"I never bet!" Pavel raised his head and said helplessly and painfully: "But this time I bet!" Gao Guang smiled, pointed at Pavel and said: "Congratulations, you can Win, and you win a lot.”

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