Firepower is king

Chapter 852 The way out

Someone was replaced to take care of and protect Pavel. Of course, he was also responsible for knocking out the remaining money from Pavel.

Gao Guang thinks this way, if the person who replaces Tom is very sensible, then he will be a good middleman, but if the person who replaces Tom is a 250-year-old, then he will not care about anything.

But it turns out that people who are successful and can do great things all have one thing in common, that is, they have a minimum IQ and vision. To pick someone else's peaches instead of taking over a mess, they must at least have a minimum of respect for others.

The new person in charge is called Scott. Obviously, if he can get Tom's recommendation, then at least he is not an enemy. If he can get the permission of the current director, it means that he is favored by the current director or deputy director of the CIA, and his future is uncertain. The limit is limited, and such a person will definitely not be a fool.

"Master Gou, do you think this arrangement of mine is okay?"

Tom calls Gao Guang Mad Dog, but Scott calls Gao Guang Master Dog, and Gao Guang doesn't even know where he got this title.

Scott is still young, only in his thirties, and he seems to be an extremely energetic person. As a member of the action team, he has an excellent figure. Although his face is a bit slender and he does not look too handsome, overall he He still looks handsome and impeccable in etiquette.

All action plans will not be put on paper. Scott explained his manpower arrangements in detail, such as how many people will check the situation at any time, which hotel to check into, and who to arrange for personal supervision and care around Pavel. Protection, etc., Scott took the trouble to explain them one by one, and his attitude was very respectful.

"Okay, I think it's absolutely fine. Your plan is very thorough."

Gao Guang doesn't have any airs, and of course he is willing to have a good relationship with Scott if possible.

After confirming Scott's idea, Gao Guang lowered his voice and said: "After arriving at the place, I will leave alone. I will secretly eliminate some obstacles and hidden dangers. If necessary, you can bring someone to support me. Let's try not to let People have the opportunity to attack Pavel directly.”

This has been decided a long time ago, and I just want to confirm it with Scott here. Gao Guang still wants Scott to respond personally.

And Scott said without hesitation: "Okay, if you need manpower, please notify me at any time."

There is nothing more to say. As long as Scott cooperates and Pavel himself is willing to cooperate, then there will not be too much danger during this trip to Europe.

The business jet landed. When the ramp came down, Gao Guang got off the plane before everyone else and then left the team led by Scott.


The first stop is Zurich.

If you want to withdraw Pavel's money, Zurich is a must-visit place because it is the headquarters of more than 120 banks.

The leaves have been waiting in Zurich for a long time.

When the two met for the first time, Ye Ye immediately said: "How is it?"

"It's basically done. My batch of drones was sold to Armenia. Now I will give you 500 million first, and the remaining 500 million will be given to you after I get the money."

Gao Guang seemed very polite and very excited, but Ye Ye said in shock: "What do you mean, you want to pay in advance?"

Although Gao Guang has already received one billion, he can pay the money to Ye Ye in one go, but now Gao Guang wants to be cautious.

He would have to give all the money to Ye Ye, and Ye Ye would not continue to help him get the rest of the things done. Therefore, it could not be said that Gao Guang was too treacherous to wait for half of the money to be given after the matter was completed.

Gao Guang didn't say whether he paid the money in advance. He just said calmly: "I will give you the money first, half of it first, and the remaining half after the matter is completed. It is still very fair, right?"

Ye Ye was very satisfied with being able to collect half of it first. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, let's get the 500 million first." "Give me an account and I will arrange to transfer the money to you."

"Uh, safe account

At this time, Ye Ye was entangled, and Gao Guangji said in confusion: "No way, you urge me to give money every day, and when you really want to give me money, you don't even have a safe account?"

Ye Ye nodded gently and whispered: "The situation is very complicated. It is not convenient for me to explain, but in general, it is definitely not possible for me to deposit into a Russian bank account. I can only deposit into an account in a foreign bank, and With such a large amount of money, the accounts that were prepared before can no longer be used. ”

"What happened? Why did you suddenly tell me that you didn't have an account? What were you doing earlier?"

Gao Guang is giving money. If Ye Ye feels that he can't accept the money, that's Ye Ye's business. At worst, the money is still lying in Gao Guang's account, but Gao Guang is curious about such an important matter. Why Ye Ye didn't handle it in advance and delayed it until Only now do I want to say it.

Ye Ye was also full of fire. He shook his head back and forth and said helplessly: "Things are very complicated, very complicated."

, now can you give me a safe account that can accept deposits and can also guarantee safety. "

In fact, there is no truly safe account. It is just a matter of finding ways to go around a few more times to avoid supervision. As long as the money is still in the bank, there is no complete safety.

"If you trust me, I will operate it for you, but I can only do this. It is impossible for me to guarantee the safety of your funds in the future."

Let's start with the ugly words to avoid confusion later. Ye Ye had no other choice. He nodded and said: "Okay, you transfer it to an account first, and don't worry about the rest."

"One account is not enough. There is too much money. Spread it over at least dozens of accounts. I will let you operate it, but this is for a fee. I don't make any money from you, but I don't give you any money. Two Do you want to pay the handling fee?"

Ye Ye did not hesitate at all and said directly: "Just do it, ha, now I know why you carry so many bank cards with you, and there is so much money in each card."

The money matter was settled now. Ye Ye was obviously much more relaxed. He watched Gao Guang operating together on his mobile phone. After finally putting down his mobile phone again, he said very leisurely: "How is Pavel now?"

"No need to ask, it's the same as your judgment."

Gao Guang waved his hand and said in a very admiring tone: "From the beginning to the end, from breaking through his psychological defenses to completely destroying him, all the development processes have been the same as you said. Until now, there have been no problems. Now I think Pavel really wants to quit the world.”


The word "retreat from the world" is difficult to explain. Gao Guang thought for a while and said, "It's just to completely retire and never be involved in these things again. I can just spend the rest of my life calmly and leisurely with 10 million."

Ye Ye smiled and said, "No, it's not that simple."

"You think Pavel is playing tricks?"

Ye Ye shook his head and said: "It's not Pavel. The biggest danger now comes from those who misestimate their own strength and can only see a small piece of the sky."

Ye Ye still had to explain, he said seriously: "Pavel has already seen the scenery from the top of the arms dealer. He knows what is up there. He also knows that he will always be a livestock kept in captivity. Let He is alive, but he is not fat enough, so after seeing the scenery on the top of the mountain, he can retreat alive. This is very lucky for Pavel, so he is willing to retreat and pay the money

Save your life. "

"Yes, that's it."

"But what Pavel has seen cannot be seen by his men. Pavel no longer has any desire for money, but that doesn't mean that others don't have desire either. When you first started out, did you think that earning enough money was enough?"

Gao Guang thought for a moment and whispered: "I think I can retire with ten million dollars, but I can't go back. If I can go back, I will really take ten million dollars and go home comfortably." for a lifetime.”

Ye Ye smiled and said, "What now?"

"It's not about money at all now, money is just a number to me."

Gao Guang was frustrated and distressed when he said these words, because he found that he was still following the old path of Aaron and Pavel, but his foundation was relatively stronger, his network of connections was larger, and he didn't have enough money, so He is definitely safe for the time being, but in the longer term, it's hard to say.

To give the simplest example, Gao Guang is only in his twenties now, but Lloyd is in his sixties. He can still work for a few years. Tom is also in his forties. Even if he can work for another twenty years, Gao Guang Only in his forties.

The relationship between people will change with the change of status. Friends who met in humble beginnings and speculators who took refuge after becoming rich are completely different things.

Why do they rely on their old brothers to conquer the world? It's because a newcomer who comes after making a fortune cannot lower his stature to call a newcomer a brother.

Therefore, Qianlang, who is said to be shot dead on the beach, is the fate of almost every boss in the underground world. It is too difficult to have a good death. He accidentally brought up this topic again, which made Gao Guang feel depressed for a while. He even thought about quitting. But thinking about it carefully, quitting now, let alone whether there is a chance, the key is that Gao Guang himself is not willing to quit. .

There are so many people who have already linked their destiny to Gao Guang. Now it is not a question of whether they are willing, but a question of whether they can.

Gao Guang hadn't climbed to the top of the mountain yet, but he saw the scenery on the top of the mountain too early. This made him inevitably have some worries about his future, so that the path forward that should have been filled with high morale became dull. Tasteless.

I couldn't help but sigh, the highlight seemed a bit desolate.

And Ye Ye seemed to see Gao Guang's distress, he whispered: "What are you thinking about?"

Gao Guang shrugged and said, "I'm thinking of a way out. I want to take a road that no one has traveled before."

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