Firepower is king

Chapter 851: Turn

Day five.

Although he was under house arrest, he no longer had to be tortured every day, so Pavel had a good life these two days.

Moreover, Gao Guang came to see him several times every day, not for anything else, but to see Pavel a few more times so that he could smoke more cigarettes.

No dangerous items can be left with Pavel, and there are cameras watching him from all directions 24 hours a day. Even if Pavel wants to commit suicide, unless he can break his own neck in an instant, he will die. Disaster.

Don't think about privacy. Pavel is better off under house arrest than being tied up and beaten. So every time the highlight appears, Pavel feels much more comfortable, every time, without exception.

It was the same today. Pavel took Gao Guang's cigarette and asked Gao Guang to light it for him. Then he suddenly said: "They are taking me to Europe. Will you go?"

"Probably will go."

Pavel looked at Alkina, and then he whispered: "Do my wife and I have to separate?"

Gao Guang nodded and said calmly: "That's for sure. Your situation should have been known to many people now. Someone may try to rescue you or snatch you away. At this time, you have to think about it. Is it better to stay in the hands of the CIA or the KGB, or do you think there is still hope of being rescued?" .??.

Pavel sighed and said: "I have no other way. I know that Alkina will definitely stay here. I only have one request, can you take care of her? This time when I go to Europe, I will take the child with me." Bring them all, and when I come back, even if I can’t come back, at least you can protect Alkina and the children.”

"As long as you are conscious, your family will be safe. Don't do stupid things. If there are any potential dangers, please tell me in advance. Don't get out of hand and it won't be good for us."

"I have a subordinate. He should try to save me. Can he? Can he?

It allows me to contact him and make him give up his plan to rescue me. "

After finishing speaking, Pavel said with a gloomy face: "As for the other people, they just want to kill me and silence me, or snatch me away and squeeze my money, so I can't control them, and of course I don't care about them. Life or death, but I have a brother, he should save me, no, he will definitely save me, I want to tell him not to do stupid things. "

Gao Guang shook his head and said regretfully: "It's impossible. It's impossible for you to contact anyone."

Pavel immediately said: "Then you contact me for me. You are the middleman and you have the responsibility. You should handle this matter for me. This will be good for both of us."

If Pavel is willing to cooperate and nip the danger in the bud, then things will be much easier to handle and much safer. But why does everyone want to be highlighted? It’s because of the habits and subconscious cultivated little by little. "Okay, I'll help you."

Gao Guang smiled confidently and resolutely at Pavel, put away the lighter, turned and walked out of the room.

Tom had been waiting for a long time. He didn't smoke originally but now he was smoking a cigarette. When he saw Gao Guang coming out of Pavel's room, he waved his hand.

Gao Guang came to Tom's room. Tom closed the door and said calmly: "How was the talk?" "It was not bad. Pavel wanted me to send a message to stop his brother from trying to rescue him."

Tom nodded and said: "As expected, only you can handle this matter. Pavel has no one he can trust now, so he can only rely on you."

"What about you? How's your situation going?" "Not bad."

Tom is silent

After waiting for a while, he finally said: "It confirms your statement. It seems that I should really give others the opportunity to make meritorious deeds."

"How to say?"

"I mentioned it to Capello, and I said maybe I shouldn't go to Europe. Capello agreed without hesitation, and then I asked who should replace me to do this, and he asked me to recommend someone. ”

Taking a deep breath of cigarette, Tom said softly: "I recommended Scott Miller, a colleague of mine who is not my subordinate and has no contact with me at work, but he is very reliable and has been working with me before. The deputy captain of the direct action team here at the headquarters is two levels lower than me, and his ability is pretty good. Gapero said it was very good, and after he submitted the person I recommended, the superiors immediately agreed. "

After saying that, Tom spread his hands and said: "No one even asked me why I couldn't go to Europe to get things done. It seems that I really should give some credit to others."

"Uh, Scott Miller, are you reliable?"

"Of course he is reliable. The most important thing is that this person is more obedient because he has been serving as a deputy. If you have to participate in this operation, he is very suitable."

After finishing speaking, Tom suddenly said: "I don't want to waste this recommendation opportunity, so I brought him over. This guy is very capable and good at fighting. The most important thing is that he has a bright future."

Gao Guang looked at his watch and said, "Has the plan been finalized?"

"Tomorrow, Scott will bring a team to take over Pavel tomorrow, an elite operations team, and then they will leave directly for Europe, and you will go too."

Tom took a breath and said: "You don't have to take orders from Scott. If he has any questions, he will ask you. You decide how to do it yourself. Whether to hide in the dark and accompany the action, or to act openly with the team, it all depends on for you.”

The degree of freedom is very high, which sounds good. Gao Guang nodded and said: "I'll arrange things and go to Europe with them tomorrow. I'd better act in secret. It's a bit troublesome for me to show up in public."

Tom nodded, and then he whispered: "It seems to be beneficial to you. After Pavel transfers the money and waits for him to sign a series of property transfer documents, you can get out. If you want, you can You can wait until Pavel is settled before finishing it. In this case, from every perspective, you have fulfilled your promise to him.”

There was nothing to say, Gao Guang nodded and said: "What about you, what are you doing? Are you completely withdrawn now?"

Tom shrugged and said with a smile: "I will sell arms for you. At the stage when you can't personally manage the business, those people under you can't replace you to negotiate the business, so I have to come and I have to sell the arms for you." What do you think about selling to Armenia?”

Gao Guang was a little surprised. He thought for a while. Now that Leon had to be the transportation captain, he really lacked someone to deal with high-level officials. Moreover, the war situation in Armenia did not wait for anyone. If while he wasted time, Tom personally delivered the weapons for him. Sold, it sounds feasible.

When it comes to selling arms, the CIA is really professional, and they are the most professional group of people. If the CIA intervenes strongly, this batch of arms should be sold easily.

But after thinking about it carefully, Gao Guang finally shook his head and said: "Forget it, you can go on vacation. I will take care of the arms matter myself."

Tom spread his hands and said, "Forget it if you refuse, okay, then I can rest for a few days."

"Have a good rest. You've been too tired these days. I'm going to make a few calls. Oh, one more thing." Gao Guang pointed to Pavel's door and said, "Take good care of Alkina, I promised ." Tom nodded and said, "No problem, this is my promise to you."

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